Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Ex-Cowboy aimed to be 'biggest dope man' [home-page tease]

You were a DOPE all right, NATE, duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.

I-i-i-i-i-i-it d-d-d-d-d-didn't-t h-h-h-h-happen -- e-e-e-e-e-e-even if it D-D-D-D-D-DID!

Wouldn't it be better to keep your big mouths shut rather than trying to appease HOLY COCKROACHES?

G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLEBLOGGER has a NEW SHTICK -- occasionally if you want to revise a post it forces you to type random characters off the screen before proceeding -- all, no doubt, in the name of SECURITY.

YOU'RE worried about YOUR zillions?

WwwwwwwwwwwwwELL! One of the cast members of the show emceed by the man STERNO has long called HIS GOD is going to JAIL for BOASTING ON THE AIR OF HIS TAX EVASION!

That's what we need, STERNO -- more HONEST men like your YAHWEH'S ANGELS.

Mroszak's crime was made more serious by his gloating about it to Stern fans, U.S. District Judge Gleeson said Friday as he sentenced Mroszak.

"Those folks are out there watching you, listening to you thumb your nose at the government," Gleeson said.

So what? It's only money.


"Moore is a political agitprop filmmaker," he said. "I am not. You'd be hard pushed to tell my politics from watching it."


The only thing is, this celluloid ribbon won't make any money because it doesn't have the forces of PR behind it.

Some Sunnis Hint at Peace Terms in Iraq, U.S. Says

This must count as good news -- even IF THE PAPER OF RE-CORD prints it.

Not even two months after I predicted WOODSTER the PERV would issue another masterwork in THREE he BEATS ME TO IT. Surprisingly the foreigners (and WOODSTER IS an Honorary European, sex life and all) didn't like it that much. (We expect raves from the trade papers, which still seem to think they matter.) WOODSTER, we don't care if you NEVER make another movie stateside -- and by threatening "Of course I'm going to work in New York again!" doesn't change this as Manhattan is an island nation.

Oh dear oh dear oh dear, something called The DAY is having an underwear problem:

Mr. Ross was the ideal candidate for the state to break its longstanding disaffection with the death penalty. He was a criminal whose acts of killing were so grisly and gruesome that no one could feel sympathy for him.


We shouldn't have executed him. Save that for the abortatoriums.

We got a holy cockroach by remote control!

Now let's get a few more, remote-control or otherwise.

Annan failed to disclose key contacts


Another nostrum for the ills of business, which the DILBERTS will gulp down in one greedy swallow: what their cubicles need is -- creativity. And left-brain thinking, and perception, and empathy. What this all means is the DILBERTS will go on thinking autocratically and inhumanely and unthinkingly as before, only they'll be convinced they're EMPATHETIC -- just as with the five million other books that revolutionized business.

Why this tome is worthless: it's from the same charnel house as The Worse It Gets, the Better It Is: Why Show-Biz is GOOD for YOU, he's no doubt that author's friend as they both worked in the SI nerddom of WIRED, he was a speechwriter for THE INTERNET'S INVENTOR, he thinks about toilet brushes and wine bottles, and his name is PINK. NUF SED.

Friday, May 13, 2005

I guess we couldn'a mightn'a known the FINGER business was BLACKMAIL.

What does the POST-DISPATCH's STATEMENT say about instigating PANICS?


When Lee Enterprises Inc. agreed to purchase Pulitzer Inc. for $1.46 billion, it also agreed that the flagship St. Louis Post-Dispatch will keep its longstanding liberal editorial SLANT [whoooooooooooops! --Ed.] for at least the next five years, according to the purchase agreement mailed to Pulitzer shareholders Friday.


The Post-Dispatch platform statement, adopted in 1911, includes the pledge that the newspaper "will always fight for progress and reform [unless the progressive reformers are CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS], never tolerate injustice or corruption [unless DEMOCRATS do it], always fight demagogues of all parties [mostly THEIRS], never belong to any party [indiscreetly], always oppose privileged classes [except for our profession and show-business] and public plunderers [unless we have a hand in it], never lack sympathy with the poor [provided their incomes equal ours], always remain devoted to the public welfare [but not so much that we have to REPORT on it], never be satisfied with merely printing news [we've got a WEB SITE], always be drastically independent [well, drastic anyway], never be afraid to attack wrong [especially when WE'RE right], whether by predatory plutocracy or predatory poverty [BIG MEDIA and politically-correct victim groups excepted]."


