Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, March 19, 2011
9:36 PM
by Gene
![]() The Daily Mail's site can be so stultifyingly stupid it is easy to ignore what it should run -- like this plug for a book on the brief, tragic life of the great Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (left, above). His friend and colleague Vladimir Komarov (right, above) was sent on a mission in a spacecraft, the Soyuz I, he and others knew to be unsafe, but he also knew if he turned it down his place would be taken by Gagarin. There were other good reasons for people to keep their mouths shut -- like Siberia. So he went ahead anyway. Our spies overheard him screaming to his death. His burnt "remains" lay in state in an open casket. The catastrophic Apollo I fire three months earlier had no impact. That the Soviet regime had no regard for the lives of these epochal heroes shows that when Ronald Reagan spoke of the "evil empire" it was not to throw a tantrum. The book, published by the UK house Bloomsbury, is scheduled out in the US on April 12 -- the fiftieth anniversary of Vostok I. It has two different covers. (Originally posted 8:57 p. m.)
9:30 PM
by Gene
3:48 PM
by Gene
2:49 PM
by Gene
![]() We were extremely disappointed to learn that immortally famous HUNK!!!!! we'd never heard of before, whom some idiot hack worked over to get a better job, has split with an ac-TOR previously famous to us for her flat chest. If such a pair is the best Hollywood can do we may as well allow gay marriage.
2:31 PM
by Gene
I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that I was wrong, and PILLHEAD was right. Friday, March 18, 2011
3:14 PM
by Gene
We're an INTERNATIONAL company!
2:13 PM
by Gene
1:07 PM
by Gene
1:01 PM
by Gene
8:50 AM
by Gene
I guess this means 1. They've won, or 2. They're consolidating their gains, and definitely 3. The CASINOS will go up FIVE ZILLION PERCENT.
8:43 AM
by Gene
Well, it must -- it makes people permanently ANGRY.
8:34 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: The rich shouldn't have to pay their fair share. Over to you, GEKKO KUDLOW. Six of EJ.... Thursday, March 17, 2011
5:47 PM
by Gene
![]() This structure needs no introduction; it is one of the great design and engineering masterpieces of all time. Can you imagine how a STARCHITECT would redesign it? Well, he might start with something like ![]() THIS! ![]() Speaking of hideous, can you imagine the poor people of Japan -- or anywhere -- enduring temporary housing like THIS? It's an argument for radiation poisoning. ![]() What is with STARCHITECTS and HVAC systems?
12:13 PM
by Gene
The Difference Between Boastful Cities and Conceited Cities A boastful city is Philthydelphia; a conceited city is NOO YAWK.
9:40 AM
by Gene
Groupon Inc. has held talks with banks about an initial public offering that would value the online-coupon company at as much as $25 billion, according to two people with knowledge of the discussions. The two-year-old startup’s IPO may happen this year and is unlikely to assign Groupon a valuation of less than $15 billion, according to the people, Bloomberg Businessweek reports in its March 21 edition. They asked not to be identified because the talks were PRIVATE!!!!! (Private overemphasis added)
9:16 AM
by Gene
8:39 AM
by Gene
Oops, STEVEDOM AT $50,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No no, I got it -- STEVEDOM AT $5,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, who cares when your commissions are at stake? Double oops -- WRONG LINK! What's the difference between NEWS HACKS and sales -- ANALYSTS? They both SELL things, and they both MAKE THINGS UP. P. S. Okay ELMER, that sales -- ANALYST "GUANO" is a TOTAL INCOMPETENT!!!!! But since when has Jeff been turning over His pages to religious cults? Didn't your sister rag once run something on Scientology?
8:37 AM
by Gene
8:24 AM
by Gene
8:22 AM
by Gene
8:18 AM
by Gene
![]() Last month, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo scoffed at Twitter acquisition rumors, the driver behind the $10 billion value estimate, during a speech at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Twitter co-founder Biz Stone is more blunt. In an interview last month, he said the $10 billion figure was "made up" in a published report by The Wall Street Journal. Wednesday, March 16, 2011
5:35 PM
by Gene
The government expects losses on other programs, such as the auto maker bailouts. [Fifth and last graf] Oh.
3:20 PM
by Gene
Hey MU! You're all right with US!
2:43 PM
by Gene
2:10 PM
by Gene
1:55 PM
by Gene
Investors on edge over the prospect of a Japanese nuclear meltdown took their cue from a European Union commissioner who proclaimed a “major disaster” may be on its way, before admitting his remarks were partly based on media reports.
