Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, July 24, 2010
8:41 PM
by Gene
![]() Anyone here remember Interference, Inc.? The company that orchestrated the CARTOON NETWORK BOMB SCARE IN BOSTON? Well, it's still in business -- and here are its clients, past and present, meaning some CEOs apparently DO spend every day playing GOLF.
7:26 PM
by Gene
Nor does it help when you put a grand foyer on an outhouse.
7:07 PM
by Gene
3:20 PM
by Gene
3:03 PM
by Gene
2:39 PM
by Gene
America still towers over rivals in scientific virtuosity, military power, the vitality of democracy and much else. Aside from our not taking too much comfort from a rag published in a dead empire and read by a lot of high mucky-mucks who'd call themselves "internationalists", this line irks us because the first two things are largely technocratic and the third probably has a lot to do with people like THE GOLD BUG who inhabit its grafs, and we'd hardly call dueling screaming cable heads combined with Congress's high popularity democratic. We'd like the hack hiding under the pseudonym to tell us that culturally or educationally we've never been better. Talk of America's financial inequality rivaling Zimbabwe's may not do much good for the soul either. Thankfully the hack gets this much right: America is indeed a great and exceptional country. But it isn’t talking about it that makes it so. And the less we talk about it, whether we be bloviating hacks or zillionaire table pounders, the better. Friday, July 23, 2010
3:09 PM
by Gene
GE BANCORP quarterly dividend after the REVENGE OF THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: $0.10. GE BANCORP quarterly dividend today: $0.12. HISTORIC DOW 5,000,000!!!!!
9:58 AM
by Gene
REVUERS!!!!! Get out your ADJECTIVES! Thursday, July 22, 2010
8:36 PM
by Gene
P. S. LALA must remind its turnips (with a plausibly deniable "Special" byline) that Matt Groening is a business bigger than DUNKIN DONUTS, only It used to be called ALTERNATIVE.
7:35 PM
by Gene
THE LORD GOD STEVE IS NEXT! “The companies that pulled back in the downturn are now accelerating their investments,” said Colin Gillis, an analyst at BGC Partners LP. He has a sell rating on “I don’t think Amazon is focused on any one quarter’s performance. They’re building for the future.” With free books?
7:12 PM
by Gene
Count us not surprised there either.
7:02 PM
by Gene
Only why did he take it from us?
9:37 AM
by Gene
House GOP Leader John Boehner is pushing for reform this morning. In a new web video, he expresses his frustration with the Democrats’ bills and “the way they get passed.” Should Boehner win the Speaker’s gavel, he promises to prohibit the House from considering any bill that has not been publicly available for three days on the web: [Video excluded here.] Cut the comedy, BANEHEAD: You'll do the same things the DEMS do -- THE SAME THINGS YOU GUYS DID BEFORE THEM -- THE SAME THINGS THEY DID BEFORE YOU.
9:15 AM
by Gene
Hence MURROW and WINCHELL!!!!! are both ASSES. One thing they have in common: BIG SALARIES AND BIGGER EGOS, neither of which they deserve.
9:09 AM
by Gene
That's okay, MURROW -- you blow up today and we're all even! An ASS should never try to confute another ASS.
8:56 AM
by Gene
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
5:15 PM
by Gene
When does this clod resume his fillum career?
9:21 AM
by Gene
Besides, it appears these people who may strike actually work for a living.
8:44 AM
by Gene
"We're looking at DC as an untapped asset," he said, "since we need to find a way to fill some of the holes in our event movie schedule created by the end of Harry Potter." And the end of JONAH HEX? The biggest challenge for Nelson and Johns may be merging the cultures of the Warner lot in Burbank and the offices of DC, which are in Manhattan but may soon move to L.A. TRANSLATION: 1. DC runs Burbank. 2. How can there be any culture clash with such self-lovers? "It's no small challenge how few people have heard of these properties or understand their stories outside of fans of comic books," she said. "Sometimes the comic-book fans who love this stuff want us to get too precious about this stuff and if we do, we'll kill it off. We need to figure out how to evolve and grow it and bring it to more people." You've already killed off the movie biz; why should catering to the mentally challenged comic-book nuts bother YOU?
8:40 AM
by Gene
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
7:32 PM
by Gene
P. S. We discovered Sony tacked five of the team's demos onto the '67 London cast album (Goddard Lieberson wanted to record the Broadway show but Bill Paley thought it too much of a downer), but while they appear to be from the same tapes (and they both have rotten sound) they may not be from this source. Now that Sony owns the RCA catalog outright now's the time for the reissue Fiddler deserves -- including all these demo tracks.
7:26 PM
by Gene
(Correction on 7/24/2010 at 7:00 p. m. It is hard to get precise numbers on Greatest but I gather the immortality seldom gathered more than ten million -- and we should not forget despite its immortality there's little evidence it helped THE GREATEST NETWORK OF ALL TIME gain subscribers, and if it did it was in the usual self-obsessed towns. Those who watched, watched, and most of America ignored.)
2:24 PM
by Gene
2:15 PM
by Gene
![]() I wonder: eighty-nine years from now will people be saying things like "this is one of the few cases in any Hollywood film where you literally watch a star being born on film" of...ADAM SANDLER? This revival was in part a Kevin Brownlow production; he deserves great credit for restoring this. But why can't the biz MAKE them instead of RESTORING them?
