Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, July 25, 2009
5:32 PM
by Gene
5:24 PM
by Gene
We know what they mean, and we know what we mean, so let us say NO FURTHER COMMENT.
1:02 PM
by Gene
Friday, July 24, 2009
5:59 PM
by Gene
Which we'd like to do to the fanboys who've turned the movees into their mirror image. I'm sitting in Hall H again, watching footage and getting exposed to toxic levels of celebrity: Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Cameron Diaz etc. etc. Sorry, this is getting episodic and disjointed. And what is up with my suddenly liking everything and everybody? God dammit, I used to be cool. You work for PEOPLE WARNER. Liking everything and everybody IS "cool".
5:15 PM
by Gene
U.S. supplies of distillate, including both heating oil and diesel, are at a 24-year high. Dozens of tankers have been hired to store unwanted fuel worldwide. Slack demand through the winter would force refiners to cut back sharply on crude processing in order to relieve the fuel glut, which would in turn reinflate oil inventories. All the more reason to BUY!!!!!!!!!!
2:40 PM
by Gene
Heidi Pratt is heading back to NBC. The "Hills" blonde, who doubles as an aspiring pop star, will perform during the 2009 Miss Universe Pageant telecast next month, Access Hollywood can exclusively reveal. Heidi treated fans to snippets of her singing while in the Costa Rican jungle earlier this summer on "I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!" and viewers of the Miss Universe Pageant will get to check out what Heidi sounds like on the big stage on August 23. Heidi will perform the song "Turn Ya Head" off her debut album, "Unleashed," which came out in July. Other stars who are set to take the stage at the pageant, which will be co-hosted by Access' own Billy Bush and "Celebrity Apprentice" star Claudia Jordan, include Flo Rida, Kelly Rowland and dance kingpin David Guetta. Flo Rida will perform "Right Round" and "Jump" as a two-song medley during the pageant's swimsuit competition. Kelly and David will perform the song, "When Love Takes Over" together during the evening gown portion of competition. The Miss Universe 2009 Pageant airs August 23 at 9 PM on NBC. Copyright 2009 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. (PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!!!!) Why do people think YANGDOM is still worth zillions? And who wants to bet the NASDAQ still has another up day? (We post this exclusivity because YANGDOM ran a link on its home page.) P. S. at 5:20 p. m. Two more reasons for YANGDOM and GE BANCORP to have posted this: 1. She can't sing and 2. She has new appliances. But then we could have said that of a hundred other starlets. And that's the thing -- we keep having to say it.
10:36 AM
by Gene
9:48 AM
by Gene
Could that not be said of most politicians these days?
9:25 AM
by Gene
Happily he's been busy apologizing to the Devil the last twenty-five years. How bad was it? Even THE PAPER OF RE-CORD refers to his deeds as "treachery".
9:05 AM
by Gene
8:56 AM
by Gene
So why is it playing in the Wall Street Casino as a fantasy comedy?
8:48 AM
by Gene
Seems to us $50 billion earned him a lot of other people's brains. Thursday, July 23, 2009
7:49 PM
by Gene
1:11 PM
by Gene
You mean you wouldn't need dead people? Incredibly, included in the sting was a kidney salesman who allegedly, [sic] "enticed vulnerable people to give up their kidneys for $10,000. This man would then turn around and sell the kidney for $160,000," said the FBI. Must have worked for his campaign. P. S. I say there's a pretty fair chance Chris Christie has won the election.
12:53 PM
by Gene
And -- need we have guessed it -- the ploy ISN'T WORKING. Pud -- PUZDER says it was last year's stimulus checks, which obviously negated the fantabulous sales gains from this year's ads. We have here a dictionary definition of MORON. On the other hand maybe if all the fast-food chains run enough offensive ads enough people will stop eating fast food, which may make health-care reform less expensive.
9:01 AM
by Gene
8:18 AM
by Gene
8:16 AM
by Gene
FURTHER TRANSLATION: Back to the future for a business with no future. STILL FURTHER TRANSLATION: With luck the BUGMEISTERS will lose money here too.
