Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, February 13, 2010
9:12 PM
by Gene
Well Dave, you can always import SCABS from China!
8:14 PM
by Gene
How many months left on YOUR vacation, Don?
8:07 PM
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7:44 PM
by Gene
The house was bought for £10 million and if registered to a limited company based in Jersey. The owner is rumoured to be a Middle Eastern businessman.
6:29 PM
by Gene
6:07 PM
by Gene
6:01 PM
by Gene
Chatroulette: Next Big Thing or Next Dumb Thing? Here's who you meet in vid chat—over and over (Newser) – Chatroulette is getting “next big thing” buzz all over the Internet, with many swearing that the site, which lets you video chat with random people all over the world, is a total revolution. And it is—“for about six and a half minutes,” writes Josh Kurp on Nerve. Then you realize that it’s just another chat service and you’ll meet the same kinds of people over and over. Kurp breaks them down for you: ● Masturbators: There are a lot of them, happy to have a new way to expose themselves. ● Dorm Room Bros: Tend to type “ur a faggot” rather than “hello.” ● Ads: Hey look, your “webcam” is showing me a picture of a floating cat—and a link to your website. ● People in Costumes: We get it, you’re weird. Next. ● Bored People: In the end, most chatters are just trying to kill time. ● Strippers: They really think those abs are worth sharing. ● Actual Girls: So rare, they deserve their own category. We know that feeling.
11:04 AM
by Gene
Like SARAH!!!!! OR: ![]() Eighty-seven years ago some guys in Philly had this really neat idea of starting a new country. Whatever happened to HIM?
10:52 AM
by Gene
![]() An office building in tinted glass. For once an ah-chi-tec-tyure cri-TIC is right.
10:45 AM
by Gene
A fool and his money -- thankfully there are no fools in show-biz, as you can tell from their egos. (Via Seeking Alpha)
10:39 AM
by Gene
(Via SUPERADAM!!!!!, whose interns are supremely happy their Nixon's finally the one!) Friday, February 12, 2010
9:47 PM
by Gene
8:35 PM
by Gene
8:34 PM
by Gene
Alistair Darling and George Osborne, the Shadow Chancellor, are both considering raising VAT to as high as 20 per cent — the European average — from the current rate of 17.5 per cent, The Times has learnt. Six of one....
8:24 PM
by Gene
Just what New York needs -- two honorary leaders. (Via The Corner)
6:26 PM
by Gene
2:52 PM
by Gene
Airborne laser shoots down missile in test, Pentagon says
2:47 PM
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2:29 PM
by Gene
As McDonald’s president and chief operating officer Donald Thompson put it in a Bloomberg TV interview, “The goals, visions and values of the Olympic games are aligned with McDonalds.” Indeed: Put out a mediocre product, be PC about it, and beat 'em over the head with MARKETING.
1:43 PM
by Gene
1. WASHINGTON - At a time of deepening political disaffection and intensified distress about the economy, President Obama enjoys an edge over Republicans in the battle for public support, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. While the president is showing signs of vulnerability on his handling of the economy — a majority of respondents say he has yet to offer a clear plan for creating jobs — Americans blame former President George W. Bush, Wall Street and Congress much more than they do Mr. Obama for the nation’s economic problems and the budget deficit, the poll found. They credit Mr. Obama more than Republicans with making an effort at bipartisanship, and they back the White House’s policies on a variety of disputed issues, including allowing gay men and lesbians to serve openly in the military and repealing the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. You can almost hear the authors rubbing their hands. So why did several con-SER-va-tive bloggers emphasize His Omnipotence's low numbers? Perhaps because there are so many ways to SPIN public opinion polls. A better idea would be a simple neutral two- or three-graf summary followed by the numbers themselves. Let the readers use their own heads. But The Paper of Re-CORD doesn't think its readers have them, an argument that PINCHDOM can't go pay fast enough. 