12:52 PM
by Gene
11:36 AM
by Gene
9:11 AM
by Gene
![]() Back in the days when RENDELLISM encompassed an unquenchable belief that SUPERUPSCALE CONDOS would help create the jobs for waiters and janitors and bellhops and maids to fuel the 21ST-CENTURY ECONOMY, some developers started putting up this hoity-toity tower on SUPERDELUXE Rittenhouse Square for all the people commuting from Wall Street, not to mention some of the hundreds of thousands of city denizens with vast estates. Unfortunately, developers put up hundreds of thousands of other such towers, and putting up hundreds of thousands of such towers led to -- inconveniences, and now even our StinkyInky's resident real-estate Babbitt admits in typically sideways language that the hoity-toity building's essentially been foreclosed by a pension fund that's owed a LOT of hoity-toity money. Don't you just hate it when our saviors the megarich don't come through? P. S. We might add that's not the only largely empty superduper condo on the Square; a rehab of a twenties highrise social club facing 18th Street has been occupied by spiders for two years. Maybe if we moved the Wall Street Casino to OUR stock exchange....
8:47 AM
by Gene
8:19 AM
by Gene
![]() Brauchli, who came to the paper in July 2008, just as it was in the midst of its third round of buyouts in five years, said the Post will continue to pursue such ambitious projects, regardless of the tough financial picture for newspapers. “The Post remains firmly committed to accountability journalism,” he said. “We understand that in some cases it takes a lot of time and it takes a lot of resources to do it well, but we will continue to do it.” ![]() SURE! Monday, July 19, 2010
10:04 PM
by Gene
![]() I smell a new editor! Judging from the site, if YAHOO! doesn't own it, it will. That's CLOSE ENOUGH to GanNETt.
8:39 PM
by Gene
Microsoft is the only large company on the list that isn't in the defense or health care industries. [Fifth and last graf] DOW 500,000!!!!!
8:30 PM
by Gene
The prime minister? The senators should have talked to Britain's real boss -- TONY!
8:25 PM
by Gene
But where does the SCHMOOZE factor come in, reverse Robin Hoods?
9:30 AM
by Gene
"We have two, three times as many highway projects going! We have significant investment in broadband for the first time now!!" [Significant overemphasis added] And we can SEE IT! "Broadband" = THE NEW RENDELLISM.
9:05 AM
by Gene
Sunday, July 18, 2010
9:04 PM
by Gene
Potrzebie (yes, comic books) has posted the cover from this SUPERMEGARARE Superman from '78 that PEOPLE WARNER's reprinting -- in two editions! -- in which he fights against Muhammad Ali for what I'm sure was a very good PC cause. Here's the back cover. Can YOU spot the celebrities watching the greatest fight of all time-and-space? ![]() I got three, without the code: President and Mrs. Ford -- and BILL GAINES. (Where's JIMMAH?!?!?) All those faces could have been drawn with a rubber stamp. I don't care WHAT people say about the GENIUS of comic books, this is GODAWFUL CARICATURE. ![]() Elsewhere, Buster's very fine Big 10-Inch Record site posts an album by Xavier Cugat's once vocalist and wife Abbe Lane. As Curly would say, WOOWOOWOOWOO!!!!!!!!!! And no, you're not supposed to notice the mole, but that's a pretty good spot for one, n'est-ce pas? P. S. FOUR -- Alfred E. Neuman. P. P. S. on 7/21 at 2:58 p. m. I spotted three others -- Tony Orlando and Donny and Marie Osmond. That's seven. But there are over a hundred faces here, and they all look like distant cousins of Clark Kent. Again, THIS IS GODAWFUL CARICATURE.
6:05 PM
by Gene
CORRECTION at 9:35 p. m. I meant shorter. Audrey was taller than MM. Who was looking? I was thinking the proverbial "five-foot-two, eyes of...hazel?" But no one could be hypercritical around Audrey or MM. P. S. on 8/31/2010 at 7:52 p. m. Judging from this zinger (qv) I never started reading it. I'm not a fiction guy. I still stand by my notion that Truman grafted a lot of himself on the character. I've never seen the film, and am not interested.
4:41 PM
by Gene
--Atlanta Journal-Constitution Does anyone here remember several years ago -- when the nation's book revues were being DESTROYED!!!!!? "...[A] powerful and brilliant book. By turns outrageously funny and deadly serious, it is always breathtakingly entertaining. It should be on everyone's shortlist." --Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Today in our apartment building's "library" I found a paperback edition of a supposed comic novel. "Well-written and almost [SIC] always amusing, [the novel] is an entertaining book from a terrific writer." --(Toronto) Globe and Mail It contains four-and-a-half pages of blurbs. "A riotous good time. [The author] tells one entertaining tale." --People magazine Four-and-a half pages of sound-alike blurbs may convey an unintended message, a message of defensiveness, a message of making something from the nothing there -- but those four-and-a half pages certainly are. "[The novel] reads like Richard Ford meets Carl Hiassen." --New York magazine And they further highlight the dangers of obsessive blurbthinking and blurbmaking -- even a merely descriptive (and possibly dismissive) one can be thrown in and can sound like a rave. "Bittersweet (with the emphasis on 'bitter') and hilarious." --Harper's Bazaar Four-and-a-half pages of blurbs translates into God knows how many thousands of words, thousands of unnecessary words, thousands of advertising words, words the public doesn't need and the author will squinch at for their sniveling flattery -- but several years back the DESTRUCTION of book revues was a MORTAL THREAT to the REPUBLIC, to be prevented at ALL COSTS!!!!! The republic survived, and so did the book biz, churning out more junk than ever. If this episode proves anything it is that NOT ONE BOOK REVUER IS WORTH READING. Only Jonathan Yardley was, and he appears to have effectively retired. What's left is advertising, and we have enough of it of all sorts from NEWS HACKS, and true literature will never benefit from it. Let the sleeping dog of book revuing lie -- in a different sense. I have not read the book and probably never will. Thank you, book revuers, for your REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY. P. S. 3.5 stars and #375,578 in
2:26 PM
by Gene
![]() GIMME FIVE!!!!! Although to be BI-PARTISAN about it.... ![]()