Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, September 17, 2005
8:08 PM
by Gene
"Hollywood is littered with the corpses of people who came to town, spent their own money and were subject to ridicule." We suspect many of them made HIGH-QUALITY OUT...ARTHOUSE PICTURES NOBODY SAW.
6:50 PM
by Gene
Nobody expects miracles, but maybe these folk have been watching too much CNN.
4:45 PM
by Gene
In that our age may have the leaders it deserves. Think how George Washington came into office, rowed through New York harbor to the sounds of cannon and the cheers of thousands and all lower Manhattan nuts. Think of Lincoln, superficially the most ordinary of men, who nonetheless could have awed people into silence. Think of FDR and his smile, or Churchill and his cigar. These men had character, and guts, and brains, and sex appeal, and they weren't afraid to use them. We failed three weeks ago because we don't have anyone to look up to; and a nation with no one to look up to can only look down. That's why I must harp yet again on the amusing tale of Renée What's-Her-Name. Except that she has won an OSCAR® and appeared in some modestly successful pictures it's hard to think why's she's a "star." Recall the now-famous pictures of her with her twanger on the beach -- ordinary face, ordinary figure. (Indeed some unscrupulous designer could have used her to revive the TWENTIES LOOK, if you know what I mean.) Recently in a Wilson Quarterly article decrying our slovenliness of dress (a post in itself) Daniel Akst noted that the great past beauties like Audrey Hepburn and MM had "a waist/hip ratio of about .7" -- meaning they had hourglass figures. Is there anyone in Hollywood today with remotely such an aspect? We can't even turn to Hollywood for the succor of fantasy. This is a mirror of our reality: just as this age has the leaders it deserves, it has the culture it deserves. P. S. The last public figure with any sex appeal for me was Ted Koppel, before he became a PC pompous ass.
4:43 PM
by Gene
12:21 PM
by Gene
12:16 PM
by Gene
How about -- THE SAN DIEGO CHICKEN!!!!!?
12:11 PM
by Gene
12:02 PM
by Gene
This appears to be the new con-SER-va-tive CW: Dubya's GREAT SOCIETY program will spur GROWTH. True enough; crime is always a growth business.
11:52 AM
by Gene
Then again, we're for anything that brings its share price down.
9:50 AM
by Gene
I'd love to know how often pundits are wrong -- and they're apt to be wrongest when they put on their dunce ca...THINKING caps. Who could have foreseen all that has happened under Dubya? 9/11, two wars? Who foresaw that our government would approach complete collapse three weeks ago? There's probably a reason this particular well-paid pundit is wrong, but I'm not going to be fool enough to predict why. Which brings me to what another well-paid "thinker" said yesterday. Maybe overturning Roe (and nearly EVERYONE on both sides says what a work of GENIUS it is) would cause "social upheaval." But maybe we need some upheaval to get our house back in order. That was the CW of 9/11. And as Thomas Jefferson said, a nation needs a revolution now and then, and our body politic has arteriosclerosis. On the other hand, look what the SIXTIES gave us. Friday, September 16, 2005
8:36 PM
by Gene
A new Wall Street Journal Online/Harris Interactive Personal Finance Poll finds that nearly one in five (19%) U.S. adults who purchased a home within the last three years for their primary residence say they spent above their suggested price range, while two-thirds (67%) stayed within their price range and 12% were below their price range.
8:33 PM
by Gene
Here's another reason the ANGER shtick is an act -- and worse, an excuse for more raw partisan propaganda.
6:40 PM
by Gene
Was that one politically correct too?
5:13 PM
by Gene
What happened to the LETTERMAN gig? (Pffh-hh-hh!)
5:01 PM
by Gene
News hacks may think we've advanced, but in some ways we're receding from the finish line.
4:51 PM
by Gene
Governor denies wrongdoing in pension scandal Stephens: I didn't meet with mob Roberts insists he's no conservative ideologue Let's see: I am not a crook, I am not a crook and I am not a conservative. We hit the TRIFECTA!
