Saturday, January 31, 2004
8:09 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: I didn't like what "they" did to Slick because he was a liberal Democrat. I don't like what Dubya's doing with intelligence because he's a conservative Republican. When will columnists realize most people don't read their junk on paper anymore, and the Internet makes them such fast thinkers they can now smell a bad argument from ten miles off?
7:42 PM
by Gene
Yep, I think the Botox® must be getting to him.
1:20 PM
by Gene
Assuming Dippity-DO Botox® becomes the Dems' nominee (just like assuming PSYCHO! would), we must not assume it will be a rollover, as he'll have BLUE COUNTRY, WOMEN (who seem increasingly to shudder at the word CONSERVATIVE) and NEWS HACKS. He'll also have DUBYA, the Tax-Cut-and-Spend Candidate. He'll also have THE UNDERGROUND VICE-PRESIDENT. He'll also (assuming he wins) have a Republican Congress, so he'd better count on PAYBACK.
12:46 PM
by Gene
One of the great strokes of what NEWS HACKS call GENIUS, an outstanding PR campaign that probably saved USA Okay (unfortunately), was ITS SUPER BOWL AD-WATCHING BLITZ, where the paper encouraged its readers to view the game for the ads, hoping that some of its goodwill to the sponsors would rub off on IT. GanNETt headquarters is no doubt full of incriminating memos from SOB and other corporate cretins encouraging the PR. I suspect Okay (and I'm sorry to use this line again) paid more attention to SUPERBOWL ADS than to OSAMA before 9/11. It is now apparent NEWS HACKS will stop at NOTHING to turn their vehicles of TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS into wall-to-wall advertising and promotion. (I do not include their campaigning for liberal and Democratic causes, which counts, of course, as NEWS.) We're WAITING, SOB, for another DISHONEST COLUMN bewailing the collapse in your READERSHIP.
12:19 PM
by Gene
Bob Novak alleges that ANOTHER Lousianan, Sen. Breaux, will take over from JACK!
At least THIS guy doesn't look like a used-car salesman. But I can't wait for him to defend JACK's SECRET-recipe ALPHABET SOUP -- or going after FILE SHARERS.
9:42 AM
by Gene
Keep an eye on these bozos. It isn't too much of rhetorical leap from boasting of how many Israelis the 72-Virgin Brigade has killed to how many Americans, British, Australians, etc., etc., etc. you've killed.
One thing's clear: they've earned the admiration of the Stalins of America's universities.
9:27 AM
by Gene
See there's this ad, then there's another ad, and we have to put SOMETHING between the ads, so....
This is the same Knight Ridder Philly Division that tried shaking down Hearst on comic strips. And where would the money saved go? To pay the hacks more to put in even more irritating typing between the ads.
I'll say it again: when the next Osama comes, and he comes again from nowhere, this will be one reason why.
BONUS KNIGHT RIDDER MORON POINTS: This related story made THE FRONT PAGE due to its PC angle. It almost makes me yearn for the days when Walter Annenberg sicced his henchmen on Milton J. Shapp.
I am also convinced KR has an IN on the whole business and have complained by e-mail to the Inky's OMBUDSPOOP. (Pffh-hh-hh hh hh ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!)
Friday, January 30, 2004
5:33 PM
by Gene
Those who know the TRUTH about how life developed on earth should answer this question: how many times have scientists changed their tune about how old the universe is?
5:25 PM
by Gene
PROF always badmouths e-voting, but whether he likes it or not it's the wave of the future. It had better be. Whatever e-voting's flaws now, if the 2000 presidential debacle proved anything it's that we can't rely on mechanical counters and cards much longer.
5:20 PM
by Gene
My campaign may be through, but I'm not finished pandering!!!!!
Gen. McClellan, I think it's time to take Douglas MacArthur's advice and just faaaaaaaaaaade away.
5:14 PM
by Gene
EXCELLENT NEWS FOR KNEE-JERK CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!!!!! Mr. Liberal-Bias-on-the-Right, John Stossel, may be THE SOLE ANCHORPOOP on 20/20!!!!!!!!!! HE'LL SHOW 'EM a right-winger who's not a conservative can be just as cement-headed as Pee-TAH!!!!!!!!!!
