Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, March 25, 2006
5:48 PM
by Gene
Health care threatens to swallow city budget Welp, I guess the SUPER BORE didn't work.
4:09 PM
by Gene
The good news: The Official NRO Greatest Satirical Movie of All Time Based on the Greatest Satirical Novel of All Time has opened at eleven-fold more screens -- and saw its average decline by two-thirds. The better news: Another down weekend -- thus far.
3:41 PM
by Gene
1. He'd get rid of newsprint. Its high (or rather, higher) cost is the chief reason newsbiz profit margins have gone from 30 percent to, oh, 28 percent. Consolidation in the paper biz is to blame. But who's to say newsprint will always stay high? Besides, older readers prefer newsprint. And there's a sizable population that does NOT want computers OR the Web -- and they may not fit the Luddite stereotype. Get rid of newsprint and you may get rid of a good chunk of your audience. This is why I'm not convinced ditching stock tables is such a hot idea, whatever the ephemeral savings. 2. He'd equip the hacks with cameras. Goody! Just what we need -- photogenic newshacks. Isn't it enough to have these clowns scream at each other on the cable nets? Most likely video news stories would be just as vapid as any on TV. Anyone who's used Windows Media Player can attest it's not easy to skim video. And though the costs of bandwidth may be manageable, all these newspaper Web sites with all these videos will have found one LESS way to differ from one another -- and aren't the news hacks lock-steppingly similar as it is? 3. He'd stop insulting readers; and 4. He'd get them involved. These two suggestions are so vague as to be meaningless. L'Affaire Loven suggests that lots of the hacks thrive on insulting their consumers. And how would we peons get involved besides the usual way of writing six-page letters to the editor and screaming at ombudspoops? No one desires BIGMEDIA change more than I do; alas, they're unreformable, and PROFESSOR's pitiful suggestions are proof enough.
3:39 PM
by Gene
2:02 PM
by Gene
Streisand May Tour for First Time in Years (Actually, we shouldn't have posted this because this was already old news. We hate posting old news. But with something delectable as this old news is better than no news.)
1:43 PM
by Gene
James Gunn on Dealing with the MPAA on Slither: “Well my experience was very good because we didn’t have any problems with them. Eli Roth who is a friend and a great guy gave the MPAA Hostel right before we gave them this movie. And I am eternally grateful because if you watch the actual amount of gore we actually have more gore but because were more surreal we get away with a lot more.” We should not trust one word out of the MPAA, including prepositions and conjunctions. OR: [V]iolence sells, and Hollywood knows parents are not paying attention. (Via, alas, BRENTCORP)
12:50 PM
by Gene
12:47 PM
by Gene
That our nation has its head screwed on backwards about violence is obvious. When will it rescrew it?
11:47 AM
by Gene
Come on guys, whisper a little louder: impeach the president. Louder Dems, can't hear you! IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT. Now scream it out like Gov. YAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH: IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT!!!!! LOUDER!!!!!!!!!! Friday, March 24, 2006
8:41 PM
by Gene
Film review: A pleasant and vaguely irritating habit Smooth, but hardly addictive Kicking Butt ‘Smoking’s’ dark humor will leave you hooked Cigarette satire never quite lights up MOVIE REVIEW: "SMOKING" IS A BREATH OF FRESH AIR Satire, and no butts about it And so on. And so on and so on. And so on and so on and so on. Which is the worse sin: copying or copying by osmosis? Can we expect the vaguest, minimalist originality from a biz that inflicts us with such relentless unfunny puns and such Xerox-like thinking?
4:59 PM
by Gene
3:40 PM
by Gene
![]() Shhhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone, GE BANCORP AND REALTY ENTERTAINMENT -- your latest masterwork is a S---- L-- J----. By the way, does anyone know what that doohickey is on the bottom right-hand corner?
