Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, October 14, 2006
9:34 PM
by Gene
4:48 PM
by Gene
4:31 PM
by Gene
They'll get by with a little help from THEIR FRIENDS.
2:14 PM
by Gene
There's an obvious solution: have Honorary Mayor Mike provide all the money himself. He can afford it. He's also a Democrat. It's the least he can do. P. S. We see Honorary's mad because Honorary Gov. George and "the normal gaggle of Congress people who rush to the microphone anytime they think they can get on the air" want to take away his right to play with his airborne toys, using that dreadful plane crash the other day as an excuse. TRANSLATION: A zillionaire + a pilot's license = AN EFFETE SNOB.
1:26 PM
by Gene
P. S. ![]() Google News search: "Studds husband"
1:23 PM
by Gene
The definition of "if, and or but", no doubt.
9:05 AM
by Gene
That's all. Posted at 7:20 AM Good night, Jo-NAH! See you on 500 battlin'-pundit shows!
8:57 AM
by Gene
This is in the same league as all those idiotic press releases for the EDWARD R. MURROW OF COMEDY. If we're going to have a partisan press let's have it. Let's go back to the days when Horace Greeley told lies in The Log Cabin to elect a president who'd serve one month. Let's stop with this blithering nonsense about objectivity, whose sole purpose is as a fig leaf. Let's stink out the gym LOUDLY and PROUDLY! Friday, October 13, 2006
8:30 PM
by Gene
Though response time was fair and the delay in opening files was acceptable, we often wondered what (if anything) was happening. When we highlighted text and pressed the Del key, for instance, Docs took several seconds to delete the text. We frequently encountered delays or redraw problems when we cut and pasted text, even with a broadband connection. Sounds as though G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE has moved BLOGGER into word processing.
6:45 PM
by Gene
LABOR UPDATE....Good news! That four-month lockout at Southern California supermarkets that ended in Safeway slashing pay and cutting health benefits for its workers is working out swell. Thanks to the cost cutting, they've managed to scrape by for another few months: The Pleasanton, Calif.-based parent of the Vons and Pavilions grocery chains said Thursday that fiscal third-quarter profit jumped 42%.... Analysts said that labor dispute, which resulted in a contract that reduced benefits and pay rates for new hires, was finally paying off for Safeway. "There's no question the restructured labor contracts have had a positive impact" on the company's bottom line, [analyst Craig] Hutson said. Yep, that was a close call. Without the new contract profit might have increased only 10% or so. Can you imagine? Unfortunately, we can imagine con-SER-va-tives thundering back with their free en-ter-prise baloney, followed by liberals tantruming as they did in Chicago over Wal-Mart, answered by con-SER-va-tives one seems to care for ordinary people, does anyone?
5:36 PM
by Gene
Let's see: Martin the TAXI DRIVER, that other great director's PC, this...the biz had better hope Showgirls or whatever that musical is called is a blockbuster, or else the ACADEMY AWARDS®' ratings will be busted.
5:23 PM
by Gene
Maybe she'll just say "good night." Katie Couric says about 50,000 people have sent her suggestions on how she should sign off each night's broadcast on the "CBS Evening News." She made the good-natured appeal for help with a new catch-phrase exit line on her first night of the broadcast last month. She told David Letterman on CBS' "Late Show" Thursday that her favorite was "Here, kitty kitty kitty." [Editor's Note: Read more about the Katie Couric experience at CBS News and get this FREE Offer from NewsMax. Click Here Now!] [P. S. NOT from the ASSociated Press, we're sure.] Another idea alluded to her 15-year stint as NBC's "Today" show host. "Thanks for watching," she said. "I'm Katie Couric, and I'm not just for breakfast anymore." We could suggest sign-offs involving her advertisers, her boss, or her ratings, but those are probably already among the 50,000.
2:03 PM
by Gene
Here's another PR stunt to justify every buzzword and gimmick lately down the pike: VIRAL MARKETING, WEB 2.0., and the INFERNALLY OMNIPRESENT YOUTUBE. It won't work because people will see through it, most likely the ads will be made by professionals of one kind or another anyway, and if they aren't they'll probably be more of those Web doggy or magic acts and not the least memorable.
1:20 PM
by Gene
And the way to get things done in Washington DC is to enrich yourself.
