Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, November 15, 2008

His messages to advisers and friends, they say, are generally crisp, properly spelled and free of symbols or emoticons. The time stamps provided a window into how much he was sleeping on a given night, with messages often being sent to staff members at 1 a.m. or as late as 3 a.m. if he was working on an important speech.

Another P-Ulitzer for The Paper of Re-CORD!

TRANSLATION: The G-20 have set up a financial League of Nations.

Good luck!

And no "protectionist measures" for twelve months. That's a relief!

Despite the rise in bankruptcies, academics and lawyers say they believe that many others have been discouraged from filing because of the 2005 bankruptcy law.

Ms. Warren, the Harvard law professor, said many borrowers had been left with the mistaken impression that they could no longer file. And, she argued, “the widespread perception that bankruptcy is not available to help families makes this economic crisis worse.

I wonder what a certain mouth said back in 2005:

The reason we -- Congress passed bankruptcy reform was that all these DEADBEATS were goosing the system so they could avoid paying ANYTHING -- irresponsible people who'd rather hire a lawyer than get a job and WORK, blahblahblah.

This is the last time we imagine what a certain mouth said. It's redundant, and He keeps saying these things anyway.

Well, the news hacks have gone back into radio silence. And how do we know? Well, for one thing, ASSPress just ran this press release for Ricoh.

CURLEY (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!), you and your cohorts always brag about what stalwart defenders you are of the right to know. So why is it since The One was elected you've run more press releases for Ricohs than stories about the president-elect that might tell us something?

Heck you're not even saying anything about the G-20 -- and we'd think you would as it's one last chance to give Dubya a sharp elbow in the midsection.

Obama’s 250 Tough Calls
He should not be stampeded into appeasing his global constituencies on Guantánamo Bay.


Former Lobbyist Named Biden’s Chief of Staff

We may wonder if there is such a thing as a former lobbyist.

Kaplan Inc.'s chief customer-service rep makes a sad admission:

Thousands of conservatives and even some moderates have complained during my more than three-year term that The Post is too liberal; many have stopped subscribing, including more than 900 in the past four weeks.

It pains me to see lost subscribers and revenue, especially when newspapers are shrinking. Conservative complaints can be wrong: The mainstream media were not to blame for John McCain's loss; Barack Obama's more effective campaign and the financial crisis were.

But some of the conservatives' complaints about a liberal tilt are valid. Journalism naturally draws liberals; we like to change the world. I'll bet that most Post journalists voted for Obama. I did. There are centrists at The Post as well. But the conservatives I know here feel so outnumbered that they don't even want to be quoted by name in a memo.

Count on Mr. "Can Anyone Here Run This Mag?" Stengel to come through a couple of weeks late, but...

WE WIN!!!!!

By the way, that's real CUTE, TWXSTERS, but is it any wonder newsrags are becoming irrelevant faster than you can say LITERARY DIGEST?


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Bush at economic summit: US could have gone into depression worse than Great Depression.

NOW he tells us.

How apt: A man who has earned the world's adoration for mangling standards will sing at the birthday bash of The Man who Would Never Be King.

It is the third celebration in a week for the prince, who turned 60 on Friday.

That's enough to make you want to strangle...somebody, but the Prince is too much the gentleman for that.

...the Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee...


...and NOW we have these LOONY LEFTISTS the QUAKERS trying to tell America's CEOs how much they should make! Time to raise the RED FLAG as we go SOCIALIST, friends -- and the WHITE FLAG OF SURRENDER as we destroy our FREE-ENTERPRISE SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!!

It is very unfortunate that most of those raising a stink over CEO pay seem to be left of center, but that says con-SER-va-tives grew so smug over time with their GREENSPAN MONEY-MAKING MACHINE as to lose all sense of perspective. For this and other reasons con-SER-va-tive complaints about The One do not resonate, however valid.

Friday, November 14, 2008

TRAGEDY IN TALLAHASSEE: The LEGENDARY Bobby Bowden suspends five of his indentured servants for being -- a little too MUCH football players.

