Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, April 21, 2007
10:00 PM
by Gene
9:41 PM
by Gene
A generation ago, the social critic Christopher Lasch diagnosed narcissism as the signal disorder of contemporary American culture. The cult of celebrity, the marketing of instant gratification, skepticism toward moral codes and the politics of victimhood were signs of a society regressing toward the infant stage. You don't have to buy Freud's explanation or Lasch's indictment, however, to see an immediate danger in the way we examine the lives of mass killers. Earnestly and honestly, detectives and journalists dig up apparent clues and weave them into a sort of explanation. In the days after Columbine, for example, Harris and Klebold emerged as alienated misfits in the jock culture of their suburban high school. We learned about their morbid taste in music and their violent video games. Largely missing, though, was the proper frame around the picture: the extreme narcissism that licensed these boys, in their minds, to murder their teachers and classmates. Something similar is now going on with Cho, whose florid writings and videos were an almanac of gripes. "I'm so lonely," he moped to a teacher, failing to mention that he often refused to answer even when people said hello. Of course he was lonely. In Holocaust studies, there is a school of thought that says to explain is to forgive. I won't go that far. But we must stop explaining killers on their terms. Minus the clear context of narcissism, the biographical details of these men can begin to look like a plausible chain of cause and effect--especially to other narcissists. And they don't need any more encouragement.
9:27 PM
by Gene
• The Sensitive Art of Marketing After a Tragedy Sensitive? P. S. Before that Zeitgeist's vice-president and show-biz publicity chief had this to say -- which we thankfully missed, lest it make us angry: If you were looking to build a case for the sheer pointlessness of 24-hour cable-news networks, Monday afternoon’s coverage of the mass shooting at Virginia Tech would’ve been a great place to start. And how pray tell, Devin, did the rest of your biz avoid pointlessness? Or did it? It’s a sly commentary on the surreality of movie violence—but viewed from another, more alarmist, perspective, one could just as easily bash it for glorifying bloodshed. Editor-pleasin' DEVIN wins a NEUHARTHISM OF THE MONTH AWARD -- and is an instant finalist for our annual honors! Go for it! We know you have adjectives and Machiavellianism to spare!
5:57 PM
by Gene
British Airways cut a cameo by Richard Branson from its in-flight version of the latest James Bond film and blurred out the tail fin of a Virgin Atlantic plane seen in the movie. We couldn't care less about Richard Branson, or British Airways, or James Bond, so why does this strike us as so typical of the little eenie-weenie-teeny-tiny vendettas big businessmen have that make them so popular with their customers?
5:54 PM
by Gene
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's administration said Friday it had stopped construction on a new execution chamber at San Quentin State Prison, a project whose secrecy angered Democratic lawmakers when they learned of it just last week. Why do we harbor the suspicion Ah-NULT would not execute even the most deserving thug just to look good for the media? Schwarzenegger Lets MTV 'Pimp' His Ride We can only hope Jo-NAH runs no more elbow thrusts for Ah-NULT for president.
4:15 PM
by Gene
[MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER!!!!! overemphasis added] You wonder whether we'd better served by rumor than by the mix of bromides, salesmanship and flat-out BS that makes up the news biz. We can't do enough to put these frauds like GanNETt out of business.
1:46 PM
by Gene
Why not? It's as good a place as any.
1:41 PM
by Gene
At what point does setting an example become bureaucratic overkill?
1:38 PM
by Gene
And then maybe BUGMEISTER can donate His foundation money to the League of Nations to clean up the mess. He'll get it coming AND going!
1:22 PM
by Gene
And besides -- they're members of AN ACTORS' UNION.
12:28 PM
by Gene
12:20 PM
by Gene
Head of China's State-Backed Church Dies ...followed by: Fidel Castro Meets With Chinese Official
12:11 PM
by Gene
Will someone tell these bozos all these result in are reports nobody reads? Friday, April 20, 2007
7:56 PM
by Gene
Democrats Target Tax Break for ConocoPhillips, Tyson This "tax break for producing alternative energy" (peeeee-U!) was manufactured by Roy "The Gay Divorcée" Blunt, so obviously petulant Dems want to get back at him. But we should remember whenever Congresspoops pass pieces of -- legislation that give tax breaks for dubious causes they're merely getting back at the people.