2. SLIME had a teaser on His Times site: Brace yourself for the silliest fortnight imaginable: the 2010 Winter Olympics And so we read and read until we got to the twenty-third of twenty-four grafs: Of course they’re silly. They wouldn’t be sports if they weren’t silly. Silliness is an essential part of sport. If sport wasn’t silly, it would be real life, and that’s the last thing we want. SLIME's hacks set up an expectation of satire. THE GAMES are surely overflowing with the stuff of satire, and self-parody. Instead one of His typists merely restates the obvious, and does so after he and his editors thoroughly mislead us. SLIMEDOM can't go pay fast enough. 3. Listicles are bad enough -- but some typist has come up with one better: a story about a listicle. Listicles are the eenie-meenie-minie-moe of news hackery, assigning arbitrary values to dubious subjects. That this list comes from The Econowiz does not surprise us; in more than a few ways it's a high-end version of FORBESLIST. What's more listicles have a strong PR component, reason enough to avoid them. And yes, this too is about THE GAMES, so the PR here SMELLS. 4. GRATE.COM specializes in the written equivalent of shooting the bull that's full of bull. Its round-robins of revuers are annoying because they slobber over with what they think is acidic candor. So here's another one trying to convince us nineties girl-rock was one of those BETTER-THAN-EVER!!!!! pop-culture trends. What makes it especially irritating is that AHTSJournal linked to it like this: Whatever Happened To Riot Grrrls? In the '90s, "[it] was acceptable to be angry and sexy, and in pop culture there were finally a bunch of role models: Courtney Love, Liz Phair, and Kathleen Hanna, to name just a few. Sadly, that potent combination of female rage and sex appeal has slipped out of the mainstream." Is sexy anger in rock ripe for a comeback? Now we know from the excerpt this will be stink-up-the-gym BAD, and it also tries to sell the notion of a "sexy" Courtney Love -- although we suppose Typhoid Mary had her lovers too. But such is its strong whiff of BS even this briefest fragment of two-left-footed writing forces the reader to hold his nose. How much time must we waste consuming the news equivalent of zero? Thursday, February 11, 2010
10:55 PM
by Gene
Another great job, guys!
7:03 PM
by Gene
![]() That's cute, Little Malcolm -- but haven't we rebuilt something...backwards here? ![]() And on the home page too?
6:08 PM
by Gene
5:46 PM
by Gene
![]() Turkey built a museum for the Brown Dirt Cowboy! ![]() That five-sided maze got ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZAPPED!
5:27 PM
by Gene
5:14 PM
by Gene
No, unless you're an extremely hard-core believer of...never mind.
2:25 PM
by Gene
Alas, do that Chris, and a paper like USAOKAY!!!!! would have to furlough people permanently.
2:12 PM
by Gene
2:09 PM
by Gene
(Via the usual Romy via Seeking Alpha)
1:30 PM
by Gene
‘It means they won and we lost,’ opposition supporter says Fortunately the world will show its moral support through the ritual throwing of wet noodles. NBC's Ali Arouzi reported that he and the handful of other accredited reporters in Iran were bused into the official rally in Freedom Square, penned into a certain section, barred from talking to even the government supporters and then bused out of the area. He said they were told that they were absolutely prohibited from going out independently to film activities on the streets of Tehran. TRANSLATION: We may never again have legitimate news coverage from Nukemanland. P. S. at 1:42 p. m. PM warns Iran of fresh sanctions Here comes another bowl! Duck! Which comes first: The British doing something meaningful or Gordon and his employer BP striking a deal?
1:26 PM
by Gene
GE's bid was $900 million more than the next closest bidder, Rupert Murdoch's Fox network. "They bid a lot higher for these games than they needed to," said Dominic Caristi, a professor at Ball State University's Digital Policy Institute. TRANSLATION: They'll pull it out. People with permanent undeserved luck always manage.
10:09 AM
by Gene
9:42 AM
by Gene
9:30 AM
by Gene
What was the name of that old radio show? Oh yes -- IT PAYS TO BE IGNORANT! Wednesday, February 10, 2010
9:55 PM
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9:29 PM
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3:57 PM
by Gene
![]() House on stilts! ![]() A new HQ for the League of Nations in Sweden -- we hope? ![]() Okay starchitects -- what's with the heart of ice on Valentine's Day? ![]() Spain may be broke but it still has enough money for ugly starchitecture! ![]() A crushed beehive!
