Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, July 16, 2011
5:28 PM
by Gene
I'm TIRED of both sides using the HE-MAY-BE-AN-SOB approach to thinking.
11:00 AM
by Gene
Like walking under a cloud. I'll go my way by myself, All alone in a crowd.... Today while getting myself barbered for the first time in months (I HATE it! and I'm VERY lazy besides), an Ivy League version of CHEAP CHANNEL extruded an especially annoying song, the same line over and over and over until I could have singed my hair off and saved the money: "HEY LORD! DON'T ASK ME QUES-TYOONNNNS! HEY LORD! DON'T ASK ME QUES-TYOONNNNS! HEY LORD! DON'T ASK ME QUES-TYOONNNNS! HEY LORD! DON'T ASK ME QUES-TYOONNNNS...." I thought, how worthy of today's genius. The DJ who no doubt thinks he'll work for LOWSY soon helpfully identified it as from 1976. Thirty-five years and still junk. Except to rock mu-SIC cri-TICKS that doesn't say much for our age of masterpieces. Shortly after at JOHN THE DON's Barnes & Noble (let's see B&M collide with B&N!), as I skimmed Consumer Reports to see if I should spend my money on an Asus (AY-suhs?, Ah-SOOS?) laptop (it's going in my bedroom), Satch and Ella were crooning "Love is Here to Stay", and as great as Satch and Ella are I thought, how mannered! How keeyute! Part of it wasn't listening to it at a B&N, as it can be, nor even that it's typical background music for the HITMAKER!!!!! WOODSTER THE PERV, nor that brother Ira had to start a big debate among pop-u-LAR mu-SIC his-TOR-ians by pretentiously leaving "Our" out of the title; but rather it's that George Gershwin's gotten so unceasingly jazzified over the years we forget he was a theater composer, and his own best arranger, and that he wrote "Someone to Watch Over Me" for Gertrude Lawrence, and not for Blue -- and definitely NOT for Sarah Vaughan, nor even Satch and Ella. And with jazz a corpse thus is America's greatest tunesmith confined to the archives, though we're supposed to say we admire him as an article of faith, or like WOODSTER THE PERV -- like a showoffy egghead. Back at my apartment there's this desk clerk who's lately taken to using his computer to watch the crappiest kind of horror or action movies -- with the volume up WAY LOUD. Why must I endure it? It's like foreground muzak, only it's worse -- the sonic equivalent of a dentist's drill. Why do people think because they have computers it gives them "rights" over others -- like my right not to listen to a dentist's drill? Back in the two-room apartment I'm trying to straighten up with the help of a bulldozer I wondered, does anyone have my tastes? Am I really the buffoon I often think I am? Why can't I share my loves and my foibles with someone else? No one knows better than I myself: I'm by myself, Alone. Friday, July 15, 2011
5:32 PM
by Gene
For the octillion umpteenth time: A PLAGUE O' BOTH YOUR HOUSES!
5:25 PM
by Gene
![]() And the calamity of con-SER-va-tives STAUNCHLY defending SLIME is that it virtually shuts up voices like Laura Ingraham's, who yesterday had her depressing piece on "sexting" -- and today comes up with this. [Photo link here]
5:17 PM
by Gene
It would further behoove the idiot con-SER-va-tives to realize that the news part of "NEWS" CORP. is a fraction of its revenues and an even smaller fraction of its earnings, the vast majority of them coming from the CABLE TURNIPS -- and lest we forget He churns out staunch con-SER-va-tive TRACTS LIKE THESE.
5:16 PM
by Gene
NBA cuts 11% of work force Another case of feeling sorry for the laid-off without feeling sorry for the layers-off.
5:11 PM
by Gene
When does SLIME scapegoat himself? P. S. ROMY doesn't have it! But he does have: Murdoch scandal accounted for 53% of links on Twitter, but only 6% of mainstream coverage This proves to some degree this has become news-hack onanism - but THAT DOESN'T MAKE SLIME INNOCENT. Thursday, July 14, 2011
8:34 PM
by Gene
A hacker in PR. LULZ!
7:38 PM
by Gene
Another winner in professional kolledge sport!
7:26 PM
by Gene
I guess that's why they settled. P. S. at 7:42 p. m. And if the Vikes can get their taxpayer-supported stadium we may as well default.
7:10 PM
by Gene
I was recently told about one girl who tried to laugh off the nude picture of her circulating on campus. She announced to a college guy who had seen one of her salacious photos, “Bet you didn’t know I was a natural brunette.” To which the guy replied, “I didn’t know you had stretch marks on your hips, either.” If you’re actually interested in the guy, clothing can be your closest ally. That's putting it mildly.
6:52 PM
by Gene
Because the Casino KNOWS Uncle Sucker will ALWAYS come through. And tomorrow starts a NEW fairy tale!
6:50 PM
by Gene
Count us not surprised.
6:15 PM
by Gene
And this guy's idea of having his kids take a liberal-arts education isn't that far fetched. We need a Beethoven or two, unlikely as that is. We don't need MORE DILBERTS.
3:09 PM
by Gene
![]() FBI opens investigation of News Corp.: WSJ, AP THIS IS THE GREATEST WITCH HUNT SINCE...SINCE SEN. McCAR -- THE SALEM WITCH HUNTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1:31 PM
by Gene
1:26 PM
by Gene
Unfortunately it's done so at the Emmys, which is the awards version of a Mexican cancer clinic.