P. S. I'd have posted the happy news sooner except that somebody HACKED, and in a most unpleasant manner. Or to put it this way, it was related to what spammers are always saying they'll lengthen and thicken.
2:09 PM
by Gene
NRO has unearthed a classic from that classic Florence King, who apparently does not write anymore. Where did you go, o rare Miss King?
1:42 PM
by Gene
J.LO 'INTERVIEW' WAS FAKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (RUPERTIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! emphasis added.)
So what? Nearly all celebrity PR is faked.
10:52 AM
by Gene
It's nice to think subscribers pay $75,000 a year to provide the salary so William Powers can write filler like this.
10:33 AM
by Gene
Is it the Dippity-Do® working of Sen. John F-in' Joosh Kerry's brain -- or the Botox®?
We might, if your boss weren't married to a FORTUNE.
6:50 AM
by Gene
BILL GATES'S FAVORITE MAGAZINE -- it makes any CEO smarter just by SITTING ON THE DESK -- writes an editorial that says nothing (heck,'s LINK said more), and the CEOs look at the desk and admire their IQs, and nothing changes.
At least the sycophantic hack Lance Morrow would have had the guts to get SLIGHTLY mad.
6:13 AM
by Gene
Front-runner Kerry's record briefly questioned in debate
And if I know our NEWS HACKS, it will be briefly questioned throughout the campaign.
6:10 AM
by Gene
Andy S. is UPSET at the desired outcome. In his world, not even RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is a constant.
Thursday, January 29, 2004
5:42 PM
by Gene
Republicans, repeat after me: What's good for ExxonMobil is good for America! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYEW!!!!!
5:24 PM
by Gene
Pixar doesn't need EisnerCorp. Indeed, EisnerCorp sullies Pixar's image by being THE WORLD'S LEADING PRODUCER OF FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT.
Now it'll have to go it alone with masterworks like Teacher's Pet.
Winnie the Pooh is next!
5:13 PM
by Gene
Vir-GIN-ia discovers what many of us have known for a long time: The Inventor of Blogging is "coy."
Of course you're not too bad yourself when you start with social issues.
Meantime PROF agrees with Buzz agreeing with Mr. Sexy Blogger Man that Mick the K is ON A ROLL. And how do they know? Well, in the last twelve days he's posted 12,000 WORDS.
10:59 AM
by Gene
Oh goody, a has-been druggie producer fights a has-been alkie "writer"!!!!! Only in Hollywood does a punch in the jaw connect below the belt.
9:44 AM
by Gene
Here's a question: if (or as the NEWS HACKS would say, WHEN) Dippity-DO Botox® is elected Prez, where does he go to church?
Or maybe he goes to a Reform social club; after all, he IS part Joosh (or part Irish, depending on your religion).
8:35 AM
by Gene
Let's swallow hard and admit: CENSORSHIP IS NOT ALWAYS BAD. It wasn't always bad under the Production Code, and with common sense it needn't be bad for video games.
6:33 AM
by Gene
Another frozen-in-cement rule: PROF won't link to a co-production unless his piece is at least 1,562 WORDS.
6:23 AM
by Gene
Gen. McClellan uses two hacks to schmooze his way into the Beltway's hearts. The punchline: If he could abscond with this much in ill-gotten gains, think what he can do for YOU.
He was quite friendly with Vice-President EEEEEEEEEEEEVIL. I guess that's -- DEALING WITH THE ENEMY.
SLEAZEBALL GUMBO's gonna have a BAD day today.
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
6:04 PM
by Gene
Here is what THE MASTER meant when he said, " Sir, there is no setting the point of precedency between a louse and a flea." In this case, there is no setting the point of precedency between a man who'd inspire parents to yell, "Lock up your daughters!", and another who'd inspire them to yell, "Lock up your sons!"
5:55 PM
by Gene
It is not unreasonable to think the same intelligence community that couldn't crack 9/11 couldn't crack Saddam's weapons program. But neither is it unreasonable to think that Saddam posed a threat to mankind so long as he retained power. Sorry tantrum throwers, the war was justified.
5:19 PM
by Gene
The boss of The Man who Invented the Internet sent TWO E-MAILS!