6:45 PM
by Gene
The New York Times is Featured on ``Jeopardy!'' Week of April 23!!!!! [PINCHIAN overemphasis added] We would pose our own JEOPARDY!!!!!!!!!!-style question but PINCH has all the answers. (Via -- who else? Romy)
6:42 PM
by Gene
"I would argue, since 1994 with the Gingrich revolution, just take a look at Iraq, Venezuela, Katrina, what's gone down at Virginia Tech, Darfur, Imus. Take a look. This didn't happen accidentally, all these things," he said. ASK NOT -- oh. That's Obama's line. (Via Hotline On Call)
6:30 PM
by Gene
Heck THE CONSPIRACY's been flying for decades without fuel. Not to worry; we suspect we'll be hearing from those press ag -- REPORTERS flying on their own fumes quoting PAUL DRECK and citing ALL-TIME get the idea.
6:19 PM
by Gene
There's just one problem: Wall Street does not get embarrassed.
6:17 PM
by Gene
1:59 PM
by Gene
This has to be the WORST day for FREE EN-TER-PRISE since DICK GRASSO was persecuted!
1:57 PM
by Gene
Better still if you hadn't arrived.
10:11 AM
by Gene
This article by Jess Bravin in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal is a prime example.... The Wall Street Journal’s readers are entitled to better than this. Considering you have two knee-jerk papers which think they can sell for $500 a year online, and which flaunt and scorn their P-Ulitzers depending on their respective party lines, I believe their readers aren't.
10:02 AM
by Gene
Something does get news hacks mad! (Via the usual Romy) P. S. CNN's idiots have "banned" the video, no doubt because it's yesterday's news, and besides, there's the LOGO.
9:36 AM
by Gene
9:34 AM
by Gene
Woulda, shoulda, coulda -- yes, I believe we've found another reason the hacks should shut up.
9:19 AM
by Gene
Ordinarily this would be laugh-out-loud colyumnist-self-parody funny but the more we encounter zillionaire pundits writing like this the less likely we are to laugh.
8:43 AM
by Gene
Look at it this way: If you don't lose circulation and ratings and revenues, someone else will.
8:39 AM
by Gene
President Obama? Meet Press Secretary Friedman! When does Jonny Hairshirt graduate to the grand position of blather his mentor Howie Hairshirt occupies? (Via MediaBistro) Thursday, April 19, 2007
7:28 PM
by Gene
Meantime the people seem to be letting news hacks all over America have it over their new hero, which means we're stuck with BRIAN's and CAPUT's images, which will define the obscenity forever, but whose blatant overexposure, with justice, will dig more ground from underneath the news biz. (It must be serious when GREG co-authors it.) Or as BRIAN and CAPUT said, GIVE ME FIVE!!!!!
5:40 PM
by Gene
5:27 PM
by Gene
Josh Tyrangiel, the with-it whiz kid who is going to save Time from dead tree hell, tells me that we will soon (-ish) be adding video to the Swamp. TRANSLATION: ER's adding more bells and whistles, and with any luck the site will be so noisy with bells and whistles you won't hear the content. Look at it this way, Gawk: when PEOPLE NEWSRAG folds it'll save a few forests. P. S. I would like to know why I'm not as good as these TWXSTER millionaires. If I churned out as much CW as they I should have negative hits.
5:21 PM
by Gene
5:19 PM
by Gene
That the folks at Marvel seem to think this is something new is the mark of a rank amateur.
2:57 PM
by Gene
2:39 PM
by Gene
When does GE BANCORP AND REALTY pay? Time for that SPINOFF, Little Jeffy? (Via the ethically debating Romy)
12:24 PM
by Gene
12:14 PM
by Gene
It's the least (or perhaps we should say the most) it can do.