Thursday, May 12, 2005

Ridge: Security worked for D.C. intrusion

Yeah, we nabbed a student pilot and his teacher.

Isn't it time to RETIRE, Gov?

As the Arianna Doria sinks David Mamet wakes up from a coma to celebrate his arch nemesis John Simon "has finally done something for the American Theatre." First off Dave, he didn't do it -- Adam "I'm In with the In Crowd" Moss did it, staring at the advertisers through his navel. Second, when do YOU do something for the American Theatre (sp) ?

Will you ever find anything like THIS on Huffnpuff Post?

Jackson: 'Adults have let me down'

That's why I decided to be a little kid my whole life.


Or as Sen. Elmer Fudd (Idiot-OH) said, "the United States 'can do better.'" I KNOW! HOW ABOUT SECRETARY OF STATE POWELL?

The latest liberal crusade is against the Wal-Mart stores.

Which means whatever lie liberals spout, we'll return fire with AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE LIE!


THE SUPERMANNING OF AMERICA continues apace in FLORIDA, where the natives are trying to make up for the CIVIL WAR.


Not long after TINA stops perfuming the air with her fragrant flattery, the LAST GREAT HOPE OF CON-SER-VA-TIVES, DENNIS MILLER, is LEAVING the BIG C! He told truths almost as strong as the EDWARD R. MURROW of COMEDY! What shall his AUDIENCE do WITHOUT THEM?

If you can FIND it.

TOTAL UNDILUTED BILGEWATER: Chases are part of the ratings. Indeed the LA chase is as close as we get to a modern-day gladiator games: the viewers get to see DEATH LIVE. The word ETHICS has acquired a POWERFUL ODOR because people in authority use it in PUBLIC to exculpate themselves for what they advocate in PRIVATE.

It's official: the same con-SER-va-tives who roasted Slick for his sleaze now ENDORSE it in ONE OF THEIR OWN.

Somehow "I don't mind that he's an SOB so long as he's OUR SOB" doesn't sound so musical from the mouths of pols who always talk MORALS.

The CORNER and SPECTATOR.ORG will be FULL OF IT tomorrow.

P. S. Dubya has good taste. He's not showing.

Yes, between the fantasy-flick Jonestowns and the future IPO we'll be living with LUCAS SPIELBERG forever.

The only good thing is that LUKE moved the movies out of the theater and into souped-up living rooms, thus hastening their irrelevance.

One wonders why liberals didn't think of this the first thing: firing people for smoking.

Pink slips for tobacco use, unlimited abortions. Such is the liberal way.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Hastert proposes new rules for House travel

...after the luxury executive jet has bolted the terminal.

Chafee Says He'll Reluctantly Back Bolton

SHUCKS, LINCOLN, how could you DO it?

We will assume Mitch Hedberg (a "Web phenom" I never heard of) was funny, but with jokes like these --

I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it.
I hate flossing; I wish I just had one long curvy tooth.
A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer.
I like to play blackjack. I'm not addicted to gambling, I'm addicted to sitting in a semicircle.

we may be forgiven for wondering.



Can we wi-fi it?


It's serious business being funny on the political circuit. Just ask Gov. Bill Richardson. Richardson's campaign paid $12,000 for humor writers for his appearance at the Gridiron Club's annual dinner and political roast in March in Washington.

"It's an annual event for political humor," Billy Sparks, the governor's spokesman, said Tuesday in explaining why Richardson turned to hired funnymen.


The IMBECILES who run a pile of assets called Greater Media have just gone through the fourth format change in five or six years for one of their Philadelphia radio stations. This would count as unremarkable -- CHEAP CHANNEL can do ten format changes in three months -- but that the station was once WFLN-FM, a classical outlet. The sheer malicious incompetence of the ownership -- this noisemaker has ranked near the bottom of the ratings ever since these MORONS took it over -- is a symptom of what CONGRESSPOOPS unleashed on us when they allowed four radio companies to deploy six formats and twenty-song playlists. We do not forget things like this, ADVERTISERS or CONGRESSSLUTS, and we rankle ever more at the psychopathic homicidal hatred our BIGMEDIA MASTERS have for us.


