Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, February 10, 2007
6:27 PM
by Gene
5:29 PM
by Gene
Later at a soon-to-be Rong-Aid I came across the latest Philadelphia advertorial -- er, magazine, with a cover come-on about all the wonderful rich people in the area. One could write a pungent and devastating story about how we're turning into a city of the superrich and the superpoor, to gain tax revenues from the former and federal aid for the latter. At the least it should pique a writer's conscience. But this pulp pile didn't become a repository of ads for condos and jewelry and expensive spas by telling the truth, and from that glib city-rag style you know the author probably buried whatever conscience he had and mostly wrote it from no further than two inches from his desk. When Henry Luce hired his legions of lockstep organization men to parrot his prejudices he started a slow-motion death for magazines because one could no longer vouch for their honesty, and forty years after his death his shadow shows no sign of receding. One thing's clear: Never have media been more hustle-and-bustle -- and never has their product been in such a COMA.
1:52 PM
by Gene
In the wake of her death, DVD sales for Anna Nicole's reality show are skyrocketing. Since Thursday, its ranking on has soared an amazing 180,000 percent, moving from number 27,014 to 15. The next day they wake up in a strange bedroom with a terrific headache.
1:25 PM
by Gene
NOW they find out?
1:15 PM
by Gene
Adult Swim launched nine days before the attack on the twin towers and has risen to its position of strength in a time of endless war and a global climate crisis that has already passed the tipping point. It's a humorous reflection of the impossibility of meaningful action at the end of the world, when there is nothing to say, or worth saying. Here is Space Ghost interviewing the musician Moby. Space Ghost: Listen, I can't worry about every little snafu. I have celebrities to talk to! Like Moby! Moby: Celebrities, huh? So celebrities are more important than the safety and well-being of … Space Ghost: Nobody cares, Moby. (Pause) Nobody cares. (Pause) No one. You've got to laugh. No I don't -- it's not funny, and it's not even funny to imagine a dithering scribbler wanting so desperately to be in with the in crowd that he'd find it funny, as it's beyond satire. And I especially don't laugh when a NEWS HACK tells me to. Indeed the more I reflect on this the angrier I get, because these same people who want oh so desperately to be HIP almost exclusively ran their Anna obits with pictures of her at the Nine Fingers, which was its own kind of falsehood. Being HIP is another, as the way the idiot hacks frame it it's a cover for a lack of talent and a surfeit of PUBLICITY. And Timmy Rutten scratches his head, furrows his brow, and hasn't a clue.
11:24 AM
by Gene
U.S. Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif., asked why Russia had helped Iran develop ballistic missiles in the 1990s that are capable of hitting Israel and Europe. "Russia has nothing to do with that," he said. [NoooooOOOOOooooo!!!!!] Russia has provided Iran with missiles that provide a limited defensive capability, he said. "We don't want Iran to feel cornered," Putin said. "They should understand that they have some friends that they trust." I suppose the Devil has his friends too -- and a few of them came from Russia.
11:10 AM
by Gene
``Follies'' is the amazing expanding show: With every decent new production it gets bigger and bigger. The last time I saw it, it struck me as one of the top three or four musicals. Seeing it now at Encores!, at Manhattan's City Center, I think it may be the best of all. This is Exhibit A in why no one takes reviewers seriously anymore -- and we regret to say it because John Simon deserved to be taken very seriously. They have their (we've said this before) enthusiasms -- for Mr. Taxi Driver, for THE GREATEST POP-CULTURE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE LAST QUARTER CENTURY, for Herr Doktor -- and they wonder why so few people like their pet favorites. When ad-blurbists write of their obsessions and especially with their hoity-toity style they should expect no one to believe them. Certainly the Branson East crowd never has; THE BEST MUSICAL OF ALL has not been successfully revived since its HISTORIC production 36 years ago -- and that was a money-loser. Perhaps these morons think the culture can survive on the cheering of a tiny crowd of cri-TICs and fans for CULT properties, but its woeful state reflects in no small way on their enthusiasms, and their thorough abandonment of sense. P. S. Of course the larger audience must share the blame -- especially those who must laugh at a female impersonator in a fat suit.
11:05 AM
by Gene
Somebody's running for president!
10:50 AM
by Gene
According to the sources, there will be no sacred cows in the next round of cuts and some long-tenured MTV senior vice presidents and executive vice presidents are likely to be sacrificed. "MTV's management in general is very top-heavy," said a source. This needn't have happened, of course -- if P&G and Coke and J&J and the like had closed THEIR obese advertising departments. Sales would not have noticed. Friday, February 09, 2007
5:47 PM
by Gene
(Via The Plank via
5:25 PM
by Gene
We also found another piece of typing from the TWXSTERS, perhaps to make up for the depradations of TMZ. Couldn't there be a WRITING MORATORIUM for a week, or something?