3:37 PM
by Gene
“These are irreverent, humorous spots,” said Mark Spencer, senior manager of Dodge communications for Chrysler Group. The Caliber driver, he said, is a 25-year-old who watches Dave Chappelle and Jon Stewart on Comedy Central, spends hours a day on the Internet and gaming, and “is essentially tuning us out and turning us off.” “We don't want to overtly market to them,” Spencer added. TRANSLATION: We'd rather PUT PEOPLE OUT OF WORK than stop making ads that FLATTER OUR VANITY.
3:10 PM
by Gene
Arizona authorities have filed felony drug charges against two members of a family that was rescued from a snowbound motor home earlier this week. Warrants were issued in Snowflake, Ariz., for Elbert and Becky Higginbotham on Wednesday, a day after they and four relatives were rescued in a mountainous region of southern Oregon. The couple are charged with possession of dangerous drugs for sale and possession of drug paraphernalia, court records show. The records show Elbert Higginbotham is also wanted on a charge of misconduct involving weapons.
2:25 PM
by Gene
Howell Raines Gets $3.5 M for Townhouse How much health insurance for poor workers would that pay for? (Via the usual Romy)
2:00 PM
by Gene
Quaid filed a lawsuit Thursday in Los Angeles County Superior Court alleging the producers got him to work cheap by falsely claiming the movie was "a low-budget, art house film, with no prospect of making any money." "Yet from day one, defendants fully intended that the film would not be made on a low budget, would be given a worldwide release, and would be supported as the studio picture it always was secretly intended to be," the lawsuit says. Why am I not surprised? Hey Randy! I'd say you got SIX-SIGMAED!
1:53 PM
by Gene
(WaPost link via the Freep)
12:47 PM
by Gene
DEAD HUMOR [John Derbyshire] I used to think Peter Sellers was the funniest man alive. The other day, however, I watched A Shot in the Dark, the 1964 movie that established the Inspector Clouseau character. It really wasn't very funny at all. We all know, of course, that humor is perishable, and that what made our parents -- or even our younger selves -- laugh can leave us stone faced. There are degrees of perishability, though, and the very best humor can stay funny for decades. I thought Sellers was in that league. Nope. His repertoire was narrower than I'd remembered -- really just two or three funny voices and a couple of facial expressions. It's sad... Though now I don't feel quite so bad at never having found Charlie Chaplin the least bit funny. Posted at 10:24 AM ---------------------------------------------------------- RE: DEAD HUMOR [Warren Bell] I often wonder about that, Derb. I think I've written here before about the disaster that is viewing Blazing Saddles at age 42, after having wallowed in its glory at age 13. I think our memories tend to put a rosy glow around things we laugh at, and then in revisiting, the reality destroys the glow. I always cite "Bart the Genius" as one of my favorite Simpsons episodes, primarily because it was the first one I ever saw, and it just blew me away. In watching the DVDs with my kids, I notice that those first few episodes were pretty creaky in places. They didn't really hit their stride for another season or so, but that's not how I remembered it. So how much is the fault of memory, and how much is our own evolution in life? Is Sellers less funny, Derb, or are you? Posted at 10:46 AM We won't touch that LAST sentence, WARREN, but we will say this is from the IDIOTS who are always raving YOU-KNOW-WHAT COMEDY SHOWS as THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME.
11:26 AM
by Gene
Really, somebody ought to put a moratorium on BLOGS.
9:41 AM
by Gene
Mr. Edelstein says he's concerned about "an increasing absence of public culture." Historically, movies were considered a private experience, but now, he says, "with all sorts of private culture experiences like iPods and computers, going to the movies is one of the more public things you can do. Talking about it with people when the lights come up or afterward in a bar or over coffee ... that's a wonderful thing." That said, Edelstein admits he has a state-of-the-art 60-inch widescreen TV that he uses to properly view some films sent to him for review. Ah HA! HE'S KILLING MOVIES TOO!
