Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, August 29, 2008


"Speaking as a private individual, I would NOT vote for John McCain under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!!" [Righteous overemphasis added]


Dr. James Dobson: McCain’s Choice of Palin 'OUTSTANDING!!!!!' [Righteous overemphasis added two]


"If flip-flopping is a sin, then I am a sinner."


We're not sure why the Chinese typists chose to redact the Paper of Re-Cord's take on the CURE FOR CANCER when most Western news hacks and broadcasters redacted themselves.


It appears Boobs's identity politics has merely succeeded in stopping the hacks from speaking of THE GREATEST SPEECH OF ALL TIME. Whoopee.

It also appears Democrats are saying the same things about Boobs's choice that Republicans have said about The Lord, which means in short order this campaign should qualify every American for disability.

Why we need the Web, and why we need superpowered sites like mouse over this phrase in The Messiah's Biblical triumph:

On Nov. 4th, we must stand up and say: "Eight is enough."

...and you get:

Dog whistle shot-out to fortysomethings who liked the 1977 dramedy of the same name, starring Dick Van Patten as paterfamilias of large family.


Hed of the Month:

What They Wanted to Hear

Boobs's choice has faint symbolic ties to the rot in Alaska. Oh well, better than Sen. Morals, I suppose.

And when NRO goes HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we can take it no more seriously than when a certifiably liberal site goes HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Indeed one could say Boobs's choice was inspired in no small way by right-wing pundits. Let's see how that works.

TV campaign advertising amounts to a subsidy to broadcasters -- and this is especially true as the bottom starts to fall out of their biz. These idiot pols seem to be among the last to want to work new media. To a man they are dense to the high irritant factor and reverse psychology. Were people to see conclusively that such money wasting is nothing more than a subsidy even the politicians might stop their advertising. But they won't and they'll continue to flatten our brains until the last TV station closes -- which, with their largesse, will be never.

The other day we said capitalism was an authoritarian top-down system. Count on IBM to confirm this by launching a program that reduces employees to algorithms. Oh sure, you can't go by reps alone, sez the author of this book (!), but if people can be reduced to numbers why doesn't IBM go the whole hog and build automatons to replace people? It never stopped boasting about how its box beat out a chess player.

This sounds like another version of SIXSIGMA!!!!!, and most likely humans will learn how to screw up the works anyway.

Reading this 1,935-WORD puff for Michigan Football Corp. one must be hopeful for long-term failure. Not that we have anything against it or its parent firm, necessarily, but spending revenues on boxes for rich folks (in an economically depressed state to boot) and paying the COO $50 million a year sounds like precisely the sort of thing corporate America -- or big government -- does best: throwing money at a "problem." Nonetheless the success of professional football's second-division teams depends on the players, not the amenities. Notre Dame Football Corp. is probably the most lavishly appointed outfit -- and it's stunk out the stadium the last few years (by Gipper standards, anyway). Yes, we hope for failure, and we know better than to expect it, but it isn't personal.

A no nonsense appeal to swing voters, says E.J. Dionne. Fundamenally dishonest, says Ramesh Ponnuru.

Oh SHUT UP, both of you. Isn't it possible to be an honest broker? Why must politics always divide people into eeny-weeny petulant little fragments of non-thought?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mais non! The singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright has dropped plans to compose a work for the Metropolitan Opera in a dispute over the language of the libretto.

Mr. Wainwright wants the opera, “Prima Donna,” to be in French; its would-be commissioners — the Met and Lincoln Center Theater — insisted on English.

In a telephone interview Wednesday, Mr. Wainwright said another stumbling block was the date of a potential production at the opera house. The earliest the Met could offer, he said, was in 2014. “They work on that sort of scale; I wanted to get it out as soon as possible,” he said, adding wryly, “because I’m an impatient pop star.”

Whew! The world is patiently spared a masterpiece -- for now.

(Via the usual AhtsJournal)

Peggy Hockett-Smith, 58, said she and her husband hoped they would at least see the back of Obama’s head. No such luck. “We’re still going to be watching him – on TV up there,” she said, referring to giant screens atop Invesco Field. She estimated 30,000 people would end with a largely or partially obscured view of Obama.



You would think the ghost of Henry Luce would have told you, Strobe, that NOBODY PAYS ATTENTION TO CHICKEN LITTLES -- even IF they're RIGHT.