3:40 PM
by Gene
May 27, 1997 I just wanted to send a quick note to my friends at WMAQ, and congratulate them on the hiring of Jerry Springer. Even if he is gone now. I'm proud to be part of a network that finally just admits that news has become pure entertainment. Since I happen to be in the entertainment industry and have a little history with local news (my father was an anchorman), and Jerry Springer (l've known him most of my life, and my father gave him his first broadcasting job), I thought I'd give you some pointers. 1.) Put a tote board behind the desk numbering off people killed that day. You know. . . break it into categories. 2.) Ring a bell off every time a child is abducted or missing. 3.) Do a five-part series on string bikinis--good or bad. (Scratch that, you did it for last month's sweeps.) 4.) Fire all the other on-air people who stand up for journalism (they can cause trouble). 5.) Get Siegfried & Roy to do the sports and weather. (Siegfried likes sports.) 6.) Get Jerry back to cover other stories. Let him do a sweeps piece on why it's dumb to write checks to hookers in Cincinnati. (Something he's an expert on.) 7.) Give free Cadillacs to anyone in the Chicago area who watches your news and learns anything of value or truth (you'll save a lot of money there). 8.) And finally, never, never kid yourself that Jerry Springer is a journalist or that you are anything more than a tabloid show with nicer hair. You should be embarrassed. I applaud the anchors who left. --George Clooney, TV actor And that's the way it is. George Clooney in New York saying, good night, and good luck -- and COURAGE. LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES "MOONER" MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONVEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!
12:39 PM
by Gene
But then, These days, Pulitzer Prize winners just aren't what they used to be, either. Ain't THAT the truth. Oh, he's a "libertarian/libertine." Aren't they ALL?
10:33 AM
by Gene
Come on idiots, Dubya's already promised to corrupt all Lousiana with his federal largesse. What do you have in mind -- a guaranteed income?
10:22 AM
by Gene
In some ways that's a healthy thing. But why can't the objects of our ridicule and inattention be prettier? P. S. at 8:45 p.m.: A delicious update here, complete with Bridget Jones parody hed (no doubt funnier than the books). Stories like this make one happy inconveniences can happen to overpublicized people. P. P. S. at 8:55 p.m.: More on the "fraud" angle here. At first I posted on this because of What's-Her-Name's raging beauty, but something about this story gives it legs -- I just wish I knew what. They're probably better looking.
10:09 AM
by Gene
9:36 AM
by Gene
I know this is at least marginally well-meaning, and perhaps some tremendous good will come from it, but whenever I see "computer" and "brain" in the same sentence I see Mustapha Mond lurking from behind a corner, or Dr. Frankenstein with his scalpel.
9:26 AM
by Gene
Here in Kennesaw, a suburb of Atlanta with 22,000 residents and a Civil War battlefield, NBC had little difficulty finding people who had tuned out its prime-time lineup since its glory days. "I loved 'Seinfeld,' " said Ms. Smith, 40, who works at a Hobby Lobby store. "I watched 'Cheers' and 'Friends,' " said her boyfriend, Paul Perry, 34, who is out of work while recuperating from shoulder surgery. But when asked to name a show on the network's prime-time schedule last year, neither could. These geniuses are going after precisely that part of the audience THEY'VE SPENT THE LAST THIRTY YEARS DRIVING AWAY WITH THEIR EXCELLENCE.
8:45 AM
by Gene
RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's sad to see him suddenly so in tune with the Beltway's budget consensus. Here's hoping his comment was just a joke that none of us got. If it wasn't, a change of leadership is in order. Is the GREAT REPUBLICAN CRACK-UP coming sooner than I'd have thought?
8:33 AM
by Gene
I guess they're replacing one set of blinders with a slightly smaller set. Unfortunately they still have THE BLINDFOLD on. "It’s the government, not the corporations who should be the guardians of public health." RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSH!!!!! JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! DOW THIRTY-SIX THOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUSANNNND!!!!!
8:29 AM
by Gene
Good riddance to BOTH.
6:55 AM
by Gene
6:47 AM
by Gene
6:45 AM
by Gene
This is why I wish the HACKS would be the raw naked unkempt stupid PARTISANS they yearn to be. The problem is, despite their new anger, they'll be angry -- WITH ETHICS CODES AND CLAIMS OF FAIRNESS.
