Saturday, April 03, 2004
11:09 AM
by Gene
He Walks the Line (Front-page hed)
If we're going to quote Johnny Cash wouldn't "A Boy Named Sue" be more appropriate with that HAIR?
Friday, April 02, 2004
6:09 PM
by Gene
And a special tip of the benny to Broadband When I hooked on DSL it seemed the service would freeze up every thirty seconds. An urgent Google search revealed that my Ethernet card was essentially searching in vain for a nonexistent Web address. The suggested fix fixed it, and now I'm really surfing.
A correction from before: evidently BILL puts the Ethernet software in his OS. For once he did something RIGHT with my computer!
5:47 PM
by Gene
Study: Web rivals TV for coveted eyeballs
So why are you @#$%&* ADVERTISING IDIOTS still financing so much JUNK TELEVISION?!?!?
5:34 PM
by Gene
I am somehow not surprised to learn that one of the men who died in the outrage in Fallujah was an ex-stunt man. Whatever you think of today's movies -- in my case, somewhere between zero and negative infinity -- you must acknowledge stunt men are probably the only honest men in the business, honest because they put their lives on the line for zillionaire sissies. They are also, by all accounts, pretty good guys. RIP.
3:15 PM
by Gene
Secretaries of State JESSE L. MARTIN and JERRY ORBACH.... (pffh-hh-hh!)
I guess everyone's a blogger these days.
But then GENERAL's cv only includes the military. Jerry's includes The Fantasticks and PROMISES, PROMISES! (Pffh-hh-hh!)
3:10 PM
by Gene
And Dubya's gonna VETO this pork! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!! Why didn't you veto PRESCRIPTION PORK?
From now on we will term such idiotic "speechifying" LATOURETTE SYNDROME.
6:51 AM
by Gene
YESTERDAY'S IMMORTAL MASTERPIECE (all in the same review):
"BE WARNED -- A MAN MIGHT DIE LAUGHING AT SLY FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
--The late [sic] Clive Barnes, late of the Times, writing on the overrated Larry Gelbart's adaptation of Jonson's Volpone, on December 15, 1976.
"All the way back to biblical times of yore, rape has been one of the most heinous offenses known to man. And it can be pretty rough on women, too."
A line from Sly Fox.
"A relic."
Ben Brantley [!!!!!] in his review of a revival of Sly Fox, on April 2, 2004.
P. S. I see the Times is now letting readers review the reviews. But why stop at the reviews? Let the readers review the stories! Let second-guessing prevail! Heck the Times can't do worse than the amateurs.
Thursday, April 01, 2004
6:17 PM
by Gene
I don't blame you for being upset, T, but there is consolation: your (or rather, COVAD's) DSL service is pretty good.
6:14 PM
by Gene
Gateway to close its 188 retail stores
It's sad to think this cow's going out to pasture.
6:03 PM
by Gene
lgf admiringly links to this blog, and THIS (among other things) is what I'm up against:
If we were Affirmative, we might have written a neat little case outlining the critical and extremely urgent need for... oh, let’s say conjugal visits. (We perpetually horny high school dorks really seemed to like arguing that case waaaay beyond its effective shelf life.) We had card after card after card of evidence citing things like an Authoritative Study done at Florida State University that showed unequivocally how Conjugal Visits reduce the incidents of prison violence to negative numbers and cause prisoners to start lending libraries and donate their cigarette money to Battered Women’s Shelters. However, if we randomly ended up as the Negative team, and sat facing other dorks who claimed that conjugal visitation reduce [SIC] the incidents of prison violence to negative numbers and cause prisoners to start lending libraries and donate their cigarette money to Battered Women’s Shelters, then we would have to pull out card after card after card showing that an Important and Thorough Investigation carried out by The University of Florida proved conclusively that Conjugal Visitation had in fact no measurable effect at all, or, better, caused prisoners to murder guards by hanging them by their own entrails due to their aroused, inter-conjugal libidos.