11:50 AM
by Gene
In America, it may be the fin de siècle of the Republicans, but the Democrats do not inspire much confidence. Too many of the party hacks in Congress are pre-Clinton types who want to roll back Bush's tax cuts, adopt a lower profile around the world and, above all, take revenge on Mr Bush and his cronies. If they get their way, the result will be not a change in direction but paralysis and political warfare. If the first six years of Mr Bush's presidency have been characterised by unbridled energy in the executive, there is a danger that the last two could see too little of it, with endless inquiries and investigations. The prospect of leaving the world's only superpower distracted and self-obsessed may be the Republicans' only trump card.
11:44 AM
by Gene
11:30 AM
by Gene
We will never figure out why people don't want left-wing Rushes. Maybe it's their sense of humor. Or maybe PILLHEAD's cornered the market on flatulence.
11:14 AM
by Gene
It appears I'll be on CNN's Reliable Sources this Sunday with ... Andrew Sullivan. Should be interesting. Posted at 10:54 AM It appears so many of our leading loudmouths spend so much of their time on TV the networks ought to build studio-condos so the pundits wouldn't have to schlep their way in. Heck they probably wouldn't know the difference if they lived in the studios.
9:04 AM
by Gene
The problem is widespread and serious enough that the American Psychiatric Association, which is updating its influential "bible" of mental disorders, is weighing whether to list compulsive buying as a disorder. That proposal is sure to stir a long-running debate about whether psychiatry is turning every troubling aspect of human behavior into a disease. Why not? If anything can be a mental illness, everything can. Blogging certianly is.
7:02 AM
by Gene
6:58 AM
by Gene
Jo-NAH, why not give her her own space so she doesn't crowd into ours?
6:41 AM
by Gene
“Natural’s Not in It” (speaking of great pop songs) blasts over the electrifying pink-and-black opening titles, kicking us into 18th-century Versailles with a jolt of anachronism. (Later there is some period-appropriate Rameau to go with the 80’s post-punk Ms. Coppola favors, and a high-top sneaker tucked amid the fabulous ancien régime couture.) We can see why B. O. would love this: it's IN YOUR FACE, like PINCH. That may explain why it got booed at Cannes, and why PAPER OF RE-CORD readers have lately been IN YOUR FACE at PINCH's shareholders.
6:31 AM
by Gene
Better luck next year! Thursday, October 12, 2006
6:14 PM
by Gene
Who'da thought?
6:11 PM
by Gene
Wait! Isn't this the landmark director who had his girlfriend get an abortion? Didn't he just come out for EUTHANASIA? To paraphrase JPOD, IT STINKS -- BUT IT'S RIGHT-WING.
5:53 PM
by Gene
2:14 PM
by Gene
(Via Romy, who was inevitably impressed by his DEEP intellect) P. S. OH-oh, a member of ED's demographic is NOT PLEASED! I'd say Rafi has shown more insight than an army of eructing DAVID REMNICKS.
1:58 PM
by Gene
1:33 PM
by Gene
We suspect this extremely perplexing and annoying YouTube mania is another. Who has time to scour all those videos, no matter how cute? They're like blogs only the vast majority are hyperkinetic dead air. And they won't last: what happened to's library? The same in time with all those doggy tricks and glorified magic acts and archives of obscure musicians on G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE's new toy.
1:30 PM
by Gene
On their salaries I'm sure we can feel very sorry for them.
10:55 AM
by Gene
So much for John Bolton -- or Pat Moynihan -- or anyone. (Via -- alas -- Jo-NAH)
10:45 AM
by Gene
It says here he has written and spoken forcefully on the Armenian genocide, so maybe for once the Dynamite Committee has chosen someone useful. On to the PEACE LAUGH!
10:44 AM
by Gene
10:21 AM
by Gene
6:38 AM
by Gene
6:34 AM
by Gene
He also praises the late Johnny Apple, the ultimate CW stamp of approval, and thus far less flattering than SKNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNX thinks.
6:33 AM
by Gene
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
7:40 PM
by Gene
One last name: Deirdre Imus. She has the toughest media management job of all. She is a leading environmental and children's-health advocate and runs a major foundation, but also has an important responsibility: her husband. Half a seven-digit news hack's day is spent in buttering.
4:50 PM
by Gene
Dobbs is only one of a number of CNN personalities who are getting their own hours in primetime to focus on issues surrounding the November 7 midterm elections where the House of Representatives and possibly control of the Senate are up for grabs. CNN's Jack Cafferty will have the first hour in primetime on what CNN is calling the "Broken Government" series at 7 p.m. Thursday, October 19. Broken government? Broken cable news.