6:26 AM
by Gene
And here, alas, is the problem: a hurricane is a force of nature, and nature has a way of sweeping mere mortals off the boards. But after the death and destruction, a few rotted pillars will stand, and having survived the force of nature will pronounce themselves more fit than before. We like Mark Steyn, though he occasionally shades into glibness; but we wonder if a man who's abused prescription drugs should pass judgment on the morality of "decades of liberal rule"; and we'd guess in Lousiana the problem wasn't liberalism, it was GRAFT. And GRAFT being BI-PARTISAN, and some of history's most famous CROOKS being REPUBLICANS, we can understand why ERUCTERS like RUSH would want to make it a ONE-PARTY THING. But what does RUSH know? He thought SNIDELY WHIPLASH was being SARCASTIC. (Although with a ZILLIONAIRE ELITIST like RUSH we COULD guess he was pulling a fast one.)
6:21 AM
by Gene
While the reception was far from a standing ovation.... No, the only way that would happen is if an Israeli prime minister announced he was renaming his nation PALESTINE. Do League of Nations bums think like NEWS HACKS or is it the other way around -- or does it matter? Thursday, September 15, 2005
6:44 PM
by Gene
Would that it were more widely understood that high art is good for you—not in the fallacious "Mozart-effect" sense, but in the far more profound sense of soulcraft. Alas, that uplifting notion has largely vanished from American culture. In matters of high art, we must start from zero: we actually have to make the case that listening to operas by Mozart and Verdi and looking at ballets by Balanchine and Tudor are pleasurable experiences. Fortunately, the strongest card in our hands is that we’re telling the truth, an amazing and miraculous fact that it’s never too late to discover, even if you’ve never held a clarinet or stood at a barre or wielded a paintbrush.... Well said as usual, Mr. Teachout.
5:33 PM
by Gene
Knowing Bernstein was a genius, I did a Google search. "'Leonard Bernstein' genius" yielded a respectable 96,100 links. But a gnawing doubt quickly emerged, and I did a second search, for another "genius", which yielded 882,000 links. One of them -- second from the top -- was to a Volokhhead, whom, against my better judgment, I quote: EMINEM AND THE LANGUAGE INSTINCT: One of the more satisfying experiences of this past week: reading Steven Pinker's The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language while listening to Eminem's amazing new CD, The Eminem Show. The Language Instinct was on the The New York Times Book Review Editor's Choice list of the "11 Best Books of 1994" and named one of the Top 100 Science Books of the Century by American Scientist in 1999. Praise for The Eminem Show has been more sporadic. There are the usual problems: I could read aloud from The Language Instinct on the metro or the street, but listening to The Eminem Show in the office requires both headphones and a closed door, on the off chance the headphone jack slips out, causing my speakers to start blaring White America, or worse. Much worse. His own website states: For Eminem, his potentially controversial and undoubtedly offensive songs will strike a chord with a multitude of hip-hop loyalists who believe they have little to lose and everything to gain. The lyrics are offensive, although I am not offended, in part because it is in the evocative and compelling nature of his songs that Eminem's GENIUS reveals itself. The power flows from the combination of the lyrics and his choice of word emphasis and rhyme. I hesitate to include the written lyrics without an audio file because, like good poetry, his words must be heard to be felt. More on both of these later, including what Pinker would recognize as Eminem's perfect grammar. What a typical Volokhhead combination: a toady and a pedant, combined with a healthy dose of euphemism. This proves SUPERDUPERMEGAGIGABLOGGERS are too often CW-prone, the bigger their names, the more CW they're prone to -- and can be just of unworthy of our patronage as any NEWS HACK. P. S. She works for Dubya now. Does that mean this GENIUS is a CON-SER-VA-TIVE? P. P. S. I found one more swoon from this future Appeals Court judge or superlobbyist, and at least this time she had the guts to quote from the genius -- but given the quote did she know what she quoting? No, or else she wouldn't have been a VOLOKHHEAD.
5:21 PM
by Gene
Which bad guy to root AGAINST?
5:00 PM
by Gene
4:58 PM
by Gene
And on September 24 you'll get your wish!