2:57 PM
by Gene
11:51 AM
by Gene
"Anna Nicole Smith's condition downgraded to dead," one writer on news commentary site coldly noted. Wrong -- but this surely anticipated the FATUOUS GOODBYES of the ASSPRESS and MARC.
11:37 AM
by Gene
Peters basked in the attention of his proteges at his 80th birthday party. But true to form, he had a rain dance, too. Journalists should stop being such elitists. Rather than grumbling about how hard it is to make ends meet on $100,000 and envying the people who make $1 million, they should identify with the American middle class and its struggles. Good journalism, in the Peters version, is still about making powerful people uncomfortable. And about saving your soul. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN! [Last word added] And how many of his proteges have trouble making ends meet on their six-digit salaries -- and how many of them have learned to stop envying others? (Do I use Romy too much?)
11:34 AM
by Gene
That's what worries us.
11:31 AM
by Gene
The U.S. envoy to the North Korean nuclear talks says negotiators agreed on "fundamental issues" but disputes remain over small points. And what does THIS mean?
9:33 AM
by Gene
To paraphrase THE MASTER -- and with no figurative pun intended -- the hacks will milk this story until it's dry, and then they'll have to milk the BULL. P. S. The TWXSTERS issue a THREAT: TMZ WILL BE FOLLOWING THIS STORY ALL DAY LONG WITH CONSTANT UPDATES... P. P. S. And evidently this typist wasn't the first -- some pop-cultyure edi-TOR at AMERICA'S LEA -- well, that zeitgeisty newsrag wrote a similar story; indeed he was apparently all set for a gushing Warren Harding-style sendoff, complete with USAOKAY!!!!! "WE", largely because this was about POP-CULTYURE, and as we all know, nothing has ever been BETTER than POP-CULTYURE, but goshdarnit if the peculiar facts didn't get in the way of his eulogy. Before long we'll be hearing hundreds of mea-culpas from hacks like Howie Hairshirt asking why they paid so much attention. NEWS HACKS HAVE IT BOTH WAYS! (First link replaced 7/4/2008)
9:23 AM
by Gene
A paraplegic man wearing a soiled hospital gown and a broken colostomy bag was found crawling in a gutter in skid row in Los Angeles on Thursday after allegedly being dumped in the street by a Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center van, police said.... Witnesses shouted at the female driver of the van, "Where's his wheelchair, where's his walker?" Gary Lett, an employee at Gladys Park, near where the incident occurred, said the woman driving the van didn't reply, but proceeded to apply makeup and perfume before driving off.
8:15 AM
by Gene
The Gaza Palestinians celebrated the Hamas-Fatah ceasefire with rifle fire for over an hour. Can these people do anything without gunshots?
6:57 AM
by Gene
Meantime the same Republicans who never met a big businessman they didn't like are talking "pollution" and "carbon footprints", an exhaust of hot air to increase global warming.
6:54 AM
by Gene
Oh wait, those are Joe Biden's words. From that "non-political résumé" biz I'd say we're doing a little PR favor here too.
6:50 AM
by Gene
6:44 AM
by Gene
Thursday, February 08, 2007
5:59 PM
by Gene
I like that Wall Street talk. A material negative surprise when a bank lusts after customers for sub-prime mortgages and it gets burned by the implosion in the home-building biz? And some "loan producer" we never heard of got similarly walloped. And Toll Brothers keeps talking of upticks. Hey guys, I think you and your fellow McMANSIONERS upticked your way into a bubble.
5:28 PM
by Gene
P. S. I notice many news Web sites are using pictures from her Nine Fingers gig. That was not typical. I suspect the hacks will be overwhelmed by the story while overwhelming us with its trivia -- not least by having to maintain a fake decorum covering a self-proclaimed party girl, which is why those pictures don't seem right. Then again, it was one of the few times she didn't flash her teeth and her boobs, and her somber mode is fitting, and human.
2:21 PM
by Gene
Asked about New York magazine's report that former GE chief Jack Welch said he would have fired Jeff Zucker by now -- the same Mr. Zucker named CEO of NBC Universal on Tuesday -- Mr. Immelt basically shrugged. "I've talked to Jack since the New York article," he said. "He says he didn't say it. Even if he did say it, I don't really care. He's been gone five years." You know, Little Jeffy, someday, after You retire (or are forced out if Your stock continues at $35) Your successor may say the same thing about You.
12:20 PM
by Gene
All I had to do was change two words to make this appeal meaningless.
10:57 AM
by Gene
![]() Hey Barry! Great to see you! Well you don't have to worry about us Democrats, Barry -- we're in your pocket! Yeah, forget all this sex-and-violence talk. That's just to appease the retards. Confidentially, Barry -- what can WE do about piracy?
9:52 AM
by Gene
So the next time there's a big derailment that causes an explosion or a cloud of poison gas, we'll know to say, thanks, son!
