Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, November 06, 2004
9:59 PM
by Gene
It has come down to that, hasn't it.
6:21 PM
by Gene
How often will this calamity repeat itself?
6:09 PM
by Gene
5:14 PM
by Gene
Oh well, I don't think it looks THAT bad, but then I'm hard-up for love. Then again, maybe not. Another day, another airhead. (THANK YOU?????, FARK!) P. S. Naturally this airhead was "parodied" by the notorious ASHLEE the night of her LIP-SYNC BREAKDOWN. One good airhead deserves another.
4:55 PM
by Gene
Oh, beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, And the second being, Of all the things I've believed in I just wanna get it over with. Just those two lyrics side-by-side demonstrate once again Thoreau's great line (which I've quoted before) that men are the tools of their tools, and furthermore that a life of enslavement to goods electronic may be a life not worth living. P. S. Anyone recall when Radio Shack was HQed in Boston?
4:51 PM
by Gene
On the way home I heard some woman complaining into her cell phone about breaking up, which proves the least important person in the universe is YOU.
2:22 PM
by Gene
And people who are backwards are forwards. (Sorry for the BozellCorp.)
1:49 PM
by Gene
1:46 PM
by Gene
Isn't it TOUGH being a second-stringer to some other Divinity?
1:43 PM
by Gene
10:21 AM
by Gene
Perhaps he should have named it Publicity.
9:47 AM
by Gene
Reader Dirk Deppey is the managing editor of the Comics Journal, published by Fantagraphics Books. Dirk writes: I just wanted to let you know that what you posted [in "Diamonds and rant"] wasn't a self-portrait of Al Capp, but rather a self-portrait of New Zealand cartoonist Dylan Horrocks as he looks fondly upon Capp's legacy (hence the "Dylan" signature). You might want to post a correction. I thought the guy was a little scrawny looking.
9:30 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: Situation hopeless but not serious.
9:18 AM
by Gene
9:14 AM
by Gene
Yours truly to Clinton to Democrats: Whine! Pout! Scream! Yell! Get MAD! And while you're at it, demonstrate that you and Hollywood and academe and the LUXURY NEWS SUITES are forever inseparable!
9:07 AM
by Gene
9:03 AM
by Gene
What we need is...a good five-cent column by GEORGE "MY BUSINESS IS MY BUSINESS" WILL -- excoriating the commies. "GOT IT?"
9:01 AM
by Gene
DON'T, CHRIS! Mikey Moore needs you!
8:55 AM
by Gene
P. S. These voices have "become ascendant" before. Remember the New Democrats? Friday, November 05, 2004
5:47 PM
by Gene
True companies like P&G and the Japanese auto makers put out a better product; but why should we care just because an expensive marquee's attached -- especially when insulting ads ARE, and the insults to our intelligence they support.
5:27 PM
by Gene
Suppose the buyers are finally blogging? Thing is, G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLEBLOGGER's working okay this afternoon. Go figure.
5:22 PM
by Gene
Wait, wasn't this story supposed to run BEFORE the election?
5:18 PM
by Gene
![]() Thank God it's not; I don't have to fight SOCIALLY-CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS for the NEXT FOUR YEARS! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! Alas, I fear a few screenings in the DR. EVIL MEMORIAL SCREENING ROOM may prove their KRYPTONITE.
5:13 PM
by Gene
5:07 PM
by Gene
Yeah, remember that one... ![]() WHOOPI?
4:54 PM
by Gene
10:50 AM
by Gene
E'RE-WAY IN-HAY E-THAY ONEY-MAY!!!!! P. S. Yesterday, The Lancet, a RESPECTED British medical journal, published an analysis of all the clinical trials of Vioxx completed by 2001, and concluded that Merck and the F.D.A. should have known enough about the drug's hazards to withdraw it years ago. Isn't this the same egghead rag that tried throwing the election by running a bunch of numbers saying DUBYA!!!!! killed five million civilians or whatever in IRAQ?
