Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, July 03, 2010

All RIGHT already, she's BEE-YUUTEEFUL, but let us not forget she spied against US. She won't look so lovely in a FEDERAL PEN.

"When I met her, she didn't know which way was up," said her husband, then a 21-year-old British student who met Chapman at a 2002 Docklands rave and married her in Moscow a few months later. The couple settled in Britain and lived quietly for the next two years. But then, Alex Chapman said, his wife began to change.

In 2005, he said, she began having meetings with people she referred to as "Russian friends".

"She was transformed into someone with access to a lot of money, boasting about all the influential people she was meeting," he said.

She still doesn't.

P. S. The GRAWF says she had second thoughts. I'm having second thoughts -- about wasting my time with this story.

Obama awards $2B for solar power, hails new jobs

I got an idea, Your Omnipotence! Let's take all that moolah and aim a nice solar-powered RAY at it, and BURN it! It would do the same thing.

By the way Spock, how long do THESE jobs last?

Planner of Munich Olympics attack dies in Syria

And how do your 72...VIRGINS taste?

Clinton hopes Russia accepts U.S. missile defense [Home-page hed]

We hope so too, otherwise His Omnipotence might have to ditch it unilaterally, and then He'd have to feel bad.

Clinton says steel vise crushing global activists [Hed on story page linked above]

What are you doing to pry it open, HILLARY?

Hey EZ! Hey six- and seven-digit typing morons! You still happy for YOUR history-making president?

Friday, July 02, 2010

It must really be on the ropes; that store (on 16th and Chestnut in Philadelphia) closed weeks ago.

The TWXSTERS spent Thursday using 1,267 WORDS saying of Sen. Cicero what I said Monday in 180, and I don't make a big check from PEOPLE WARNER.

Where's the money?

TRANSLATION: The high-tech-box biz can create oodles of jobs with a heaping dose of GUVMENT, and likely we'll ship most of the jobs overseas anyway, just as before.

You've done great things, Andy Grove, but this column isn't one of them.

You could say, as many do, that shipping jobs overseas is no big deal because the high-value work—and much of the profits—remain in the U.S. That may well be so. But what kind of a society are we going to have if it consists of highly paid people doing high-value-added work—and masses of unemployed?

The society we have now.

AHTSJournal, at it again:

Peter Gelb On His Role At The Met Opera "I think people like to think I'm just a marketing person, but the fact is these artistic decisions, whether you like them or not, are coming from me. They're not coming from any board members. I made it very clear when I was hired that I am making all artistic decisions here."

TRANSLATION: He's a marketing person who makes artistic decisions.

People are acting as though iPhone's flaw COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED. This sort of gasp will happen when its true believers and proselytizers are thoroughly populated by the RANKS OF THE TOTALLY CREDULOUS.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

On YAHOO!'s front page:

And how many billions do you YAHOO!LIGANS make?

The Dubious Ethics of Andrew Breitbart
Why it's right to publish Sarah Palin's e-mails and wrong to offer money for private e-mails between journalists
Andrew Sullivan

(Giant of JERNALISM underemphasis added)


I HATE pea-brained hermetically-sealed high-salaried PARTY HACKS OF ANY STRIPE!

Eric Alterman on Journolist: "Many of Us Could Barely Stand One Another"

Many of us can barely stand YOU.


Substitute CAN'T.

Hope for the FUTURE: Vivendi's sold "1.5 million copies" of a series of albums with "hits from domestic acts such as Billy Fury and Cliff Richard, as well as U.S. artists including Buddy Holly and Bobby Vee."


(Link added)

Bait: Amazon's 70 Percent E-Book Royalty

Switch: 70 percent of zero.

Today standing in line at Dark Shadows and facing a rag devoted to ESPN Network's soaps, we thought, who reads this? An audience of none? That Meredith is cutting the circ of Ladies' Home Journal tells me a lot of those copies go unread. Most rags are made to fit demographics, and their contents are an afterthought, written by the same pool of tired free lancers who couldn't spiff up their writing if THE MASTER suggested a witticism. "Many magazines have cut rate base in recent years, including Time, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report, Reader's Digest, TV Guide, Playboy, Prevention, OK, Outdoor Life, Star and Woman's Day." Every last title ceased to amuse its readers decades ago. I repeat: who reads these things?

Speaking of The Daily Kaplan and the usual Romy, we see some people like that Chris Hitchens has cancer. This will happen when you try to put a smile face on a site, and it's also a variation on what happens when algorithms dictate Web content. Nonetheless too many of those likes like that Chris Hitchens has cancer.

The conservative political ideology of Newsmax’s chief executive, Christopher Ruddy, is at odds with the editorial bent of Newsweek, which strives to be apolitical in its news coverage though is often criticized as left-leaning.

EZ, maybe someday YOU'LL be CHAIRMAN of KAPLAN, INC.!!!!!

(Or maybe Kaplan-Post Media, or whatever they'll call the spinoff.)

(Via the usual Romy)

Speaking of waste, through Its notorious Dining Zone Table Clings Mickey D's told me from now through 2011 It's donating a penny for every Happy Meal to the Ronald McDonald Charities. At a nearby table lay three ketchup packs. Question: How many BILLIONS of ketchup packs do Mickey D's customers waste every year? Maybe the Mick could get a donation from HEINZ.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Count us SURPRISED!!!! that just as show-biz news hacks are incestuous de facto so at least one of their kind may be incestuous de jour.

