Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, May 21, 2011
7:57 PM
by Gene
See what you're missing by not following golf? (Via link)
7:12 PM
by Gene
P. S. from Nathan Heller's evisceration of SNL: The way this industry cog constantly rehearses generations-old mythologies about its fearless innovation, wild times, and spunky creativity is too comfortably of a piece with many of today's aesthetic affectations. [Emphasis added] Shouldn't opera be about something more permanent than what happened three years ago? And to put it politely, Tony is affected. (Via the usual AHTSJournal)
5:35 PM
by Gene
Apple-Loving Tech Columnist Allegedly Hit Wife With iPhone (Via HENRY HONEST!)
8:24 AM
by Gene
![]() Revenge of the Three-Footed O! ![]() Frank Gehry builds a high-end jail! ![]() Sighhhhhhhh...another atheistic church. ![]() A building made of black, white and gray Lego bricks -- with a special safety feature for unwary pilots! ![]() If this police station were in a ghetto neighborhood.... ![]() Look, I could haul junk out of a garage, spray-paint it white and call it a "Kaohsiung Maritime Cultural and Popular Music Center" too! ![]() The object of this game is to keep from falling into the hole. ![]() "Living Roof"? Bad Orthodontia with Black Lips! ![]() Stonehenge with a retainer. ![]() This is fine for a modernist's daydream, but it's in Manhattan, and after fifteen years it may well resemble an "outdoor living room".
8:00 AM
by Gene
Friday, May 20, 2011
10:22 PM
by Gene
How has this formulaic, famously mediocre comedy show outlasted everything else on TV? To which the typist spends another two pages answering -- mostly persuasive, we'll admit. Nonetheless we'll call this a rhetorical question and leave it at that -- except to say it's doubtful the culture can stand for another 36 years of you had to be there.
8:04 PM
by Gene
7:51 PM
by Gene
A low [Academic Performance R]ating is costly to Calhoun personally. His contract calls for him to donate $100,000 to a UConn scholarship fund if the program doesn't meet the APR. He also will forfeit his postseason bonus of $87,500, earned during UConn's run to the national title. This is like what happens to a CEO when his options go underwater: He takes a paper hit but his salary's sure to stay the same. This won't hurt much either. (The bulk of the money he makes, up to $3 million in the final year of his contract in 2014, comes from speaking and media fees). [sic] As I said....
6:11 PM
by Gene
Sorta like -- oh, we can't mention their names, but you know: the guys from the Summer and Fall of Love of '98? "We've moved in in other places," Selig said Friday, as he prepared to give a commencement speech to students at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Given that location we'd ask, is he trying to move in to immortality?
5:56 PM
by Gene
Someone must tell these corporate buffoons; what was good for St. Jack of Valenti is no good anymore. As for the "appointment" that caused this self-administered rhinoplasty, let's call it what it was: bribery after the fact. (Or let's call it what con-SER-va-tives would: free en-ter-prise -- and the triumph of the First Amendment! Pfffffffffft!)
5:08 PM
by Gene
Sell one overpriced stock to buy another even more overpriced stock. Excellent advice!
11:04 AM
by Gene
‘None’ named Most Trusted Political Reporter
11:01 AM
by Gene
Doesn't every Wall Street Casino concoction that sells for above what it's worth have a mania premium?
10:09 AM
by Gene
And of course politicians being immortal they don't have to die to win.
8:54 AM
by Gene
And yet another demonstration of the reverse psychology performed by PR specialists everywhere: MICKEY S serves oatmeal?
8:47 AM
by Gene
"Basically the valuation looks a little bit rich. They worked very hard to get a favorable price and one could argue the only reason it was up yesterday was support from the sponsoring banks," analyst Nik Stanojevic at Brewin Dolphin said. Aw c'mon, Glencore! Your bankers couldn't pull an overpriced rabbit out of the hat?
8:44 AM
by Gene
Thursday, May 19, 2011
9:36 PM
by Gene
How can such a pro-business prime minister wreak havoc on the economy and on the idea of free markets? Because “pro-business” doesn’t necessarily mean “pro-market.” While the two agendas sometimes coincide—as in the case of protecting property rights—they’re often at odds. Market competition threatens established firms, which often use their political muscle to restrict new entries into their industry, strengthening their positions but putting customers at a disadvantage. A pro-market strategy, by contrast, aims to encourage the best business conditions for everyone. That’s in fact the opposite of what a real-estate tycoon wants: to keep competitors out and enhance the value of his own properties. By capturing (or more precisely, purchasing) the free-market flag in the same way one might acquire a business brand, Berlusconi likely has destroyed the appeal of the free-market ideal in Italy for a generation. Okay, con-SER-va-tives! Republicans! Are you pro-market or pro-business? We can guess.