11:57 AM
by Gene
Well who told SLEAZEBALL GUMBO's employers to turn America into a chemical fountain of youth?
9:29 AM
by Gene
9:14 AM
by Gene
Suddenly, the utilitarian approach to gun control supersedes reality. Yet it is too easy to blame external elements--elements we could perhaps change. Not that gun control isn't a worthy issue, but 32 innocents didn't die only because there are too many guns in the world; they died because Cho decided to kill them. And if the cause wasn't too many guns, then there were plenty of other influences--and plenty of other sources for reporters to harangue: the violence-in-media people, the psychoanalysts, the criminal profilers, and the pharmaceutical companies (Cho was taking an antidepressant). But these are just aspects of this melancholy crisis; they're quite different than the cruel ambition to kill. It is that wicked impulse we should be trying to figure out. Just one problem: only God knows who has that wicked impulse -- and who has a direct line with God?
8:40 AM
by Gene
Maybe the Muslim world has more common sense than we ordinarily think.
8:29 AM
by Gene
Yes, the hacks must shut up, and keep up for the future dreaming of this week's profits. They'll need it. (Link via the usual Romy)
8:27 AM
by Gene
1. Don't some people know how to get their news? 2. 24.7 million may be a lot, but considering our population's 300 million you have to wonder how many deliberately tuned out because they'd already heard the story -- and because they knew how the TV do's would overplay it.
8:12 AM
by Gene
Some said the "jokes" were just part of his exaggerated way of speaking, so they didn't take them seriously. Others said they found him a savvy, insightful interviewer, and they appreciated the time he gave them to express their thoughts. And some were honest enough to say that they valued his big audience, especially when they were promoting their books. These are weak excuses for journalists' participation in this continuing offense to civility. Jokes are not jokes when they wound and humiliate. The claim that Imus's slanders were the price they had to pay in return for his providing a forum for their ideas doesn't wash. Big-name newspaper, magazine and TV journalists have no trouble finding places where they can voice their thoughts. WwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwWELL! Considering that's it's been umpteen years since Howie Hairshirt and the CLODS at The Newsrag of the Zeitgeist started blabbing with Old Scotch Fumes it does seem odd that The Great Bloviator should only now be harrumphing about it. Amazing how this schlemiel finds the truth after all the rest of America has found it. And for this they pay the big bucks, and lay off people. (Via the usual Romy) Wednesday, April 18, 2007
8:07 PM
by Gene
![]() Someday the world will know in its full flavor the strange and incredible story of Kitty Carlisle Hart. The granddaughter of Shreveport's first Jewish mayor (!), she was born to -- to put it politely -- a scheming social climber of a mother, and after her physician-husband named Conn died when Kitty was ten she squired her to Europe to marry royalty and spend most of the time in singing lessons. With the Crash it was back to the states for an expedient in show-biz; Kitty looked through a phone directory and found her stage name Carlisle -- as did her mother. Several Broadway shows followed, and soon Kitty was off to Paramount opposite Bing Crosby and introducing "June in January" and "Love in Bloom", and then to MGM with the Marx Brothers and the unlikely A Night at the Opera. A decade of marking time followed -- radio, nightclubs, one last bad movie, and who knows what had she not made her great catch: the brilliant (and bisexual) playwright and director (and psychiatrists' slave) Moss Hart, whom she married in 1946 not for love but because it seemed a good thing at the time. (Among other hobbies Hart liked having nude swimming parties with his "friends." They stopped after the wedding. She was aghast at having to share his bed.) It worked: the couple begat four children and were inseparable until Hart's untimely death at all of 57 in 1961. Most important, it gave her entrée into the great New York social scene, where the natural grace and poise and charm that somehow came from all that time puppy-dogging an imperious mother found a tremendous outlet, and part of it she displayed most famously as a panelist on To Tell the Truth. A life like Mrs. Hart's is unthinkable now, least in part for the opportunites she wouldn't have -- she saw Caruso, and knew Toscanini and his daughters, and dated George Gershwin, and was close to such society bigwigs as Phyllis (Mrs. Bennett) Cerf and Irene (Mrs David O.) Selznick and Dorothy (Mrs. Richard) Rodgers, forces of nature in their own right. You do not rub against all that stardust without a little of it sparkling you, and if her public persona was the real thing -- and we don't doubt it -- Kitty Carlisle Hart had it in galaxies. Here is another reminder of what we have lost, which is far more than we can ever hope to reclaim. P. S. Most of these facts came from Steven Bach's bio of Hart, a not-bad source for such information. (First posted at 5:37 p.m.; I moved it several times for obvious reasons, and also corrected Moss Hart's age; grammatically corrected 2/16/2008)
8:02 PM
by Gene
7:42 PM
by Gene
From Our Town fakery to goosing our ratings to telling the public how to think. Yep, the news biz is back to normal. It never left it.