Besides being a blogger, Sanchez is also a film producer. He's listed as a partner in Death Ray Films with "TMNT" director Kevin Munroe and Christopher Patton; he's also listed as a producer on Lakeshore Entertainment's upcoming supernatural action movie "I, Frankenstein," which Patrick Tatopoulos is attached to direct.

Sanchez also worked with the camera crew on "Paris Hilton's My New BFF."

There, but for the grace of Gods, goes EVERY show-biz news hack.

We have paid little mind to the Russian spy story, in no small way because it won't stop His Omnipotence from groveling, nor Senor Wences and His hand puppet from SPYING.

The TWXSTERS notice some somebody nobody's "UGLY" tattoo?

Such sudden insight will happen when you've blinded yourselves extruding junk entertainments for decades.

On day 3, nominee Kagan testifies cautiously

TRANSLATION: The hearings are the farce the nominee predicted, and now His Omnipotence has His Clementine Haynsworth to match His Georgia Carswell.

It is all well and good for the Feds to stop movie pirates, but when news hacks say "The Hollywood crackdown is part of a larger push to halt traffic in pirated and counterfeit goods, including pharmaceuticals and software", you can be sure the Feds aren't doing it to schmooze with software CEOs, and it would not surprise us to learn our successes in real industries are limited.

We would also expect a champion schmoozer like G-Man (why did Bloomy have to keep him on?) to parrot a factoid that MOVIE PIRACY COSTS THE U.S. ECONOMY $20 BILLION A YEAR!!!!!!!!! he gladly received through one of his would-be bosses.

It's Time To Bring Back Jobs

Okay -- how do we do it?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

Four -- 'count 'em -- FOUR! annoying links in AHTSJournal:

Where Are Today's Protest Songs?

Let's see -- [C]RAPPERS, "subversive" artists, "transgressive" "entertainers", in-your-face bloggers -- I think we have enough PROTEST.

Remember Arthur Godfrey? Dick Cavett Does.

We're guessing Dick had to write something nice because he's an industry insider and for a time he was doing nothing but grouching about Nazi Republicans. The unfortunate thing is, it doesn't appear Arthur Godfrey was a very nice guy.

Psycho: The Secret Behind 'The Most Nail-Biting Movie Moment In History'

This topic seems to be making the hacks drool as much as another of their favorite nail-biting movie moments in history -- the Zapruder film.

American Opera In Ferment - A Healthy Ferment?

Unfortunately AHTSJournal provides a punchline:

Anne Midgette: "A lot is happening in American opera. The past 20 years have seen an increasing number of new works, but this spring hit a critical mass with three world premieres at major American companies within five weeks. … The question is: How many people are really listening?..."

TRANSLATION: How many fat ladies are singing?

We have not clicked on ONE of the links, and don't intend to.

Today BizWeek ran a genuinely depressing story about the fiscal rathole that is KOLLEDGE. No one has to tell us it's a waste. What really rubbed it in is the suggestion parents could save their money and present their grown children with loads and loads of stock rather than sending them to Club Med in the sticks to get plastered for a hobby, and not ever learning how to think because their "profs" are as provincial as they. Indeed we can say (and pardon the language) that most kids go to KOLLEDGE just to get laid, and evidently they can't do too well at that given our divorce rate. Yes, prostitutes would be cheaper too.

Con-SER-va-tives are celebrating about GUN RIGHTS almost as much as liberals would celebrate if Dick Cheney had suffered a heart attack. It's all one to us; gun ownership has become the proverbial litmus test for the lunacy of both sides, con-SER-va-tives wanting to arm America not just to the teeth but to every other organ, and liberals confirming the old saw that only criminals would have guns. In short, neither side is sane.

Kagan promises to be impartial if confirmed

And I promise not to beat my wife -- which is fine because I don't have one.

EZ' job is safe.

However much permanently vacationing business idiots like DON THOMPSON may blather about the Brotherhood of Man, the World Cup is ultimately about xenophobia, and that it is a harmless kind of xenophobia doesn't make it less dangerous.

Sen. Byrd occasions an understandable yearning for the days when giants ruled the Senate. The problem is the Websters' and Clays' and Calhouns' eloquent orating couldn't stop the Civil War. It is no accident that the decades since have seen pompous blowhards like the fictional Sen. Claghorn or asset-amassing villains like Sen. Clark or eunuchs played by Victor Moore. Not that the Senator struck us as a great orator, unless you mistake constantly shaking the head and thrusting up a finger and bellowing of Cicero to an empty gallery as great oratory. We may wonder if West Virginia may have been better off without him. To be sure it is a one-trick state, and that a dirty and dangerous one; but when a Senator gets to plaster his name on nearly every building in sight it may tell the locals there isn't much they can do. We can forgive the Senator his proud membership in the KKK; what we can't forgive is our elected officials always making mistakes, and immortalizing themselves in the name of some mythical idea of history.

Jim "BOOM! BOOM!" Cramer -- A DUPE?!?!? Who in God's name would ever THINK such a thing?!?!?!?!?

One thing we know -- THE BIG C wouldn't fire BOOM! BOOM! even if he were convicted of first-degree murder.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

In my continuing soap opera of the new computer I discover the outfit that made the notorious Truckee motherboards, Pegatron, is a unit of ASUSTeK [SiC], maker of the motherboard I'm tentatively putting in my box. I've also discovered that company's principal brand name is pronounced two ways: ah-SOOS and A-suhs; either way it spells stupid.

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