...Peter DeLorenzo, an automotive industry consultant, believes automakers will re-evaluate their involvement in NASCAR.

DeLorenzo estimates that each manufacturer spends at least $125 million a year on NASCAR, including team and driver sponsorships, research and development and advertising. "I question whether the manufacturers are really getting their money's worth," DeLorenzo says.


Speaking of FRANCE:

Cannes is where "Fahrenheit 9/11" caught fire, winning the film festival's top prize last year and putting the heat on the White House. This time, organizers want to avoid that kind of political firestorm.

As a new edition of the French Riviera festival opens Wednesday, its director has a reminder for the jury: Movies are usually judged for their art, not their politics.

"Michael Moore's talent is not in doubt," director Gilles Jacob said. "But in this case, it was a question of a satirical tract that was awarded a prize more for political than cinematographic reasons, no matter what the jury said."

The film's acclaim by the nine-member jury led by director Quentin Tarantino was an "out of the ordinary event that probably won't be repeated," Jacob said.

Tourism down, Gilles?


"The foxes should not be guarding the hen house," Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean proclaimed, calling on the three other Republican members of the committee to step aside. But Mr. Dean's call reflects a misunderstanding of the congressional ethics process, which empowers the foxes to be guardians.

Sorta like NEWS HACKS, n'est-ce pas, ST. WARREN?

We hope the LALATimes won't mind our cutting and pasting so much of this, but it IS interesting:

CHICAGO — Deep in the basement of Moto restaurant, owner and executive chef Homaro Cantu is methodically filling medical syringes with 50 cc of chocolate sauce and shooting the mixture into colorful balloons.

Across the way, a sous-chef grabs a plastic foam box filled with liquid nitrogen, the white smoke billowing out. Nearby, another chef carefully feeds sheets of soybean paper into a Canon i560 inkjet printer, printing out pictures of maki rolls.

Cantu's kitchen has more gear and chemicals than some high school science labs because his goal is to create meals that are so cutting edge they challenge the definition of food.

Cantu's sushi platter routinely has no fish — instead it holds squares of tuna-and-rice-flavored paper. The Caesar salad has no lettuce — only a single spoonful of romaine-flavored ice cream. The menu sometimes is edible and can be crumbled into a bowl of gazpacho — turning it into an alphabet soup.

All this is included in one of the nation's most expensive tasting menus: With paired wine, the 20-course meal costs $240 per person.

That's not counting the tip.

At a time when competition for diners is fierce, a small but growing number of chefs are blazing a strange new trail: creating a dining experience that mixes haute cuisine with extreme science.

In part, the trend comes as a result of the industry's hypercompetitive nature: About 75% of restaurants close within a year of their debut, the National Restaurant Assn. says.

Or to put it in RENDELLSPEAK, "By printing food we get to employ more of the WAITERS and JANITORS and DISHWASHERS and COOKS this city needs to grow in the 21ST-CENTURY ECONOMY!"

Warner Music cuts IPO price in debut

JUNIOR shows more of his BUSINESS GENIUS!

One way newspapers and magazines can make themselves totally irrelevant is by being young and hip. New York rag has fired John Simon, and presumably his successor will be a good little boy and rave everything, and last three years, and thankfully there's no reason to read it anymore, or to consult its Web site.

To be honest, Mr. Simon was getting a little long in the tooth. But as John Podhoretz says, "today's critics have turned into toadies," so now it's easy to ignore all of them.

Someone should suggest Mr. Simon start a Web site. It would probably be more visible than NEW YORK'S.

Can you imagine a modern movie producer amassing art like this? Today it would be comic-book drawings -- or framed valentines from Ken Felatta.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I suppose it is safe to say we -- and the president -- have enemies.

When did the Secret Service know and why didn't it know it?

Six dead family members found in California home

Another mass murder, hooooooooooooohummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Okay, STERNO, we can't blame BIGMEDIA for all these psycho crimes. But we can't blame BIGMEDIA for NONE of them.

U.N. could relocate to B'klyn while HQ is renovated

Could you move further east -- say, to PYONGYANG?

Where would they get the money? BRICKS for OIL?

I guess you're supposed to smile at this feature about the "King of the Kustomizers," and smile we did, but we must confess his souped-up cars (the Batmobile, Munster's Coach, Grease Lightnin') have graced a lot of CRAPPY properties. We hate to say it, but maybe that he's a revered name in Hollywood (or so USAOKAY!!!!! says) is one reason BIGMEDIA STINKS.