"The only two he sent," Skip Rutherford, president of the Clinton Presidential Foundation, which is raising money for the library, said on Monday.
One of them may not actually qualify for electronic communication because it was a test to see if the commander in chief knew how to push the button on an e-mail.
Fooling around with interns was obviously easier.
11:10 AM
by Gene
And on another exit of the great Forbes 400 Superblogger highway, PROF says the Beeb's in "meltdown." Judging from the BIG FOUR it's been in "meltdown" since the war began. It should have melted by now. SHUT UP, BIG FOUR.
11:07 AM
by Gene
: CNN says Dean is ahead of Kerry in delegates. Go figure....
: CNN says Dean is ahead of Kerry in delegates. Go figure.
Third time's the charm, so repeat after me, Buzz: CNN SAYS DEAN IS AHEAD OF KERRY IN DELEGATES. GO FIGURE.
10:58 AM
by Gene
Speaking of Hair Helmet, all the usual gang of idiots is in a furor because WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!! is guessing he used Botox®.
His SKIN is not the least of our worries.
9:42 AM
by Gene
GREAT JOB, GOOGLE! Under my "related links" you list something called THE HORROR WRITERS ASSOCIATION -- LOS ANGELES!
(At least I have related links.)
$500 BILLION FOR GOOGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:23 AM
by Gene
The international-affairs expert PROF links to a Google translation of a story in Le Monde, whose first line reads:
Saddam Hussein rewarded his/her foreign friends....
Chalk up another 300 trillion hits for PROF!!!!!
6:29 AM
by Gene
Nicole's spokespoop says, "She doesn't have or use text messaging....I don't even think she knows how."
Among all the zillions of words of PR blather about the greatest beauty of the age, this has the ring of truth.
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
5:48 PM
by Gene
If BusinessWeek is to be believed -- and being a CW rag that helped convince the world the Trump was worth umpteen billions, it often is not -- with their penchant to sue sue sue the geniuses of the music trade have pushed file-swapping underground, to encrypted networks.
I just got my latest copy of the Collectors' Choice Music catalogue, and it's filled with "niche" albums selling for $20 and up, recordings whose contents long ago paid for themselves, a good many of them from Warner Music's Rhino label. Maybe such gouging will pay for the LBO, JUNIOR, but at a heavy cost. You wonder why people file-share?
5:32 PM
by Gene
Oscars®: 'Rings' Is 2004's 'Titanic' [Registered-trademark symbol added.]
Rog, we KNOW you meant to flatter your boss (or should we say, YOUR BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), but there's just one problem -- lots of people think YOUR BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'S masterpiece is one of the worst movies of all time.
3:28 PM
by Gene
I almost hate to say IS ANYBODY OUT THERE?!?!?, but these last few days I've been feeling low, what with one hit, two hits, five hits. As I've said, I'm not giving up with this blog, but I can't content myself forever with an audience that you could count on a hand missing fingers.
3:01 PM
by Gene
In an extension of some hack's burp that Bob Keeshan was DULL, one of PROF's co-productions belches that we're living in A PLATINUM AGE OF TELEVISION, and the very erudite Terry Teachout isn't man enough to truly disagree. Here's the difference: two opposite types of bad. The old days had lots of canned laughter and saccharine sweetness. Today's TV has the sex and the violence and the guttermouths -- what Terry unfortunately calls "candor" -- but at least he has conscience enough to realize (with a certain mealy-mouthedness) that "I’m not so sure I like what it tells us about ourselves." In short, "great" TV sells us a bad message. Does that make it so great? And Terry lists enough reasons to doubt his own conclusions. Ernie Kovacs, Playhouse 90, Your Show of Shows, Toscanini -- maybe today's TV isn't so great after all.
And let us not forget, a helluva lot more people watched Milton Berle than HBO.
P. S. Prof's moronic co-production had a COLD the day he wrote that genius. You can't write well on a cold -- and bad thinking is infectious too.
P. P. S. Or here's another way of putting it: to us, "The Golden Age of Television" doesn't look so good. How would our platinum age look to our grandparents?