I wish to God I could write 10,000 words on every topic, if that's what it takes to get noticed; but many topics deserve TWO WORDS, and more than a few NONE AT ALL. TOO MANY BIG-NAME BLOGGERS BLOVIATE.
5:51 PM
by Gene
I don't want to sound whiny, but is there anyone out there who'll pass the word on about me? I've just been perusing some of my old posts and they seem to hold up, and I'd put my best against any of the FORBES 400 bloggers'. Can't someone say a good kind word about me to someone in the know, who might then improve my hit counter? I would appreciate it.
5:18 PM
by Gene
Michael Fumento could have A BLOG if he'd UPDATE IT.
5:03 PM
by Gene
The idiot STERNO must have come close to a seizure today.
Is this any way to treat your best buddy?
4:56 PM
by Gene
After 30 years of slam-dunk competitions—and after Michael Jordan killed the contest for all time in 1987 with two unfathomable dunks—elaborate breakaway dunking has all the spontaneity of a waltz.
Or, one could say, a article. (1,190 words on SportsCenter doesn't sound so spontaneous to me.)
1:06 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: When Dippity-DO! contradicts himself, we won't notice. When Dubya does, we WILL.
FURTHER TRANSLATION: Paid for by Kerry for President, Warren Buffett, Treasurer.
P. S. Hey Lenny! Your Webmeisters subjected me to TWO POP-UP ADS to get to your AGITPROP. I do NOT appreciate the ads -- or THE AD.
11:23 AM
by Gene
Dow Jones jiggles its Industrial Average again.
With all that jiggling it's worse than Jell-O.
(Actually, the last change [I learn very abashedly] was in '99. Still, as USA OKAY points out, " [T]here's no guarantee the stocks they add will fare better than the ones they eliminate. In fact, the last four stocks added to the Dow are down an average of 31% since their closes before the announcement back in 1999, while the Dow itself is up 0.3%." The business of America is monkey business.)
10:53 AM
by Gene
I guess the Arabs know a good thing when they SEE IT!
Thanks again, MONSIGNOR LAPIN!
And here's a PALI talking:
"It was nothing special but was simply something that will increase hatred against the Jews," said Ala, a librarian.
6:48 AM
by Gene
Here is why ANDY S. cannot be taken fully seriously: he cheers THE GREATEST TV CARTOON OF ALL TIME for taking on P. R. MEL. Another demonstration of THE MASTER's line, a line I repeat ad nauseum, a line this dimwit has never heard, or may not want to hear as it sometimes applies to him: "Sir, there is no setting the point of precedency between a louse and a flea."
ANDY also endorses a gas tax. Your blog should take care of THAT.
6:29 AM
by Gene
Dems raise $7 million for Senate races
CURLEY'S (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) STOOGE goes RAH! RAH! RAH!
6:27 AM
by Gene
OOOOOooooh, we're torn, we're positively TORN, on whether to pull a big MOGADISHU on the public. The head says no -- our audiences are booming as it is -- but the heart says YES, ANYTHING TO GET US OUT OF IRAQ.
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
8:11 PM
by Gene
The fool billionaire George Soros was "attacked" with "water and glue." "SOMEBODY IS BEHIND THIS!!" he screams.
5:36 PM
by Gene
What Vir-GIN-ia and her LINK say about the price of gas I said over a week ago -- and I don't get 200 quintazillion hits.
5:16 PM
by Gene
We may, of course, presume the NEWS HACKS will stage a FULL-COURT PRESS (not to mention the activists who'll stage a full-court press) against ANY NEW NUCLEAR PLANT. There are reasons to get potentially mad: these things can be boondoggles and could really raise electric rates, which was often the point in building them. But what's worse: the remote possibility of an accident, or spewing all those coal byproducts (COUGH COUGH) into the air? On that score, it's a no-brainer.
