Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, November 07, 2009
11:23 PM
by Gene
We also see the ASSPress is using the words "historic" and "landmark", the smiley-faced opposite version of GRIM MILESTONE.
11:20 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: Most of the remaining thirty percent are for the marquis events that are already locked up by CEOs and other high mucky-mucks, and whichever aren't will go for two hundred times face value. Anyone for a non-metals round in CURLING?
10:53 PM
by Gene
Half-a-dozen of the other: Dick Schick blasting movies he probably raved as first-runs. We're more apt to believe Schick, if only because so many ad-blurbists are such knee-jerk thinkers in the first place. He also describes the noun "genius" as "a conventionalized descriptive", and news hacks (including lots of ad-blurbists) did most of the conventionalizing.
4:22 PM
by Gene
1:13 PM
by Gene
At least Lee is man enough to point a finger at both sides, but this has gone on for so long more than two sides may be to blame, and they've gone on long enough as to render such blame ascribing all but meaningless. Ed Murrow rendered that line about "the fault, dear Brutus" into a politically correct joke, but it applies. Friday, November 06, 2009
7:03 PM
by Gene
![]() Now here is a rarity: modern architecture that is humble, that strikes a new note while bowing to the past. On the other hand: ![]() A fine old building grows a third-rate factory and balcony-shaped zits.
12:19 PM
by Gene
Hey Luigi! Get out 5000 more boxes of noodles! (Via, which got the news the con-SER-va-tive-PC way -- see, The Guardian's COMMIE, so....)
11:39 AM
by Gene
"I said to myself, 'I want to do this'!" [EUREKA! overemphasis added] Who'll want to read this? "There was a moment in time where, on one night, at one time, everyone in America said, 'I need to go to my TV set! And if they didn't they didn't show up for work the next day!'" [Further EUREKA! overemphasis added] So why did so many people still show up for work? I believe we have a textbook definition of megalomania. (Via MediaBistro)
10:54 AM
by Gene
10:30 AM
by Gene
We cannot know why God wills such things, but even grief cannot stop love.
9:39 AM
by Gene
9:04 AM
by Gene
8:39 AM UBS out with a bullish note this morning: "In our view, a large correction remains fundamentally unwarranted. We find little evidence to support the assertion that the 2009 market rally represents a liquidity-induced 'bubble,' or that the recent spate of market choppiness is a function of over-valuation."
8:58 AM
by Gene
Well, that takes care of the...RALLY for today. Or maybe not, knowing those frauds.
12:43 AM
by Gene
Does the IDIOT who "runs" PEOPLE WARNER, Mr. Bew-KES, actually ever CONSUME any of His properties? We see a man in His huge office at PEOPLE WARNER CENTER, immersed in spreadsheets, having constant meetings, or else flying from coast to coast umpteen times a week, busily thinking what decayed parcels of His empire to sell, prodigiously memorizing buzzwords. We doubt He has a monitor in His office, or if He does, it's on as background noise. We doubt He watches much TV at home, and we'd guess He gets FREE CABLE, this despite the spinoff. We doubt He'd know what HISTORY'S GREATEST NETWORK programs without breathing in the press releases of armies of admiring ad-blurbists. We doubt He's ever attended a "world premiere" of a movie even though His DC COMICS UNIT loves to boast how it's a leader in its field. We doubt He's bought one of His company's DVDs. WE DOUBT HE WATCHES CNN, or even consults ITS WEB SITES. Heck we doubt He logs onto PEOPLE INC.'s sites. (The home page on his PC is most likely THIS.) And if He has MAGAZINES on His desk they're probably FOR SHOW, to impress gullible ADVERTISERS. We suspect the only difference between Him and the late Mr. LEVIN or His equal in nincompoopery Mr. PARSONS is that He has never boasted of saving the world through the Internet, nor has He intimated He'd like to be Noo Yawk's mayor. This man no doubt runs PEOPLE WARNER from IGNORANCE, and while it may be the best means of overseeing an outfit that produces such vast quantities of junk it may not be the best thing for those at the RECEIVING END of it. ![]() BRING BACK DAWS BUTLER! (At left with Stan Freberg) (Slightly revised 8/18/2010 with new THR link) Thursday, November 05, 2009
11:31 PM
by Gene
And Fannie Mae cautioned: "We do not expect to operate profitably in the foreseeable future." How many points will this add to the new massacre rally tomorrow?
10:59 PM
by Gene
Surely he didn't mean it. But he did found it.