7:32 PM
by Gene
We only hope this isn't one of those Benny-Allen feuds radio hacks use to goose the ratings, as both mouths work for the same station -- but then again, we wouldn't be surprised. (Via the usual Romy)
6:34 PM
by Gene
You know, clowns, you could give us 25 things we don't know about a lot of more important, less self-serving topics, things it might serve us to know, things we don't know because news hacks are too lazy or stupid or rich. That we can learn these 25 things from the MESS and JANN says the news biz' rep has a lot further to fall. Really, there must be a contest for the most lame-brained heds on the Web. This would have to be a...finalist.
5:40 PM
by Gene
And regardless of what in-the-know veteran lia -- publicists like SUE may suggest, siring two kids a few days apart by may not be a career tonic. And one would hope too this might not be the end of the embarrassments, chortlechortle.
2:19 PM
by Gene
1:28 PM
by Gene
NBC Sports will still bid for the Olympics, but Ebersol's departure sends a signal that they're not willing to break the bank. ESPN can and will. Meaning It can break Its turnips' banks!
10:56 AM
by Gene
Is anyone in Europe totally honest?
10:21 AM
by Gene
"At this rate, LNKD will be bigger than 136 companies in the S&P 500," says Bespoke on Twitter. Of those buying at "tree-top tall prices," David Menlow of advises to "put those people on suicide watch.” Suicide watch? Triple-your-money-in-two-days permanent-prosperity watch! PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!!!! “Some might say the company is overpriced,” Randall says. “I’d say it’s ‘premium valued,’ which is just a ten-dollar Wall Street phrase for the same thing.” Which will be worth TWO HUNDRED in the next three hours! P. S. at 10:46 a. m.: "OK. This is almost hilarious. P/E Ratio for $LNKD right now: 1,221 - SERIOUSLY?! Yes you are reading that correctly," says Bloomberg's Cris Valerio of LinkedIn's (LNKD) debut. Stock did soar to over 100% but is now a mere +90%. GEKKO KUDLOW! WE NEED YOU!!!!!
10:13 AM
by Gene
(Via the usual AHTSJournal)
9:39 AM
by Gene
9:00 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: We have OUR party hack.
8:57 AM
by Gene
Yes, you would have to plug kolledge.
8:43 AM
by Gene
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
8:20 PM
by Gene
The automaker is working with organizations that promote health among sufferers of chronic disease such as diabetes on a research project to use Ford's Sync connectivity abilities to help monitor health while on the road. The idea is to synchronize an occupant's medical devices with the voice-activated MyFord Touch system. The connection can be via Bluetooth, the computing cloud or from smartphone apps and would be used to seamlessly monitor a person's condition when they are on the road. People spend a lot of time in their cars and the initiatives are seen as a means of continuous monitoring and as an opportunity to use drive time to promote health and manage diseases and conditions such as diabetes, asthma and allergies. "We want to create the car that cares," said Gary Strumolo, Ford manager of vehicle design and infotronics. TRANSLATION: Big Brother's good side.
8:02 PM
by Gene
7:36 PM
by Gene
7:33 PM
by Gene
We will not quote a certain line about underestimating intelligence but MENCK had something to do with Baltimore too.
5:59 PM
by Gene
I want the apologists to say it's PIRATING.
1:53 PM
by Gene
Yeah Bashar -- they weren't tough enough! P. S. at 2:36 p. m.: "The recent events in Syria we believe prove that the country cannot go back to the status quo ante," said White House press secretary Jay Carney. "Syria's future will only be secured by a government that reflects the popular will of its people." What sort of scathing words would the TWXSTERS' newsrag use on Tiny Jay if he hadn't written for it?
11:05 AM
by Gene
But one thing we're sure of: the advertisers are DROOLING! McDoubles, caviar, they're all the same to them, just so they can spend senselessly.
9:32 AM
by Gene
Of course, I don't think there's much likelihood of a resolution short of exiting the euro (a defacto default). But if there's any hope for a less drastic solution, it just got a lot dimmer. And of course even the drastic solution would be made considerably less catastrophic with timely and competent assistance from the Fund. DSK could have thought of these things before he had his sex fit. Tuesday, May 17, 2011
8:56 PM
by Gene
In the sad coda to his political career, Schwarzenegger validated all those who had criticized him along the way as a vulgarian and a political naif— a Hollywood production with little below the surface. In Spencer’s assessment, he accomplished little, and made little mark on the state’s politics. “He got elected because he was a star. The problem was, he didn’t know how to govern,” Spencer said. “I don’t know if there is any legacy.”