9:24 AM
by Gene
And Congressleader BABS is there: "Like Mozart, George Lucas is no ordinary genius," Pelosi said. "He is a magician. He will be remembered as a legend." Translation: THIS IS A STICK-UP! (Via
8:37 AM
by Gene
We can think of no man better qualified. Pfffffffffffffffffffft!!!!! (Via the usual ROMY)
8:33 AM
by Gene
It's sad to think the stock's meltdown could have been greater. (Via MediaBistro)
8:26 AM
by Gene
8:24 AM
by Gene
Just because something's LEGAL doesn't make it KOSHER.
8:03 AM
by Gene
Thursday, March 23, 2006
5:20 PM
by Gene
They shaved her freaking armpits. Behold Natalie Portman (yes, her character has a name; do you care?) confronting the deranged anti-hero V after he tortured her as a way of improving her will to power – think Anthony Robbins meets Torquemada. She's been beaten; she's been starved; she's been nearly drowned; her body double was given ice-cold showers; and she's been sleep-deprived (you know this because the brown make-up under her eyes resembles dark circles). Upon realizing that her torment was V's doing, she explodes with rage. "You cut my hair!" she shrieks, and the audience laughs -- inappropriately, and not for the first time during this movie. But Natalie isn't kidding. As she stands out in the cleansing rain to celebrate the death of fear, she raises her arms in triumph after days if not weeks of brutal, inhumane incarceration -- and check out those pits! Baby smooth. That's V for Vendetta for you. It's darkly gorgeous, it's effortlessly slick, and at all times, it's three beers away from comedy gold. I don't think this guy will EVER write for THE CORNER. He didn't like it.
4:50 PM
by Gene
3:22 PM
by Gene
Returning to the subject of McClatchy-Knight Ridder, Ivins said: "Of course, McClatchy intends to merge the Washington bureaus. GUESS WHICH WASHINGTON BUREAU HAS THE DISTINCTION OF BEING THE ONLY ONE TO REPORT SKEPTICALLY ON THE ADMINISTRATION'S CLAIMS ABOUT IRAQ'S WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION BEFORE THE WAR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" So THAT's it -- DUBYA's behind the CLATCH. He's secretly funneling money so it can buy all these papers and put SKEPTICAL WAR COVERAGE out of business. I've got an idea, Molly -- have the KNIGHTRIDDER WASHINGTON BUREAU INVESTIGATE!!!!! Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffft!
3:16 PM
by Gene
2:23 PM
by Gene
Jack obviously took his Orthodox Jewish faith seriously. He kept kosher. He would not travel on the Sabbath. He deplored profanity and vulgarity. Jack dropped out of politics for some years to make movies, including at least one which had some worldwide success, an anti-Communist action drama titled Red Scorpion. Then he returned to political activity and explained he had found that, without major financial resources, he couldn't control his movies' content because the industry inserted into them, against his will, gratuitous profanity and vulgarity. [Emphasis added.] Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. A principled person does not discuss his clients with contempt. A careful person does not send out personally damning emails into the immortal cyberworld. A moral person does not support opposing sides in order to profit from each. An ethical person does not defraud his associates in business. A loyal person does not set up his friends for embarrassment. Principled, moral, and ethical persons do not work in the Beltway. Careful and loyal people do. (On the latter, ask THE STONE FACE OF ANNOYING TV ADS.) JACK ABRAMOFF'S FALL FROM GRACE is not unique. Sadly, I know too many examples of people who built good reputations and extensive political networks who changed dramatically and for the worse when they decided to earn their livings through lobbying or political consulting. A great many people can't resist temptations to increase their income. They hire themselves out to people or causes they would have spurned in the days when they built their reputations by consistent adherence to well-defined political and moral principles. Some sink mighty low. And those who sink lowest become KINGMAKERS.
1:34 PM
by Gene
Make -- me LAUGH!
1:25 PM
by Gene
Didn't you just get through changing the network's name and ownership? (Via
1:14 PM
by Gene
Do these clowns REALLY think this is GOOD PR? (Via Media Daily News)
12:35 PM
by Gene
Three guesses where it was made.
12:12 PM
by Gene
Vista release delay could be good for New Zealand
12:07 PM
by Gene
If the thought of Mr. Bush and Osama bin Laden [link SIC], along with their mothers, engaging in a salad-fork duel at an Olive Garden restaurant to the tune of "America," from "West Side Story," sounds appealing, this show is for you. It sounds UPROARIOUS!!!!!