This is the third time this season Bowden has had to suspend a receiver, as both Reed and Surrency have missed games. Surrency was suspended for the Georgia Tech game for an undisclosed violation of team rules, and Reed was suspended for the game against Virginia Tech for violating the school's academic attendance policy.

Quite a team you have there, Bobby!

Today, after the opening of THE GREATEST IMPORTED THEME PARK IN BRANSON EAST HISTORY, we remember that 46 years ago this coming January Oliver! opened. It was already a West End hit (and later an even bigger hit in the movies), and listening to the immortal Broadway-cast album (recorded when the show was touring in LA -- RCA wasn't stupid), it is clear why it has endured: its score is rollicking and eloquent and memorable...and fun -- and definitely NOT "serviceable". (Its only weaknesses are the big ballad for Eydie Gormé and that the show falls apart at the end, no small thanks to Mr. Dickens.) People can make fun of DickensLite but I'd guess this score captures his spirit better than most adaptations, except maybe the '35 David Copperfield. Sadly Lionel Bart wrote only one other hit afterwards, but people will still be singing his one truly great work long after ROCK-IT MAN!'s immortality has employed its last roustabout.

And ROG, it wasn't so smart to compare this to KERNGERSHWIN HAMMERSTEIN, because His show closed nine years before it was supposed to -- and at least it CHANGED THE FACE OF BRANSON EAST. Pffffffffffffffffffft!

P. S. For what it's worth a West End revival commences in December, although we can't see Mr. Bean as Fagin.

In a way this news of a Jewish social service agency in New York closing its doors is sad, but it reminds us of the untold numbers of Jews who went through Ellis Island, and fortified America's backbone, and gave a lilt to her culture.

Con-SER-va-tives are excited because someone's challenging BANEhead Boehner for the House leadership, but if the years under the late Realtor Denny should have taught people anything it's that House GOP is a dictionary definition of "status quo".

And speaking of money, in that capitol of moolah burning, Branson East:

A few can see a silver lining to a harsher economic climate in that it may force producers to rethink the economics of the Rialto in general after several years of bounty.

"We've done so well for so long, we're all a little spoiled," says McCollum. "Hopefully
[sic], people will get smarter about how they produce."

TRANSLATION: Don't worry, theme-park owners, there'll always be rich people who'll want to put their vanity in lights.

At about 6:00 p.m. yesterday I posted on Hillary at Foggy Bottom, not that long after The Daily Kaplan. At 2:10 today one of Kaplan's writers posts on Hillary, and goshdarnit, if he doesn't say the same things I said -- in a lot more words.

It is SO frustrating to get three hits a day, but I suppose it's for a reason.

Once again, Sleazeball Gumbo thinks he can counter public hatred of Big Pharma by running an AD.

I don't think he realizes neither Republicans nor QUINS rule the roost anymore.

Perhaps, the Fed could merge Citi and AIG. There must be come cost savings in that.


Va. Tech alert system fails in first use

TRANSLATION: Psychopath early-warning systems are bound to fail in ANY use.

Speaking of comedians, how many remaindered books can $8.5 million buy?

SLIME, I think you'd have been better off with OJ. He's a comedian.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Stupid is: Rahm the Enforcer apologized to an Arab activist group for the stupid thing his father said. stupid does: The activist group is headed by Mary Rose Oakar, who was a bit singed by the House Post Office scandal.

We've briefly broken radio silence: It sez here The One could appoint Hillary as his secretary of state. Why?

There's increasing chatter in political circles that the Obama camp is not overly happy with the usual suspects for secretary of state these days and that the field might be expanding somewhat beyond Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Gov. Bill Richardson (D-N.M.), Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) and maybe former Democratic senator Sam Nunn of Georgia.

There's a plus in Hillary in that role -- strength. There's a minus in that too: meddling from a CO-PRESIDENT.

But those four names wouldn't impress us either, even if The One promised Sen. Hein-TZZZ. Three of them are known prima donnas. That we don't need in a Secretary of State. This is where choosing the best person would benefit us, but alas, too many things will force The One from choosing that person.

Like Daily Kos, whose infants must be furious.