7:02 PM
by Gene
If ol' LEGENDARY WELCH were still running GE BANCORP they'd have to hospitalize him for laughing. N'est-ce pas?
6:33 PM
by Gene
6:32 PM
by Gene
"Yet, in writing he could communicate. You've seen the plays. They're not good writing. But they are at least a form of communication. And in his responses to the other students' plays, he could be quite articulate. If writing is the only way you can communicate with the wider world, then I guess being an English major makes sense." Majoring in firearms would have made just as much sense. This seems to be the only story to report the hideous agony of the victims. P. S. In fairness, the hacks who edit the front pages did not give our psycho all the publicity that was coming to him, but we must remember this was only the first day.
5:31 PM
by Gene
This psycho will NEVER be out of our sight! Every appearance is like a reward for him! As the fool megazillionaire Brian asks, WHY????? P. S. ![]() This is how the news biz makes up for all the grand exposure it gives a psycho.
10:46 AM
by Gene
10:33 AM
by Gene
10:28 AM
by Gene
10:24 AM
by Gene
We MUST elect DEMOCRATS who'll make sure these BIGOTED, FASCIST -- er, you had too much coffee?
9:40 AM
by Gene
WHEW! WE DON'T HAVE TO CHANGE A THING! Most important is the notion that all the reporters and anchors on camera should be better schooled in crises reporting. Don't sensationalize or speculate. Don't talk about things you don't know because then you're just talking in circles on air. And even though channels employ the "news wheel" philosophy of constant updates, use discretion. Walking us through the story from the start every 10 minutes doesn't help anything. In short, don't waste airtime talking about nothing if you know nothing. Get someone on the street or in the studio. And if the story stalls -- as they all do, even temporarily -- then don't resist the urge to cut away to something different (even though that goes against your gut, history and self-preservation instincts). You can always come back. Having just had a hack tell them their MO is perfect, we can be sure the cable news jerks will take this very seriously -- and then do things THE EXACT OPPOSITE WAY AS ALWAYS.
9:30 AM
by Gene
Jo-NAH successfully invents another reason why we do not need newspaper colyumnists.
8:57 AM
by Gene
These nappy-headed -- I DIDN'T SAY IT! (Via MediaBistro)
8:37 AM
by Gene
Don't some people know how to get their news?
8:31 AM
by Gene
8:28 AM
by Gene
8:14 AM
by Gene
Soon enough we'll forget this story too, and it will be safe to worship death again. Tuesday, April 17, 2007
5:30 PM
by Gene
LOTS OF PEOPLE WANT ME TO SAY MORE about the Virginia Tech shootings, but I don't have a lot more to say at the moment, particularly as it's still unclear exactly what happened.. [SIC] So why the hell do you BLOG? Plus many of his entries have to do with GUN CONTROL (predictably GLIBERTARIAN, we'd guess), so there's less than zero reason to follow him.