5:12 PM
by Gene
Every time LOWSY MAYS does something these days he trips over his two zillion-dollar left feet. When he staged anti-Dixie Chicks rallies and then profusely apologized, when he canceled Howie while sending some friends to see P. R. MEL's holy slasher movie, it had all the earmarks of a guy who couldn't care less about his public rep getting religion in the wrong way. Now he's hired Je$$e, which makes perfect sense given that P&G and Mickey D's and Coke and other VERY PC companies practically own his biz, and surely LOWSY did it to get the VERY PC press coverage from Pinch and Lenny. NOTE THE TIME: 8 to 9 A.M. on SUNDAYS, PSA DEATH TERRITORY.
5:07 PM
by Gene
EMI Job Cuts: The Price of Piracy?
EMI Job Cuts: The Price of Crummy Music?
5:02 PM
by Gene
As in, DUHHHH, we gotta get dummies to win the national title, and black are dummies, DUHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
With your GAMBLING record, PAUL, you're hardly a colossus of ethics and morals, DUHHHHHHHHHHH.
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
5:37 PM
by Gene
Clarke's book will quickly be forgotten
You're jealous that it's SOLD, MR. NOBODY'S BUSINESS.
5:35 PM
by Gene
National Public Talk Radio stations wanted The Drone out.
Now that I remember his voice (it's been YEARS since I listened regularly to the radio), he was a drone.
5:24 PM
by Gene
Now I see why the IDIOTS at BLUNDER didn't mention THE DONALD'S ENORMOUS WEALTH.
5:16 PM
by Gene
Some "writer in New York" continues that USA OKAY salespoop's blather about POP MUSIC. We GET THE MESSAGE! The MUSICAL WORLD CRAWLED WITH GENIUS IN THE SIXTIES!! POP MUSIC WAS NEVER BETTER!!! UNCLE!!!! UNCLE!!!!!
5:01 PM
by Gene
Statue of Liberty reopening soon
IT'S ABOUT TIME. No one wants to hear the "terrorists won" cliche for the umpteenth time, but the Feds' excessive caution does nobody BUT terrorists good. The bad news is the Lady's hat is still off limits, but the Park Service hinted it too may someday reopen, so perhaps they're not all THAT dense with "security" concerns.
4:56 PM
by Gene
This is a manufactured story, and manufactured stories are a BIG reason I HATE NEWS HACKS. Somebody at GE BANCORP NETWORK said, "Let's put out a number -- we're sure as hell not going to put out THE number -- oh, $100 million. Good round number. Press'll run it in for a touchdown! Jay'll be happy. If he isn't, he'll never know. Besides we'll get at least that much in free publicity." And boy are they running up the score. It goes without saying if we can't believe their presidential vote tallies how in the Devil's name can we believe this? It's this sort of cynical advertising that destroys this racket's name, as if the people in it care.
4:52 PM
by Gene
This will NOT shut the bleacher bums up. They'll carp on anything: what she did, what she didn't, what color dress she wore, etc., etc., ETC. Nonetheless it was necessary as the HACKS already got THEIR testimony.
6:47 AM
by Gene
Larry Kudlow creates a clone who automatizes that "deficits don't matter." Well if deficits don't matter, we can spend and spend and spend! Just like LBJ and the Great Society. Oh, he was a DEMOCRAT. That's BAD.
Em, can't you run some stuff demanding Slick's impeachment?
6:43 AM
by Gene
Which reminds us: In the old days when SOB ruled the universe, he might have turned this into 100% ad copy. The fact that it contains "doubts" (however brief) may be a measure of how FED UP the public has become with the scribblers' constant spin and sell. Not to worry -- back to spinning for Dippity-DO and selling this year's movie GENIUS tomorrow.
6:40 AM
by Gene
Only a USA OKAY salesperson requires 2,084 WORDS to explain why modern pop masterpieces stink. Fortunately there's "classic rock", which proves yet again the NEWS HACK believes the world began on November 22, 1963, and that God appeared at LaGuardia Airport three months later.
Monday, March 29, 2004
5:39 PM
by Gene
The state quarters are getting weirder and weirder. We're told that's the conservationist John Muir, and that's apparently a California condor making a beeline for his head, and I don't know what that thing is on the right. The problem with state quarters is that they try to define a locality's essence in one picture, something impossible with any state but especially one as diverse and diversely weird as California. Hence the tacky bad art work on the quarters, the most risible project in the whole history of currency.