10:28 AM
by Gene
I do not dispute that these blogs and their authors are serving an increasingly meaningful role in the exchange of ideas and dissemination of opinion today. I read blogs, I think about blogs, I shake my head in wonderment at the bloggers' seeming indefatigability. But, more to the point, I shake my head in disappointment at how, in taking advantage of the Web's freedom to post a perspective, many of them fail even to aspire to the pursuit of perspicacity. That is, they publish because they hear "something" from "someone" who is "reliable." Sorry, not good enough. This isn't about DAVID VS. the Goliathan MMMMMMMMMMM-SSSSSSSSSSSS-MMMMMMMMMMMM. This is about ACCURACY. Sorry WONKETTE, sorry, WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!, sorry, MR. ARAFAT SERAIT MORT!!!!!!!!!!, sorry, NRO, sorry, FR, NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
10:21 AM
by Gene
DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, we got millions in free publicity making asses of ourselves, DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
6:49 AM
by Gene
6:46 AM
by Gene
6:29 AM
by Gene
Thursday, November 04, 2004
9:13 PM
by Gene
Yes, Nine Fingers, I think we have a right to know.
8:45 PM
by Gene
Yeah Norm, we're getting tired of these resurrections too.
8:44 PM
by Gene
![]() Hmmm, maybe advertising on the Web after the election wasn't such a good idea.
8:37 PM
by Gene
5:25 PM
by Gene
Pop Singer Meat Loaf May Be Headed to Broadway
5:16 PM
by Gene
![]() NEWSMAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is selling another of its MAPS, just as it did in 2000. On election day a prominent news Web site (I wish I could remember which) had an adjustable map that proportioned the votes by population; the red and blue sides became about equal. Big a victory though Bush's was, he won by only about three percent, and much of Kerry's support came in the tiny microscopic slivers here -- the big cities. To forget this is to forget this nation has two political parties. Thus goes the path to self-delusion, an all-too-common failing among conservatives.
5:12 PM
by Gene
3:42 PM
by Gene
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! It would save a lot of trouble. The Trib is a CONSERVATIVE paper? P. S. It would save most bloggers a lot of trouble too. (Myself included.)
2:58 PM
by Gene
: GLENN REYNOLDS SAID THE BIG-MEDIA SPIN IS THAT BLOGGERS ARE TO BLAME FOR LEAKING THE DATA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SAY BLOGGERS SHOULD GET CREDIT FOR BEING OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither the jackass WONKETTE nor the jackass WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!! will ever tell us where they got their info. This is the equivalent of the NEWS HACK'S ANONYMOUS SOURCES. Open? SUPERDUPERMEGAGIGABLOGGING is just another closed room full of people talking to themselves, and trying to make BIG BUCKS.
1:15 PM
by Gene
"Sex! Sex! It was in the air along with the nitrogen and the oxygen!" Wolfe writes. "The whole campus was humid with it! tumid with it! lubricated with it! gorged with it! tingling with it! in a state of around-the-clock arousal with it! Rutrutrut-rutrutrutrutrut — " AND: The early reviews for I Am Charlotte Simmons have not been good, and it was conspicuously absent from the list of finalists for the National Book Award. But we still need 1,394 words to tell us why this catch-phrase deviser and mocker of LENNY B. is some sort of GENIUS.
12:30 PM
by Gene
12:02 PM
by Gene
I just did the same @#$%&* thing the MORONS WONKETTE AND WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!! DID! I should have trusted my skepticism.
12:00 PM
by Gene
THEY PROBABLY GOT THE NEWS FROM PROCHE-ORIENT. It can't be long in any event. THANKS AGAIN G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE, for POSTDATING MY ENTRY!