Brian, whose news org earlier confidently announced Elvis was going to introduce another hit -- or at least maybe remake one of his classics -- confidently cites the CIA boss as saying El's alive and obsessive about his security. Given the track records of both we must say, Elvis creates suspicious minds.

In view of the tremendous losses suffered by the general public, there is a real danger that excessive deregulation will be succeeded by punitive reregulation. That would be unfortunate because regulations are liable to be even more deficient than the market mechanism. As I have suggested, regulators are not only human but also bureaucratic and susceptible to lobbying and corruption. It is to be hoped that the reforms outlined here will preempt a regulatory overkill.

True enough, we suppose; but you have to wonder why George Soros, preeminent sufferer of BDS, gave so much money to forces that may now punitively reregulate the economy. Certain it is, though, that we cannot expect a happy medium from a system that alternatively gives us CDOs and SIVs and Great Depressions.

(Via Seeking Alpha)

Even a TNR contributor who's cleverly blurbed on the home page as thinking partisanship is a good thing may not be that gung-ho:

And yet we must take care not to be too partisan about partisanship. It ought not to be welcome in every aspect of life--certainly not in arenas such as the schools, the churches, and the sciences, where concerns for other values ought to dominate, and under ordinary circumstances completely exclude, the partisan mentality. Yet in a society in which the parties stand for different worldviews that encompass education, religion, and science, maintaining those limits is increasingly difficult. Even in a partisan America, or perhaps especially there, the ethic of partisanship has to include rules for keeping partisanship in its place. [Last graf]

We still think SARAH!!!!! isn't that smart, but it appears we along with zillions of others were duped by this fraud "Eisenstadt." And we think we know why so many hacks and bloggers were duped; he used a name similar to two wonks, and in their pea skulls they thought, Eisenstadt -- I've heard of this guy; he knows what he's talking about! And so once more hacks print and non-print were without a clue, not having the foggiest idea or desire where to get one.

We would apologize, and do, except a blog with three hits a day doesn't have anyone to apologize to.

(Revised at 11:21 a. m. to reflect the first link's content)

TEARING OF HAIR AND GNASHING OF TEETH: Members of The Academy® debated for hours and hours before deciding THE GREATEST COMIC BOOK MOVIE OF ALL TIME did NOT qualify for an Os-CAR® music nomination because they couldn't be sure exactly how much of the score its composers wrote.

This looks like a job for AIN'T IT COOL NEWS!

P. S. at 11:55 a. m.

"We are in a seriously dark period of quality for film music."

We've been in a seriously dark period of quality for film music since Max Steiner and Alfred Newman died.

"They get into this business, they get put on a pedestal by management, they get paid an awful lot of money on the idea that they're going to bring viewers," Smith said. "They get crazed, particularly as they get older, and they're more and more cut off from whatever it was they once did."

Which, when it comes to local TV anchorpoops, is being pretty.

We are suspicious when Zeitgeist pontificates (to say the least), and we'd guess that because it says the shopping mall is "dead" means anything but. Yes in the screaming abandonment of our cities due to race too many were built, and the weaker ones are closing, but we'd guess the stronger ones are adopting tricks to adjust to the changing environment -- like adding movie houses or other amusements, or going open-air. There are too many of them to ever give up their stranglehold on the pocketbook. And it's hard to imagine people ever coming back to downtowns, especially when retailers themselves are having increasing trouble not looking like clones.

Another topic for our CRUSADING HACKS to investigate:

When Will Barack Obama Come Clean About His Comic-Book Collection?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Some much-needed comic relief, thankfully from someone other than Lindsay:

8,000 Beduins stake their claim as the lost tribe of Barack Obama

Speaking of GE BANCORP, we have called it that for some time because it IS for all practical purposes a BANK with an INDUSTRIAL STUB, and for ST. WARREN to have invested in it does NOT mean its decision to become even MORE of a bank is any less -- dicey.

The shares are at their lowest level since January 1997.

...when LEGENDARY WELCH finished making it a BANK -- and started getting the HEARTBURN he normally inflicted on His peons.