3:20 PM
by Gene
2:30 PM
by Gene
12:32 PM
by Gene
Japan bans North Korean imports And how many zeroes is that?
12:29 PM
by Gene
Chalk up another topic they know nothing about.
12:20 PM
by Gene
How much buzz does it take to sell Milwaukee's Best? Apparently a lot more than 3 million hits on YouTube and 197 blog mentions. Proving that viral sensations don't always immediately translate into sensational sales, the bargain beer's video of its "Beer Cannon" that fires cans of Milwaukee's Best Light to destroy such unmanly targets such as china dishes, house plants and fruit has inspired discussion but not much consumption. Sales of Milwaukee's Best fell 11% in supermarkets for the 52 weeks ended Sept. 9, according to Information Resources Inc., and sales of Best Light dropped 7.5%. Pffh-hh-hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! It's the PRODUCT, stupids!
11:49 AM
by Gene
"The Russian president has again made it clear that everything will be done to clear up this murder," the chancellor told reporters. And clearing it up is what Belly Kisser no doubt has already done.
6:50 AM
by Gene
"This is not about one party or another. This is about how the whole system sucks," Williams told reporters. He criticized the influence of special interest groups, the millions of dollars needed to campaign for office and the negative advertisements candidates use to hurt their rivals. OR: How Bad Will This Movie Be? - Monday, October 09, 2006 @ 11:53:15 AM Heard from [SIC] a radio ad for Robin William’s [SIC] new pic, Man Of The Year: Actress playing reporter: Have you given any thought to what the make up of your Cabinet will be? Williams: Well, I’ve always favored hard woods like teak and mahogany. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OHMIGAWD! I didn’t see that one coming! ROTFLMAO! Posted By: David Hogberg (Sorry for the AmSpec)
6:41 AM
by Gene
Only this time he has a chance.
6:38 AM
by Gene
Nah, it's not unsafe, says the city, it's the FANS. Science knows everything.
6:34 AM
by Gene
"They're almost certainly way too high," said Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic & International Studies in Washington. He criticized the way the estimate was derived and noted that the results were released shortly before the Nov. 7 elections in the United States. "This is not analysis, this is politics," Cordesman said. This is not politics, it's EVERYWHERE!!!!! We hope. Tuesday, October 10, 2006
8:31 PM
by Gene
``We had it right, and someone else had it wrong,'' said Greg Gallo, sports editor at the Post, which ran the headline ``Joe's Safe'' on this morning's page one. ``The News blew it up, and it blew up in their faces.''... ``This is what we want from newspapers,'' said Mitchell Stephens, a New York University journalism professor and author of ``A History of News.'' ``We want them to be competing. This is good old-fashioned scoop journalism.'' Yeah but do we want them to be wrong as often as DA NOOZ and DA POST!!!!!!!!!!?
8:14 PM
by Gene
8:11 PM
by Gene
8:09 PM
by Gene
WHAT ARE THESE @#$%&* NORTH KOREANS TRYING TO DO? GET @#$%&* FOLEY OFF THE FRONT PAGES?!?!? P. S. False alarm -- but for how long?
5:23 PM
by Gene
Okay, Eastern Wal-Mart Empire, what does "some" mean? ![]() It would seem the South Koreans have much more sense than the "international community." P. S. There is widespread speculation the test was non-nuclear. It does stretch credulity to think a country that can't feed itself can build the bomb. Nuclear or not, it was provocative, and the next time may be for real, assuming this wasn't.
1:59 PM
by Gene
9:25 AM
by Gene
As if they ever CAN think.
9:20 AM
by Gene
Isn't that what People Warner thought when it agreed to be bought by you-know-who?
9:13 AM
by Gene
8:55 AM
by Gene
1. CJR wants news hacks to "lead." We know from Watergate and Vietnam what this means: to lead us over a cliff. 2. Huff'n'Puff (which MediaBistro must identify as "Eat the Press") thinks Mike Wallace's son is a jerk. Fine. He is a jerk. But so is someone like HHHWWWALTER CRRRONKITE JR., and it gets me mad to think again A JERK ISN'T A JERK WHEN HE'S OUR JERK. And what's the difference between someone named Rachel Sklar and someone named Prowler?