11:54 AM
by Gene
11:51 AM
by Gene
11:45 AM
by Gene
10:34 AM
by Gene
Remember????? HERE'S THE LINK, LITTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND JACQUEASS SAID A TEARFUL GOODBYE, LITTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sez G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE's translation: It should not be buried on the Esplanade of the Mosques/Mont of the Temple With that I agree. P. S. Alexa rating: 45,375, which is worse than the pile of junk that disclosed Arafat's MORT!!!!! a year ago. Plus this seems affiliated with Israeli news hacks, which is a polite way of saying it may as well be affiliated with DEBKAfile.
9:32 AM
by Gene
[T]he only readers of blogs ... are bloggers! They are a good group. Educated and engaged. But they're also like mice in a rotating cage: running in place, bumping into the same old people. Despite all the anti-Bush screeds on Web logs, the frequent priming of wordy bonfires with Bush's National Guard duty records, the rush to judgment about missing explosives in Iraq ... it just didn't matter. All those opinions. All that Internet buzz. So little impact. Could it be not even bloggers trust what they read on blogs? Blogs were quick to publish real or made-up exit polls at midafternoon, showing Kerry strength. That killed a 60-point rally in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. At least some traders read blogs, then, and act on what they read. Not so, it would appear, young voters. Advertisers including Nike and Audi think Weblogs are the medium to reach young consumers. So where was the youth and minority vote? Not reading political blogs, it appears. MSNBC says the percentage of young voters who cast ballots was the same as it was four years ago. Sorry STERNO, BLOGS HAVEN'T CURED ONE CASE OF CANCER YET. NOTE: That biz with the exit polls was spread from the IDIOT WONKETTE by THE IDIOT WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, who technically doesn't run a BLOG, he runs -- HISTORY.
9:08 AM
by Gene
9:02 AM
by Gene
8:57 AM
by Gene
8:49 AM
by Gene
Elton John Developing Rock-Star TV Comedy - Report
6:44 AM
by Gene
6:27 AM
by Gene
The real terror: for the next four years Sharon Stone will have to keep her legs shut.
6:22 AM
by Gene
We'll see about that, Mr. O'SPECTER. Wednesday, November 03, 2004
3:19 PM
by Gene
3:10 PM
by Gene
2:56 PM
by Gene
"Whatever Happened to Lenny DiCaprio?"
2:51 PM
by Gene
2:36 PM
by Gene
2:22 PM
by Gene
2:18 PM
by Gene
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
6:15 PM
by Gene
In 2000 Bush crushed Kerry in Lancaster County 66%-32%. Plus a gaggle of TYPOS. SHUT UP, NRO!!!!!
6:08 PM
by Gene
![]() This guy -- what does he look like? WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! playing the piano? (although if you gave the guy a piece of music he'd do a story saying a politician was attempting to take over the world with an alien language.) No, it's supposed to be HOAGY CARMICHAEL, and he sings in ANOTHER DEAD-MAN'S REVUE. With so many DEAD MEN writing musicals you wonder why Broadway's producers don't cast in CEMETERIES. And the guy's name -- to add to the comedy -- is BILLY PHILADELPHIA. This might prompt W. C. Fields to remark, "On the whole, I'd rather be away from Philadelphia." P. S. incorrectly gives the Web site of the theater where this masterpiece is running as "" (The link is correct.)
5:51 PM
by Gene
So perhaps the voting was heavy; but I wouldn't be surprised if, as with past "HEAVY VOTING" elections, turnout was about the same as before.
5:48 PM
by Gene
5:40 PM
by Gene
(a subsidiary of GE Bancorp Network News) could teach the politicians a few things about FLIP-FLOPPING today.
5:25 PM
by Gene
And who wants to bet overzealous table pounders like WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and other Web voices of truth will force NEWS HACKS into making premature calls? Not ONE of the M-S-M BLOGGERS said ONE WORD about this -- possibly because if they SAID ANYTHING it would expose them for FRAUDS. And I'll say this again, too: the one advantage to getting twenty hits a day is that no one can call you overrated.