``Inclusion in this program will allow us to source our debt competitively with other participating financial institutions,'' Wilkerson said. [Emphasis added]


Speaking of annoying, we try not to comment on cheap publicity stunts that are more than eighteen hours old, but HASBRO FILMS' latest line extension is STOOPID. Where does the GENIUS MISTUH SCOTT intend to set this Monopoly® tentpole? In Atlantic City? Certainly if he wants to make it DARK. (Ad-blurbists yell HOORAAAAAAAAY!) Nonetheless AC is dark in more ways than one, and we don't want to sell to the over-65 crowd. But as we know HASBRO has already inflicted Monopoly® with 50,000 line extensions. Does that mean they'll set it in 50,000 cities? Do we bring in the Beatles? (Nah, costs too much.) Or Luke Spielberg's Star Wars gang? Or Spider-Man? We can see idiot SFX for the Get Out of Jail Free card; half of Pawtucket must already be working on visualizing Chance and Community Chest. And what about the GAME TOKENS and the PLASTIC HOUSES? By rights when these IMBECILES at HASBRO and GE BANCORP are through this will be so overwhelmed with marketing as to make for one of the all-time great failures. But we know how fillum cri-TICS work, especially when confronted with masters, and we predict this WILL be a CRITICALLY-ACCLAIMED hit, though we can't reason why.

Lohan refers to Obama as 'first colored president'

Hey Lindsay! You're not so hot in monochrome.

Speaking of cheap partisans, I wonder what the NO-SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN ZONE OF THE RIGHT and the NO-SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN ZONE OF THE LEFT, or is that the KEITH ZERO OF THE LEFT and the KEITH ZERO OF THE RIGHT, will be like when they're seventy; they'll be so angry they couldn't get in the John Birch Society or a confab of Maoists.

And speaking of "bipartisan", I just came back from my dreary A & P, a union shop that always runs out of sale goods, and I thought how PILLHEADS 'n' PELOSIS would handle unions if their desires ran rampant. PILLHEADS would not only ban unions, they'd make organizing illegal. PELOSIS would make union membership AND dues MANDATORY.


I wouldn't take this Pepto-Bismol about "bipartisanship" too seriously. We all know how it works in Congress: all of your guys and ten of the others and it's bipartisan. We doubt if The One will choose more than a few liberal (read MODERATE) Republicans, and when One's through he can say, "Well, I'd have chosen more Republicans but I just ran out." Certainly he won't choose conservatives. But wouldn't it be nice if presidents, right or left, just chose the best people whatever their ideology?


TRANSLATION: How much of a BANK does GE BANCORP now want to be?

Do you hacks think the time has come to stop referring to LEGENDARY WELCH? He FOUNDED GE BANCORP.

Meantime Mighty Mouse and Cleaning Lady are attending the G-20 for The One!

I think I understand why the hacks are keeping radio silence.


WASHINGTON (AP) -- In a Nov. 11 story about President-elect Obama's transition operation, The Associated Press erroneously reported that Obama has hired veteran Democrats Sam Nunn and Warren Christopher to head his transition teams at the Pentagon and State Department. Nunn "will play an informal senior adviser role" for the transition, and Christopher has no role, Obama spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said.

TRANSLATION: Somebody wanted a place and somebody wasn't gonna GET a place. Or are we being too cynical?

Maybe not with Piano-Bar Man.

Listen, Mr. Hitler Expert, I saw B. S. DEFENDER as a fake LONG before you did -- yes, even before he became the ne plus ultra of super-inside Web consultants -- but I don't pontificate on rock music, nor do I have twenty media outlets.

You don't get to post YouTube videos of David Gurgle boogieing at Davos unless you're boogieing too.

(Via the usual Romy, who's surprised)


He's here! He's there! HE'S EVERYWHERE!!!!!

He's nowhere.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hey hacks! While you've gone into radio silence about our new president here's a story you can overreport: A city in Turkey is suing PEOPLE WARNER. Why? It's called BATMAN!

How about it, GanNETtoids? Col.? This should be good for a couple of front-pagers!

REVERSE SYNERGY (and more INTREPID reporting): ESPN reports that our president-elect does NOT like the new BCS plan -- even as ESPNCORP is about to move the entire BCS exclusively onto ITS cable property and make fans mad. That it does not seem to be reporting.