2:51 PM
by Gene
Hi mullahs? Sammy here. We're going to kill some infidels. Big time. Early September. No I'm not giving you the details, but LOTS OF PEOPLE ARE GONNA DIE. Oh you'll love it. We're gonna make thousands of virgins happy. We're gonna make YOU happy. No gotta hang up now. I'm busy pulling the wings off flies.
2:41 PM
by Gene
Before the long queue of talk-show loudmouths stretching out into infinity, there was Jack Paar, shy, self-effacing, low-key, high-strung, intelligent, neurotic, everyone's electronic friend, who quit way way too early because the traits that made for a successful career, the disdain for your audience, the irritating brashness, the bad bad jokes, weren't in him, and despite an all-too-brief career, by getting out when he did, he assured that everyone would remember him for what he was -- the quintessential good guy. RIP.
10:01 AM
by Gene
I got four of the five BEST PICTURE OSCAR® NOMINEES right; I didn't get the fifth because 1. the ACADEMY® has a soft spot for little films that nobody sees that get "big" awards produced by Dick Clark, and 2. Gone with the Wind already won one.
CGI Tolkien. He did the BEEEEEEEEEOOOOO. Who else?
6:42 AM
by Gene
PROF boasts again. Sorry Prof, I don't think you'll supplant Yahoo! or Google or eBay. But there's always the IPO.
6:21 AM
by Gene
Andy S. types again:
A CLINT EASTWOOD REPUBLICAN: Or a Dennis Miller Republican, I suppose. That would be me.
What happened to the SOUTH PARK REPUBLICAN????????????
6:20 AM
by Gene
Wrong as usual.
Monday, January 26, 2004
11:37 AM
by Gene
He's got the JOEmentum -- and an endorsement from... NEWSMAX?!?!?
10:57 AM
by Gene
You need a cover blurb, Shel?
10:46 AM
by Gene
AN ARGUMENT FOR HACKING: The scribblers at AdAge run some word processing about how TV and ad types are allegedly slobbering all over porno "actors," and guess who makes a special-guest-star appearance? THAT MASTER OF SELF-PUBLICITY, PERFESSER THOMPSON.
This worthless typing will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim.
8:42 AM
by Gene
When news hacks try to be different they're often merely the same. This scribbler says Bob Keeshan and Fred Rogers were hopelessly dull and that modern TV does a better job of placating very young children. Obviously this guy never heard of ADHD. He never heard of the "I Hate Barney" clubs or the the ridicule of the Teletubbies either. And what's a news hack's bloviation without a little trendy jargon? "Layered stories" is a code word like "multitasking," which is a code word for confusion. No, Bob Keeshan and Fred Rogers didn't like lies, but they probably didn't like the aggressive half-truths of news hacks, either.
8:32 AM
by Gene
Jihad makes the top-10 in certain Iraqi quarters, but then head loppings, hand loppings, woman beatings and goat buggery do too.
8:24 AM
by Gene
Bahbah Wahwah is retiring, sort of, which means not quite as many drippy interviews. But they'll still be coming, so we can still make fun of her zillion-dollar "accent."
Laugh line of the day: "I can't remember the last time I read a trashy novel." REALLY? You've lived one.
Sunday, January 25, 2004
7:31 PM
by Gene
French Greens to boycott Chinese President's address
I'd call this a mark of courage, but they'd probably boycott Dubya too, which means it's a mark of zero.
7:15 PM
by Gene
The Dems' PR types are now touting the E word -- electability. But if PSYCHO seems a little bit less than electable after his war chant, so will Dippity-DO! when the public learns how, uh, MODERATE he is.
9:26 AM
by Gene
N.H. vote hinges on undecided
I think a better headline would be "N.H. vote decided by unhinged."
9:05 AM
by Gene
I HATE writing about the Forbes 400 bloggers, but Buzz forces me into it. He says he'd FIRE MODO (GOT to call her MODO) for writing NONSENSICAL LINES, but I wonder, Buzz -- when you were at EWWWWWWWW!!!!!, would you have fired the dozens and dozens of fawning hacks who plunked their unreadable press releases on your desk? Didn't think so. PLUS he boasts about an op-ed piece in the Newark Star-Ledger. We hedging our bets, Buzz? Isn't PRINT, well, so twentieth-century?