5:03 PM
by Gene
1. HOME E-VOTING. The news hacks will do their Our Town routine and protest that the great thing about elections is that the bring the PEE-PUL together and encourage socializing and blah blah blah. What rot. People speak to a polling official, they go into the gloom of a voting booth, they scratch their heads, they stand around for five minutes, they scratch their heads, they vote -- reluctantly -- and they come out, and that's it. Home e-voting could encourage families and communities to think their votes through, rather than be put on the spot. To those who say this would encourage a kind of moral blackmail, I ask, what do we have now? They would further protest that current encryption schemes are unreliable. Well the cretins of Palm Beach County made hash of paper ballots. And if it's possible to blog without being hacked, if it's possible to shop on the Internet knowing your credit card is secure, why can't we electronically vote? It might also put an end to EXIT POLLING -- and while a requirement for e-voting might be to forbid the voters from speaking to pollsters (probably unconstitutional even if it weren't against human nature), a reliable e-voting system could be far more private than what we have now. One other thing -- the e-voting polls must all open and close at the same time, no difference for time zones. 2. A WEEK TO VOTE. Why the requirement that people vote on ONE DAY? Absentee ballots and other forms of advance voting have pretty much eliminated the need for a dedicated voting day. With a week to vote the mood swings we've seen today would be spread out, giving the MALICIOUS WONKETTES AND WALTER WINCHELLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! less chance to influence an election. And to be sure, with the Internet getting ever more efficient in spreading rumors and flat-out lies, the next time will only be more maddening and more dismaying. One other possibility: give, say, ten days for the election, but stagger the voting so that each voter would only have a set time frame to vote (say, three days.) This could reduce peer pressure. Although I still like the idea from National Review, when it was still sane: choose public officials by LOT. We can scarcely do worse.
4:55 PM
by Gene
And count on the dweebs at NRO to be doing their part in spreading rumors -- as the last time. Indeed a close examination of the Iowa Business and Gaming School's 2000 chart shows a wild swing on the last day. These are people who almost seem to get their jollies spreading rumors for -- profit? Which raises another question: could an election be rigged? Could it be rigged to profit speculators in the electronic gaming markets? If so this would mark the end of democracy as we know it -- which might not altogether be a bad thing, as democracy seems to work too often only for the rich and the well-connected.
11:38 AM
by Gene
: ... is that we will have no more TV interviews with slow-talking, dull-eyed undecided voters. No STERNO, the best thing about today is that we will have LOTS more interviews with fast-talking, bright-eyed, world-changing, revolution-making, six- and seven-digit SUPERMEGABLOGGERS.
11:30 AM
by Gene
10:44 AM
by Gene
We KNEW we'd come through!!!!!!
10:19 AM
by Gene
By that standard we should have MASS RESIGNATIONS!!!!! (This will be a busy day for ROMY, where I got these last two.)
10:15 AM
by Gene
And that's a path we hope has been GREASED for your BOSS, who wouldn't speak to USAOKAY?!?!?
6:54 AM
by Gene
If blogging is so great why do STERNO and Mr. Head Honcho at POWER LINE and so many other big wigs like to boast when they're on television? And if M-S-M is so evil why do these self-same BLOGGERS like to boast that they're on and in every M-S-M outlet known to man? Stop the dissembling, geniuses. You're not in blogging to tell THE TRUTH. You're in blogging for YOU.
6:48 AM
by Gene
Last one out turn out the lights!
6:34 AM
by Gene
Why do I think, for all the PR he's accrued, that except for a few catch phrases and essays Tom Wolfe will go down posterity's rat hole just like everything else in this age?
6:29 AM
by Gene
Get out THE R-CARD, Terry! Monday, November 01, 2004
6:42 PM
by Gene
Calling all billionaires: What this country needs is a good national newspaper that will play the facts straight. A good national news network, too. You're forgetting, Stuart, billionaires own The Weekly Standard, FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!News, CBS, MSNBC (technically speaking), THE PAPER OF RE-CORD, The Washington Post (including its admirably thoughtful editorials), and The Wall Street Journals (including the CONSERVATIVE EDITION'S tiresomely tendentious editorials.) Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, back to square one.