Carlos Pascual and Strobe Talbott are, respectively, vice president for foreign policy studies and president of the Brookings Institution. They are involved in a joint project with Stanford University and New York University on global governance, including on the issue of climate change. [Noncatastrophic emphasis added]

TRANSLATION: Strobe thinks he can improve on the League of Nations. Pffh-hh-hh hh hh hh hh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

It is somewhat -- ironic that intends to turn a profit through its newspaper. This is either hopeful thinking or wishful thinking. Much as we wish for its success that its executive editor Mr. VandeHei boasts of its salaries may put it in the latter category.

"The whole idea that we're the beacon of integrity is ridiculous. We get far more attention from you guys than we should."

Not only is He the EDWARD R. MURROW OF COMEDY, He's the TED KOPPEL too!

Among a certain crowd of news media, politicians and educated young viewers courted by them, it's a sacred institution.



(Via the NEW! IMPROVED!! ROMY!!!)

What a disaster! What on earth has happened to us? Nothing yet as bad as what will surely happen if either of these two gibbering numbskulls gets his hands on the levers of supreme executive power.

There goes Jo-NAH for press secretary.

On the Publishers Weekly list of the best-selling fictional non-fiction, we see Mr. Corsi's dubiously truthful tantrum about The Messiah is no. 2, which is one notch above Tori's "memoir", which is three notches above another tantrum about The Messiah, which is two notches above a "Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of Extremism," which is two notches above another tantrum about The Messiah (co-authored by Dick "Hooker" Morris), which is two notches above some sort of tantrum about how Dubya destroyed the Constitution fighting terrorists, which is three notches above a Zeitgeist fantasy by Fareed.

And on the Wall Street Journals' list, Who Moved My Cheese? has evidently been there so long it's covered with mold. It always was.


Planners scrapped their idea to turn the audience of 75,000 into a giant phone bank, in response to fears that the cellphone system would crash (people will instead be asked to text-message friends and neighbors to support the campaign, program aides said would be effective nonetheless.)

Shucks, it would have been the biggest cell-phone crash in history.

When a close circle of his top advisers presented Mr. Obama with $6 million plans to move his acceptance speech to the football stadium in early July, the candidate asked one question, said Anita Dunn, a senior strategist: “Will it rain?” The campaign produced a raft of meteorological data showing it had rained on Aug. 28 only once in 20 years. (Aides were alarmed, however, to arrive in Denver on Sunday to news of a nearby tornado. The weather reporters were predicting clear skies for Thursday night’s address.)

N-n-n-n-no tornado tonight!

Games: WCG Tournament Director Admits Drugs In E-Sports

Natch, they're talking drug testing.


We would be sorry for this sight at Col.'s booth at the infomercial except 1. The hacks are too busy looking for non-news, 2. The hacks are too busy making computers an appendage of their bodies, and 3. Aren't there enough paper piles at an infomercial?

We learned the other day that Boobs McKeating has been on Jut-Jaw Jay thirteen times. We can imagine when Jack Paar had JFK and Dick Nixon on the talk was reasonably serious. With Boobs and Jut-Jaw it's dueling comedians.

It might not be Bill Ayers but maybe The Lord's assistant preachers should delve into Boobs's guest-starring role for Drunken Slob.

We can't win the White House without my home state of...Pennsylvania....

Four-Score is allegedly the state's third senator. A casual perusal of G000,000,000,000,000GLE discloses "they" as the source of that assertion. One reporter says the source is Four-Score. Another pol calls Four-Score "New Jersey's third senator." Heck let's make him all fifty states' third senator.

The line has so blurred between partisan tubthumperry and hard-core publicity I can't tell the difference.

And these folks won't shut up because, unlike partisans of an earlier time, they make too much money.

PREDICTION: I said earlier we were going to have lots of TERRIFIC!!!!! speeches these two weeks, which is why I also said the time between the beginning of the GAMES and the end of the GOP infomerical would be a time of unprecedented, earth-shattering blah. Therefore I can safely assume that tonight's coronation will bring forth not just a TERRIFIC!!!! speech, but one of the greatest in mankind's history. We can be sure of this because an oaf like Jo-NAH declared last night's speeches fantasmagorical although -- and I have to guess as I don't and won't watch the infomercials -- they were probably just high-pitched conversational talk with a few showy turns of phrases devised by three hundred ghosts, plus an occasional pump of the fist. The HACKS would not know a great speech if it burned its words on their foreheads, but that's what we'll get tonight -- in SPADES.

