Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, April 30, 2005
9:20 PM
by Gene
7:34 PM
by Gene
5:24 PM
by Gene
Anything for the tourists.
5:21 PM
by Gene
3:06 PM
by Gene
2:54 PM
by Gene
That's nothing. BUGMEISTER BILL's been getting computers to do things they shouldn't for DECADES.
2:47 PM
by Gene
School mistakes huge burrito for a weapon Hey people have mistaken USAOKAY!!!!! for...never mind.
2:44 PM
by Gene
Hey, look what happened to Matthew Broderick! It could happen to YOU.
2:42 PM
by Gene
2:33 PM
by Gene
12:11 PM
by Gene
Nighty-night, Mario.
9:37 AM
by Gene
9:33 AM
by Gene
This is Exhibit A in why it may not be worth the bother to follow the news on the Web. P. S. Hey STERNO! Why aren't you part of the blogger IPO? Or are you?
9:13 AM
by Gene
Now one could say at least we're spared the horror of what the news-consuming masses went through during WWII. But in their own way stories like these are almost as ruinous of our sanity. And we WON THAT war.
9:10 AM
by Gene
Friday, April 29, 2005
5:12 PM
by Gene
4:53 PM
by Gene
Clear Channel has become a major player in the theatre world in the last few years. After some infrequent investments in Broadway shows in the late '90s, Clear Channel in 2000 bought SFX, the concert venue owner and promoter that had earlier swallowed the beleaguered Canadian producing and theatre-owning outfit Livent. Since then, it has had a hand in producing 42nd Street, Sweet Smell of Success, The Graduate, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Hairspray, Movin' Out, Wonderful Town, Fiddler on the Roof, Caroline, or Change, Dracula, La Cage aux Folles, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Spamalot, All Shook Up, Sweet Charity and Lennon. Superb entertainment -- and half of them probably lost money. I can see why CHEAP's running from the biz screaming. P. S. Here in Philthydelphia the CHEAP had a plan to rebuild an "HISTORIC" movie house for more bus-and-truck companies and more third-rate rock acts and more dark nights. I guess that one's as dead as the theater. Tear it down and build a SUPERMARKET, I say. It would be MUCH more useful.
4:50 PM
by Gene
Great Balls of Matzo It's me vs. 420-pound Eric "Badlands" Booker for the title of world matzo-ball-eating champion. Forced between matzoh balls and the EEEEEEEEEEEVIL of Dubya I'll take matzoh balls.
3:21 PM
by Gene
This will happen when unions cease pleading the cause of their WORKERS and start pleading for EFFETE SNOBS.
11:38 AM
by Gene
Mass. 'treasure' claim called a theft; 2 diggers arrested Police Chief Joseph Solomon told ABC's Good Morning America that authorities might never have suspected anything had the men not sought publicity. "Sometimes wanting to be famous is really the downfall of people," Solomon said. [Barry] Billcliff [one of the "discoverers"] insisted the discrepancies could be explained. "It's like watching a car accident," he told [The Lawrence Eagle-Tribune]. But then you could say that of MOST news stories.
11:31 AM
by Gene
'Idol' finalist faced drug charges Are YOU sick and tired of THE SWEEPS too?
10:30 AM
by Gene
Meantime three networks thought THE SWEEPS more important than THE PRESIDENT, but then the way presidential press conferences are that might not necessarily have been such a bad thing. P. S. TRIB gets an HONORARY NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD for helping with OUR JOINT VENTURE'S PR.
10:23 AM
by Gene
Watch it, LORD KOPPEL of ESPNCORP, when you become a GREAT GRAY EMINENCE ON PBS "they'll" find something else to mock you for.
9:53 AM
by Gene
Ka-CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NCAA President Myles Brand, who has supported academic reform among student-athletes, said Thursday that an additional game isn't likely to lead to academic difficulties among players. "We have no evidence at all about negative academic consequences," he said. "The last two years we had 12 games (2002 and 2003), football student-athletes improved their graduation rates." Hey! Why not go to an eighteen-game schedule like the PROS and graduate EVERYBODY!
9:03 AM
by Gene
8:39 AM
by Gene
Clear Channel Communications Inc., the nation’s top radio broadcaster, on Friday said its profit fell by more than half in the first quarter as its plan to shorten ads and commercial breaks during programs dragged down revenue. Clear Channel also announced plans to spin off its live-entertainment business and launch an initial public offering for 10 percent of Clear Channel Outdoor, which sells about $2.5 billion of billboard ad space each year. TRANSLATION: People HATE your RADIO, little MR. MAYS, not EVERY Broadway show's a masterwork like KERNGERSHWIN HAMMERSTEIN'S, and look for the stock to TANK TODAY! CORRECTION: Look for the stock to JUMP today as Cheap Channel shareholders delude themselves with their "special dividend"!