His last name is BARRIS, which figures.

John Podhoretz gets what this blogger has said since he started typing indiscriminately and worthlessly over two years ago:


But we won't forget, Mr. Podhoretz, who pays YOUR bills.

I've no doubt private schools are overrated: if the public schools are basket cases, the private kind have high-income basket cases. The main difference is the private schools have more money to waste -- and also that buildings may be nicer -- and what with the BOOM in things like HIGH-SCHOOL MUSICALS, I wonder.


Not to worry; as I said, come September you'll probably be beaming of your lucky streak and hitting us over the head again. But we can hope.

P. S. Jack "Let's Sneak This Under the FTC's Nose" Fithian burps, "The long-term trends are still positive, he added, referring to an increase in theatrical admissions in the past three decades." How many went to the movies in 1940? In 1920? No, yours is STILL the ONLY business that MAKES IT A VIRTUE TO WALL OFF TWO-THIRDS OF YOUR POTENTIAL AUDIENCE.

Who'da thunk someone would make Robert "The Working Man's Millionaire" Scheer sound reasonable?


A stunning 81% of [New York City]'s eighth-graders flunked the state's basic social studies exam last year - and the scores have gone down annually since the test debuted in 2001.

"Clearly we have a crisis on our hands," said City Councilwoman Eva Moskowitz (D-Manhattan)....

A crisis we could solve -- with VIDEO GAMES!!!!!

J. C. Brizard, the department's executive director for high schools, said the real problem was that the 60-question standardized test requires that students be able to read and understand the questions - something he said many cannot do.

Doom, Grand Theft Auto -- MORE VIDEO GAMES!!!!!!!!!!

Where is Prof. Gelernter when you need him?

Which is worse: the news hack who takes a bribe -- or the news hack who DOESN'T HAVE TO?

Quagmire in the making in the land of the Eternal Quagmire:

The Defense Department will have to move as many as 50,000 employees out of Northern Virginia office buildings if it strictly enforces new security regulations, and local lawmakers say Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld could announce some of those relocations this week....

The Pentagon rents about 8 million square feet of space in 140 Northern Virginia buildings -- and almost none of them can meet the new requirement, according to analysts and lawmakers.

That would seem to go hand-in-glove with this:

Gridlock has increased its stranglehold on the region, as a national study released yesterday showed that Washington area residents spend an average of 69 hours a year in traffic jams at a cost of $577 per commuter.

We can't think of any part of the country that more richly deserves it.

Monday, May 09, 2005

The SUPERMANNING of AMERICA continues apace, its new field of battle the HIGH-SCHOOL MUSICAL. We should not be surprised: that prime motive of EHDYUKAYTORS that you can spend your way into excellence finds abundance here; it is slightly revolting to think that two big licensing outfits (one R&H, the other descended from the music-publishing operations of Frank Loesser) now are glorified wards of the state. Mickey and Judy surely didn't need the EHDYUKAYSHUN DEEPARTMEANT. We're not surprised at the favorites either, despite THE PAPER OF RE-CORD's injunction, a largely insipid list with one real exception: Bye Bye Birdie, Cinderella, Guys and Dolls (the exception), Grease (yeeeeeech!), You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (an otherwise suitably small-scale affair and a favorite among professional nerds) -- and Into the Woods. That last isn't so odd when one considers DER KULT of HERR DOKTOR SONDHEIM, which has too many adherents in the amateur ranks (and let us not forget its GAYness), and that it's his only MASTERWORK that might be marginally acceptable for a "family" audience, and that may not be TOO dull. Our author holds the paucity of night-life in small-town America in part to blame for this cultural bicep-building, and we can't help thinking that once even the smallest hamlets had their own vaudeville houses, and thus played a huge role in the greatness that was once show-biz. One hopes as these shows become as bloated as everything else American the EHDYUKAYTORS can never quite excise that certain giddiness that goes with being young and doing theater. I remember my own wasted musical days too well; my never-to-be-published college satire reeks with them. Indeed what a tragedy it is that people think musicals a GAY thing (Mark Steyn notwithstanding), for their cast albums once sold in the millions, and they made huge movie hits. There are worse things than pretending you're John Raitt at Anytown High, even if you're not.