3:42 PM
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12:19 PM
by Gene
10:45 AM
by Gene
![]() His strategy involves making fewer but more ambitious movies, cutting back on sweetheart producer deals and at long last integrating its corporate sibling DC Comics more tightly into the movie division. [Emphasis added] TRANSLATION: The high TWXSTER Jeff Robinov (whose name SUPERNIKKI!!!!! once spelled Robinoff in a URL) is turning the already fictitious "Warner Bros." into DC COMICS PICTURES. We've used the name before and will use the name hence. By the way, PINCHSTERS, we really won't miss such press releases when you go behind that wall. Hint hint? P. S. An imperfect attempt at satire using
10:40 AM
by Gene
(Via MICHAEL!!!!!, whose site is often slow and compounds the annoyance with defective links -- I had to copy and paste to make the link work)
10:30 AM
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10:27 AM
by Gene
P. S. at 11:33 a. m. NOW it's snowing -- lightly. P. P. S. at 12:08 p. m. Well -- it's SNOWING now. I can barely make out nearby buildings. I guess it wasn't a farce after all. Tuesday, February 09, 2010
6:30 PM
by Gene
Honda expands airbag recall on 2001 and 2002 vehicles They aren't kidding.
3:18 PM
by Gene
2:57 PM
by Gene
9:59 AM
by Gene
Somehow we are very strongly tempted to say, we doubt it.
9:52 AM
by Gene
...caused by so many advertisers piling on to TV because IT'S SO EFFECTIVE!!!!! And of course the chief...EXECUTIVE of the American Society of Willfully Ignorant Advertisers must bloviate: "As the overall marketing landscape is in the midst of a massive shift, so is the iconic medium of television," said Bob Liodice, president and CEO of the ANA. "The standard methods of delivery and measurement need to adapt to what marketers today need: more specificity, greater effectiveness, and more detailed measurement. ROI is one of the most crucial aspects of marketing today, and the processes behind TV must be held to the same scrutiny as marketers." TRANSLATION: MORE spending for MORE junk TV from MORE sugar daddies!
9:45 AM
by Gene
Hey SUPERNIKKI!!!!!, have you ever thought of guest-emceeing The Tonight Show? You deserve it -- after all the TWXSTERS ARE making a TV show out of you.
9:11 AM
by Gene
8:29 AM
by Gene
Gosh darnit if we know.
8:18 AM
by Gene
You're telling US, Leon?
8:13 AM
by Gene
Monday, February 08, 2010
5:16 PM
by Gene
3:43 PM
by Gene
3:00 PM
by Gene
Needless to say the ASSPRESS salutes the man whose real name was once "RESPECTED X. MARINE" for his PRINCIPLED, NOBLE, HONORABLE OPPOSITION to an UNJUST WAR -- so long as we don't have to mention THAT AIRPORT. And PETE is even more helpful: nine grafs on Respected's courage and wit, and we save the minor parts for the end. A NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD (POLITICAL FLUNKY DIVISION) TO PETE!
2:41 PM
by Gene
10:34 AM
by Gene
SPECIAL P. R. UPDATE AT 1:54 P. M. SUPER BOWL MOST WATCH TV SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!! [SIC!!!!!!!!!!] And of course by now we've gotten five different numbers. One thing I know: David "300" Bauder is feeling good, and he was in a great hurry to smile to the world -- and you can be sure he wouldn't know the difference between "watch" and "watched", or his fat fanny and a hole in the ground. Why the hacks should feel good about the press releases they spout is beyond me. If they want to feel good they should work for their sources (as they already do de facto) -- or RETIRE. P. S. THIS IDIOTIC TYPO HAS GONE OUT THROUGH THE WHOLE ASSPRESS SYSTEM -- a moment of great pride for CURLEY (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!), no doubt. (Although CURLEY seems in a big hurry to correct it, unlike with stories that might be more important.) And so nobody thinks we made it up: ![]() MORONS.
10:17 AM
by Gene
Members of this new miniwave of moderate Republicans support national defense, are eager to cut other federal spending and are hostile to Democratic attempts to reregulate the economy. But these newcomers also understand that the health care status quo is unsustainable. They seek a middle way on abortion and gay rights. They want to protect the environment. And they eschew the inflammatory rhetoric of the tea parties and town halls. In his very clever manner Dave doesn't suggest how to fix health care, what the middle way on abortion or gay rights is, how we should protect the environment, and what kind of rhetoric would replace PILLHEAD's. We do know Dave's become a favorite with the hacks because he says things they want to hear, which ultimately confirm conservatives as NAZIS -- and why he's up there on the list of pundits we do not choose to read. We wonder: Is Dave about to strike a punditing deal with PEOPLE WARNER? Not very nice of him to abandon JonBoy that way.