What's next on the agenda, ESPNCORP? How about his favorite color?

I know Ub Iger's favorite color -- GREEN.

near a five-year low.

UH oh, R. EM's starting again:

Get Your Impeach Obama Gear

Get your Clinton One-Term calendars!

DAVE! Time for another exposé!

Oooooh, this shouldn't have happened:

Gun sales surge after Obama's election

Now it's really time for GUN CONTROL! Pfffffffffffffffffft!

We make fun of BloomyLite but all those odd terminals do finance some aggressive reporting, like the stories on how superbrains combined to ruin our financial system, and this latest one about how radioactive materials are being recycled in all manner of places to all manner of harm. Who'd have thunk the spawn of Honorary Mayor Mike could perform such a public service?

Reading of the "black hole" AIG has become gives us more than pause, but when we think of those outfits who deserve a steep recession local broadcasters rank with the SIV MAKERS at the top of the list. Outside of video police blotters they produce nothing, and they only produce their video police blotters because they're PROFIT CENTERS. Take them away and you have OPRAH!!!!! and JEOPARDY!!!!! and the increasingly wizened network schedules; take them away and you have infomercials. No, these outfits have been mints for too long; they're overdue to have their gold supply dry up.

We love celebrity feuds; they remind us that, for all the woe about us, we can still have time for the most meaningless trivia. They also remind us that in many ways we are superior to the people whose feuds we help pay for by our surgical attachment to box offices.

A certain bloviator we are tired of so much as mentioning believes The One is putting together the electronic equivalent of the crowds at the Nuremberg Rallies. Perhaps He is just jealous. We do confess, however, even if this increasingly strident mouth says so, we're worried too, as outside of Lousiana America has little experience with government by cult, although it may be no more possible to glue a devoted mob together electronically than otherwise, especially when its membership has so many different kinds of good intentions.

Meantime the intrepid hacks do some deep investigative work and uncover The Anointeds' Secret Service monikers, the kind of grueling heavy lifting we haven't seen since they reported on The Ones' choosing a First Dog.

YHOO at $11.38 today, near a five-year low.

"[I]f someone has lobbied in the last 12 months, they are prohibited from working in the fields of policy on which they lobbied."

Is this for real, or is this merely The One's version of Slick's ethics "reforms"?

And by the way, we wouldn't expect a Republican to be any more real either.

Guess which tiresome talk-radio types will spend their whole programs on THIS tomorrow:

Vivian Schiller, who heads the online operations of The New York Times, will leave the paper to become the president and chief executive of National Public Radio, the network announced on Tuesday.

Well, I can't say I blame them -- entirely.

The One gets into the symbolism thing.

If he were president of Symbolism he'd have it made.

Okay, what if, say, our new president visited Iran? He'd get loving crowds and headlines. What else? Oh, maybe NUKEMAN would sell us a little more oil. But wouldn't we be propping up a regime that is disliked by its own people? We may wonder after the way Dubya flip-flopped on North Korea if it makes any difference; but it defies sense to think that a smiling NUKE would stop building his bombs. Indeed he may be smiling at cross purposes.

Laura Bush to publish memoirs before husband

And they'll sell better too.

That is, IF the First Hubby ever dictates his "memoirs", but just in case.

COL.'s leftenant (no pun intended) comes up with ANOTHER BRILLIANT IDEA:

Abrams proposes three-month "march to inauguration" subscriptions [The usual Romy link]

Hey Col.! Let's sell ZERO of Dem Cubbies!

Monday, November 10, 2008

I really do wish the next time someone like PILLHEAD refers to THEIR president-elect (or whatever damfool language He uses) that He'd keep in mind what's happened in Wilmington, Ohio is part of OUR COLLECTIVE problem too. We'll grant Deutsche Post's U. S. delivery business was a distant third and not getting any better but that doesn't make shutting it down less painful.

I hate to keep harping on PILLHEAD but the GOP will get nowhere so long as He's its biggest propagandist, and its biggest propagandist hearkens to an increasingly distant and odorous past.