10:30 PM
by Gene
“We’ve just recently begun to reduce our exposure to municipals because we are uncomfortable with some of the fiscal practices of some of the government entities,” Wilson said yesterday in an interview after the Northbrook, Illinois-based company reported a third-quarter profit. “If you look at their balance sheets or income statements and put it in financial terms, they are not in great shape.”
10:19 PM
by Gene
Again we must think of what Mary McCarthy said of Lillian Hellman, for we are far too often convinced every word BIGMEDIA write or utter is a lie, including "and" and "the".
6:04 PM
by Gene
5:59 PM
by Gene
![]() Today we had a massacre. Today also Wall Street Casino's dealers went bonkers. Something tells me we may have ANOTHER MASSACRE RALLY on our hands. What despicable frauds!
5:47 PM
by Gene
![]() Not too long ago we posted on some Depression-era designs for synagogues that suggested a library, or a bank, or a train station. This is the HIP! modern equivalent: the Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies. It says nothing except that we could afford a sexy starchitect. Take out all the HIP! angles and it's perfectly banal.
5:45 PM
by Gene
5:42 PM
by Gene
• Source: Gunman was Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan • Obama: Shootings "tragic" FULL STORY Yep, I think he's starting to crawl there.
4:27 PM
by Gene
B-b-but He's still a God!
4:11 PM
by Gene
Then again it could be plain apolitical psychotics. We've seen that before, alas.
12:00 PM
by Gene
11:47 AM
by Gene
11:01 AM
by Gene
12:18 AM
by Gene
And now we Philthydelphians, seeing the fairy dust turn to ashes, must confront the reality of a transit strike that may not end soon, a slow-motion disaster that spits in the face of civic pride, and exposes the morons who insist civic pride is a good -- like EDDIE. One nice thing for me -- no Blutos outside my window...this year. It's a little sad hearing peace and quiet, but it's more than a little hair-tearing hearing Blutos. Honorary Mayor Mike can have them. He'll probably sleep through the disturbances, which we hope for New York's blameless millions are few. Wednesday, November 04, 2009
11:55 PM
by Gene
![]() Congratulations to the "world" champion New York Yankee. (I hope to update this later when I've mastered P. S. It will be interesting to see how two-faced that pile of Brawny called Metro is; it publishes in both cities.
2:29 PM
by Gene
In fact, the opposite is turning out to be the case. TRANSLATION: Sometimes hope DOES NOT WORK.
9:33 AM
by Gene
![]() We see someone named John Kenley, a godfather of the bus-'n'-truck company circuit, a man who brought star-turn vaudeville to summer-stock theater, has died. Any man who could cast Hugh Downs, Merv Griffin and Joe Namath in his shows must have been...a genius. I suspect we get only the faintest inkling of his approach from these closing grafs: He would build his shows around them even if it meant making “adjustments,” as he put it, which could mean rewriting the script, adding musical numbers or doing whatever it took to make them happy. “He would always add a tap number for Ann Miller, even in ‘Hello, Dolly,’ ” said Patrick Quinn, a former president of the Actors’ Equity Association and a former employee of Mr. Kenley’s in Ohio. Mr. Quinn spoke in an interview in 2006, the year he died. “His most famous interpolation was in a 1975 production of ‘She Loves Me,’ starring Jack Jones and Anita Gillette,” Mr. Quinn said. “He had Jones close the first act singing, ‘What I Did for Love,’ the hit from ‘A Chorus Line,’ ” the musical created by Michael Bennett. That seemed to satisfy everyone, Mr. Quinn said, “at least until a telegram arrived from Michael Bennett.” Oh well, just so long as it sold. (Via the usual AHTSJournal; photo via (P. S. on 11/10 at 1:43 p. m. I meant to mention this but one wonders if Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnick knew about Mr. Kenley's six-left-footed interpolation, and what they'd have thought. They might not have been pleased. Banging and chiseling that song into a frothy romantic musical set in the 1930s would be in almost as bad taste as putting it at the end of the first act of FIDDLER. But singers like Jack Jones always had some bad taste. It figures: He showed in AIRPLANE II: THE SEQUEL.)
9:03 AM
by Gene
That's as good an excuse as any.