THE BLOG is up and running, and it should put paid to the fool Hugh's notion that blogging's for the little guy. After all these big names didn't get to type (or more likely dictate) their blah because they weren't big guys. And just because a well-remunerated conscience like HHHWWALTER CRRRONKITE does it "for free" (I doubt it) doesn't make him any better. It will be interesting to see how long the enthusiasm lasts for making interns perform finger calisthenics. The good news is the early entries seem quite earnest, which in blog terms means a firecracker in Niagara Falls. If there is fire it will be very red. Indeed it would be to Arianna's advantage to keep the heat down -- ADVERTISING, as (to mix metaphors) that oil may not mix with the VINEGAR of unvarnished opinion. I'm no longer convinced NICK DORKEN will be first with an IPO. I've dutifully bookmarked it, but I don't expect much I can't find in excessive abundance elsewhere, and type on to my own increasing obscurity.

Another TOENAIL.COM scribble you read FEET FIRST:

Nicholas Thompson is a senior editor at Legal Affairs.

You'd HAVE to be to praise ZELIG SELIG.

Everybody speaks of the tyrant RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as a fire-breathing con-SER-va-tive, but how many times has He turned to a puddle of mush to appease a PC pressure group? Remember the Charlie Chan shtick He engineered? Happily we get the last laugh: His PC Crusades are bombing at the B. O.

Now I guess we have heard everything:

Chicken Ticketed for Crossing the Road

I hope this story isn't another NEWS HACK fable.

Bartlett's Entry of the Week:

"The chicken thing has nothing to do with the motorcycle thing."


John Simon writes a eulogy for our theater:

Glengarry’s two acts last 105 minutes; I reckon that just by cutting the "dirty" words, the whole thing could be turned into a slightly oversize one-acter.

"[W]hat are we to make of a theater -- of a culture -- that considers this stuff high art?" asks Mr. Simon. Ask your typical AD-BLURB COPYWRITER. HE knows.

Any piece of devious one-upmanship pulled by the sleazy characters elicited thunderous approval, even applause. Clearly, this play is something not just to watch but to be wallowed in.

No, ask the P-Ulitzer "winner" Stephen "PROTRUSION" Hunter. He DEFINITELY knows.

I'd attribute "hot-dogging" by military pilots less to the military culture than to a national mindset that encourages EVERYONE to be JERKS. Indeed I'd say there's little difference between this sort of thing and the gung-ho attitude at Abu Ghrail. Some people just can't keep their inner kid in control.

No one knows exactly how often appraisers tinker with reality.


In a 2003 survey of 500 appraisers by a private firm, 55 percent of appraisers said they'd felt pressure to overstate values, according to the Demos report. The National Association of Realtors has warned the United States Senate about the prevalence of appraisal fraud, and thousands of appraisers have signed an online petition calling for reform.


OH oh, another reviewer has witnessed LORIN'S VANITY SHOW, and comes up with THIS zinger:

We've seen it, since approximately 1984, in the movies, which have taken over from all other art forms as the natural home of ugly dystopias.

Makes you want to rush down to the neighborhood sticky-floor popcorn restaurant and plunk a twenty down on LUCAS SPIELBERG!

P. S. A co-librettist for Maestro Maazel's MASTERPIECE co-authored Annie, Hairspray AND -- THE IMMORTAL COMEDY OF KERNGERSHWIN HAMMERSTEIN, so truly we're dealing here with EXCELLENCE!!!!!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

On a related note, lately hacks have sounded the tocsin over the decline of the beer business. The reasons are self-evident. Possibly (as a way of taking themslves off the hook) it's the rise of the spirits biz, helped by cute product placements; but just as MICKEY D's didn't rise without a helpful fall from Wendy's, it's clearly something else too: beer has become synonymous with mass-produced, which is synonymous with BLAND; and it's the MOST HEAVILY ADVERTISED COMMODITY ON THE PLANET. We can guess how the King of Beers will respond: by donating even more charity to MadAve, and perhaps in a fit of NEWS-HACK-inspired PANIC by buying a spirits firm to no avail. Beer may be as much the victim of public disgust with big business and media as of changing tastes. This should be a WARNING to those who earn their six and seven and eight digits from them.