8:35 AM
by Gene
These IMBECILES are worse than any BLOGGER -- IF THAT'S POSSIBLE.
8:18 AM
by Gene
As in 357,000 GOOGLE HITS.
6:29 AM
by Gene
How the mighty do fall. Thursday, April 28, 2005
5:09 PM
by Gene
Meantime ROMY and his followers can go tsk-tsk, kick back, and look forward to another good-paying high-self-regarding day.
5:06 PM
by Gene
5:01 PM
by Gene
Since when have the FRENCH been PRUDES? And they're always talking about US.
4:59 PM
by Gene
Well fund it for $300 billion and it won't be dead for seven or eight years. Fund it for a trillion and it won't be dead for fifteen or sixteen years. Fund it for a ZILLION and it'll NEVER die!
4:55 PM
by Gene
3:18 PM
by Gene
3:13 PM
by Gene
2:50 PM
by Gene
Alice Hawthorne is dead. Kathy Scruggs is dead. But Eric Rudolph is alive and well, patiently waiting for his CONSERVATIVE soul brothers to set him free. Yeah. Like Dubya and Denny Hastert and Bill Frist, and maybe George Will and Chuck Krauthammer -- and who knows? Maybe a SOUL SISTER like ANN COULTER. Linked by Romy, who's not Humbug Square, he's HUMBUG TRIPLE AND QUADRUPLE. Didn't ERRAMERICA just apologize for BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM? Did you LAUGHLAUGHLAUGHLAUGH, MR. HUMBUG?
12:24 PM
by Gene
Now that television has dumbed us down, will Internet TV weird us out? Hasn't the Web weirded us out already?
12:16 PM
by Gene
Podcasting Notches An AM Radio Station Followed three entries later by: Sounds An Awful Lot Like Public Access TV
12:11 PM
by Gene
12:08 PM
by Gene
11:01 AM
by Gene
10:21 AM
by Gene
8:56 AM
by Gene
8:37 AM
by Gene
On April 9 a young black working mother came to midtown Manhattan to attend a public forum on hip-hop violence sponsored by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network. The event was prompted by a shootout, one month earlier, between rival rap entourages outside Hot 97, one of New York's leading radio stations. When the station's general manager, Barry Mayo, recited the cliché that parents should control what their children listen to and watch, the young woman rose to her feet: "I have a 12-year-old son, and I fear for him every day. I don't let him watch the videos, but I can't do it all by myself. I need help!".... Millions of Americans are fed up with the calculated coarseness that now passes for "edginess" in the entertainment industry.... WHY MUST THIS APPEAR IN THE WALL STREET JOURNALS CONSERVATIVE EDITION FREELOADER'S REVIEW?
8:20 AM
by Gene
[U]nless a link is established between the journeys and his official actions, it doesn't appear that DeLay will face any civil or criminal worries. However, that doesn't mean a link doesn't EXIST, and furthermore, even if SNIDELY WHIPLASH is found INNOCENT does not mean he will be found HONEST.
6:52 AM
by Gene
Performing rights organization ASCAP saluted the composers of scores for the year's top boxoffice features and television series at its annual Film and Television Music Awards, held Wednesday at the Beverly Hilton. John Debney received ASCAP's Henry Mancini Award for his contribution to film and TV music, and Mark Snow was honored with the Golden Note Award for 20 years of successful scoring. This year's film honorees include Debney, Marco Beltrami ("I, Robot"), Michael Giacchino ("The Incredibles"), Jeff Gibbs ("Fahrenheit 9/11"), James Horner ("Troy"), James Newton Howard ("Collateral," "The Village"), Gregor Narholz ("The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"), Randy Newman ("Meet the Fockers"), Antonio Pinto (additional music for "Collateral"), John Powell ("The Bourne Supremacy"), Alan Silvestri ("The Polar Express," "Van Helsing") and Hans Zimmer ("Shark Tale"). Here are the Max Steiners and Alfred Newmans of today! WOW!!!!!
6:47 AM
by Gene
PLEASE, madam, spare me your UNCTION.
