Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, October 11, 2003
7:38 PM
by Gene
July 24, 1990 An open Letter to Jack Valenti President of the Motion Picture Association of America At a time when all artists' rights to free speech and expression are in peril, we the undersigned believe that the artistic freedom and integrity of American filmmakers are being compromised by the outdated and unfair rating system whose practices have and will continue to result in the defacto censorship of their work. The 'X' rating, originally conceived to indicate that a film contains mature and/or adult material and should not be viewed by children, has come to be universally recognized as pertaining simply to pornography. As a consequence, an 'X' rated or unrated film is denied exhibition in thousands of cinemas nationwide, display advertising is forbidden by a growing number of major metropolitan newspapers, and radio and television advertising in most markets is not available at all for films that are not rated either G, PG, PG-13 or R by your organization. We believe that it is imperative that the MPAA correct this problem by creating a new letter rating that will more fairly reflect the association's original intentions with regard to adult-themed fare. While the MPAA maintains that its Classification and Rating Administration does not censor films or force filmmakers to censor their films, the taint of an 'X' rating clearly results in massive and arbitrary corporate censorship. Failure to address this problem will help foster a new era of "McCarthyism" in the arts as during the '50s when the networks claimed it was not they who blacklisted artists, but the sponsors. We therefore strongly suggest that a new rating of 'A' or 'M' be incorporated into the system to indicate that a film contains strong adult themes or images and that minors are not to view them. This is not a compromise between art and commerce, it is an essential action designed to protect the United States Constitution. It is an issue as important as film preservation; in fact, it is film preservation. Michael Apted Hector Babenco Harold Becker Bernardo Bertolucci Francis Ford Coppola Jonathan Demme Abel Ferarra Terry Gilliam Meahem [sic] Golan Walter Hill Ron Howard [sic] Jim Jarmusch John Landis Charles Lane Spike Lee Mark Lester Barry Levinson Adrian Lyne Penny Marshall Paul Mazursky Sydney Pollack Carl Reiner Rob Reiner John Sayles John Schlesinger Ridley Scott Steven Soderbergh Wayne Wang John Waters Robert M. Young Edward Zwick (P. S. The BLITHERING IDIOT who drafted this masterwork has "arthouse" all over his bio. Nuf said. Well, one other thing: the "independents" [what a ruse; many of them are owned by JACK's CONSPIRACY] may be right about these @#$%&* SCREENERS -- but a stopped clock can be right every thirteen years too. One last thing: Menahem Golan, whose name is misspelled here, was one of the industry's leading schlockmeisters, producing several films for SLY [Pffh-hh-hh!].)
5:35 PM
by Gene
Read this, and the LALA editor's excuses, and you wonder why we need newspapers or CURLEY.
5:29 PM
by Gene
(Speaking of Old Tip I just came across his notorious inaugural address -- in its numbing length and crushing verbiage an inspiration to many of today's leading blown-out lights like Sen. Ossified Kleagle, Sen. Foghorn Leghorn, and JACK!!!!!)
4:58 PM
by Gene
You know, Rev. Pat, it would be much simpler to just disperse Foggy Bottom with FANS -- not with NUKES!! I wonder how Mr. Mowbray reacted. "Uhhh, that's not the kind of people I want reading my book, Pat"? Preach, have you seen a doctor lately?
3:46 PM
by Gene
This Osama Channel Update brought to you by CHEVROLET®!
3:37 PM
by Gene
What a line. I guess it was an attempt at what news hacks call "humor." But consider: the Dodgers, owned by an Australian firm, will soon be owned by a Bostonian. The Red Sox are owned in part by the New York Times Company. The Braves are owned by a New York firm. Sports are (allegedly) an expression of civic pride; hence the mammoth taxpayer shakedowns for new Taj Mahals. But with all these far-flung absentee landlords leading hordes of mercenaries why should people care for them?
3:25 PM
by Gene
3:20 PM
by Gene
11:41 AM
by Gene
9:43 AM
by Gene
At least occasionally not everybody does the political sieg heil right or left.