8:39 PM
by Gene
8:34 PM
by Gene
Four smart and talented people who run networks with a lot of mediocre crap on them. And dozens of mediocre ADVERTISING VICE-PRESIDENTS who want to finance that mediocre crap! [T]he networks [are] try[ing] to buy into that Mad Men allure, only this time with viewers. OooooOOOOOoooooh, I think he means hundreds of thousands of news hacks and cultists aren't viewers! That's an insult! Noticeably absent from this schedule is anything likely to make you wince (intentionally) or endure bleakness for the sake of dramatic quality. Repeat after me: Dark is GOOD! Dark is GOOD!
7:33 PM
by Gene
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former head of the International Monetary Fund.... Strauss-Kahn, who until this weekend was the chief of the IMF.... MMMMM-IIIII-CCCCCC...KKKKK-EEEEE-YYYYY... This story has been updated to reflect the fact that the person who spoke to ABC News is a close friend of the alleged victim, not the alleged victim's brother, as originally reported. But not THAT updated! DAH-DA-DUT! DAH-DA-DUT! M-O-U-S-E!
6:02 PM
by Gene
1. The Muslims are right on this one. 2. Unfortunately a few of their number have their own kicks. 3. Love to know how many of the French think DSK is morally acceptable.
1:42 PM
by Gene
The Beaver might have been interesting if it was boldly, defiantly, autobiographical – with Gibson holding a toy Adolf Hitler puppet. Or if it was about a stressed beaver with a Gibson puppet.
11:25 AM
by Gene
Will someone wean our government superiors off RENDELLISM once and for all?
11:11 AM
by Gene
Kim Kardashian's Newest Fragrance Makes Her 'Feel Sexy'
11:06 AM
by Gene
If it's any consolation, Steven, I really do think people stopped writing decent tunes, oh, forty years ago.
10:46 AM
by Gene
(Via Seeking Alpha)
8:51 AM
by Gene
8:16 AM
by Gene
![]() You have to wonder -- how many NEWS HACKS knew of Ah-NULT's love child -- but kept quiet because he'd make such a GREAT GOVERNOR? Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft!!!!! Monday, May 16, 2011
10:17 PM
by Gene
JPOD writes something GOOD!
9:13 PM
by Gene
I'd look in the mirror before blaming George again.
5:53 PM
by Gene
THUMBS®, your typing is one part pish, one part tosh and 100 percent BULLHOCKEY. ''Movies are becoming like dinosaurs -- their bodies are getting bigger and bigger and their brains are getting smaller and smaller.'' That's all right -- someday we can use the now brainless dinosaurs for OIL! (Revised 5/21/2011)
3:44 PM
by Gene
3:28 PM
by Gene
![]() Let's DO it, boys -- once LAST gasp for High Tech Bubble II! (Via Seeking Alpha)
3:17 PM
by Gene
A prophecy fulfilled! Sunday, May 15, 2011
6:36 PM
by Gene
5:53 PM
by Gene
1. Don't single-camera set-ups and audiences of 3 million say something? To me they say the sitcom's glory days are long in the past, whatever the ad-blurbists say. To the American Society of Willfully Ignorant Advertisers they mean more excuses for their ad fiefdoms to waste their customers' and shareholders' money, however cheaply the junk may be produced. And cheap it increasingly is: Many multicamera sitcoms have become too expensive for most broadcast networks to sustain ("Friends," "Seinfeld" and "Frasier" each cost an average $3 million to $5 million an episode in their heyday), with single-camera offering a much more affordable $800,000 to $1.1 million per episode price tag. Heck why not use iPhones? 2. The MARKETPLACE has made up its mind, loud and clear: there is no place for TINAWEEK. As we've said incessantly there is really no place for any weekly newsrag save The Economist, and that owing to its special circumstances and the blessing of the Bugmeister. The CW already has enough outlets. Why an obsolescent one more?
3:03 PM
by Gene
The highest concentration of glamour can be found in the lobby of the Palais des Festivals, where there's a photographic display of bathing beauties from Hollywood's golden age – Marilyn Monroe, Esther Williams, a very cheesecakey ingénue Joan Crawford and, just for balance, Cary Grant stripped down to his tennis shorts. The festival is also wearing Hollywood chic on its sleeve this year, or rather on its poster, an unusually stylish black-and-white number featuring a young Faye Dunaway, as pictured by the fashion photographer turned film-maker Jerry Schatzberg. (Via the usual unglamorous AHTSJournal)
2:59 PM
by Gene
No, because online media's dreck is but the logical extension of what newspapers and TV were becoming anyway.
2:57 PM
by Gene
2:49 PM
by Gene
P. S. at 6:12 p. m. Here, by the way, is what happens to people who demonstrate in Syria without government permission: What happened to Osama, no doubt. At least he was a bad guy. Thanks anyway, Jeffrey.
2:41 PM
by Gene
2:39 PM
by Gene
2:38 PM
by Gene
2:36 PM
by Gene
We are starting to think twice of making fun of this blog; it offers much food for thought.