6:40 AM
by Gene
Trent Reznor (above, center) knows a thing or two about pain. The lead man for Nine Inch Nails has battled addiction, social phobia and writer's block. But Reznor has emerged from some dark times with a new album and a new outlook. And COURAGE becomes even MORE COURAGEOUS when you have A NEW ALBUM TO SELL! NIN plays the Warfield this week. THANKS, HEARSTIES!
6:35 AM
by Gene
REMEMBER: The U.S. casualties far surpass the dead in all other wars in which the United States has been involved since 1975. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!! BUT: The only high profile foreign visitor will be Cuban First Vice-President General Raul Castro Ruz, the communist nation's defense minister and regarded as Fidel Castro's heir apparent. Shucks! Doesn't a VICTORY AGAINST IMPERIALISM DESERVE BETTER? Keeping a "low profile" for WAL-MART, I guess.
6:32 AM
by Gene
6:27 AM
by Gene
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
5:28 PM
by Gene
Who says advertising doesn't work? (A leading lede, I'll admit. But here's from another story: Direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs seems to increase the likelihood that physicians will prescribe those drugs, according to a study in the April 27th issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. This can have mixed results in patient care, averting underuse in some cases and promoting overuse in others. I'll say it again: Who says advertising doesn't work?
5:13 PM
by Gene
Washington, D.C. (Post Alum) [RAH RAH!! --Ed.]: Mike, former colleagues tell me that Don's editorial proclivities are sufficiently Republican that reporters are afraid to write stories critical of the administration. I heard that from several people. I believe it to be true. And I am convinced that it is a profound shame. Michael Abramowitz: I have been on the National Desk for seven years, and I have seen no evidence of this. Want further no evidence? See the answer to the FIRST QUESTION: 333 (!) TESTY WORDS that PROVE ST. WARREN'S CHERUBIM do NOT SLANT POLLS. SHUT UP, WAPOST NUMBER TWO NATIONAL EDITOR! No thank you again, ROMY! P. S. One of the loveliest songs, I should say -- especially Glenn Miller's version. Nacio Herb Brown and Gus Kahn wrote it.
4:57 PM
by Gene
The time will come -- it won't be soon -- when the debate over decency takes a new twist, when it turns into a fight over how much media we UNWILLINGLY finance through ad revenues, subscription fees and cable tithes. Make no mistake: MEDIA RULE IS TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. It's a shame someone with deep pockets couldn't launch a counter-campaign on the industry for all its depradations to our culture, our sanity, and our bankbooks. And I have the perfect motto: "TURN OFF CABLE." P. S. Nothing from STERNO. Maybe even he believes he's too much the industry shill.
3:10 PM
by Gene
3:05 PM
by Gene
WHO'S NEXT? According to the suit, Journal Sentinel counted as circulation papers that were: • Distributed free to homes, businesses, on the street and at large gatherings such as Summerfest, parades and sporting events. • Thrown into Dumpsters without ever having been distributed. • Donated to schools. • Distributed to apartment tenants as part of a scheme in which the subscription cost was included in the rent, then kicked back to the apartment complex manager. Haven't YOU done that, RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? MORT ZUCK?
1:44 PM
by Gene
1:42 PM
by Gene
As opposed, LUCAS SPIELBERG, to YOUR specialty -- really CRAPPY movies EVERYONE WANTS TO SEE.
8:46 AM
by Gene
8:31 AM
by Gene
Microsoft is also asking Washington for help. [Richard F.] Rashid [one of the MASTER's sidekicks] said he was meeting with lawmakers and others this week to press for education improvements, more research spending by government and relaxed immigration rules to let companies hire more foreign employees. TRANSLATION: "We'll double our money -- on the TAXPAYERS'! Bwahahahahaha!!!!!" More ETHICS and MORALS coming.
8:24 AM
by Gene
If I were you, GLIBERAL, I'd look over my shoulder, even if "The Man of the Quarter of a Century" IS older than you. LINKED THROUGH ARTSJOURNAL.COM. CAN'T YOU MORONS LINK TO SOMETHING ELSE? P. S. PINCH!! SMITE SOMEONE FOR THAT URL!!!!!
6:51 AM
by Gene
6:42 AM
by Gene
6:36 AM
by Gene
You just tell parents you don't intend to be responsible and dump the problem in THEIR lap. Yes, we know all about BELTWAY IMMORALITY, that's for sure.
6:33 AM
by Gene
These hacks may think they help THEIR SIDE widening partisan divides, but how does it help the REST of us?
6:27 AM
by Gene
Lucas forced himself to write Episode III So He could force all those infernal GEEKS to watch IT and the NEXT TWENTY SEQUELS He hasn't mentioned yet.
