Saturday, August 28, 2004
7:20 PM
by Gene
Non-story of next week: who wants to bet USAOKAY!!!!! superstar flack P. R. MIKE tries to egg the Pubbies on to revoke his credentials -- and that the Pubbies revoke his credentials?
5:31 PM
by Gene
The good news is, they're "FRAGMENTED." The bad news is, THEY AIN'T REPUBLICANS.
5:14 PM
by Gene
Be careful what you wish for....
The creator of the infamous "butterfly ballot" used in the 2000 presidential election is fighting for her job as Palm Beach County's elections chief....
Democrats are now seeking redemption by trying to replace LePore with a former county school board member, Arthur Anderson.
I know, I know, spelled with an E. They'd have been better off with a Chad.
8:24 AM
by Gene
Why in God's (er, SUMNER'S) name would one of America's biggest media crime families sue America's biggest public relations outfit? There was something for both sides in the Hillary publicity: for the CON, sales; for the publicists, "news." One suspects there was a lot of mutual backscratching going on beforehand, copyrights notwithstanding.
8:12 AM
by Gene
Pay close attention:
Before news of the cancellation became known, activists had been secretly planning to stage further protests over the weekend, sources in the anti-war movement said.
Sounds like the Reut's in cahoots with mobs. Wonder if they'll use this kind of wording during the INFOMERCIAL.
P. S.:
In 1999, during a visit by then-President Clinton, battles between protesters and police turned downtown Athens into a riot zone.
Maybe PRESIDENT DIPPITY-DO!!!!! won't have a love in.
Friday, August 27, 2004
5:44 PM
by Gene
Surprise, surprise: Henry the K engaged in some realism over Argentina.
I guess he'd be a con-SER-va-tive hero too but he never stood for FREE ENTERPRISE.
5:39 PM
by Gene
Mummified Canadian unnoticed for 2 years
No NO, I could say something, but it would be too easy.
5:22 PM
by Gene
Pipe bomb explodes at U.S. stem-cell lab
Wanna bet the HACKS take their usual jackhammer-on-fly approach thanks to -- THE A WORD?
5:10 PM
by Gene
One of the first things DIPPITY-DO!!!!!'ll DO as president is make a pretentious, highly-choreographed international tour (organized no doubt with the help of mobmeisters like the ones in Athens) where he'll wade into crowds and yell, "I LOVE the UNITED NATIONS!"
The first sign of trouble he hides in the White House.
2:51 PM
by Gene
Flying Cars Reportedly Still Decades Away
TRANSLATION: Traffic jams in the sky still decades away.
1:26 PM
by Gene
The more things change....
Crouse is especially tough on the White House press corps, "a strange mixture of professional witnesses, decree-promulgators, cheerleaders, hard-diggers, goldbricks and gadflies." He quotes Russell Baker, who served time there, as calling it an "airless kind of work" because "the White House was like a Stuart court, Baker thought, and all the correspondents lingered like courtiers in the antechambers." The White House is the ultimate Winner's Bus, with predictable consequences:
"Some reporters thrived in this suffocating palace atmosphere. They began to think of themselves as part of the White House, and they proudly identified themselves as being 'from the White House press' instead of mentioning the paper they worked for. They forgot that they were handout artists and convinced themselves that they were somehow associates of a man who was shaping epochal events. . . . The faces of these men [in old photos on the pressroom wall] were infused with a funny expression, a pathetic aura of pride, a sense that they were taking part in the colossal moments of history. Now most of those moments were forgotten, and no one remembered a word that any of these men had written."
"Men" is the word, all right. Women were rarities, at the White House and even more so on the bus. Crouse argues that "some of the toughest pieces on the 1972 Nixon campaign" were done by women because "having never been allowed to join in the cozy, clubby world of the men, they had developed an uncompromising detachment and a bold independence of thought which often put the men to shame." Perhaps that was true then, but women are in the club now -- and blacks and Hispanics and gays and everyone else -- and guess what? The pack is bigger than ever -- at this year's Democratic convention the media outnumbered the delegates 3 to 1 -- but it's still a pack.
1:24 PM
by Gene
Veterans' hospitals?
Sounds like they're getting desperate.
9:02 AM
by Gene
In his last four paragraphs today Mr. Hanson has outdone himself. The unintentional truth shading of the battlefield spawns the outright lie of the campaign trail; but despite the DIP's current lack of valor perhaps now is the time to "drop the mess." That seems unlikely, though, so long as DIP is in denial, and his enemies have a grudge.