8:14 AM
by Gene
Alas, that would seem an appropriate "honor". Wednesday, July 22, 2009
10:39 PM
by Gene
Unfortunately it appears the nooz biz is seeing a revival -- MNI is over a dollar -- but with luck this is a temporary delusion, though delusions aren't usually temporary in the Wall Street Casino.
10:18 PM
by Gene
10:09 PM
by Gene
— This article will appear in the print version of the Kaplan College Guide, which hits newsstands August 17. ...sounds a bit too much like the future of USELESS NEWS -- but we knew that already.
9:47 PM
by Gene
At times like these inadequacy does not begin to describe my self-attitude. I try consoling myself thinking folks will be perplexed or embarrassed by today's hot topics five or ten years hence, no comfort when you're looking at the public life from miles outside the stadium with the caps cemented on your binocular lenses. And there is no advancing in the blog system when the castes have been so rigidly set.
9:33 PM
by Gene
![]() How irritating: Some intern at Kraft Foods must have mentioned something to her supervisor about a Web site -- or more likely Nick Dorken's been screaming at Kraft five hundred times since the...ECONOMY began, so he gets some folks with marketing on the brain to concoct an inane Facebook page with a stupid APP!!!!! to which he can provide a link, which gives Kraft a way of sponsoring this vastly overrated blog without appearing to do so. Of course Nick has been on top of publicizing a certain unintentional virus spreader, almost as much as SLIME, and really, reading his site is like reading TMZ, except that PEOPLE WARNER doesn't seem to take too much credit for it (understandable), while NICK (under the exquisite tutelage of the fool B. S. DEFENDER) has been spouting for years of the BIG PROFITS he makes -- or rather, is about to make, but somehow he's had this habit of firing people, which suggests his profits are mostly in the press releases he gets others to run for him. Meantime his alumni vanish into thin air. What happened to that woman who wrote for -- was it the TWXSTERS' newsrag? All this is another way of saying it is extremely frustrating to feel you're on the outside looking in when it comes to news, and to lack a place or a way of being with the most in-the-know community, especially when you run a blog that no one reads, and no one ever will.
9:25 AM
by Gene
9:03 AM
by Gene
8:57 AM
by Gene
OBAMAMOTORS just got a bit more expensive. (More on how expensive here)
8:44 AM
by Gene
8:31 AM
by Gene
Excellent idea! P. S. at 11:55 a. m. And if he takes George "Moo" Voinovich's place no one will notice.
8:21 AM
by Gene
8:05 AM
by Gene
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
5:08 PM
by Gene
4:58 PM
by Gene
One problem with capturing the same look and feel as a classic beach movie was casting. "In doing the casting, we had to make sure to be true to the early '60s look and body type," Ms. Romney said. "Actors are so ridiculously in shape these days, especially in L.A., that we had to cast for people who were trim but looked normal and natural -- not like they're in the gym five days a week. Tattoos and piercings also had to be avoided." Can you imagine Bogie in shape?
4:51 PM
by Gene
![]() Usually we make fun of the ARCHDaily starchitects for designing uninhabitable buildings. This one's different: it dares to be BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORINNNNNNNNNNNNNG.
3:51 PM
by Gene
"American Idol" and Disney are the two strongest pop machines in music today.
1:59 PM
by Gene
It may not matter; they may merely be misinformed in different ways.
1:48 PM
by Gene
11:26 AM
by Gene
![]() Well, I couldn't help thinking -- does anybody remember THIS one? (See lower-right corner) And what of this line: RCA Victor has more experience in Color TV [sic] than many manufacturers have in making black-and-white sets. A lot of good experience did RCA -- or SUMNER NEWS.
9:44 AM
by Gene
Your Excellency the Professor, which side are you on?
8:52 AM
by Gene
P. S. at 1:50 p. m. Our apologies to SLIME: This waste of bandwidth has been on the Web at least a day and we hadn't heard about it. God knows what else we haven't heard about. In the comments for several stories people have mentioned they never heard of the lady or dueling lawyers. In short, we haven't missed anything, despite not living under a rock.