6:22 AM
by Gene
The Washington Post predicts that the "controversy over House Majority Leader Tom DeLay will trigger an ethics war" in the nation's capital. Just that phrase alone, "ethics war," exposes the phoniness of the concept. Does "ethics war" mean that D.C. pols will compete with each other to become better people? Does it mean they'll jostle with each other to see who's more faithful to the Ten Commandments? No, it means one faction of immoral operators will inspect the minor missteps of another faction, and hope they emerge from the petty contest looking more "ethical" in the eyes of the public so they'll acquire more power with which to advance immoral legislation.... The Post reports that the frenzy over DeLay has prompted the House to give members an "hour-long 'ethics briefing.'" Ethics in less than an hour. Not bad. A few moments straining at the gnat, and then the congressmen can go back to their lobbyists' feast on the camel. And let us not forget the WaPost IS ST. WARREN's rag, and He IS a most ETHICAL God.
6:20 AM
by Gene
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
8:29 PM
by Gene
For a while, anyway.
5:05 PM
by Gene
Come fall, all 28 private firms that provide after-school tutoring for 41,000 Chicago public school children are expected to be invited back, even if they've had poor results this year. That's because the decision to renew the firms, which will earn up to $50 million this year, is governed by the federal No Child Left Behind Act and isn't up to CPS [Chicago Public Schools]. TRANSLATION: Ka-CHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And don't forget, ST. WARREN is in the TUTORING BIZ.
4:57 PM
by Gene
THESE TWO MEN WILL SAVE THE WORLD!!!!! (Except, of course, that the BUGMEISTER ALREADY RULES TWENTY-SEVEN UNIVERSES.) P. S. Note that this is listed as "Offbeat News." Posterity cannot be pleased.
4:52 PM
by Gene
What's the difference?
4:48 PM
by Gene
Well, for what it's worth, for now we won't be flying JOBS there.
4:45 PM
by Gene
This being in I fear someday there will be a liberal pill and a conservative pill. Actually, there already is. The liberal PILL is and the conservative PILL is NEWSMAX!!!!!!!!!!!!
8:48 AM
by Gene
We trust NEWS HACKS so much we now question the OBITUARIES.
8:29 AM
by Gene
8:06 AM
by Gene
ANOTHER REASON I HATE G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLEBLOGGER!
6:54 AM
by Gene
6:50 AM
by Gene
Is this the truth or a hope? That we must ask such a question reveals how much NEWS HACKS have been willing to sacrifice their reputations to PARTISAN TABLE POUNDING.
6:41 AM
by Gene
6:38 AM
by Gene
Honestly, ST., isn't being worth umpteen billions and being the Messiah Reborn enough for You?
6:34 AM
by Gene
That is true, E. J. but somehow we can imagine you starting an OP-ED column with such a line, which is why you've become ST. WARREN'S GLIBERAL, a man who seems willing to endanger his health to excoriate the PERFIDY of the right.
6:27 AM
by Gene
More lies, more damned lies, more statistics. The over-count appears to stem from technical problems with the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey.... Somehow, I am not surprised. Monday, April 25, 2005
6:04 PM
by Gene
5:38 PM
by Gene
5:23 PM
by Gene
4:59 PM
by Gene
4:57 PM
by Gene
3:36 PM
by Gene
A radio DJ claims The Game, real name Jayceon Taylor, and his entourage attacked him after an interview at a station near Washington DC - and that he then rapped about it in the song "Hate it or Love It". Another [C]RAPPER makes a DOUBLE-BRILLIANT career move.
11:56 AM
by Gene
10:53 AM
by Gene
10:31 AM
by Gene
Even some DEMOCRATS won't fall for THAT SHTICK.
10:16 AM
by Gene
"This will be a movie event — and an advertising, retail and licensing event," predicts Ira Mayer, publisher of the Entertainment Marketing newsletter. We KNOW, Mike -- we READ your @#$%&* PAPER.
9:54 AM
by Gene
P. S. Does "highly-regarded" equal CRITICALLY-ACCLAIMED?
8:08 AM
by Gene
"I don't think it matters whether newspapers survive" This is true, for as the POP-UP BLOGGERS OF THE MILLENNIUM BROUGHT TO YOU BY AMEX have shown, BLOGGERS can SLANT UNFAIRLY with the BEST OF THEM.
8:07 AM
by Gene
A more "modern" pope would have journalists more excited A more "modern" pope would not have JERNALISTS screaming about this CHEHRMAN REACTIONARY.