12:09 PM
by Gene
11:22 AM
by Gene
Wholesale prices surged last month at their fastest pace in just over 1-1/2 years due to higher energy costs and the steepest rise in food prices in 36 years. Excluding those volatile categories, inflation was tame. Whew! We were worried there.
10:46 AM
by Gene
What had been a musical comedy with at least one toe dipped in real waters now seems to be an over-produced, overly Auto-Tuned variety show that exists merely to sell downloads of its covers — a modern version of Your Hit Parade. Such tragedies will happen when we are invincible, and the projects we tout works of genius. But Gangs of 27 must have heroes to manufacture, and projects to advertorialize on. TRANSLATION: Glee is a gay niche show with no-talents, for adolescent viewers who feel sorry for themselves. GanNETt P. S. NEUHARTHDOM takes GUVMENT HANDOUTS! Amid furloughs, layoffs and other cutbacks at its newspaper in Fort Myers, Fla., Gannett collected $105,000 from Lee County's economic development office to create 35 jobs by August 2012 at The News-Press, a local TV station has reported. Needless to say the story has a happy ending -- for GanNETt: But the jobs don't always last. That was the case in Tulsa, Okla., where GCI in late January announced plans to close a customer-service center there by the end of this month. Of 150 jobs there, 131 will be relocated to Gannett operations in Greenville, S.C.; Detroit, and Phoenix. Tax-driven job creation also occurs even as companies eliminate jobs elsewhere in their business. For example, in November, according to Gannett Bloggers, the News-Press eliminated four jobs during a nationwide GCI layoff. GO, SONS OF SOB! GO -- FAR AWAY!
9:21 AM
by Gene
9:15 AM
by Gene
8:40 AM
by Gene
Of course there could be a good reason, which Art scoured the Merriam-Webster Third New International to obscure: Not that Gypsy's a de facto gay musical (about a heterosexual female STRIPPER!), nor that it would thus be a de facto AHTHOUSE film; no, as Art admits, there's already been one bad movie version. A second with a sixty-eight-year-old lead who'd need makeup by Industrial Light and Magic would positively STINK. And maybe Art's simply much too savvy to let that one out. (Via the usual AHTSJournal) Tuesday, March 15, 2011
10:02 PM
by Gene
Sorry to bring up a headache pain at this late date, but recently the proprietors of that never-dull site Cartoon Brew had a debate over whether Bill and Joe won too many Os-CARS®. (Seven says YES.) In the course of this one of the proprietors said one of the stupidest Os-CAR® animation moments was awarding the above FILLUM, and a few comments came close to positing that Cartoon Brew has some of the DUMBEST commenters this side of HENRY HONEST: Moro Rogers says: 02/27/11 4:13pm I thought that crunch bird thing was pretty funny.=p Chris Powell says: 02/27/11 4:22pm I gotta agree. just watched it. Tom Pope says: 02/27/11 8:46pm The Crunch Bird is awesome. Lighten up. Fortunately cooler -- and saner -- heads prevailed: michael sporn says: 02/28/11 12:43pm Having an animated Woody Woodpecker or Mickey Mouse hand out an Oscar [®] is a sure way of saying animation is a category for kids films. Unfortunately, the animated films nominated tend not to be for children. THE CRUNCH BIRD was a piece of garbage, but the Oscar [®] enabled Ted Petok to raise the money to do a CRUNCH BIRD feature. It was 90 mins of garbage and never got released. I got to see it on the editor’s movieola. tgentry says: 02/28/11 1:06pm I thought the crunch bird was pretty lame. I knew what the punchline was going to be half way through, and I had to bide my time until… yep there it is. Bad animation, bad voice acting, bad joke.... Steve Segal says: 02/28/11 5:11pm ...I heard from someone at the AMPAS [®] that The Crunchbird won because voters saw none of the films and blindly selected the only US film on the list, shortly thereafter the rules were changed to allow voting in that category only to members who attend special screenings.... [Emphasis added] Under the circumstances we may say that not only do most moVEE cri-TICS speak from the CRUNCH BIRD SEAT, so do the viewers. P. S. Did you know Tex Avery never won an Os-CAR®? Figures.
1:47 PM
by Gene
‘Token lefty at Forbes’ has been covering Wisconsin unrest (Romy link) Hey guy, in YOUR biz the lefties ain't TOKEN.