6:25 AM
by Gene
This advertorial does not merely reek with contempt for the reader, it soaks in it. It is one thing when you plug something because all your fellow news hacks do it; it's another when you act as an organization-man ad copywriter. NEWS HACKS can talk ethics until they're blue in the face but we can always see the green bulging out of their pockets. If this wasn't paid for, it sounds paid.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
4:59 PM
by Gene
The other day the hacks, when not fulminating over the rapid meltdown of their hero DIPPITY-DO!!!!! on the hustings, ran yet another press release for a favorite magazine. Hef's rag long ago outlived its usefulness. And it wasn't that original in the first place; it was the mere bastard offspring in print of the great Ziegfeld's great shows, and of his imitators in Broadway and burlesque, who differed from Ziegfeld by putting the leer in public nudity. Then the NINE FINGERS IN THE WIND knew it when they saw it when they felt it when they pinched it when they smelled it, and quickly sex became BORING, and Hef's masterwork a relic that could not modernize without being porno, but couldn't stay the same without being retro, and today floats in a hopeless time warp. This is also a tacit admission that, face it, today's models are faceless.
4:53 PM
by Gene
Does anyone want another demonstration of why our culture stinks? Take this gander at
Additional casting has been announced for the upcoming TV remake of "Once Upon a Mattress."
As previously reported, the TV film will star Tracey Ullman as Princess Winnifred, Matthew Morrison as Sir Harry, Denis O'Hare as Prince Dauntless and Zooey Deschanel as Lady Larkin. Carol Burnett, who starred in Mattress on Broadway in 1959 and on television in 1964 (in black and white) and in 1972 (in color), will play the conniving Queen Aggravain.
Liz Smith reports that Tommy Smothers has joined the company as King Sextimus and Edward Hibbert, who had been in negotiations, will indeed play the role of the Wizard. ABC will present the television special, although no air date has been announced.
Culture? This is exhumation.
8:23 AM
by Gene
The PINCHES must be running around like Perdue broilers with their heads cut off. "Why can't they realize THEY DO NOT HELP THE CAUSE?????"
And here's an exercise in nostalgia:
[A] 20-year-old New Yorker who allegedly leads "The Organization" is advocating shutting down the Brooklyn Bridge, and hurling bricks followed by Molotov cocktails through the windows of military recruiting stations, according to these reports. The man has four minor arrests for nonviolent offenses and the Daily News is withholding his name.
News hacks! Sing along: "I wish I was eighteen again...."
6:23 AM
by Gene
Proof that eBay ALWAYS works: One reason it has a P/E of 4700 (or whatever it is) is that lots of ladies took to trading their TY BEANIE BABIES over it. Now, wouldn't you know it, they're just thread and stuffing, gathering smells in closets, awaiting the trash truck. Somehow I do not feel sorry for the masses who wasted fortunes on these things -- especially as they weren't even cute.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
5:07 PM
by Gene
If He Only Had a Heart
Look at it this way: we could get a Scarecrow, a Tin Man and a Cowardly Lion in ONE PRESIDENT! That's better than Slick's twofer by any stretch.
And as a bonus we'd get the Wicked Witch of the West.
1:18 PM
by Gene
On Aug. 25 ...
1944: Paris was liberated by Allied forces after four years of Nazi occupation.
And they've been unhappy ever since.
11:46 AM
by Gene
That's more than DIPPITY-DO! can say.
9:06 AM
by Gene
Do pop-up ads "detecting" spyware pop up on computers without spyware?
8:57 AM
by Gene
One of President Bush's election lawyers also advises a group running ads against Democratic rival John Kerry. A Democratic Party attorney works for the group behind commercials that criticize Bush.
6:44 AM
by Gene
The Republicans will always have this problem: they'll always look like executives (which, in the liberal's mindset, means they look like Mafiosi). The Democrats will never have this problem. They'll always look like slobs.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
5:05 PM
by Gene
KnightRidder Philadelphia Newspaper Monopoly is evidently teaming up with our local GE Bancorp Network station to monopolize the news. Talk about irony-deprived; when Ambassador Annenberg owned the Philly rags he also owned the "famous" WFIL-TV (you know, American Bandstand?) meaning he could be lousy in news at least three ways. Someone in the Tower of Babble on Broad Street pines for the old Ambassador.
4:52 PM
by Gene
I wish I knew why America has a (PR-driven) collective breakdown over beach volleyball. The girls are too tanned to be healthy, and they have "powerful" curve-deprived figures; just because a woman has a washboard midriff doesn't make her sexy. Give me Marilyn any day, or the ample flesh of the heavenly bodies of Titian or Renoir.