5:28 PM
by Gene
It remains useless to complain about he BAD, the VERY BAD habits of NEWS HACKS, one of the top being to PUBLICIZE PRIVATE TRAGEDIES. Good reporting can energize people; bad reporting (of which PRIVATE TRAGEDIES are the ne plus ultra by their nature) almost always depresses them. But depressing the readers is GOOD for the BIZ because it INCREASES its already INFINITE POWER. HOLD OFF ON PRIVATE TRAGEDIES!
5:24 PM
by Gene
I can never decide who to give to. Everyone's after me.
You make MILLIONS with your instant cliches, Andy. Just give the @#$%&* MONEY to SOMEBODY.
Hey, I'LL TAKE IT!!!!! I'm not proud.
5:19 PM
by Gene
Here is why I hate NEWS HACKS: not only do they look for work -- they're an EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. If the NEW YORK POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! measures -50 on the trustworthiness scale for being owned by RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, plugs like these lower (or raise) the score to -500.
1:19 PM
by Gene
SHUCKS, no mistrial.
Commies win again, right Larry Kudlow?
6:41 AM
by Gene
How do we make a QUAGMIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! out of this?
Sunday, March 28, 2004
5:58 PM
by Gene
With the French it isn't a question of being socialist, it's HOW socialist.
Today the French decided they wanted to be VERY socialist.
4:28 PM
by Gene
It is heartening that The Mogul's Friend (and I don't know how linked to this -- isn't this supposed to be "behind the wall"? Maybe Terry Teachout had something to do with it) sees the fight over decency as more than an obsession of a bunch of "cranks and scolds." This is a bipartisan issue; it's a media concentration issue; it's a quality issue; it's a repsonsibility issue. As he quotes one BIGMEDIA opponent,
"Deregulation has simply greased the pockets of Sumner Redstone and Rupert Murdoch and Clear Channel while spawning a fundamental lack of accountability among top media executives. For them, it's always somebody else's fault. We're not blaming all of society's ills on them, but to say they bear no responsibility for violence, sexual behavior and other health issues among young people flies in the face of reality."
Mogul's Friend also gives a heave-ho to that classic self-serving line, "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT...."
Shock jock supporters [and here of course we MUST include STERNO -- E.D.] say parents carting kids to school can always change the station, though in dozens of cities across the country that simply dials up another tawdry show on a station owned by the same do-anything-for-a-rating conglomerate.
Anything for a rating. That's the problem. THAT'S WHY MEDIA STINK.
4:04 PM
by Gene
Video Game Industry Faces 'Crisis of Creativity'
Translation: the GET A LIFE! crowd is tired of the fifteenth generation of slice-'em-'ups.
3:54 PM
by Gene
Maryland okay to sensor vulgar fans [CBS.Sportsline front page link]
Does that mean they put little electrodes on the vulgar fans' foreheads and make them go rah-rah at the same time?
8:46 AM
by Gene
Since NEWS HACKS ALWAYS WIN, and they WILL WIN this year, we must ask, WHAT WILL YOU DO ABOUT TERRORISM? We should demand details from Pinch and Lenny and every other buttinsky in the business, as they intend to unleash unprecedented spin during this year in achieving their inevitable outcome. WHAT WILL YOU DO ABOUT TERRORISM?
And sorry, PROF, more people still get their daily fiction from NEWS HACKS than from BLOGGERS or COMEDIANS.
(And of COURSE the Gliberal can say "faux journalism rocks." He practices it too.)
8:41 AM
by Gene
Oddly enough, the Reut just posted this old story about those Hooters "auditions" in LALA on its site under "ODDLY ENOUGH," a place where most Reuters reporting belongs -- especially stories about GUERILLAS and MILITANTS.
8:39 AM
by Gene
This could be counterproductive. When VIACON broached the subject last time there was a book to sell. This time, there's no book -- only AN ADMINISTRATION TO DESTROY. Let's see fairness and balance in THIS interview.