1:18 PM
by Gene
12:03 PM
by Gene
![]() Do you know who this guy is? I didn't -- until Gary had to advertorialize about him for the StinkyInky Tabloid Edition. As we have to say again the problem with movee ac-TORS is that most could blend in on the street. That this guy can't (supposedly) he can thank the JEFF BEWKESES for. The paparazzi are hot for him? That this comes the same day as CATASTROPHE!!!!!!!!!! is why a certain blithering idiot is not entirely wrong. We do envy him his entourage, however. ![]() P. S. Another COOPER. (Photo changed 3/19; the first one wasn't good enough, though it came from an insert in the Philadelphia Daily Record)
8:52 AM
by Gene
8:41 AM
by Gene
And the worst part is that will eventually lead to the kind of mindless buying that led our CASINO to double its money in two years. I'm not a Pollyanna but I lived through TMI, and in hindsight the news hacks' panic was a joke.
8:33 AM
by Gene
Monday, March 14, 2011
7:49 PM
by Gene
Now when can SLIME's endless bout of flatulence lose that beefless-burrito maker as its sponsor?
7:26 PM
by Gene
It's pretty lame stuff and I've got standards that just aren't fulfilled by this sorry collection of contributors. But then go here and you get this: If Japan, the United States, or Europe retreats from nuclear power in the face of the current panic, the most likely alternative energy source is fossil fuel. And by any measure, fossil fuel is more dangerous. The sole fatal nuclear power accident of the last 40 years, Chernobyl, directly killed 31 people. By comparison, Switzerland's Paul Scherrer Institute calculates that from 1969 to 2000, more than 20,000 people died in severe accidents in the oil supply chain. More than 15,000 people died in severe accidents in the coal supply chain—11,000 in China alone. The rate of direct fatalities per unit of energy production is 18 times worse for oil than it is for nuclear power. Even if you count all the deaths plausibly related to Chernobyl—9,000 to 33,000 over a 70-year period—that number is dwarfed by the death rate from burning fossil fuels. The OECD's 2008 Environmental Outlook calculates that fine-particle outdoor air pollution caused nearly 1 million premature deaths in the year 2000, and 30 percent of this was energy-related. You'd need 500 Chernobyls to match that level of annual carnage. But outside Chernobyl, we've had zero fatal nuclear power accidents. However reliable these stats, at least this is different. One must always be alert for Kinsleyism here, which can dilute even the very best articles -- but at least someone tried. Why must ST. WARREN's Web site be like an on-off switch that can't stay on? We must note the Holy Sage of the Ages made a bet on something related to fossil fuels. What does ST. WARREN know and why does He know it?
10:18 AM
by Gene
![]() Public TV stations run more advertising! Cut the comedy, guys -- run advertising. (Via the usual AHTSJournal)
9:32 AM
by Gene
9:18 AM
by Gene
Don't Try Trade Japan Quake: Strategist you know what THAT means!
9:15 AM
by Gene
P. S. at 10:05 a. m. Meantime in other parts of The Lord God Steve's cult, CURSING and BLASPHEMING.
8:39 AM
by Gene
We should keep in mind to except for the nuke calamity the chance for new disaster pretty well ended when the water washed back out to sea. Now comes the rebuilding. I certainly wouldn't take talk of a 70-percent likelihood of a new quake by Wednesday seriously. Nobody seems to have predicted this one. As for the nukes, it is prudent to pause their development. But like it or not we'll have to pursue them anyway. We know they may not be economically feasible. Neither is $200 oil. Sunday, March 13, 2011
10:49 AM
by Gene
![]() Yesterday, passing the Broad Street Quonset Hut, I noticed the windows of what used to be its gift shop were plastered over with advertising for future events. As with pictures of server farms in old department stores that is a sure sign of very-long-term vacancy. Yesterday's Sunday editions of the StinkyInky assured us a RENDELI's going in there -- by December. This was part of a message that yes, the Quonset is alive and at least fitfully well. But they've paid off their debts! says our cri-TIC. (Suing the STARCHITECT didn't hurt.) Though he wouldn't say it we'd guess the Quonset runs up big operational deficits -- how could it not with the Orchestra in trouble? And its grand courtyard remains as inviting as a well-lit back alley, and they're spending millions fixing the rooftop pavilion because it's too hot or too cold, and they're STILL tweaking the acoustics in the Verizon box, and...and EDDIES still believe this is "AN ECONOMIC ENGINE". The people who'd say that don't give a damn that our city has no factory jobs anymore; for them it's just a way of getting free tickets. This takes Marie Antoinette's cake: "A Kimmel-commissioned study has determined that the center has become a major contributor to the city's economy, Ewers said, though she declined to provide the study or even an executive summary." (Emphasis added.) How many people willingly squirm through a three-hour symphonic concert? To paraphrase Jerry Herman the patrons are between sixty and death. This ECONOMIC ENGINE is JACK BENNY'S MAXWELL'S. Face it, the Quonset is a WHITE ELEPHANT, and we're stuck with paying its bills until the last concertgoer has died off, which may not be that long from now.