6:56 AM
by Gene
"What a cruel bunch of know-it-alls this profession creates"
You have to be in order to be BETTER THAN YOUR READERS.
6:49 AM
by Gene
Is it anything like the tons of VERBAL, NOUNAL, ADJECTIVAL and ADVERBIAL ABUSE you HACKS subject us to EVERY DAY?
6:46 AM
by Gene
And we'll SEE that it wins even if we have to lose HALF OUR READERSHIP to do it!
6:31 AM
by Gene
"It is an advertising business that has nothing particularly to do with search." And indeed G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE won't soon be worth $5 trillion a share because it's in the search business. It certainly isn't in the BLOGGING business. When does G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE become a heavy just like the rest of Corporate America? Isn't it time for this pile of free cash flow to be forced to GROW UP? Sunday, April 24, 2005
7:56 PM
by Gene
U. S. PRISON POPULATION SOARS IN 2003, '04!!!!! CURLEY'S (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) STOOGE gives the increase at 2.3%. To be sure having over seven percent of our population incarcerated should not exactly be a source of national pride, but 2.3% (48,000, or 960 a state) may not exactly be soaring either, which hints at the usual NEWS HACK chicanery behind the news. (Hint: it may have to do with SKIN COLOR.) The NYSE could use this hed writer to SWEETEN the BID. This is the sort of story better told with several good charts, but that would make the numbers clear, which GOD KNOWS news hacks would never want to do.
7:37 PM
by Gene
One of the backers is Forbes's publisher, which makes me wonder when stinky politics will enter into it, or whether he can proudly set it aside in the name of crappy Internet TV that might offend some of his readers. I suspect we'll know the answer when P&G and Coke hear of it. ("Dodge, the Navy and Norelco" have.)
5:45 PM
by Gene
It is increasingly clear that RATINGS are merely a form of INDUSTRY CONTROL OVER US, and the only solution to indecent material is for US to CONTROL THE INDUSTRY with CENSORSHIP. P. S. LET'S PUT TOGETHER A LIST OF WHO GETS BRIBED THIS TIME.
5:43 PM
by Gene
(Linked through THE CORNER, which for once didn't misspell anything.)
1:43 PM
by Gene
1:29 PM
by Gene
Perfesser Thompson, YOU have competition!
12:45 PM
by Gene
Now that we have TWO DE FACTO NATIONAL CABLE COMPANIES we don't have to worry about it.
12:37 PM
by Gene
It also has a number of annoying quirks, like the fairly wide margin in the Bookmarks list (you have to narrow the browsing window to see what you want) and the fact that you can get the tabs readily confused if you're used to IE, as I am. It has also let a few pop-under ads through. I will be installing XP on my system soon (I changed my mind on my computer -- more to come) and intend to make a test using a dual-bootable set-up with IE under XP. I have a hunch that despite our scorn for BUGMEISTER BILL his Web browser may not be THAT bad, nor the competition's THAT good.
12:25 PM
by Gene
A quite THOUGHTFUL (pffh-hh-hh) NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK award to PETER! (Linked through, which has an uncanny way of linking to some VERY irritating word extrusions.)
9:06 AM
by Gene
P. S. In the old days actresses had names you could remember, like Ingrid Bergman, or Sophia Loren. Now they have names like Ggglhhhrreeennmmm. At least people won't remember WHO said this. P. P. S. Of course MORT ZUCK spoils the effect with another of his PRIVATE TRAGEDIES that gets his JOLLIES going.
8:47 AM
by Gene
So long as she was being DECORATIVE. But THE EDWARD R. MURROW OF COMEDY made FUN of her! She IS in trouble!
8:41 AM
by Gene
Here is what should happen: The Democratic Senate leadership should agree voluntarily to set aside the continued threat of filibustering the seven Bush appointees to the federal appeals courts who were blocked in the last Congress and whose names have been resubmitted. In return, they should get a renewed promise from the president that he will not bypass the Senate by offering any more recess appointments to the bench and a pledge from Republican Senate leaders to consider each such nominee individually, carefully and with a guarantee of extensive debate in coming months. I'm sure that is EXACTLY what they'll do, SKNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNX.
8:38 AM
by Gene
I'd have thought he'd have sided with the angels -- after having licked the Communist Chinese boots.
8:33 AM
by Gene
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whatever happened to OPRAH'S BOY TOY? You guys seem to have covered up HIS transgressions REAL good.
8:26 AM
by Gene
"I KNOW -- WHEN WE PUT ST. GEORGE ON THE COVER!!!!!!!!!!" And the keyboards stopped flying.