11:36 AM
by Gene
![]() Another be-YUtiful building goes up, in Moscow. We'll call this The TWEEZER. (Via the usual
11:30 AM
by Gene
P. S. We can spin the results too: four niche genres are up, which means the "music" you love to rave must be way down.
11:05 AM
by Gene
Fox affiliate veep tells journos to wear red, white and blue
10:29 AM
by Gene
BREAKING: HOME SALES UNEXPECTEDLY RISE!!!!!!!!!! P. S. Stocks fall after housing data Maybe the news isn't THAT good.
10:21 AM
by Gene
10:18 AM
by Gene
Wharton marketing professor Peter S. Fader holds out little hope that people will continue to buy physical newspapers in large numbers in years to come. He likens the Internet's assault on newspapers to the impact that digital downloading of music has had on compact discs: CD's still have appeal but they are no longer the sole, dominant medium they once were. "I still believe that there's a vital role for non-digital content in music," Fader suggests. "There's a lot to be said for owning a CD and putting it on the shelf and holding it in your hand...." And it's especially nice to plunk it on your turntable and play it! (Via the inevitable Romy)
9:30 AM
by Gene
The article has drawn reactions ranging from a supportive mass e-mailing from to criticism by the conservative Powerline blog and American Federalist Journal. We must be doing something -- right. But an AP spokesman says editors want more of these types of wire stories. We're DEFINITELY doing something -- right.
9:11 AM
by Gene
8:57 AM
by Gene
8:56 AM
by Gene
8:42 AM
by Gene
Which reminds me of Philthydelphia's only entertainment venue that isn't dark half the year, the TLA music hall. You know a Robert "Over the" Hilburn would gasp at all the great new music being played there. But passing that dingy rock embalmatorium every weekend I find a list of acts with meaningless cutesy-pie names. It may as well be the same list every week. I imagine the noise within. New music in pop, new music in the concert hall -- MILLIONAIRES AND BUMS.... Wednesday, March 22, 2006
3:20 PM
by Gene
David Horowitz to Debate Ward Churchill at Academic Freedom Conference (Via -- where else? -- the Freep)
3:10 PM
by Gene
1:38 PM
by Gene
P. S. Someone on the PAPER OF RE-CORD's staff attended the IVY LEAGUE: Five years later he helped gather the signatures of more than 300 college presidents in issuing a joint statement calling for "intimidation-free" campuses. The statement grew out of incidents in which Jewish students were reported to have been harassed and intimidated at student rallies protesting the Israeli government's treatment of Palestinians. The statement drew some criticism, however, for focusing only on Jewish students. Sigggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... (Via Phi Beta Cons, which doesn't seem QUITE as dorky as THE CORNER)
1:35 PM
by Gene
The new programs are phenomenally complex, with scores of buttons and pull-down menus and myriad connections among various applications. A Microsoft VP zipped through a demo, moving information from Outlook to Powerpoint to Groove to some kind of social networking program that lets you see how your colleagues and your colleagues' colleagues rate various Web sites. Meanwhile, 500 tech buyers sat there in the dark, their eyes glazing over from the sheer mind-numbing pointlessness of most of this stuff. The audience laughed out loud when the Microsoft guy showed off a kludgey system that lets you fetch Outlook e-mail messages using voice commands from a cell phone. BUGMEISTER BILL has a TRIUMPH on His hands!