2:55 PM
by Gene
2:29 PM
by Gene
![]() We hope Leonard Bernstein's estate will not mind, but posting on some fool perfesser scribbler made us think of Candide. Here is the moment musical-comedy fans once died for, the end of "Glitter and Be Gay" (including an unused alternate ending, unused, thankfully) -- and it puts us in mind of some words in the great Ben Jonson's The Alchemist (IV.i.60-64): Poor! and gat you? Profane not. Had your father Slept all the happy remnant of his life After that act, lien but there still, and panted, He’d done enough to make himself, his issue, And his posterity noble. And all our posterity can hope for are perfessers praising NEWS HACKS.
1:57 PM
by Gene
Dr. Pangloss has a new name -- and the name is Paul Janensch! Will you stop making that loud squeaky noise when you shake your head, Romy?
12:09 PM
by Gene
11:53 AM
by Gene
WAS DE LAY BEING SARCASTIC? [John Podhoretz ] Apparently Rush Limbaugh and a lot of other people think Tom DeLay's remark yesterday that there was no more fat to cut in the federal budget was sarcastic. I didn't hear it, but it didn't read like it was sarcastic. Posted at 11:01 AM What's the difference between a RIGHT-WING DELUSION and a LEFT-WING DELUSION?
11:40 AM
by Gene
The same with little, although he surely hasn't been the same since Yassir died two years ago.
11:34 AM
by Gene
Did he get into a BETTING MATCH with THE CORNER?
11:19 AM
by Gene
George Galloway and Chris Hitchens engage in THE FIRST LIVE-ACTION BLOG! "I think it was a tie," said Michael Thompson, a political science professor at William Patterson University in New Jersey. "It was more rhetorical than it was substantive. There was just too much ad hominem oratory." What did I say?
10:40 AM
by Gene
STRONG CAVEAT: This IS WORLDNETDAILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:53 AM
by Gene
The company reported circulation revenue dropped 8.6 percent because of volume declines at each of the company's newspapers, as well as selectively higher discounting. TRANSLATION: THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF WILLFULLY IGNORANT ADVERTISERS IS KEEPING BIG MEDIA ALIVE TO PRESERVE ITS FIEFDOMS.
9:00 AM
by Gene
Does Dilbert work in Tokyo?
8:44 AM
by Gene
Yahoo's black eye in China probably won't be the last. All the more reason to keep its reputation spick-and-span everywhere else. TRANSLATION: Yahoo! could help build concentration camps but so long as its reputation's "spick-and-span everywhere else," it's okay. SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE.
8:41 AM
by Gene
Hey P&G! Why don't we devise a razor with 50 BLADES! Then we put the BLADES on a MOTOR, and...oh, NEVER MIND.
6:42 AM
by Gene
"When it comes to hockey, it's like a general election in the United States in that apathy wins every time," Regner says. "That's what hockey needs to address — it's still a regional or niche sport...." Guess who's in the region. Guess who's in the niche.
6:31 AM
by Gene
In a deal that would unite two of America's corporate giants as partners in the Internet business, Time Warner is in advanced discussions to sell a stake in America Online to Microsoft, The Post has learned. Now there's a company that can make BAD WORSE!
6:24 AM
by Gene
P. S. He edited Citizen Kane and The Magnificent Ambersons. Here are his comments on the latter, whose RKO-ordered mangling the ad-blurb copywriters regard as the greatest sin in art history: The original 131-minute cut of the film proved to be a disaster at a sneak preview, with "people walking out and laughing in all the wrong places," Wise recalled. "The studio demanded we cut it, and when we did, we had severe continuity problems. Orson was away in South America [working on a documentary film], so I was asked to direct a few linking scenes that would help the story make more sense." We can't go by a sneak preview, but if all the mocking comments these days for THE GREATEST FILM OF ALL TIME are an indication perhaps that sneak audience wasn't entirely wrong. Wise was a consummate professional indeed. Wednesday, September 14, 2005
5:49 PM
by Gene
Another thing: enter my URL in G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE and you get 600 links, give or take a hundred; it's been this way for ages. Enter it in Yahoo! Search and you get 6,000. I wonder if G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE isn't VASTLY OVERRATED. Jeez, if only Yahoo! weren't run by such greedy SOBs, but I guess that's what runs the WHOLE COMPUTER-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX.
5:26 PM
by Gene
1. So much for CONCAST being the new ESPN; and 2. So much for cable rates going down -- not that they ever would.
5:22 PM
by Gene
Hey bozo sitting on your options, how can your superduper ALGORITHMS tell LINK SPAM from someone who POSTS A LOT?