"I look up and there are, like, 15 people looking at me, with camera phones out, waiting to take a picture of which kind of underwear I'm going to buy. 'Think she's a small or an extra small?' I wanted to be like, 'Uh, guys? I can hear you!' "

I guess it is more difficult to be a public figure these days -- especially if you're a public figure.

If Republicans decide they can avoid tough questions from the press, and Democrats decide they can avoid tough questions from the press, will what's left of the press still ask tough questions -- and will anyone answer them?

Bush is the GOP’s Jimmy Carter, a weak bumbler who embarrassed his constituents, betrayed his philosophical movement, sank his party, and eventually surrendered the White House to the opposition, this time led by the Senate’s Number One liberal, still in his first term. Bush should retire quietly to Texas, where he can drive his truck, chop wood, and avoid the limelight for the balance of his natural existence.

Why Obama Should Copy Bush (Really!)


Does ever a pundit write to explain, say, a liberal idea to a conservative? Or a conservative idea to a liberal? Why must pundit writing always be (to use that dead-tired phrase) "preaching to the choir"? There is almost always the subliminal middle finger, the bully, the razz in what partisan pundits do. Why haven't we learned enough to reject it?

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Little did we realize when we posted the ethereal Lynda's picture yesterday that the TWXSTERS and their movie division DC COMICS are engineering a MAMMOTH PR stunt for their supposedly Wonderful Woman, pitting three "actresses" one against another, two with sound-alike names and look-alike faces. We give the one Megan the in, though, for demanding her own tanning bed on a movee set.

Some publicist has even used the ever-reliable Wikipedia to liken one of the Megans to Sophia Loren, and given that he uses "whilst" I say he works for either the Daily Mail or SLIME.

One other thing: Anyone ever hear the song "You Do Something to Me"? Sophia would do something to me. Lynda would do something to me. None of these auditioning heart throbs would do something to me. Indeed I find it hard to distinguish between your typical female movee star and some, rank PR0N -- actresses. They share the same overchiseled bodies and blank stares.

And something Sophia and Lynda didn't have: TATTOOS.


I'm starting to wonder: Does PILLHEAD believe what he eructs, or is he merely the original KEITH O who happened on a good thing first?

It is now certain, alas, that the Os-CARS® will have an audience INCREASE thanks to THE GREATEST COMIC BOOK MOVIE EVER. But what happens if (when) it loses? Will the fanboys riot before the Kodak Theater? Will the Web bog down as fillum sites become overloaded with nasty comments? Will the fantasy geeks hack® and®? Stay tuned.

American elections are a powerful drug: they bring delusions of omnipotence. All that talk of "change" and "hope" brings demands for swift action: "Do it now," "first six months," "hundred days." The economic crisis may indeed demand speed, but in foreign policy the reality is that, on the afternoon of Jan. 20, President Obama will face the same challenges that President Bush did that morning. And none presents much opportunity for bold new initiatives.

That's fortunate. Incoming presidents making big decisions in a hurry is a surefire recipe for error. Think JFK and the Bay of Pigs. More recently, George W. Bush's reflexive ditching of the Clinton administration's strategy on North Korea was a misstep it has taken years to retrieve.


Is it me or are most of the stories that get the thumbs-down from The Daily Beast's readers press releases?

And given that AIG wants more of OUR money now MIGHT be a good time to talk prison for Hank.

By the way, Herr Foods, Inc. has reintroduced the 6-oz. potato chip bag. Anyone who eats potato chips has encountered The Incredible Shrinking Potato Chip Bag. Such a stratagem is stupid in two ways: first, the customer knows the contents are shrinking, and resents it; and second because stupid outfits like Herr's have downsized repeatedly this past year it means constantly retooling the production line, which we'd guess eats up some of the supposed profits. It's for that reason I'd guess that the big cola bottlers haven't changed the sizes of their bottles or cans as that would cause disruptions throughout several industries. The best thing to do is leave the portion sizes alone, and raise prices when necessary; but because consumer-products CEOs think they run the CIA they will only continue to play tricks with their product lines -- and because so many now associate Big Biz with Republicanism in the worst way such nonsense might not help the GOP rebrand either.