2:42 PM
by Gene
The problem may be demonstrated with an equation: [(H/I) / D] * C = Tin which H is the horror factor, I is the amount of information available, D is the likelihood of future developments, C (for GUESS WHICH CABLE NEWS NETWORK) is the amount of air time and column inches available (this being close to infinity and getting closer), and T is the tedium factor. Yesterday's obscenity had a very high horror quotient and a very low information quotient, a quotient rendered lower because of so few firsthand accounts and those (student e-mails, mainly) demonstrating that most collegians just cannot write, dousing the interest. With the almost infinite airtime available the hacks were duly sworn to have to ANDERSONIZE the thing, and so the tedium quotient must approach a record. Repeating a story might be justified IF further developments were available, but they weren't, and especially as the very few remaining further developments were already quite obvious (the "loner" factor for one) there was little news, and even greater tedium. This extremely high tedium (and irritation) factor compounds itself as the biz still thinks we all get our news by shlumpfing into a cozy chair and reading the evening paper. It is now possible to be informed anytime, but the ANDERSONIZERS assume some people are totally oblivious to the news, which seems an increasingly dubious assumption (heck, that famous question, "Where were you on December 7, 1941?" assumes the news spread pretty fast even then, so this notion has probably been obsolete for at least six decades); plus the nightly-news geriatrics are deigned somehow holy despite being less than ten percent of us. This justifies the whack-on-the-brain repetition as much as need to obsessively fill an excessive news hole. That the dolt "Prime-Time" Fahri uses "SYMBOLISM" as an excuse all but confirms THE NEWS BIZ IS BROKE AND IT WON'T CHANGE BECAUSE IT'S TOO FAT AND UGLY AND PROFITABLE. I hate to discuss such an awful story so clinically, but dammit these reporting idiots have brains harder than reinforced concrete -- and IQs to MATCH. One other thing: is it possible so many of these fired reporters Romy & Company always cry over are the JERNALISTIC equivalent of unneeded middle managers turning out too many unneeded reports? P. S. Has anyone noticed has hardly done a thing on this? Doesn't it lend itself to snarky devil's-advocate irony?
2:38 PM
by Gene
We really, really, REALLY need one million news hacks to report this.
12:31 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: He knows on which side his money is buttered.
12:21 PM
by Gene
12:08 PM
by Gene
D.C. Area Man Was Va. Tech Shooter Gunman, a legal resident, came to U.S. through Detroit Who else wants to take credit? News hacks are a thug's best friend!
12:02 PM
by Gene
11:27 AM
by Gene
● Campus caught by surprise (Home-page hed)
10:40 AM
by Gene
I hate symbolism. I still cringe at how America's Greatest Ex-President had only the star lit on the National Christmas Tree for two consecutive Christmases while our hostages festered in Iran. He may as well have run a white flag up America's flagpoles. Such symbolism does not express solidarity, it expresses defeat. Yellow ribbons express defeat. Flowers express defeat. While the psychoses behind such calamities may be unsolvable the last thing we should succumb to is sappy sentimentality.
9:31 AM
by Gene
This is why we need half a million reporters covering this. And it appears for now the university's president will not be the necessary scapegoat, disappointing the armies in the satellite-dish cities.
9:21 AM
by Gene
8:33 AM
by Gene
"Just how big does a story have to be these days to get the broadcast networks to pay attention during their most watched hours?!?!?!?!?!?" [Overemphasis added] 1. The networks had "expanded editions." 2. We have SIXTEEN CABLE NEWS CHANNELS and at least 30,000 WEB NEWS SITES. 3. 200,000 reporters are there. 4. Anyone who thinks we need MORE NEWS COVERAGE should have, to put it politely, his head examined.
6:54 AM
by Gene
DAMMIT Charlie -- Charles, it was a good day, when your reporting hordes could use this story to beat upon our essential hopelessness, and fill the void with your nonstop superiority, and your expense accounts. It was a day when you could say YOU WERE THERE, to cover HISTORY, even if the history consisted largely of marking time blathering shop talk with your fellow hacks. It was a time when you could pretend your allegiance with the people, of whom you have nothing to do other than limousine drivers and maybe an occasional waitress, and wallow in the BATHOS you idiots mistake for philosophy and compassion. It was your time to crow. SHUT UP, CHARLIE -- CHARLES GIBSON. And it is a measure of your biz' professional excellence, its reportorial perspicacity, the legions of truth gatherers swarming in their satellite-dish cities, that we hardly know anything more now than we did at NOON YESTERDAY.