5:07 PM
by Gene
The Audit Bureau of Circulations released its FAS-FAX report for the six-month period ending September 2004, this afternoon, revealing another decline in overall circulaton for daily newspapers and some steep drops among the largest dailies. The Top 20 suffering the steepest declines in weekday circ, more than 3%, are the San Francisco Chronicle (-6.09%), The Buffalo News and the Los Angeles Times (both -5.55%), The Arizona Republic (-4.40%), The San Diego Union-Tribune (-3.74), the San Jose Mercury News (-3.28%), The Washington Post (-3.04%), The Plain Dealer in Cleveland (-3.01%), and The Sun in Baltimore (-2.43%). In addition, the Chicago Sun-Times, Newsday, and The Dallas Morning News did not report circulation, as they are under censure by ABC. Big gainers in weekday circ include: the New York Post (+5.18%), The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (+3.84%), USA Today, (+2.80%), The Tampa Tribune (+1.9%), and the Orlando Sentinel (+1.78). On Sunday, the biggest losers in sales (in order of losses) were: the Los Angeles Times, The Buffalo News, the Chicago Tribune, the San Francisco Chronicle, and The Arizona Republic. The biggest gainers on Sundays were New York Post and The Tampa Tribune. In fact, they were the only two Top 20 papers that gained more than 1% on Sunday. Earlier today the Newspaper Association of America reported that overall daily circulation for the industry, as reflected in the new FAS-FAX, was down .9%, and Sunday circulation declined 1.5%. Remember: THE DO-NOT-CALL LAW DID IT!
4:58 PM
by Gene
GOPNATION.COM - FINAL BUSH 290, Kerry [SIC] 248 Braveheart Stands Athwart a Brave New World-Great Q&A With Mel Gibson [Why wasn't this in ALL CAPS?] One part wishful thinking, one part tub thumping -- so typical of the Freep these days. Meantime, on the other side of hallucination, some would-be Ringling Bros. trainees on South Broad were getting people to HONK for DIP!!!!!, and all they did was make noise (and given that some people didn't honk I wonder what his following is). A bagman trombonist was playing, and for the first and possibly the last time in my life I was sympathetic to a street musician.
3:05 PM
by Gene
In English -- but NOT in French.
1:46 PM
by Gene
Oh, I forgot. They're already SPOILED.
11:46 AM
by Gene
9:56 AM
by Gene
Okay Mr. VIDEO VIOLENCE IS GOOD FOR YOU, which is better: Shakespeare or the anonymous GET-A-LIFE GEEK HORDES designing your latest high-tech shoot-em-up? Alas, I think I know your answer. (Typed at 5:35 p.m.: In retrospect, that was a DUMB thing to say. Shakespeare wrote video games too.)
8:59 AM
by Gene
8:49 AM
by Gene
Could you mention some examples? Oh, you don't remember them. One little, two little, three little GREENFIELDS....
8:22 AM
by Gene
8:07 AM
by Gene
And if M-S-M is so evil why do these self-same BLOGGERS like to boast that they're on and in every M-S-M outlet known to man? Stop the dissembling, geniuses. You're not in blogging to tell THE TRUTH. You're in blogging for YOU.
6:43 AM
by Gene
He needs YOUR help? If the IDIOT Jeff Greenfield were starting now he'd write THIS. P. S. I must stop citing STERNO. He gives me the willies. P. P. S. WHEN'S B. S. THOMPSON WRITING ONE? P. P. P. S. I did find him, but not under the name on his blog; he's a "magazine writer" (to quote an reviewer) with a cult following. This will be a best seller next year because this bozo's touching the NEWS HACKS' G-spot.
6:26 AM
by Gene
I think it's time for St. JoePa to retire gracefully, before he has to retire disgracefully.