9:00 AM
by Gene
8:59 AM
by Gene
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
8:38 PM
by Gene
4:53 PM
by Gene
WS: I listen very regularly, almost religiously, to Democracy Now. And I would never miss an issue of The Nation. I'm a very slow reader [SIC!!!!!] and I can't say there are too many publications I read every word of. At times, I've read The Guardian every day, and The New York Review of Books. And there are great articles on Tom Dispatch on the web, and I'm a subscriber to Left Business Observer. CounterPunch. I wish I were one of those people who could read everything, but I'm not. ST: To what extent do you worry, as I do, that your opinions aren't getting challenged enough when you pick your media so specifically? Do you worry about only reading the opinions of people who more or less agree with your assumptions? WS: I don't worry about it at all. Obviously Wally has NO sense of irony. (Via the usual Romy, who is also quite irony-deprived)
4:51 PM
by Gene
What quality?
3:03 PM
by Gene
And SLIME can thank the ASSPRESS that a hack can think roughly 4.77 percent of almost 308 million is HUGE!!!!!
2:52 PM
by Gene
2:38 PM
by Gene
Didn't this guy used to be a member of...never mind.
1:32 PM
by Gene
What more can these clowns do to make us hate them?
10:34 AM
by Gene
![]() Strike? What strike? Didn't you hear -- we settled it! This will happen when certain people are contemplating their luxury boxes.
10:29 AM
by Gene
P. S. SYNERGY!!!!! Haven't others tried that before? Monday, November 02, 2009
9:38 PM
by Gene
Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, another jernalist offers another excuse for the God his business sold.
5:17 PM
by Gene
Pity. And thank you, Murray, for forcing us to look up the correct punctuations of five or six newspaper titles, which pretty well says all these treasured witnesses would have gotten them wrong anyway. (Via the usual media-obsessive sites)
5:05 PM
by Gene
With your health-care plan. PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!!!!
10:49 AM
by Gene
Is Hillary More Gaffe-Prone Than Biden? Is that possible?
10:36 AM
by Gene
But not on the MESS, CNN, Headline News, The Big C or Comedy Central News Network. (First link via the usual Romy; second link via -- The CORNER)
10:16 AM
by Gene
The nice thing is he can pass off some of the agony to his cli -- the PARENTS. Topping the list is Shirley Ann Jackson at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., whose total compensation the Chronicle pegged at nearly $1.6 million.... Jackson, a physicist and former Clinton administration official, has clashed with Rensselaer faculty and been criticized for spending time away from campus to serve on six corporate boards. But she volunteered this year to return 5% of her base salary — which the Chronicle reported at just more than $1 million in fiscal 2008 — to be used for student scholarships. All salaries for senior administrators are frozen this year, RPI said. Jackson received a strong statement of support from the university. Applications to the school have doubled, research volume has tripled, and $690 million has in new construction and renovations have [SIC] taken place in Jackson's decade as president, said William N. Walker, Vice President, strategic communications and external relations, in a statement issued by the school. A request to interview Jackson was denied. "The value she contributes to the Institute far exceeds the amount she is paid," Walker said. Bill! When's the IPO?
10:09 AM
by Gene
In the 18-to-49 group of viewers — the one prized by networks because most ad sales are directed there — Fox has the biggest percentage increase, from an average rating of 2.39 (which translates into about 2.5 million viewers) for its live programs to a 2.71 rating (about 3.1 million viewers) when the three-day DVR playback results are added in. The numbers for ABC were a 2.5 rating live (2.87 million viewers) to a 2.81 (3.27 million) after three days. CBS had a 2.62 live (just over three million) and a 2.79 (3.2 million) after three days. NBC had 1.79 live (2.05 million) and 1.91 (2.19 million) after three days. WOW!!!!! Those numbers are HUGE!!!!!!!!!! What did I just say about biznews?
9:02 AM
by Gene
For decades you clowns made heroes of LEGENDARY WELCHES and insisted investment bankers cured diseases. Your sleazy sycophancy has caught up to you. What scares us is that with so many toadies being fired business hackery will be worse -- in a different way. (Via MediaBistro) Sunday, November 01, 2009
3:44 PM
by Gene
(Via the usual AHTSJournal)
3:31 PM
by Gene
1:43 PM
by Gene
Again, I want someone to tell me why this isn't a dep -- an ECONOMY. Well, I can hear the ECONOMISTS whining, because we had an up quarter and unemployment is only 10 percent and.... Sorry, in nearly every particular, this IS a dep -- AN ECONOMY.
11:06 AM
by Gene
I DON'T THINK HE CARES MUCH ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!! -- and of course his bellowing causes some people think PILLHEAD NUTS, which allows hacks like David Axelrod to call him "an entertainer" (i.e., an AIRHEAD NAZI), which makes me wish all these screaming meemies would jump into the nearest active volcano.