6:42 AM
by Gene
Until yesterday, Virginia Tech was A GUN-FREE ZONE!!!!!!!!!! [Why-we-must-be-armed-to-the-teeth overemphasis added] • Some rip U.S. ‘GUN CULTURE!!!!!!!!!!’ [Why-we-must-be-disarmed-to-the-gums overemphasis added] Not only must we say SHUT UP! to the hacks, but to their appendages, and enablers, and all the would-bes who would add their billions of words to the sea of verbiage that would drown us all.
6:42 AM
by Gene
In the race to a story, they can't beat citizen journalists who don't have to book a flight or arrange satellite time. By the dinner-time newscast, the day's news is old news. There remains a role for traditional media, but, increasingly, the news is speaking for itself. Yes, the news does speak for itself, and so do our imaginations, and as we imagine the news, and imagine how "armies" of news hacks cover the news, and imagine how batallions of "citizen-journalists" with cell-phones get three-second out of focus grainy snapshots, we can increasingly imagine the news, and are fed up even more totally with it.
6:35 AM
by Gene
Could it happen here? Yes. University police chiefs in San Diego County said they plan and prepare regularly for every possible crisis, including a rampaging gunman. Except, of course, the crises they miss. Monday, April 16, 2007
6:58 PM
by Gene
6:47 PM
by Gene
Do I smell a lawsuit?
5:42 PM
by Gene
5:32 PM
by Gene
5:27 PM
by Gene
5:18 PM
by Gene
If I had a dollar for every damned word they're spewing now -- I'd be even richer than that @#$%&* blithering sap ANDERSON COOPER. And count on PEOPLE WARNER MAGAZINES' FLAGSHIP to get into the act! (But not, which is as happily removed from reality as KING RICHARD.)
5:11 PM
by Gene
![]() Where are they piling those symbols of defeat and despair, the flowers and the teddy bears? And how much money will be wasted on flowers and teddy bears that could pay for a scholarship in memory of the dead?
5:06 PM
by Gene
News hacks, not content with their verbomania, keep plumbing new depths of the obvious.
3:20 PM
by Gene
And alas, it appears they did not give an award to THE BOSS, or WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE DYLAN. P. S. The Wall Street Journals Liberal Edition won two, and there is sulking and whining in the Con-SER-va-tive Edition's luxury suites. P. P. S. Ornette Coleman won the P-Ulitzer for a record album, and John Coltrane got a "special citation", so presumably the Boss and Bill Shakespeare aren't that far off.
3:17 PM
by Gene
Well, they paid him to gas on that too. O makes us forget that somewhere buried deep, very deep in that cranium is an intelligent man, but like so many under the spell of the likes of the Great Binge he has become all shtick.
3:07 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: Dubya will cry, and the TV talkingfaces will go into full national-"healing" bloviation mode.
1:47 PM
by Gene
1:09 PM
by Gene
And now, of course, comes the time when we learn evertyhing about the killer, and nothing about the victims. An apt gesture -- the stock market's way up.
11:55 AM
by Gene
How long can we endure massacres with a smile? How long can we say our hideous culture is not to blame? There is talk of a "second gunman." The knee-jerk talk of terrorism will come faster than the truth, but who knows?
10:53 AM
by Gene
Nude Photos of Kate Moss to Be Auctioned Talk about no there there.
10:30 AM
by Gene
Sell a diet of sugar and fattburgers to kids and this will happen to you.
9:56 AM
by Gene
So what? The Beltway Johns always pay for the better-looking sluts.
9:38 AM
by Gene
That includes YOU, Sam.