6:23 AM
by Gene
A few more martyrdoms and I think we'll cope nicely. Sunday, October 31, 2004
4:47 PM
by Gene
In a harshly worded decision received by attorneys this week, U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Hogan said McDermott's "willful and knowing misconduct rises to the level of malice in this case." Malice. How much of what goes in politics rises to the level of malice? How much of what goes on in the luxury news suites, the Hollywood studios, in academe, in big business, rises to the level of malice? Doc-TOR McDermott is just a small pile of sleaze atop a very scummy iceberg.
4:31 PM
by Gene
RAH! RAH!! RAH!!! The GOP is likely to retain its majority.... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And remember, it's the DO-NOT-CALL LAW'S FAULT!
4:04 PM
by Gene
And now it's added lip-synching to the repertory. Just like American Bandstand. Wonderful. P. S. Next year this month the alleged comedy revue will have been on the air thirty years. The IDIOT Jeff Greenfield wrote a gushing rave for New York its very first month, and that's what kept it going. He deserves a huge chunk of the royalties -- and the blame. I guess I'm depressed because I just got through listening to Hoagy Carmichael singing and playing "Stardust." He wrote that song 77 years ago (he was STILL ALIVE through SNL's FIRST SEVEN SEASONS!!!!!), and it's forever. Can't our age do anything but break wind violently and laugh at it? WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE COKEHEAD JOHN BELUSHI?
1:45 PM
by Gene
It must be disappointing, PAPER OF RE-CORD; we wanted so desperately to do some -- social engineering. But there's always Tuesday.
1:34 PM
by Gene
Why is it every two weeks we must have a media-engineered nervous breakdown?
1:26 PM
by Gene
Oddly enough the more the PUBLIC EDI-TOR writes stuff like this the more tenuous THE PAPER OF RE-CORD's grasp of reality.
1:25 PM
by Gene
1:20 PM
by Gene
These will be four LOVELY years.
1:17 PM
by Gene
1:03 PM
by Gene
HOWARD put you up to it?
8:35 AM
by Gene
8:22 AM
by Gene
Which I've been doing for, oh, at least 21 months. Next time, TV news must examine how the 2004 coverage became warped, and then get back to reporting important, relevant campaign news. Next time. RIGHT YOU ARE!!!!! Next time. P. S. B&C blames Howard Dean's YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHH!!!!! on "directional mikes." It wouldn't occur to them to blame his directional mouth.
8:14 AM
by Gene
After a year or more of this election campaign, you may feel like you're drowning in the triviality of it all. Just hold out for two more days, and you'll be swept up in history. Then you'll really be sorry. We were sorry twelve years ago.
8:10 AM
by Gene
This column has expressed abundant skepticism about the grandiosity of George W. Bush's foreign policy. And about his passivity about spending (he has vetoed nothing), his enlargement of the welfare state (the prescription drug entitlement), his expansion of inappropriate federal responsibilities (concerning education from kindergarten through 12th-grade, through the No Child Left Behind Act) and HIS COMPLICITY IN VANDALIZING THE CONSTITUTION (he signed the McCain-Feingold bill, which rations political speech). Still, this column prefers Bush. This blog has expressed abundant skepticism about GEORGE "MY BUSINESS IS MY BUSINESS" WILL, but we'll leave it at that for now.
8:07 AM
by Gene
Nonetheless, its appearance was an embarrassment to Pakistan.... Yeah, sure. "The guard brought it to me along with other mail. It was in an envelope, I opened it, and IT WAS A BIG SCOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" DOWN, boy. [Overemphasis added, but not needed.]
8:03 AM
by Gene
These experts said Bin Laden appeared to be intensifying his campaign to "re-brand" himself in the minds of Muslims worldwide.... Aside from the use of an annoying buzzword (VARIETY or ADAGE, anyone?), these are the same experts who tell us al Qaeda has between 5,000 members and 2 million. SHUT UP.
8:01 AM
by Gene
With you, GLIBERAL, it's MERE fatigue.