9:33 AM
by Gene
If the Windy Cityites can party like Detroit in '67 afterwards there'll be an impact. Friday, October 10, 2003
5:41 PM
by Gene
Maybe this'll get all those people who must play all manner of loud stupid electronic songs and go YAKETYYAKETYYAK into their palms about their sex lives to SHUT UP.
5:25 PM
by Gene
5:18 PM
by Gene
By definition the word "invasion" is wrong: Israel illegally occupies all the land under its flag. Wouldn't "alien Zionist takeover of Palestine" be better? It might please Freely Fraleigh and P&G and Unilever a lot.
4:56 PM
by Gene
Gee we're almost outta time and I gotta tellya my back's been hurting me and surgery didn't work so I got addicted to painkilling drugs so I'm going on detox we'll have nice guest hosts the next month no calls I don't do interviews BYE! One of my fellow workers has been out several days with a back problem, so I know the Hobson's choice between surgery and drugs; BUT you were high all the while you lectured America about druggies, AND you make $5 billion a year bloviating, so forgive me Rush, I DON'T FEEL SORRY FOR YOU. One irritating consequence of this story is knee-jerk liberals will chortle -- because RUSH IS CONSERVATIVE. Sorry liberals, YOU'RE JUST AS BAD -- IN THE SAME WAY.
1:46 PM
by Gene
Another good reason we should WAGE PEACE with holy cockroaches.
11:34 AM
by Gene
![]() My next...significant other! And I'll tell you why for $5 million. Which part of Borders will it sell in? Religion, philosophy, psychiatry, jazz history, sexuality or fiction, Perv?
11:32 AM
by Gene
You clowns already are, SOB. Actually, by dumbing down your papers so much you now aim at pre-natal wards.
11:09 AM
by Gene
11:05 AM
by Gene
As I said, let's give the prize permanently to Jimmah! It's worth that much.
10:41 AM
by Gene
I have been to medical school, and I have never heard of Congo Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever. I don't know one doctor in 100 who has. It is an extremely rare disease, and you can be sure that Saddam was not seeking a cure. NO, SADDAM DID NOT HAVE WMDs.
10:29 AM
by Gene
6:57 AM
by Gene
IF YOU'RE HAPPY 'N' YOU KNOW IT WRITE A PUN! (TYPE! TYPE-TYPE!) As I've said before, you KNOW the show-biz flacks and copywriters are VERY happy when they start with their puns. They think it's CREATIVE. FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!News caught a lot of heat for its all-too-brief ban on Ah-NULT puns, but it was understandably reacting perhaps to this something in the back of its collective head about the ever-more-mindlessly conformist behavior of news hacks. Reuters already gave us that BITE OUT OF MIRAGE. And REALLY, Freedom Fighter Fighter's Friends, I'M SICK OF PR AS IT IS.
6:42 AM
by Gene
Shucks, if we could only award Jimmy Carter EVERY year.
6:39 AM
by Gene
Don't bother. JACK has a closed, locked and sealed mind.
6:37 AM
by Gene
Shut up, PLUMBERS. Thursday, October 09, 2003
5:19 PM
by Gene
5:13 PM
by Gene
I'm sure the Palis will tell us. Like Osama would tell us his location.
5:06 PM
by Gene
Troubling Signs for NBC in New Season PLASTIC MAN! "ZUCKS" ZUCKER! GET OUT THAT SIX SIGMA!!!!! No more stories about GE Bancorp today. Promise.
5:00 PM
by Gene
There's only one reaction from news hacks, Democrats, Europeans and Arabs to the fall of Saddam Hussein: QUAGMIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:46 AM
by Gene
Why is everything in the news today centered on GE Bancorp?
10:30 AM
by Gene
If you bought $10,000 worth of General Electric stock on the day Jack Welch became chairman and CEO back in 1981, that same investment would be worth over $750 million today. (Emphasis added.) LIT-TLE JEFFREY!! LOOK BEHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIND YOUUUUU!!!! (Using my handy-dandy super-duper Calculator function I can ascertain that GE Bancorp's market cap in 1981 was $4,040,000.00 [assuming no reinvested dividends]. [On the other hand, if LEGENDARY WELCH bought the stock in '81, it probably was worth over $750 million.] Here is Exhibit #1 in the case of the news biz' penchant for statistical nonsense.)