9:17 AM
by Gene
Over the weekend President Putin, who has made no comment about the protests, was attending a freestyle wrestling match between American and Russian competitors in St. Petersburg, Russia's NTV network reported Sunday. Among the guests were ex-Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi and movie star Jean Claude Van Damme. TRANSLATION: He has his admiring stooges too. Sunday, April 15, 2007
3:54 PM
by Gene
MOVIE executives routinely refuse to talk about their agreements to insert consumer products into films in exchange for hefty fees from advertisers, although they insist that commercial interests never take priority over artistic integrity. But with "Sahara," some creative decisions apparently took promotional considerations into account. For example, producer Karen Baldwin demanded script changes to accommodate DaimlerChrysler because the German-American carmaker negotiated to have its Jeep trucks featured in the film. "You can't have the truck get almost stuck," Baldwin wrote in a March 2004 e-mail to "Sahara" executives. "I would bet that Jeep will have a heart attack when they see that. They want to show how well the Jeep handles and responds — not that it will get stuck in a tough situation." Four months earlier, when director Breck Eisner expressed concern during development of the film about problems with another sequence involving a four-wheel-drive truck, Baldwin wrote in a memo, "Can't cut it. Jeep to pay 3 million." The automaker entered into a partnership with the film's distributor, Paramount Pictures, for promotional tie-ins and an advertising campaign featuring its Jeep Wrangler Unlimited. Eisner also suggested eliminating a bar scene featuring tequila because "it doesn't really work anymore." Baldwin again balked: "Need the tequila and beer scenes at some point as it means a lot of dollars (2 million from Souza and 3 from Heineken)." The bar scenes eventually were cut for creative reasons, according to a person close to the production who spoke on the condition of anonymity. This person said that several companies backed out of product placement commitments in 2004 after "Sahara" novelist Clive Cussler filed a lawsuit against the production company seeking to stop the movie from appearing in theaters. Plus "[a] $40,688 payment to stop a river improvement project and $23,250 for 'Political/Mayoral support' [that] may have run afoul of U.S. law." Hey just so long as we get the product placements made.
11:09 AM
by Gene
I'm totally DEAF -- and I'm NOT crawling out of this salt mine!
11:04 AM
by Gene
9:48 AM
by Gene
Everything you wanted to know about Kingsley Amis, and more. Everything you wanted to know about Kingsley Amis, and more. I think we get the point. I think we get the point. Is somebody still angry about those nappy-headed whatisits?
9:44 AM
by Gene
NickFitz writes "Students at UCSC have recreated the first level of Donkey Kong using 6,400 Post-it notes stuck to the windows of the E2 building. It took a team of about 10 people five hours to complete the work, which will remain in place until May 1. There's a time-lapse video of the construction process." And of course on the video you can hardly see anything. GET A LIFE!
9:41 AM
by Gene
A. Anything he writes is going to make him look pretty bad and B. He hasn't written a good column in years.... Aren't you glad YOU read TimesReject?
9:33 AM
by Gene
Even Steven Simon, who strongly advocates disengagement, says that American and other international forces—once they pull out of Iraq—should be ready to go back in "for humanitarian intervention in the event that violence in Iraq becomes genocidal." The day after in Iraq may look a lot like the day before. You know that celebrated Web picture of the man who has his head stuck up his...NEVER MIND.
9:31 AM
by Gene
In the past month, as a new security crackdown in Baghdad began, U.S. forces arrested another 1,000 Iraqis, bringing to 18,000 the number of detainees jailed in two U.S.-run facilities in that country. And when do they become political prisoners? Maybe if we released them and....just a thought. P. S. Any ASSPress stringers?
9:19 AM
by Gene
NOTHING! Are we taking lots of time off internationally, FORMER STOOGE JonBoy? Well, we ARE comforted by this: Survey: Planning a Vacation? • In a few weeks, NEWSWEEK International will publish a special report on luxury vacation travel, and we'd like to get your input. Take Our Travel Survey. Will do, FORMER STOOGE JonBoy -- and we hope it makes its way into your International covers!