9:53 AM
by Gene
[I]t all begins with the rights fees. Irwin Gotlieb, the chief executive of GroupM, which does about $80 billion annually in billings, has pronounced sports rights fees “totally out of control.” Jon Swallen, senior VP of research at TNS Media Intelligence, suggests that we may be in a “sports rights bubble.” PUMP IT UP! The economy, according to Andy Donchin, executive VP and chief investment officer at media agency Carat, is giving marketers pause. And it may also temper the next round of bidding. Now I know this is fake: Andy's one of the guys with his hands on the pump! Kath & Kim, My Own Worst Enemy and Heroes received copious promotional consideration during the Beijing Games. Of the three programs, two are no longer on the air and the third is experiencing its least-watched season ever. PUMP IT UP SOME MORE! Winter Olympics viewers, according to one rival network executive, “aren't your traditional network television viewers, and they're not your traditional NBC viewers. Your promos are generally the same kind of promos you would use when you're talking to your audience. A lot of these viewers who tune in to these big events are inundated with network promos. And they go, 'Well, that's why I don't watch network television.'” YOU PUMPED IT TOO MUCH!!!!!
9:47 AM
by Gene
He can gaffe to his heart's delight!
8:49 AM
by Gene
Who wants to bet the desert heat and the desert winds ultimately render much of the building unusable -- especially if it's unoccupied for long? Perhaps this closure of the lookout of the Burj Khalifa is temporary, but who can say nature isn't starting to conquer this monument of hubris? Sunday, February 07, 2010
9:45 PM
by Gene
7:52 PM
by Gene
6:23 PM
by Gene
And Molly could help!
6:10 PM
by Gene
1. Why should anyone trust his friends for product recommendations? Friends are likely to be as ill-informed as you -- especially if they get their recommendations from the same three sources. Finding basic product information can be a chore even on the Web, not merely for the conflicting advice but for absolutely certitude people shout it out with. Such is certainly the case with iPods. I've been lured by a bargain for a Sony MP3 player on Newegg and looked it up, only to find some people worship iPods and some desecrate them. There seems no reliable thought-out middle ground -- all the more reason not to trust mere friends. 2. It would be apt for The Puzzle Palace of Mountain View to finance the CURE; it would demonstrate for all time it's just ANOTHER BIGMEDIA COMPANY.
5:57 PM
by Gene
And let us not forget that even as the NFL cures cancer most of the world is sound asleep to the discovery.
5:48 PM
by Gene
1:30 PM
by Gene
(Via the usual AHTSJournal, which sometimes shows its own very strong -- mentally-challenged streak)
1:05 PM
by Gene
Never is a long time -- Bug-Eyes.
10:29 AM
by Gene
Here's confirmation that The Who will play the greatest conservative rock song during their halftime show: I guess he was low on his quota in inspiring banshee screams. John, why couldn't you have been out doing something productive, like shoveling snow?
10:21 AM
by Gene
Does that count toward the RECORD, SUMNER?
10:11 AM
by Gene
In the year after the Olympics, the iconic 91,000-seat Bird’s Nest hosted a Jackie Chan concert, an Italian soccer match, an opera and a presentation of Chinese singing standards. But the local soccer team declined a deal to make it their home field, and the only tenants now are tourists who pay $7 to visit the souvenir shop. By most accounts, the vendors hawking trinkets outside the stadium outnumber the foreigners who go there to gawk. Outsiders may find this wasteful. After all, Atlanta’s Olympic stadium became a baseball park, and Calgary’s Saddledome a civic fixture. Then again, the Olympics seem to bring out profligacy in even buttoned-down governments. Consider Athens, where 21 of the 22 stadiums erected for the 2004 Olympics were reported last year to be unoccupied. The $14.4 billion cost of that party is being cited by some as a source of Greece’s potentially destabilizing fiscal troubles. [Emphasis added] GEE THANKS, LORDS OF LAUSANNE -- AND VERY VERY LITTLER JEFFY! If you build it, the feeling is, they will come. Eventually, in a nation this large, someone will fill the convention center and the water park. And if not, well, build it anyway. Building creates jobs, and feeds prestige, and pumps up the GDP. Here in the nation that is too big to fail, as long as the bad loans don’t overwhelm the good, the waste is tolerable. “That, to me, is the essence of the Chinese strategy,” Eswar Prasad, a Cornell University professor and a former head of the International Monetary Fund’s China division, said in a recent telephone interview. “Just keep the machine going fast enough.” So what if the machine's a broken-down rattletrap with counterfeit replacement parts?