5:19 PM
by Gene
ROBERTS' FAVORITE MOVIES [JPod] Perhaps we get the sense that he hasn't been to the movies since 1983. Posted at 04:32 PM The problem with YOU, PodMan, is we get the sense you haven't seen any movie from BEFORE 1983.
5:12 PM
by Gene
We hope so, but you haven't caught the BIG ENCHILADAS, and we recall THE @#$%&* "FATHER" OF YOUR COUNTRY -- and we wonder.
4:52 PM
by Gene
2:26 PM
by Gene
2:19 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: We're not conspiring to raise rates until we get permission from our huge EGOS.
2:16 PM
by Gene
And you can never be too RIGHT, can you? I guess that means the HACKS will be getting EVEN ANGRIER.
1:53 PM
by Gene
1:48 PM
by Gene
1:16 PM
by Gene
Swapping Scoops: Every Night the 'NY Times' and 'Wash Post' Exchange Front Pages for the Following Day TRANSLATION: THEY SWAP NOTES ON HOW TO SPIN THE NEWS!
1:06 PM
by Gene
Portions of the blogosphere were born yesterday.
1:04 PM
by Gene
10:49 AM
by Gene
DeLay declares himself an ass, as if we didn't know that.
10:21 AM
by Gene
I think it lost its innocence when you passed on the first bit of SPYWARE, WALTER!!!!! OR: How can you justify charging for the Op-Ed columnists? I can’t afford to pay for them and now I will be shut out of our National discussion on important issues. The distinct voices of our columnists will continue to be readily available in the paper edition on newsstands, and through libraries, colleges and universities. TIMES marches BACKWARDS!
9:28 AM
by Gene
9:22 AM
by Gene
In a statement, [LALATimes publisher Jeffrey] Johnson pointedly omitted the usual praise heaped upon a departing journalist. I guess he wasn't the only one sick of CROSSFIRE.
9:14 AM
by Gene
So you had your hundreds of CONSULTANTS fake you a SURVEY, KEN. I suppose we have to be IMPRESSED.
9:05 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: The case against reparations is now a con-SER-va-tive issue -- especially when broached by NEWSMAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:03 AM
by Gene
There's a nice alternate take on Collectors [sic] Gold.
8:55 AM
by Gene
O TEMPORA! O MORES!! O shut up.
8:53 AM
by Gene
6:52 AM
by Gene
Race still divides voters in Detroit mayoral campaign About eight in every 10 Detroit voters are African Americans.... Errr, aren't we getting a little DESPERATE with that idea?
6:51 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: Ford will build its cars in Malaysia. What took the CLUNKER BROTHERS so long to SEE THE LIGHT? You wonder why Bill Ford didn't yearn to spend his days on the Riviera. Maybe he does.
6:44 AM
by Gene
Michael "Ninny" Medved gets me in a low whiny growl, but at least this isn't a PC GROSSOUT COMEDY.
6:42 AM
by Gene
Singer Tony Bennett, keyboardist Chick Corea and trumpeter Freddie Hubbard are among those named Jazz Masters by the National Endowment for the Arts and awarded $25,000 fellowships. The other recipients are percussionist Ray Barretto, composer Bob Brookmeyer, clarinetist Buddy DeFranco and New Orleans-born manager John Levy, honored as a jazz advocate. TRANSLATION: JAZZ IS DEAD. P. S. I want somebody to tell me with a straight face those last four names are "legends." Well known in the jazz biz, perhaps, but how well known without? And we may question if Tony's a "jazz legend"; a great singer though he is, he spent too much of his career extruding gloppy ballads.
6:28 AM
by Gene
We'll spend the rest of the day combing through Elvis's catalog to find appropriate song titles for the debacle. LAUGH OF THE DAY: Two principal investors — Miramax Films and Clear Channel Entertainment — are so disgusted with the way things have been run by Jonathan Pollard, the lead producer, that they've withdrawn from the production. That's sort of like evacuating New Orleans two weeks late. It couldn't have happened to two NICER companies.
6:21 AM
by Gene
6:19 AM
by Gene
Who'd have thought.