4:45 PM
by Gene
If birds are descended from dinosaurs, someone tell me...what did dinosaurs do for worms?
Monday, August 23, 2004
8:30 AM
by Gene
I, too, despair of the screaming that passes for political discourse, and I fear I've added a few egregious decibels, albeit softly. This column is a sobering reminder of how we think when we use media as a megaphone.
And in the spirit of the column, and my previous post, I will thank Buzz for linking to it, and will not call him Sterno.
7:00 AM
by Gene
Pardon me for taking so long, but a word now to all you folks who've discovered me:
I thank you very much for your hits. I hope I have entertained you, and to those who may take offense at any post, I further hope my wit (what passes for my wit -- really, the half-wit of a quarter wit) will salve any venom, and I welcome all surfers of any political persuasion with an open heart -- and, I pray, a more open mind.
And a special thank you for Prof. Reynolds. The three of you who'd surfed my site before may recall I've said a few not-so-nice things about him, largely out of jealousy. For this I apologize in public and soon in private, once I can get the words together. I can never say a bad thing about anyone who's tried to help me, and I am very honored that he chose to link to me.
I will probably not be posting much for the next several days, because I want to sort things out in my head, and see how many hits I get for what I do post. In any event I may not post as much now that people have noticed me. It may not be the Politburo Diktat's spike -- that blog got 9,500 -- but I can feel it, nonetheless.
Again, my heartfelt thanks.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
3:55 PM
by Gene
I realize people laugh at dope fiends because they live in a smelly brain-deadening fog, but our contempt for them should transcend laughs. Two firemen in our city died because of a STUPID pot grower. No, marijuana's not just a joke.
3:44 PM
by Gene
STERNO blew a gasket today! He says he doesn't care about Vietnam. The reason we're fighting the war again is because DIPPITY-DO made it his trademark. And it's very relevant to terrorism, STERNO: we lost Vietnam because we lost our will; we could similarly lose the war on terrorism. In the first instance NEWS HACKS played a heroic part in our defeat; they've been trying for several years to extend their winning streak. Incompetent though Dubya is in many ways, we can't afford DIP because he has said in so many words (like "sensitive") he would fight terrorism reactively. America can't afford ZAPISM. And if that's fighting Vietnam again, so be it.
Oh and STERNO, wasn't it not long ago when you were praising partisan news? Now you want "balanced accounts." Why? Becuase THE GODS OF THE AGE -- namely, YOURSELF AND YOUR FELLOW SUPERMEGABOOGGERS -- have FAILED. What's more, you're an ADDICTION. "Maybe I rely too much on Instapundit." HMMMMMMMMMMM. Famous last words from a SUPERMEGABLOGGER.
11:10 AM
by Gene
It's worth reading this column by John Leo from U.S. News, too.
I'LL BET IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:54 AM
by Gene
Start HUGGING yourself, PROF:
Some people wondered how long the major media would be willing to ignore the Christmas-in-Cambodia story. Well, the answer is in: at least 10 or 11 days. I first noticed the story August 6 on Glenn Reynolds's Instapundit blog. Soon it was all over the Internet....
8:26 AM
by Gene
Shucks, a story about the Bible? Pray we can obfuscate one of history's greatest S------'s woes for awhile.
P. S. It's co-authored by James Dickey's son. I guess it should be called the Atheist's Guide to the Bible, then. (Although we shouldn't say atheist because every prominent news hack is HIS OWN GOD.)
P. P. S. OKAY okay, it's about religious artifacts and involves Iraq, which means James Dickey's son can challenge THE GLIBERAL to see who can imitate a stroke the best.
8:22 AM
by Gene
Okay, I haven't surfed yet, but let me guess what ST. WARREN and MR. MARK have on the cover -- a story about how the Swifties, at best misguided and possibly EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL, are trashing the election of one of the greatest men in the history of the -- well, we can't say S-----; DIP has instructed us not to -- so let's say one of the greatest statesmen in American history! Now to turn to the home page.
8:10 AM
by Gene
Wait Mr. MY BUSINESS IS MY BUSINESS, you can't have it BOTH ways. (Then again on your royal tithe, you can.) It was EEEEEEEEEEVIL to hold back on all the money flowing into advertising when Republicans ruled the day. Now that liberals have found that loophole you complain they're spending money. That's what it boils down to, admit it. Alas for you BIZ, when a big-media super-zillionaire hypocrite tries to rearrange his spots he still looks like moldy laundry.