1:18 PM
by Gene
MARKETERS LOSE CONFIDENCE IN TV ADVERTISING 78% Say Effectiveness Is Diminishing; Clutter, DVRs to Blame BUT.... Yet for all of advertisers’ blustering talk about DVRs and the decreased efficacy of TV, there has been little real change. Even today, when Mr. Bernoff asked advertisers via an instant electronic polling system what they believed would be the most promising video advertising vehicle of the future, 22% thought it was regular TV, making it the second most popular choice. We've said it before, we'll say it again: with FIEFDOMS to defend, HOLLYWOOD TYPES to schmooze and SUBORDINATES to terrorize, these idiots will finance junk television until HELL FREEZES OVER. P. S. MORONS: Kaki Hinton, vp, advertising services, Pfizer Consumer Healthcare, and Perianne Grignon, vp, media services, Sears Holding Corp., co-chairs of the ANA TV Advertising Committee, opened the forum with positive words for television. “TV is alive and well and has never been stronger for advertisers and consumers,” Hinton said. “Contrary to some articles that have been written, television is not a disappearing medium. Nothing could be further from the truth. More people are watching TV than ever before. And TV is working for Pfizer.” Indeed it's working so well, KAKI, not only did the NFL run away from ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION ADS, the FDA's threatening REGULATIONS! THAT'S EFFECTIVE! Grignon said TV is also working for Sears, and she singled out Sears’ partnership with ABC on its Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Show. She said research has shown that “after seeing an episode of the show on Sunday night, viewers have a 29 percent greater likelihood to shop at a Sears store on Monday.” Grignon also noted that she is pleased with Sears’ cross-platform sponsorship of Top Chef on Bravo, saying it is “reaching new customers.” If that's so, they must be GHOSTS.
9:54 AM
by Gene
1. He'd get rid of the newsprint; 2. He'd use the money saved by equipping reporters with cameras; 3. He'd stop insulting readers; and 4. He'd get them involved. I wouldn't abandon my day blog, Professor.
8:50 AM
by Gene
![]() How would you like to be in the part of the building suspended off the ground? Hope Beijing doesn't get too many earthquakes. ![]() HELLLLLLP!!!!! I'm tied to the ground and I can't get up!!!!! (They're playing the GE BANCORP AND REALTY GAMES here. A superb sporting event deserves superb facilities.) ![]() The Creature from the Black Lagoon. AND, in Dubai: ![]() A worm laying eggs; ![]() The world's biggest domed amoeba; ![]() The world's biggest high-tech vegetable chopper, or guillotine. Can't BizWeek stick to bizness?
8:45 AM
by Gene
Fla. to Link Teacher Pay To Students' Test Scores So -- we teach to the test and pay to the test! Will the students learn anything? Tuesday, March 21, 2006
7:56 PM
by Gene
5:15 PM
by Gene
Indeed the more I think of it the angrier I get because this sort of senile dementia in song helped destroy pop music, as it painted those who stood for the old verities as COMPLETE IDIOTS, thus allowing scorched-earth acts to denude the ground forever. (NRO and Crosby date links updated 10/7/07)
5:04 PM
by Gene
Governor Rendell Says PA Enjoyed Record-Breaking Gains with Groundhog Day Promotions
2:59 PM
by Gene
Can't say you CLOWNS didn't deserve it. But THEN the LAUGHTER begins.
2:45 PM
by Gene
I’m tired of hearing radical columnists like you besmirch the good men and women who struggle daily to put out the very best newspaper they can!!! ONCE AGAIN YOU’VE TROTTED OUT THAT STALE CLICHE THAT NEWSPAPERS LIKE MINE ARE UNDERMINED BY WHAT YOU CLAIM IS A LIBERAL BIAS!!!!! I KNOW I CAN’T CHANGE YOUR MIND. BUT I’LL BE DOGGONE IF I’M GOING TO LET YOUR SLANDER OF MY COLLEAGUES GO UNCHALLENGED ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!! Since you're a GanNETtoid and work for the HOUSE THAT SOB BUILT, and since you're a PUBLISHER, shouldn't you be working on selling ads and building circulation and doing things that help your paper, rather than throwing a tantrum in public? One thing's clear; if colleges and foundations ran papers we'd never again have to worry about bias; but then being owned by a stable profitable company like SOB's effects the same thing. (Via GREG's House of TRUTH)
2:13 PM
by Gene
1. The ERIC SEVAREID OF COMEDY is "writing" a "book" (will he use more writers than the EDWARD R. MURROW OF COMEDY?); and 2. T. O. is "writing" a "book" -- his second. Aren't you glad to live in an AGE of ARTISTIC GENIUS?