Today our local KnightRidder newspaper monopoly was doing a high-pressure sales pitch for the summer movie junk, what's good for Time Warner again peering its monstrous sci-fi-and-fantasy face to the public. Already the ad-blurb copywriters are prepared for The Big Three, their hard drives loaded with adjectives like dark and edgy, nouns like masterpiece. One would like to think with a disastrous week for RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'S GIRLFRIEND and the rest of the trade they will have to sell a little more loudly, and desperately. We who yearn to see movies and haven't for eons are tired of what Hollywood and the ad-blurb copywriters want us to waste our money on. We are tired of LUCAS SPIELBERG and His Buck Rogers bunk, tired of gore, tired of flatulence jokes, tired of movies aimed at the stupidest among us. We are tired, and our culture is tired. WE WANT MOVIES FOR ADULTS AGAIN. No doubt by September there'll be the usual lucky streak, and the news hacks will again speak in their typical glowing breathless manner of self-interest, with the same fatuous grin as if we'd just run out of Iraq; but one wonders if even the people who bang their heads in the movie houses and think it entertainment aren't getting impatient.

P. S. to ESPNCORP: I'd think hard about making so much as A sequel of your dirty, tattered, flea- and maggot-infested Hitchhiker -- unless you want it to go STRAIGHT TO VIDEO.

In 1898, a young German Jewish immigrant posted a cross-hatch trademark above his door in New York City - four X's, representing a W superimposed on an M - and went into business as "William Morris, Vaudeville Agent." During an illustrious history that spans three centuries, the William Morris Agency plays an integral role in shaping the face of entertainment.

By the time WMA formerly
[SIC] incorporated in New York State on January 31, 1918, Morris was joined by son William, Jr., and office-boy-turned-agent-turned-partner Abe Lastfogel as directors of the company. Vaudeville was king, but the Agency didn't hesitate to aggressively identify, understand and develop business in new and emerging areas, a trend that continues today.

As silent film grew into an exciting new form of entertainment, Morris was quick to encourage his performing clients to experiment in the new medium while the competition held fast to vaudeville. Stars such as Al Jolson, the Marx Brothers, Mae West and Charlie Chaplin helped forge the Agency's dominance in New York and Hollywood.

The momentum continued to build during the 1920s. Clients included such luminaries as George Jessel. The nascent medium of radio provided yet another frontier to explore.

By 1930, after some 32 years at the helm, Morris passed leadership of the agency to his son and Abe Lastfogel. With Morris, Jr. heading the new office in Los Angeles and Mr. Lastfogel running the operation in New York City, the Agency featured an impressive roster of clients, including such superstars as Jimmy Cagney, Louis Armstrong and Will Rogers.

Now the agency owns Lollapalooza. No wonder it's in trouble.

P. S.

I'm putting this in just for the hell of it.

A year after holy cockroaches murder one of our nationals, Nicholas Berg, the family thereof is taking -- "different paths":

His father, Michael Berg, has intensified his anti-war activities and traveled the globe to meet families of other civilians kidnapped or slain in Iraq. His weekly peace vigil at a suburban Philadelphia courthouse and frequent interviews contrast sharply with the response of his wife, Suzanne, who has grieved privately since her son's body was found on a Baghdad street on May 8, 2004.

And indeed despite our best efforts not everybody in the Berg family seems to be convinced it was -- DUBYA's fault:

Sara Berg neither holds Bush responsible nor considers Nick's death a result of the U.S.-led war in Iraq. Instead, she considers it the premeditated work of terrorists.

"Somebody who gets killed in war, that is not murder, legally. That is a killing," she said. "By calling (Nick's death) an act of war, it gives a certain legitimacy to it that I don't choose to give."

AT least grief does not ALWAYS distort sense.

Aw C'MON, MR. MARK, when are you going to unveil more of the age's SHOW-BIZ GENIUS! When will your again trumpet the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL of DUBYA? Well, we will say this -- you've beat U. S. News at its own game: an ANNUAL RANKING OF HIGH SCHOOLS! NEWS YOU CAN USE!® (Or as we call it around our precinct, Use-LESS News.) Thankfully we're still telling the TRUTH about IRAQ -- "grim," "puppet regime" -- but Mr. Mark, THE LORD GOD ST. WARREN EXPECTS MORE FROM YOU! Can you do it? WE THOUGHT SO!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN!!!!!

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