P. S. If I read this right half the audience for Hillary! Night was over 55. Good luck!

Be careful what you wish for...

"Normally, when all your dreams are realized in an election, that's when it becomes a nightmare," Moran said. "2008 could be a dream election. 2010 could be a disaster."

You may get it.

To be sure, history may not repeat itself exactly. The Lord will not be Slickster. But we have learned Congresspoops are comedians to the nth degree, and especially so with Democrats, who just can't seem to govern without leaving their shoelaces untied. (The GOP doesn't have to worry; its shoelaces are tied at Gucci Gulch.)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

This is ABC World News

This is NBC Nightly News, that's not it.

This is the CBS Evening News with...definitely no.

But the inspiration is there.

Not only can this Guy talk pretentious, He now LOOKS pretentious.

Disappointed Neil Diamond fans will get a refund after attending a concert at Ohio State University in which the 67-year-old singer's voice sounded raspy.

Well! How many pop stars can make that apology, voice or no?

I can recall when it was exciting to watch the roll call at a political convention; however preordained, there was still an element of spontaneity, of not knowing even if others did. Now it's another heavily rehearsed scene of an infomercial, the stage managers screaming if it's a second behind. When the Lord is crowned King of America tomorrow in the Temple of Invesco it will be just as dull because it too is just another scene of another infomercial.


The 84-year-old Republican handily won his primary race for Senate and immediately proclaimed the November election a "piece of cake."

...that's been sitting in a cupboard for 25 years.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

TNR quotes Jack Kennedy:
What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label "Liberal?" If by "Liberal" they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer's dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of "Liberal." But if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people--their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties--someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."
Of course that's not what a liberal is any more. A liberal, in today's sense, is someone who is better than his peers, his peers being such a retarded rabble as to justify being soft on foreign and defense policy. A liberal, though speaking soothing tones of liberty, wants to so straitjacket the Republic with his bass-ackwards notions of fairness as to guarantee PC is our secular religion. He can be hypocritical when it suits his purposes, screaming at the top of his never fully filled lungs about the evils of smoking, and global warming, while dismissing the moral disaster of abortion under the fatuous rubric of personal choice, the kind of choice frequently verboten in the world of liberalism. He is humorless, and believes his enemies should be incarcerated, but is not stupid enough to say it, though in thinking it he is little different from bigots who hate people of another skin color. He is a total prig.

But then conservatives have not done well by their word. Today's conservative so revolves around money as to make the miserly the most charitable behavior. Because his world revolves around money he sanctions every conceivable way of getting even with money, even breaking the law. He sees in big business what the aspiring socialist saw in the Kremlin; never mind that, as the late CURE FOR CANCER proved, capitalism can walk hand in hand with totalitarianism because it's evolved into a top-down system, and works best under the supervision of the kind big-bicepped moral pygmies like LEGENDARY WELCH who can and will do anything for money. Yes he will make noises about morality; but as too many pundits like Jo-NAH and JPOD show their hearts aren't in it; to save a child from abortion is not nearly so holy as to save dollar for a zillionaire CEO. Though not quite the total prig the liberal is, having not worked so hard to perfect his anger, the conservative is not far from it.

And so we shrug our shoulders and hang our heads at two political parties who force us to decide the lesser of two evils, and why we must always vote for president holding our noses.


Former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton closed out her history-making 2008 quest for the White House Tuesday with a prime-time appearance at the Democratic National Convention....

...has ESP!

We know, WE KNOW, she WILL do it, but why must the ASSPress hacks use the past tense for a future story? This HAS happened before.

Said another union official, who did not want to be quoted: "The fact that we are fighting tooth and nail in Pennsylvania--when we shouldn't have to be, given George Bush's record--tells you everything you need to know about this election."


Russian investors speak AGAIN!

We would never accuse investors of courage but in their own way these folks have it.

The GUVMENT will spend ONLY $100 BILLION to bail out impecunious homeowners?

Dubya! We say it again -- just open the door to the Treasury and throw away the key.