10:26 AM
by Gene
Wal-Mart to hire 150,000 in China A reward for a job WELL DONE!
10:23 AM
by Gene
Do I smell an AXIS in our future?
10:18 AM
by Gene
At 10:32 A. M.!
10:16 AM
by Gene
Like father....
10:03 AM
by Gene
JONNY HAIRSHIRT HAS ARRIVED! But isn't upholding the CW a good thing? (Via MediaBistro and the usual Romy)
10:00 AM
by Gene
A Master of Business Administration degree is not only worthless, it can work against a marketer, according to a survey of marketing executives from 32 consumer-products companies by consulting firm Ken Coogan & Partners. The study found that marketing executives from underperforming companies were twice as likely to have been recruited out of M.B.A. programs than marketing executives from out-performing companies. The study used scanner and panel data from VNU’s ACNielsen to show marketers from companies with significant market-share gains are far less likely to have M.B.A.s than those from companies posting significant share losses. I've got the solution, big businessmen: MORE MBAs!
8:43 AM
by Gene
Can the hacks report on ANYTHING forthrightly? Let's go down the list: Show-biz? No, they're sponsors. Real estate? No, Real-TORS® are sponsors. Autos? No, auto dealers are sponsors. Sports? No, they're profit centers. (But they sure do put on quite an act pretending.) Liberals? No, they're right. Education? No, we send our kids to private schools. Crime? Ha! We live in gated suburban communities. Work? We prop our feet on a desk for a living. That leaves three things: government (on which we can always project our failings), conservatives and Republicans -- and they report on the last two not so much forthrightly as forthLEFTly. Thus it has been for decades, and thus it shall be for decades still.
8:38 AM
by Gene
When SUMNER dies -- IF SUMNER dies -- the idiot hacks will give him a MONTH-LONG PERIOD OF MOURNING.
8:34 AM
by Gene
We may also guess given their comfortable game seating that not ONE scribbler has EVER asked a tough question of Commish. Monday, March 20, 2006
6:50 PM
by Gene
Given that Columbia's one of America's most PC colleges we wonder if it will help. We remember too that years ago Hahvahd Mutual Fund received a huge bequest for a "center" to study the brain. The bequestor: the largely forgotten LEONARD GOLDENSON, the man who dumbed down millions founding and running the takeover bait once called ABC. Really we're not sure we appreciate it.
3:51 PM
by Gene
Mother Teresa Statue Creates Friction ...we expected the worst: red-state-blue-state-separation-of-church-and-stateblahblahblah. But when we read it... TIRANA, Albania - Albania's largest Muslim group said Monday that placing a bust of Mother Teresa in a northern city would not damage religious harmony, rejecting claims from smaller Muslim associations. ...well, we thought, maybe there's a little hope after all.
2:39 PM
by Gene
"Voters used to choose their representatives; now representatives choose their voters." Well, that makes shaking down lobbyists easier. And with gerrymandering winning enough seats to win control of the House is like "picking a lock." Why this should worry a Congressman is beyond me; they're adept at petty crime too.
1:30 PM
by Gene
Who's the next man who'll successfully shake down taxpayers while emitting a mediocre product?
12:33 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: Dell to make its customer "service" even WORSE! BUY H-P!
12:24 PM
by Gene
RUMSFELD IS RESIGNING? [Kathryn Jean Lopez] At least one specialty newsroom in the D.C. area is buzzing right now.... File it under unconfirmed rumor. Maybe even wishful newsroom thinking? UPDATE: The president is giving a lunchtime three-years-later speech in Cleveland. If anyone in the administration can help it, I can't imagine Rumsfeld resigning today. Posted at 11:21 AM Really, some "bloggers" should stay in their cages. P. S. We note JONAH is attending a bachelor party, which is odd since we rather thought his whole life was a bachelor party.