10:22 AM
by Gene
And thanks to PC educrats, PC bureaucrats and PC businessmen, they may never have to.
8:18 AM
by Gene
Translation: The World's Greatest Network can't succeed without PR -- LOTS of PR -- TONS of MIND-BENDING INTELLIGENCE-INSULTING TV-IS-BETTER-THAN-EVER PR -- and its recent offerings may not be PR-friendly.
6:45 AM
by Gene
6:27 AM
by Gene
The ink's scarcely dry on the papers and already we're wasting money. And while you're at it, PLASTIC MAN, how 'bout a Woody Woodpecker Channel?
6:23 AM
by Gene
6:18 AM
by Gene
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
6:18 PM
by Gene
The new management reckons that after a projected $500 million in cost savings is taken out, the new company will generate an industry-leading 20% operating profit on sales of $13 billion in 2003, with the revenue split evenly between fees and advertising [emphasis added]. In other words, The AMERICAN SOCIETY OF WILLFULLY IGNORANT ADVERTISERS will effectively finance half of NBC Universal's JUNK movies and TV! I'll say it again: THERE'LL BE NO REFORM OF SHOW-BIZ SO LONG AS MADAVE'S MORONS RUN THE SHOW.
5:48 PM
by Gene
Tonight on "The Factor": Why did Gross ambush O'Reilly? (Fox News) (from Romenesko) Was this a set up?
5:18 PM
by Gene
Or as Google translated it: "A noise runs in the newspaper offices: ARAFAT WOULD HAVE DIED!!!! News to be taken with conditional...." AND: "The news of its death is still not confirmed." I love you, GOOGLE! (As to you, little, I'm not sure yet.) (By the way little, you run all these gruesome stories about suicide bombings and the perfidy of Islam, but you also use those, uh, whimsical little heads. Isn't there a, uh, disconnect here?) P. S. I regret to say I had to uninstall Alexa's toolbar. It was slowing down my computers.
5:05 PM
by Gene
I guess this means GENERAL eventually gets down on bended knee telling the Syrians we're sorry.
4:56 PM
by Gene
4:50 PM
by Gene
2:17 PM
by Gene
2:05 PM
by Gene
12:11 PM
by Gene
9:00 AM
by Gene
[his] uncle works for Egyptian intelligence and his girlfriend is another former soldier who was caught in 2001 with a stolen laptop containing classified information. And the punch line: Mehalba had a security clearance[!!!!!!!!!!] THERE ARE HOLY COCKROACHES AMONG THE HOLY COCKROACHES!
8:29 AM
by Gene
No, you're better than she. Just like all your fellow retards.
8:23 AM
by Gene
Hum that Godfather theme -- again.
8:20 AM
by Gene
And the keepers of Castro's dungeons thank you again, OLIVER.
8:09 AM
by Gene
...and spy on...never mind. Who wants to bet it doesn't air live?
7:01 AM
by Gene
6:47 AM
by Gene
![]() Some people will never learn. WAGE PEACE and Osama WAGES WAR. And sorry, the holy cockroaches are still out there. By the way, you look glum, pal. Trouble organizing that WORKERS' PARADISE? Why don't you stop staring in the direction of your navel and GET A LIFE!
6:42 AM
by Gene
This will happen when you have Clintons running things.
6:26 AM
by Gene
6:22 AM
by Gene
6:17 AM
by Gene
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
5:24 PM
by Gene
Can't blame 'em. Iraq has lots of enemies. History and the luxury news suites will attest to it.
3:08 PM
by Gene
3:01 PM
by Gene
I've a hunch if they go all the way the Cubs will have Chicago ready to party like it's Detroit in 1967.
2:07 PM
by Gene
Lord Stringer! Call Tokyo!