If it's Sunday it must be Big Double-A-Scribble Time -- and the rag is even more full of it than usual not so much because the Right Guy won, but because he did it with Marketing. OR:

"He's almost like Che Guevara, in a good way," said Mr. Hounshell. "He has icon status, with all the art around the world of his face."

Well that's okay -- it didn't work for Boobs McKeating. (This guy is "web editor of Foreign Policy magazine", but that's okay, too: Kaplan Inc. just took it over, and who knows? It might nab him a promotion.)

As for the GOP, it needs to "rebrand" and "listen." We are quite sure people like "Bonehead" Boehner (pardon me -- BANEhead) will rebrand and listen very carefully, and guarantee their party does not get a Congressional majority until 2114.

By the way, SARAH!!!!! was an EDSEL -- but don't tell that to her; she thinks she's a ROLLS. Thankfully SARAH!!!!! doesn't know the Edsel.

Meantime MadAve can delude itself into thinking maybe The One's guys could bring back the ad biz. Well, if the president-elect proves to be as much a piece of goods as New Coke -- or the EDSEL -- they just might.

On my way to and from having to shop at the A&P I came across a straggling tiny band of LaRoachites, the vagrants of politics, and they put a sign up suggesting three of their enemies be jailed, all on their poster in prison garb. One was Hank, understandable enough.

The other two were Barney and Sandy Dodd.

This is going to be a long slog for the Democrats.

You wonder why GEKKO KUDLOW hasn't been on the phone with PILLHEAD. He ought to tell Him: we're not in a depression -- heck we're not even in a recession. GOLDILOCKS RULES! Pffffffffffffft!


Friends, the DEMOCRAT PRESS is trying to TALK OUR WAY INTO A RECESSION. They think if they can DEMORALIZE US they can get a feminazi like HITLERY in the White House. Well friends, unlike the far left I talk to businessmen EVERY DAY, and they ASSURE me, listeners, not only is America NOT entering a recession, and is nowhere NEAR entering a recession, the housing business is HEALTHIER THAN EVER! This RECESSION garbage is all reporter talk to get their DEMOCRAT friends elected and RUIN AMERICA!! Regardless of what you think of George W. Bush, so long as REPUBLICANS run the show the chances of recession are MUCH SMALLER.

You don't suppose PILL ever uttered words remotely like these, do you? NAAAAAAAAAH.

It wasn't late enough in the day — I'm not sure it ever would be — for Arnold Schwarzeneggar making bedroom jokes about his marriage.

You'd think MS. TRAVERS, THE doyenne of CON-SER-VA-TIVE MOVIES, would know how to spell Ah-NULT's LAST NAME.

The first thought is to find a battle of monks amusing, but then you realize these are supposedly holy men, and thus it may not be that amusing.

TRANSLATION: News hacks will wage every effort to make our new president into a God. His MORTAL ENEMIES like PILLHEAD will wage every effort to make themselves into ASSES.

The OBAMA RECESSION is in FULL SWING, ladies and gentlemen! Stocks are DYING, which is a precursor of THINGS TO COME! This is an OBAMA RECESSION! Might turn into a DEPRESSION!

Ever since SOME people elected THEIR DEMOCRAT LEFTIST PRESIDENT stocks have gone in the TOILET because INVESTORS, the BACKBONE OF THE REPUBLIC, have REALIZED the SOCIALIST SCHEMES THIS DEMOCRAT president and HIS Congress will enact, like the CARD-CHECK BILL, and limits on EXECUTIVE PAY, and the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE, ANNNNNNNNNNNND....

Okay, no peeking: which is PILLHEAD and which is YOURS TRULY?

By the way, is it possible to find a spin-free, statistically accurate count of the PILL's audience? That would seem highly unlikely, though -- what with ARBITRON.

P. S. at 9:52 p. m. Last year PEJ said PILL's 2006 weekly number was 13.5 million, but IT got the number from Talkers -- which got it from ARBITRON, which relies heavily on unreliable DIARIES.

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