8:44 AM
by Gene
He may have a point; perhaps they could be sold on SNL, which does seem to have a similar demographic. We do hope Charlie is a regular viewer. On the plus side he did turn down a guest lackey spot on FAZE THE NATION or whatever the ERIC SEVAREID OF COMEDY's show is called, though he obligatorily called him brilliant -- one news hack logrolling another. (It appears from Gail's blithe scribble ERIC worked briefly on "GMA", which should prove for all time he and ED ARE NEWS HACKS.) (Via the inevitable Romy, who's also not getting any younger)
7:02 AM
by Gene
Has any man ever been so motiviated by OIL?
6:56 AM
by Gene
How apt. USB flash drives are, of course, erasable.
6:45 AM
by Gene
We will further admit it is odd that a party that triumphantly endorses gay marriage should try to win an election with what it would call "homophobia." But politics has never been about scruples, as any number of Republicans can also attest. By the way, EM, what purpose do you serve in making ol' Democrat as an ADJECTIVE anonymous? Don't you have the guts to put your money where your atrocious grammar is?
6:42 AM
by Gene
Befitting an event that suggested a one-woman Super Bowl in which the star competed with her legend, the concert was packed with distracting bells and whistles. A useless question-and-answer session in which she responded to randomly selected audience questions wasted precious time. During the Bush impersonation, a solitary heckler so annoyed Ms. Streisand that she lost her temper and hurled an obscenity. But, our ad-blurbist tells us, she sang "magnificently", which we'll take as code for you had to be there. Monday, October 09, 2006
5:21 PM
by Gene
4:50 PM
by Gene
When the news hacks hid under the desk during the CARTOON calamity they earned themselves the right to recuse themselves from any reporting on anything M----m, and they should exercise that right NOW.
4:44 PM
by Gene
Meaning the "international community" has more reason to do nothing. We see the test site was near the Chinese border, so now we KNOW the "international community" will do nothing.
10:58 AM
by Gene
Sorry, PROFESSOR, blogging lost its virginity a LONG time ago. P. S. Looking at the blog I think, why did Wal-Mart bother?
10:50 AM
by Gene
10:45 AM
by Gene
(Also via IWantMedia)
10:43 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: Maybe all those social networking sites aren't worth a combined $200 BILLION. You have to wonder whether L'AFFAIRE HORNY may be taking hold too. It wouldn't hurt some people to hold off the online yakyak. (Via IWantMedia)
10:28 AM
by Gene
Stewart Dispels Rumor [SIC!!!!!] of White House Run This idiot RUMOR started in SUMNER's head. A NEUHARTHISM OF THE MONTH AWARD to CURLEY [Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!] and ANOTHER COURAGEOUSLY UN-BYLINED SCRIBBLER!
10:25 AM
by Gene
There was growing speculation in U.N. corridors that the North Koreans timed their nuclear test to the Security Council vote on Ban — to express their displeasure and opposition to a new U.N. chief from South Korea. They'd flatter him that way?
10:24 AM
by Gene
10:12 AM
by Gene
With that kind of money He could afford two percent of YOUTUBE. This leaky patchwork scupper should send GOODTHINGS ENTERTAINMENT out of its Fairfield port. How do you Six Sigma comedies? And the ROOTKIT PEOPLE refused to co-finance it, which shows how adrift from reality Bob Wright or whoever runs that outfit is.
10:03 AM
by Gene
We don't know whether any news hack should lose his job for writing a screed on anything, but we wonder how much this may have to do with the rep of news hacks in general and al Reut in particular. (Via MediaBistro)
9:52 AM
by Gene
How much of the Economics winners' folderol has held up over time? Now on to LAUGHTER!
9:40 AM
by Gene
Here is why even now there are doubts Mssssssssssss. Pelosi's crew can win. And what would YOU do about North Korea, MADAME SPEAKER?
9:36 AM
by Gene
Now think if he'd used 200 writers! Maybe he did. Plus a 4,424-WORD FEATURE PLUG that NOWHERE mentions his ratings. You looking for a job, SUPERADAM? We know we shouldn't call him Eric Sevareid as his alleged target's the NO-SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN ZONE, but if we recall correctly his show was first intended as a kind of commentary to the EDWARD R. MURROW OF COMEDY's news, and this greatest comedian of all the ages proved in DC he could be as pompous as ERIC was in his prime, so for now, we stick with it. We also note (in what little of this advertisement we could bring ourselves to read) that ERIC seemed to gulp at the notion that he is in some ways like TARZANA -- all the more reason not to regard these frauds as COMEDIANS but as NEWS HACKS. They want to be taken seriously without being taken seriously. But these HACKS are now every bit as much the self-regarding bloviators as the people they presume to skewer, in a different way -- and they're PAID AS MUCH. They're nothing more than "COMEDY"'s version of the NEW JOURNALISM. The time's come to deprive them of their exemption. A NEUHARTHISM OF THE MONTH AWARD to BOTH ADAMS! Look out newsrags, here they come!