1:19 PM
by Gene
12:26 PM
by Gene
Some time after his post, he sheepishly admits an outsider probably filed with the FEC. BUT we still got our FLASH. The power of blogging! IT CAN CURE CANCER!!!!!
6:51 AM
by Gene
Suppose You Hosted A Blog And Nobody Came[?] Surprising news: Perseus [some consultant who did a study on blogs] estimates there are 4.12 million blogs on eight hosting services. But the research company estimated that 66% - 2.72 million - haven't been updated in two months and that 1.09 million haven't been updated since the first day. The average duration for an abandoned blog was 126 days, according to the survey of 3,634 blogs. Moreover, the typical blogger is a teen airhead. QED.
6:26 AM
by Gene
6:19 AM
by Gene
Monday, October 06, 2003
6:34 PM
by Gene
6:15 PM
by Gene
Note the quotation marks. Perhaps they're there because somebody in the story was quoted using the world. But how often have news hacks threatened us with the "extinction" of this species or that? No one wants to see any living thing go the way of the passenger pigeon (excepting perhaps certain breeds of cockroaches, but they're forever); still, these are the same Malthusians who always talk up global warming and the ozone hole, and thus have zero credibility.
6:11 PM
by Gene
Tiger bites a chunk out of Mirage He took a bite out of Roy too (and several hundred people now out of work), but in the KA-CHINGING world of LOLLIPOP LOU (and close friends like UNCLE BERNIE SCHWARTZ) what's people? THIS HEADLINE BROUGHT TO YOU BY ![]() THE FREEDOM FIGHTER FIGHTER'S FRIEND™.
5:55 PM
by Gene
5:50 PM
by Gene
5:43 PM
by Gene
5:36 PM
by Gene
Cut the yeast : Oliver Willis cautions that blogs don't cure cancer. There goes that Nobel, Professor.
5:31 PM
by Gene
WhoawhoawhoawhoaWHOA Osama Channel. Women? Rights? I thought your women's only rights were to be beaten and murdered!
5:29 PM
by Gene
![]() See! See NewsMax? He MUST be a conservative. He uses the same annoying bad grammar as YOU!
11:23 AM
by Gene
8:33 AM
by Gene
6:56 AM
by Gene
6:43 AM
by Gene
6:37 AM
by Gene
Happily the TWXsters are selling a LOT of online subscriptions! I'm sure I feel sorry for all those Time Warner Magazines employees who'll have to get along on "$150,000 or more a year." AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
6:22 AM
by Gene
Sunday, October 05, 2003
1:47 PM
by Gene
If it weren't for waiting rooms and classrooms, MR. MARK, WHO'D READ NEWSWEEKLIES?
1:32 PM
by Gene
1:27 PM
by Gene
The Gliberal once again proves some people shouldn't write without parental supervision.
1:18 PM
by Gene
1:08 PM
by Gene
10:11 AM
by Gene
Isn't every channel a safe haven for advertisers?
10:09 AM
by Gene
9:49 AM
by Gene
But then with his background he could run for governor somewhere.
9:34 AM
by Gene
"'Unloaded,' whatever it is," he said. "All I know is that it was the best friend we had when we were working on our movie." HERE'S THE PERFECT CANDIDATE FOR JACK'S JOB!!!!!
9:31 AM
by Gene
And to compound the offense the Pledge was required of New York's schools after 9/11. A total disgrace.
9:12 AM
by Gene
9:09 AM
by Gene
California Recall a Referendum on Schwarzenegger There's just one problem. There wouldn't be a recall if it weren't for THE GOVERNOR. Oh well, I guess things become "referendums" on Ah-NULT when the guy's a Republican. (It doesn't help, of course, that he's a FLAMING BOOR either.)
9:06 AM
by Gene
There is something typically tone-deaf and obstinate about this head, which makes it sound as though the Pope guzzled a bottle of Geritol, put on his wizard's hat, did an abracadabra with his hands and "made" saints in test tubes and flasks. But when you're as removed from reality as news hacks you can conjure up any kind of news you like. (And of COURSE, this is REUTERS, which makes freedom fighters out of terrorists.)