8:42 AM
by Gene
How apt too that the SUMNER NEWS piece suggests GEN. LEAK TWOFACE deserved the title as well, which says a lot about our superiors and public opinion polls. And all right, we get the message, MOST TRUSTED was a nice guy, but lots of nice guys do not-so-nice things, and sending untold southeast Asians to their deaths might not be such a nice thing, especially when we were proud of it. (First link via the usual Romy) Monday, July 20, 2009
5:29 PM
by Gene
4:58 PM
by Gene
![]() One must almost fake excitement at the thought of a new moon landing, or a voyage to Mars. The whole purpose of space exploration, some voice tells us, is to further man's grasp, but the notion of homo sapiens on the forever ascendant was pretty well shot to pieces long before Apollo, and the first moon landing, coming during The Great National Nervous Breakdown, smacked of anti-climax. I can recall watching it but did not find myself giddily screaming out of my skin like MOST TRUSTED. It should have been obvious even then that moon exploration was good for men hopping around aimlessly in spacesuits and playing golf in near-zero-G. We are told the moon is rich in energy in its soil, but then we are told there's a reason we must travel to Mars, at untold human and financial cost, and not just lives lost but possible virtual mental wards in tin cans. Some far distant future the race must explore the cosmos if it is to preserve itself, and then it may be little more than a galaxy-spanning energy pipeline, with vast fleets primed in the intergalactic art of self-preservation. God knows what kind of race will so propagate itself -- most likely an untenable combination of machine, electronics, fake flesh, and whatever is left of real human flesh, assuming what has become of the race doesn't immolate itself first. To say we can use space flight to dream is fatuous, as we can dream on earth, too, and it doesn't cost so much. I am no technoparanoiac but the mobocracy of the Web and whatever this thing is people will not call a depression are among the pernicious indirect results of the hypertechnology brought on by the space program. And yet, if nothing else, Apollo has a place for all time by making us realize the uniqueness of our experience, and the beauty of the orb we inhabit, in the glowing earthrise captured on Apollo 8 and the words of Frank Borman that all the idiots screamed in despair over. A footprint is mundane even on moon soil, but the Bible does begin with a beginning, and in this picture we see if ever we can see that not any old force created life, and the heavens. Sunday, July 19, 2009
4:14 PM
by Gene
1:55 PM
by Gene
[W]hen Bonnie and Clyde was released and soared, following an initial few weeks of failure, the Chicago Daily News columnist Mike Royko launched a mini-crusade to restore Clyde and Bonnie to their actual dimensions, as vicious murderers, no matter that (as the ad copy said) they were young, they were in love, and they robbed banks. The only thing that mattered about them, Royko said, was that they killed, and killed a lot of people. The critic of the New York Times, Bosley Crowther, then the oldest, whitest guy in New York, also dared to denounce the film; he not only felt the lash of social ostracism and contempt, he may have even lost his job as a consequence. I thought they were both idiots. I know better now. Heroism and villainy among news hacks will always out. Thus with Mike Royko (and, we'd argue, Bosley Crowther); thus with Walter Duranty and Herbert Matthews -- and (in time) UNCLE HHHHHWWWWWALT.
1:23 PM
by Gene
The good news: Despite ROWLINGCORP, because more lemmings came out last year we've got a bad year-to-year comparison, which one hopes will keep up the rest of this year. The best news: Very Very Littler Jeffy has a neat excuse to get out of show-biz! (Although if we know JEFF ZUCKS he's congratulating himself for getting people to run screaming from the popcorn restaurants.)
10:36 AM
by Gene
Oh yes, and I probably wouldn't recognize my predecessors in my grand and noble office -- who came before me, Clark something or other? But they were all good men, noble men, unless they were conservatives, which fortunately isn't likely.
9:35 AM
by Gene
9:10 AM
by Gene
By the way, who called ST. HHHHHWWWWWALTER that? Was it Bill Paley's publicity department? P. S. The best we can do is Frazier who cites in his hagiography "a 1972 'trust index' survey in which he finished No. 1, about 15 points higher than leading politicians, and a 1974 survey in which people chose him as the most trusted television newscaster." Frazier, being a good old ASSPress hand, is careful not to identify who did the polls. We wouldn't be surprised if Bill did the first, thus setting up the second.