9:15 AM
by Gene
The committee members are: Thomas J. Bray, former editorial page editor of the Detroit News; Louis Boccardi, former chief executive of the Associated Press; Jack Fuller, retired president of Tribune Publishing Co.; Nicholas Negroponte, co-founder of the Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Susan M. Phillips, dean of the George Washington University School of Business. Nice non-work if you can get it! Pfffffffffffffffffffffft!
9:10 AM
by Gene
![]() WE COULD HAVE HAD A BRITISH FOX!!!!!!!!!!NEWS BUT THESE COMSYMPS, THESE LIBERALS, THEY -- SO WHAT ABOUT MURDERED KIDS? WHO CARES ABOUT 9/11 VICTIMS? WHO CARES WHAT RUPERT COMMISSIONS? OR HIS MORALS? HE'S MY HERO! HE'S -- Geez, I'm having a tough time seeing in this smog, where am I...What's that light up ahead? It's getting closer! A speeding car?!? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!
9:06 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: What the hell's the point of most mergers? Wednesday, July 13, 2011
6:44 PM
by Gene
Mrs. Thrale then praised Garrick's talent for light gay poetry; and, as a specimen, repeated his song in Florizel and Perdita, and dwelt with peculiar pleasure on this line: I'd smile with the simple, and feed with the poor. JOHNSON. "Nay, my dear Lady, this will never do. Poor David! Smile with the simple; -- What folly is that? And who would feed with the poor that can help it? No, no; let me smile with the wise, and feed with the rich." I repeated this sally to Garrick, and wondered to find his sensibility as a writer not a little irritated by it. However sincere these people live on another planet. Why must news hacks delude themselves into deluding the peons they care for us? (Except Kate, who does seem the real thing.)
6:34 PM
by Gene
(Via Seeking Alpha)
6:01 PM
by Gene
We must note a PEOPLE WARNER predecessor made the Berkeley spectaculars and that it now owns Oz. As the movee excretion biz achieves total irrelevance it may flailingly attempt further sequels, but this is as inadvisable as remaking Oz. One thing's clear: We hope the moron Mr. BEWKES ultimately loses His job for it, though with so many reasons to fire Him that may be a tough one. (Mogul's Friend link via AHTSJournal)
5:36 PM
by Gene
5:27 PM
by Gene
We wish we could think of something, but instead, NO COMMENT.
5:24 PM
by Gene
I hope.
1:50 PM
by Gene
1:49 PM
by Gene
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
9:20 PM
by Gene
![]() A member of a "PIONEERIN'" PR0N family gets life for beating his wife to death with a baseball bat. Is there any word news hacks can't turn into rot? and should we hacks praise such a man's -- er, lineage?
8:51 PM
by Gene
And today we have discopop. Plus ça change.... P. S. This article has showy graphs and charts but for me the only chart that can say anything is this: ![]() And note this is in dollars, not units, meaning the peak is lower -- and the recent trough is deeper.
8:37 PM
by Gene
5:22 PM
by Gene
5:13 PM
by Gene
Knee-jerk left, knee-jerk right -- I'm for them all getting KNEE-CAPPED. Monday, July 11, 2011
9:40 PM
by Gene
Walton Goggins has joined the cast of director Steven Spielberg's Lincoln. He will play Ohio Congressman Wells A. Hutchins, a progressive [SIC] Democrat who goes against his party and votes in favor of the Thirteenth Amendment to abolish slavery. Methinks when Mr. ET is through Abe won't be a Republican.
7:12 PM
by Gene
6:18 PM
by Gene
6:13 PM
by Gene
5:54 PM
by Gene
5:42 PM
by Gene
5:12 PM
by Gene
The prospect of letting Murdoch turn Sky News into a British version of Fox News will give regulators pause and serve as a rallying point for critics. It could be the difference between passage and rejection.... [I]f, as seems likely, the Competition Committee eventually rules against him, Murdoch will be have saved some face. The deal ran aground, he’ll say, not because the exposure of endemic corruption in his organization made it politically impossible but because he refused to let those meddling nanny state regulators dictate terms to him. JAMES J. KILPATRICKS! TO THE RESCUE!!!!!
11:26 AM
by Gene
He'll figure out a way He and His board didn't know.
10:28 AM
by Gene
10:18 AM
by Gene
After the Tropicana and Gatorade debacles you shouldn't think that. (Via HENRY HONEST!)
9:33 AM
by Gene
![]() One that became a bit more sordid when you con-SER-va-tives religiously AVOIDED it.
8:39 AM
by Gene
8:37 AM
by Gene
8:30 AM
by Gene
Any stories about the way News Corp. conducts business—especially any stories about the investigations into News International over phone hacking and payments to police—should be accessible to the public without a fee. This is the time for transparency. This is the time for hunkering down. And is SLIME really giving up on His big acquisition or is this just more hopeful thinking? (Via THR)
8:27 AM
by Gene
That's one reason to keep spending. Sunday, July 10, 2011
10:26 PM
by Gene
The golden girl of this INDRA-produced nonsense reminds us that one can star in a billion-dollar-earning tentpole and nobody will remember you. Focusing on the cleavage was the wise thing. Try remembering the face. "Frat boys and mechanics" indeed. Why not a woman for artists? Why must every show-biz "hottie" do a reverse Pygmalion?
1:46 PM
by Gene
WE GOT IT WE GOT IT WE GOT IT! But note the URL. This WILL require a test!
11:03 AM
by Gene
WAIT! We thought all that money we gave to the Wall Street Casino had it contained!