We heard Michelle made a TERRIFIC speech, and Teddy made a TERRIFIC speech, and tonight someone will make a TERRIFIC speech, and tomorrow there'll be TERRIFIC speeches, and the LORD will make a TERRIFIC speech, and next week the people at the other infomercial will make TERRIFIC speeches, meaning there is no sane reason to follow these video press kits.

How soon we forget: Slickster tortured us for eight years because Jeff "MENSA" Greenfield decided he made a TERRIFIC speech in '88.

THE EDWARD R. MURROW OF COMEDY THUNDERS that television news could inform, it could educate, it could even inspire -- but there's just FLASHING LIGHTS AND CROSSED WIRES IN RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'S BOX!

The jackass Michiko made it official: ED'S A NEWSMAN.

And a special tribute to the NEW! IMPROVED!! ROMY!!! for THIS one:

An unnamed Fox News spokesman tells Howard Kurtz that "being out of touch with mainstream America is nothing new to Jon, as evidenced by the crash-and-burn ratings of this year's Oscars telecast." (By the way, Kurtz violates the Washington Post sources/attribution policy, which states: "Sources who want to take a shot at someone in our columns should do so in their own names.")

Which he would not have violated if the source had been at the equal and opposite buffoonery of the MESS.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Between the beginning of THE GAMES and the end of the Republican infomercial will have emanated the biggest smelliest most gaseous expulsion of verbiage from news hacks and their partners in stupidity on the Web since the Republic started. If each of their words were a micrometer long and a micrometer thick they could yet be stacked high enough so as to form a huge spike not merely visible from outer space, but tall enough to reach the moon. Then the Chinese and the Russians could build a bridge to it and start colonies.


UNDYING GENIUS's last word -- in an image:

I think ol' Confucius would have to say a picture's worth a million PLA soldiers.

In this astonishing piece a teacher tells us what should have been plain to most of us for ages: students don't like literature. It's not entirely their fault; it's the disconnect between an age that had no electronics and an age that has nothing but. But this teacher's plaint that students won't start reading until they're handed more "contemporary" stuff won't work; as she notes, some of her students have mighty quick minds, and they won't eat the thin gruel that passes for writing these days. It's a vicious circle; kids need great literature, but as it passes further into oblivion there are no models for the new great literature, thus no great literature. It is also, as she notes, the mechanized manner of teaching the classics, with its emphasis on symbolism and trivia designed to suck the life out of it. It is also, let's face it, some of the assigned works themselves; Tristram Shandy no longer has a legitimate place in the classroom. That the students seem to like Fitzgerald offers a modicum of hope.

And it appears the SPONSORS, who wasted so much of OUR money on their CEOs' three-month paid vacations -- even THEY are seeing the light; it now emerges four of the PAHTNERS are bowing out with this White Elephant, including JNJ. But count on big business to be tone deaf; they did so after Beijing -- and before Vancouver and London.

It is hard to tell (especially given Little Jeffy's ownership position) but Lllllllord Rrrrrroggge evidently did NOT say these were the BESTESTESTEST GAMESESES EVER, which we'll admit is sort of difficult with the Chinese Communist president standing next to you. Hell, why should he worry? He can't speak English.

The creative team had 232 members. Nine of them were not Chinese.

Rehearsals began in September 2007.

Maybe that's why.

Heck even Al Reut can't quite get into the mood:

The Beijing Olympics ended with a flash of fireworks on Sunday, bringing down the curtain on a Games that dazzled the world with SPORTING BRILLIANCE!!!!! and showcased the MIGHT!!!!! of modern day China.

The 16-day sporting extravaganza failed to quell criticism of China's human rights record....
[Overemphasis added]

Shucks, a fly in the wonton.

P. S. at 9:17 a.m. HE DID NOT.

WHOM NEWS HACKS BE FOR: We should not mention this press release except that the kind of behavior knee-jerk liberals go into full tantrum mode over they happily countenance in their own. Somehow it's okay for OUR TARZANA to liken (without making further reference to this specific PR) Ted Kennedy to John Wayne Gacy. When the shoe is on the other foot it still stinks. Unfortunately we're stuck with these press releases because the begetter of this one is almost exclusively a news hack creature, the scribblers having given it food and oxygen, and allowed it, like so many of the other scourges they've created in recent memory, untrammeled use of their properties, for the sole purpose of beating us repeatedly on the head, which does NOT explain why MNI sells for $3.51, and GCI for $17.79.


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