6:18 AM
by Gene
Hold the CHEERS, HACKS. Tuesday, September 13, 2005
7:15 PM
by Gene
A shipment of steel coils was leaving the port Tuesday bound for a Hyundai auto plant in Greenville, Ala., he said. "It's a historical moment. Two weeks ago the prognosis was six months, so to pull it off so our customers have enough faith and confidence in us is very heartwarming," LaGrange said. Do you think people who complain the press plays up bad news may have a point? (This appears at the VERY END of the story.)
5:20 PM
by Gene
But, we may assume, definitely NOT content. Why didn't you throw in THE DO-NOT-CALL LAW? Your competitors have.
5:15 PM
by Gene
Aw, go ahead, make things up. Senators do it -- and so do news hacks. They're MADE for each other.
3:21 PM
by Gene
Another piece of -- CW down the chute.
1:41 PM
by Gene
"Taking responsibility" is a meaningless phrase because it's a way of painlessly excising a pound of flesh for the hacks, and your enemies. But it's also meaningless because in a real sense the people uttering this verbiage have no responsibility, or exercise it so diffusely it has no force; thus responsibility lies with the people down below, who have their own means of unaccountability. In the end "taking responsibility" is just a kind of finger pointing without a finger.
1:28 PM
by Gene
The second-day session grew contentious as Democrats displayed frustration with Roberts' answers and his oft-repeated explanation that he couldn't address some issues that could come before the Supreme Court with him as chief justice. "Go ahead and continue not to answer," Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., told the nominee at one point. Later, Biden interrupted Roberts and when criticized, said, "His answers are misleading with all due respect." "Wait a minute! Wait a minute! They may be misleading but they are his answers," said Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., the Judiciary Committee chairman. Good ol' ARLEN O'SPECTER, our HONORARY DEMOCRAT.
1:12 PM
by Gene
Although in fairness the judge appears to have done some fair spinning on his own. Where the truth is in the exercises in preening and self-flagellation, no one knows. A piling on of proof, as if proof were needed, we must DITCH these empty theatrics for ELECTIONS, augmented with TERM LIMITS.
11:46 AM
by Gene
11:10 AM
by Gene
Conservative institutions, conceived for combat, have in power become self-perpetuating, churning their direct-mail lists in pursuit of cash from the orthodontist in Wichita and the Little Old Lady in Dubuque, so the activists can continue to fund the all-important work of . . . churning their direct-mail lists. The current story of Jack Abramoff's lucrative self-dealing, involving as it does such movement stalwarts as Ralph Reed and Grover Norquist, may seem lunatic in its excesses, but the excesses aren't the point. The point is the ease with which the stalwarts commandeered the greasy machinery of Washington power. Conservative activists came to Washington to do good and stayed to do well. The grease rubbed off, too.... Conservatism nowadays is increasingly a creature of its technology. It is shaped--if I were a Marxist I might even say determined--by cable television and talk radio, with their absurd promotion of caricature and conflict, and by blogs, where the content ranges from Jesuitical disputes among hollow-cheeked obsessives to feats of self-advertisement and professional narcissism (Everyone's been asking what I think about . . . You won't want to miss my appearance tonight on . . . Be sure to click here for my latest . . . ) that would have been unthinkable in polite company as recently as a decade ago. Most conservative books are pseudo-books: ghostwritten pastiches whose primary purpose seems to be the photo of the "author" on the cover. What a tumble! From The Conservative Mind to Savage Nation; from Clifton White to Dick Morris; from Willmoore Kendall and Harry Jaffa to Sean Hannity and Mark Fuhrman--all in little more than a generation's time. Whatever this is, it isn't progress. All true, but hardly new; Bill Buckley, J. S. BACH's closest friend and the father of a HILARIOUS comic novelist, eructed in Playboy and Penthouse. Still this cheap, almost faux conservatism has reached epidemic levels. We see it in The Weekly Standard, owned by A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who ISN'T a CONSERVATIVE. We see it in the raves for EVERY CONSERVATIVE PC MOVIE in THE CORNER, and the ENDS-JUSTIFY-THE-MEANS TREATISES that say con-SER-va-tives can play liberal tricks to advance their causes. No, there are crooks all around politics, and some call themselves con-SER-va-tives.
