Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, January 31, 2003

I know bloggers like to present themselves as members of a fierce guild of unwavering truthseekers with an unswayable devotion to intellectual independence, but how many of their stories and their links come from the big boys? And their opinions?

And how independent are they, anyway? Without slighting their slants (usually well-considered), Mickey writes for Bill, Professor InstaPundit writes for Bill, Rupert and Little Jeffrey, Andy S. writes for Rupert and King Richard, and he once wrote for Howell. This is independence? These are the Davids fighting Goliath? With all their Goliath David can't stand a chance.

Mind you, I'd like the dough too, and am not so much an ingrate as to antagonize my patrons. But I wouldn't put a false face of disinterestedness over it.

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