12:15 PM
by Gene
There are also signs, faint though they may be, that the public is growing up.
11:52 AM
by Gene
8:51 AM
by Gene
In a 2002 paper written for the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, for instance, economists Gerald Carlino and N. Edward Coulson found that people are willing to accept a 2 percent decrease in wages-and an 8 percent increase in rents-to have a National Football League team in their city. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION! (Via
8:44 AM
by Gene
(Via the usual ROMY)
8:37 AM
by Gene
Sunday, March 19, 2006
5:40 PM
by Gene
I was reminded again of how so much of America doesn't give a damn just now. It was a little thing I've mentioned before, but we're surrounded by these little things. At RONG AID and other chain stores when you buy Chef Boy-ar-dee's fake pasta it's listed on the register tape as "CBAD." The chain stores don't care; look who staffs them. Nor it appears does the manufacturer, CONAgra Foods. The once agricultural supplier decided (no doubt under some tyrant's "leadership") to become a jack-of-all-trades in the supermarket buying all sorts of spin-offs and second-string brands, and now it's paying for it; its sales have tanked, it's sold large chunks of its business and just reduced its dividend. I'd bet "CBAD" originates at CONAgra. Why should it care? Why should anyone care? How can we go on with that kind of torpid attitude?
5:07 PM
by Gene
Steve Cobenais takes a physical agility test to confirm that he can be classified as "special ed." Steve has no recollection of the shooting. He has lost part of his brain and suffers from epileptic seizures. [A photo caption] There was a massacre at a high-school a year ago today.
4:45 PM
by Gene
Californian band Orson ousted former stripper and talent show contestant Chico from the top of the British charts on Sunday with their single "No Tomorrow", the Official UK Charts company said. Chico Slimani, a one-time exotic dancer who found fame after appearing on ITV's "X Factor", was knocked off the number one spot after two weeks at the top with his "It's Chico Time". Shooting up to number three, from number 16 last week, was the Black Eyed Peas' fast-moving single "Pump It". Down one place to four was all-girl band Pussycat Dolls and their song "Beep" featuring Will I Am. Number five saw soul singer Corinne Bailey Rae holding steady with "Put Your Records On", while Girls Aloud stormed into the top 10 with their latest single "Whole Lotta History" which jumped to number six from 80. Slipping three places to seven was the Sugababes' "Red Dress" while Kanye West dropped two positions with "Touch The Sky", which features Lupe Fiasco. Former number one "Sorry" by Madonna was at nine and rounding off the top 10 was "Thunder In My Heart Again," a dance remix by DJ Meck of Leo Sayers' 1977 hit. What did I say about Thomas Jefferson?
4:40 PM
by Gene
I like the dreams of the future better than the histry [SIC] of the past." --Thomas Jefferson He wrote this to John Adams in 1816. Both men died on July 4, 1826.
1:01 PM
by Gene
Keep it going! Unfortunately K-LO and JONAH and PODMAN will be INSUFFERABLE this week (or rather, more so than usual) as BILL BUCKLEYSON'S PIC did LANDOFFICE BIZ!!!!! (In five theaters.) Meaning it will be forgotten in two months, unless WALTER "THE SPYWARE COWBOY" WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can discern a gay angle.
11:47 AM
by Gene
10:41 AM
by Gene
A SUPERDUPERMEGAGIGABLOGGER recently reported what he imagined was LATE-BREAKING NEWS by documenting recent troubles with Blogger. This wouldn't be news if my blog didn't have a daily audience of TWELVE.
10:08 AM
by Gene
Aw, go ahead Democrats -- IMPEACH BUSH!!!!! I think the fact that RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spends so much time on this proves rather conclusively he is NOT a conservative.
9:55 AM
by Gene
That's the problem with cranks -- even when (or if) they have valid things to say we don't hear them, because they're cranks and they're praised by perfessers solely for affirming their OWN politics.
9:47 AM
by Gene
And yes, Mr. Mark, we've been warned. We WARN ourselves every Sunday as we gird ourselves for your latest public-belittling antics.