10:20 AM
by Gene
Possible "mitigating factors": The Gravelles said a psychiatrist recommended they make the children sleep in the cages, county Prosecutor Russell Leffler told the Norwalk Reflector. Did he ever work for Woody Allen? The parents told authorities that the children, including some who had mental disorders, needed to be protected from each other, according to a search warrant on file at Norwalk Municipal Court. So why adopt eleven children?
9:36 AM
by Gene
The [outdoor advertising] market’s strength is largely credited to advertiers’ worries about the growing inefficiency of the broadcast-TV market -- outdoor companies often market their offering as the one remaining mass medium. I repeat, AGAIN: if TV advertising is so rotten WHY DOES THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF WILLFULLY IGNORANT ADVERTISERS KEEP THROWING ITS MONEY INTO THE SHREDDER?
9:26 AM
by Gene
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! Market forces GOOD! Regulation BAD!
9:17 AM
by Gene
I'd wager he'll have another job -- maybe as a SCREAMING HEAD on another network.
6:48 AM
by Gene
OR: One irony about the dispute is that the film was written and directed by a Hollywood insider and that it skewers the self-serving and self-deluding ways Hollywood does business. In the film, a Hollywood agent (played by Rob Lowe) cynically embraces the Eckhart character's idea of selling cigarettes by having stars smoke them on screen. To him, it's just another revenue stream. But the deal falls apart when Eckhart's character is compromised by an unflattering newspaper profile. It turns out the deal was not a deal. Now we know the FILM's self-serving, and BAD. P. S. The orgastic raves already in the ad-blurb copywriters' hard drives are no doubt funnier than the film too.
6:33 AM
by Gene
Whether we're driving any safer with cell phones in our hands is a matter of conjecture, but I would guess safer cars and drunk-driving laws have more to do with it than GLIBERTARIANISM.
6:28 AM
by Gene
Roberts comes with 'no agenda' We hope and pray this is true, and the judge seems like an honorable man; but given how plausible deniability has become the ruling dogma of American life forgive us if we are slightly suspicious, and especially given past NINE FINGERS nominees.
6:25 AM
by Gene
Faced with a stealth candidate, but also with a golden chance to rule America once again with the stainless-steel fist in the titanium glove, the hacks look for something, ANYTHING, to discredit the nominee. Is that what Romy and Howie Hairshirt and their friends mean by their CW Expression of the Month: ANGER?
6:20 AM
by Gene
Why is this an accomplishment, O RARE PAPER OF RE-CORD? Or would it have been a homer with the benefit on an *?
6:17 AM
by Gene
The sole purpose of polls is MISCHIEF. Monday, September 12, 2005
5:14 PM
by Gene
5:06 PM
by Gene
Which inevitably leads to two responses: 1. SIX TIMES ZERO.... 2. Hey C, go cover a blackout.
2:11 PM
by Gene
1:24 PM
by Gene
And eBay may pay over $4 billion for it! Who says there's no Internet bubble anymore?
11:38 AM
by Gene
According to Roberts' report to the Senate Judiciary Committee, which begins hearings on his nomination Monday, the federal appeals court judge's net worth was $4.6 million on Aug. 1. BUT: Among Roberts's biggest holdings are...Time Warner Inc., in which he owns $212,992. Sorry Justice, no glowing profiles in Time or on CNN.
8:50 AM
by Gene
8:43 AM
by Gene
I guess that was inevitable. When's the post-graduate course starting?
6:56 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: Howie Hairshirt says they're gonna be DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULL. Meantime, being the definitive arbiter of CW that he is, Howie obsesses over that "state of emergency" story, which means just when we thought we were finished with one long-running annoyance, here comes another.
6:39 AM
by Gene
6:27 AM
by Gene
6:19 AM
by Gene
Isn't that what federal spending's all about? Last week's votes on a $51.8 billion spending bill seem to bear that out. The Senate vote was 97 to 0; in the House, it was 410 to 11. The action pushed to $62.3 billion the amount allocated so far for Katrina relief, with more to come. That's more than this year's discretionary budgets for all but two Cabinet departments, Defense and Health and Human Services. And it's more than the total federal spending for homeland defense. Washington has been burning through $2 billion a day in its flood-relief efforts, even before reconstruction begins. The federal government has a long record of responding quickly to disasters, only to see money diverted for questionable uses that have little or nothing to do with its intended purpose. More! MORE! I'm still not SATISFIED!! Sunday, September 11, 2005
5:01 PM
by Gene
Why am I thinking, by the time a year from November comes around this probably will amount to something less than an anthill?