9:33 AM
by Gene
It will be a measure of how serious the news hacks are to see how long this lasts on front pages and home pages. We say ONE DAY. Then it's back to campaigning. In fairness part of this is because now the League of Nations "takes charge", and buries it in the drone of snoring. Sunday, October 08, 2006
9:19 PM
by Gene
8:41 PM
by Gene
8:30 PM
by Gene
Missing the point, again: A brief Nathan Lee review on Friday of an exploitative "prequel" to the classic horror film "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" echoes A RELIGIOUSLY OFFENSIVE COMMENT!!!!! from Week in Review columnist FRANK -- RICH. [BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!] Here's Nathan Lee on the new "Texas" flick: "THE MOVIE EXISTS TO BRUTALIZE!!!!! LIKE 'THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST,' IT IS AN INVITATION TO HARD-CORE SADISM!!!!!!!!!!" [Overemphasis added] SIX OF ONE. I don't see ANY difference between these two masterworks because they BOTH worship VIOLENT DEATH. Ironically this CON-SER-VA-TIVE attitude that we must NOT criticize ANYTHING CHRISTIAN has an unnerving parallel to the LIBERAL belief that we must NOT CRITICIZE ANYTHING MUSLIM. It is bad enough that I get less than ten hits a day. It is worse that in order to write a blog for a non-existent audience I have to work myself up over IDIOTS of BOTH SIDES who've had their MIDDLE FINGERS SURGICALLY FUSED UP. It's as if the WHOLE WORLD's ruled by LOUDMOUTHS who must take every last cue from two men whose names begin with the ALL-TOO-SYMBOLIC O. (Via THE CORNER, where Ms. Travers must STILL be in a lather)
4:54 PM
by Gene
4:40 PM
by Gene
3:27 PM
by Gene
What's the difference between RAGING MANIACS except when one's OUR raging maniac? P. S. There goes the idea of RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hiring him.
1:34 PM
by Gene
Why is it we can so blinded by someone's rep as a publicity seeker we can think him wrong even when he may be right?
11:30 AM
by Gene
Hope it isn't contaminated. (Via, oh well, the Corner, where the usual Jo-NAH links to a Playboy whatisit [they can READ?] of its ten favorite bloggers, all of whom get fifty billion hits, including a new favorite, a left-wing Volokhhead [1,483 WORDS in his latest post]. Will anyone ever find ME?)
9:05 AM
by Gene
We would note, as unspeakable a man as MICKEYMOUSE NIXON was, He managed to get His stock to levels Ub Iger hasn't seen. We might also say, wait until the tables turn. They turned on MICKEYMOUSE NIXON.
9:00 AM
by Gene
GOOD RIDDANCE! "He was someone who was very supportive of copyrights and artists' rights," said one music industry executive. Foley also had another agenda: "He was very eager to get to all the parties," said this person. Foley was a frequent guest at entertainment industry events. Two years ago at a pre-Grammy gathering honoring Sting in Los Angeles, the congressman was seated next to this columnist at a table hosted by music giant EMI. Over the course of the evening, Foley proceeded to get quite tipsy - and handed over his phone number along with an offer to fly me back to New York in a private jet. (For the record: The overture was rebuffed.) This alone is an OUTSTANDING argument to oust the GOP -- if only the DEMS weren't slightly to the right of Karl Marx.
8:55 AM
by Gene
P. S. How can he stand his girlfriend's sister's singing?
8:51 AM
by Gene
We wonder that he hasn't done it before. Maybe he's mellowed. (Via the ASSociated Press)
8:30 AM
by Gene
P. S. Three decades ago the League of Nations and all its slaves said DDT was destroying the earth. We wonder how many front pages and covers that inspired. Now, with malaria out of control, even THE PAPER OF RE-CORD admits bringing it back is the right thing. We can trust news hacks on little they say, including definite and indefinite articles.
8:25 AM
by Gene
The good news for Noam Chomsky, Oliver Stone, Michael Moore, etc.: the TWXSTERS said ELVIS was dead. Of course, such intelligence reports could be wrong.... PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!!!!