4:46 PM
by Gene
2:58 PM
by Gene
Hundreds of city engineers have worked nonstop the last two weeks, sleeping on floors in their pumping stations. Water has fallen 5 feet in places, allowing sludge-covered buildings slowly to emerge. Most of the city's central business district now has power - City Hall will soon have electricity and running water, officials said - and life in some restaurants, shops and inns has begun to stir. Ask Kos or someone from THE CORNER to pump out the water and they'd soon yell, hellllllllllllllllLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP!!!!!
2:37 PM
by Gene
"Cisco takes the responsibility as a global citizen seriously. It's the right thing to do and our success depends on it." – John Chambers, President and CEO. P. S. This moron wanted to be LEGENDARY WELCH II, so we KNOW he's selling the goods to China. P. P. S. Cisco's "Code of Business Conduct" is 8,411 WORDS. TRANSLATION: Does anyone READ these things?
1:49 PM
by Gene
1:44 PM
by Gene
"I think that we ought to have more women on the court. Two is a bare minimum. We really ought to have more," Specter said. "I don't believe in a quota system...." You know O'Arlen, Dubya really should have chosen YOU for Chief Justice. We'd never have heard the end of it -- from the hacks OR from YOU.
1:27 PM
by Gene
Tony's another leader who stood strong for two or three days, but has spent much of the rest of his time trying to hide. I would not be surprised to see his rare good side on something like this, where he tells PC types to shut up; on the other hand, I should not be surprised to see him crumple like onion-skin paper.
1:20 PM
by Gene
12:14 PM
by Gene
How many times must we endure breathless pieces on literary hotshots HARDLY ANYBODY READS?
11:59 AM
by Gene
Unlike great art, however, weekly TV tends to be formulaic. I thought weekly TV WAS great art!
11:48 AM
by Gene
11:24 AM
by Gene
Is it anything like how Yahoo! clings to CHINA?
9:59 AM
by Gene
9:54 AM
by Gene
Hmmm, I wonder who THAT could be? Comcast Corp.... OoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooh! ...which recently riled customers with a nearly two-month delay in rolling out faster high-speed Internet service, has one of the lowest customer satisfaction ratings in an industry notorious for poor service. It earned the worst score possible in six of seven categories in J.D. Power and Associates' most recent cable and satellite provider survey. If that weren't dismal enough, its biggest competitor in Metro Detroit, WOW! Internet, Cable and Phone, won top honors in the survey with a near-perfect score. Thank God for no competition -- RIGHT BRIAN ROBBER?
8:53 AM
by Gene
They Know All the Stupid Sitcom Writer Tricks Does this mean the stupid tricks of sitcom writers? Or the tricks of writers of stupid sitcoms? Or the tricks of stupid sitcom writers? We'd place our bet on the last, whatever MR. MARK says about THE NEW MEGA-PLATINUM AGE.
8:49 AM
by Gene
8:39 AM
by Gene
Or to put it another way, we probably won't know anymore with 500 terabytes more facts crammed into our skulls than we knew before. When will the HACKS learn FACTS aren't necessarily INFORMATION?
8:35 AM
by Gene
8:23 AM
by Gene
Terrorism Could Hurl D.C. Area Into Turmoil
8:21 AM
by Gene
With so much good sitcom karma in the air, it's hard to resist dissecting the frog.... Hey Marc, you should know about dissections. MR. MARK wants to dissect our BRAINS every week.
8:19 AM
by Gene
[H]ow the president of the United States could have even less "situational awareness," as they say in the military, than the average American about the worst natural disaster in a century—is one of the more perplexing and troubling chapters in a story that, despite moments of heroism and acts of great generosity, ranks as a national disgrace. TRANSLATION: BUSH IS A NATIONAL DISGRACE. IF MR. MARK and his MILLIONAIRES are going to say this why don't they COME OUT AND SAY IT?
8:14 AM
by Gene