9:28 AM
by Gene
Bush Wants Funding Jump for Anti-Drug Ads Rated as Useless P. S. Ryan Grim, who wrote today's story on the anti-drug campaign program of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), previously worked for the Marijuana Policy Project, which lobbies to legalize marijuana. OH. (Via the usual Romy)
9:20 AM
by Gene
And we thought bloggers were the new heralds of truth and honesty! How one is disillusioned! Marcotte referred all interview requests to her new bosses, who declined to let the once prolific talker speak for herself. How the mighty TRUTH TELLERS do fall.
9:08 AM
by Gene
There goes that co-presidency.
9:06 AM
by Gene
Do some Web sites rely too heavily on their interns?
8:58 AM
by Gene
Glaxo Profit Rises 5.4 Percent, Led by Sales of Avandia Diabetes Treatment PepsiCo Profit Rises 61 Percent on Demand for Frito-Lay Snacks, Tax Gain
8:51 AM
by Gene
Ellen DeGeneres must be going for some sort of Iron Woman title. That's because the day after she hosts the Academy Awards, the world's biggest entertainment show, she'll do her own daily show live and then appear on Oprah Winfrey's. Gosh! How will she take it? All that -- talking!
8:40 AM
by Gene
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! COMMIE SAID HE WOULDN'T TAKE DA BET! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! All the principals in this dispute are the reason for the words OH, SHUT and UP. (Via the usual Romy)
8:35 AM
by Gene
Warner Music Group 1Q net income drops GOOD! Better: downloads aren't helping.
8:23 AM
by Gene
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
6:18 PM
by Gene
"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" "I AM the truth!"
6:06 PM
by Gene
5:26 PM
by Gene
5:22 PM
by Gene
5:03 PM
by Gene
3:23 PM
by Gene
This is the guy who said EINSTEIN would be canceled. Keep in mind, though, Little Jeffy has seen his stock go nowhere since he took over from THE LEGEND. Keep further in mind, a big company in big media in a big way has big PR problems. I still say if GE BANCORP AND REALTY were out of entertainment many outside business would regard it better -- not that that's saying much. You wonder -- would Little Jeffy entertain offers of breaking up the Kingdom of Fairfield? As we asked before, what is GE BANCORP AND REALTY'S point anyway, other than bigness? P. S. Hmmm -- DA POST!!!!!!!!!! is pitching this too. Is SLIME preparing a BID?
2:37 PM
by Gene
That's 0.485 PERCENT of our 2005 GDP, and 0.9 PERCENT of our January, 2007 workforce (and that figure probably includes the Reverse Robin Hoods and a lot of customer-service types and technicians in the CABLE CONSPIRACY, not to mention the teenage slobs, er, ushers who let the floors of the popcorn restaurants accrete with Coke). You're not THAT important, SAMMY GLICKMAN -- except for the way you can HECTOR US.
12:44 PM
by Gene
The platitudes have started.
12:40 PM
by Gene
12:28 PM
by Gene
Jeez -- you'd think this show of temper might disqualify Hair-Scratcher.
12:02 PM
by Gene
The congressional source said Pentagon officials complained that Mr. Murtha, Pennsylvania Democrat, is accusing them of sexism for not immediately heeding her request. Megan E. Grote, Mr. Murtha's press secretary, said, "Mr. Murtha absolutely never said anything about being 'sexist.' We have no further comment." TRANSLATION: SEXIST! P. S. Official Republican spokespoops (yes, that includes YOU, MS. TRAVERS) are using this to make partisan fun of NANCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIX OF ONE....
10:30 AM
by Gene
10:27 AM
by Gene
![]() What are the odds the Feds will go after these clowns for deceptive advertising? On the other hand, it's our kind of deceptive advertising.
10:19 AM
by Gene
MORONS. (Via ArtsJournal)
9:36 AM
by Gene
Tenth graf: The comments are striking at several levels. The flagging conservative morale about beating Clinton comes at the same time many Democrats regard the New York senator as newly vulnerable because of the competition she faces from Illinois Sen. Barack Obama and skepticism she faces from activists opposed to the Iraq war. On the Republican side, there is a disconnect between grass-roots, red-state Republicans and the mostly Washington-based operatives who surround Bush. C'mon idiots, it's twenty months until the election. Let the PEOPLE decide, for once. That said, the Republicans can only blame themselves with their DUBYAS and DUKES.
9:14 AM
by Gene
But Oscars Still Suspenseful Suspenseful! We're sitting at the edge of the rear of our seat, Andrew, busily filing our fingernails, wondering which of five arthouse properties (well four; Mr. Taxi Driver's is an HONORARY arthouse flick) will take home the coveted ACADEMY AWARD®, to do a few more millions of biz at the popcorn restaurants, and then rest in eternal slumber in the back catalog. Oh yes, Mr. Sarris, we're trembling with excitement -- at the thought that once again we can miss the Os-CARS®. This has to be one of the most lunkheaded heds ever in The Cute Little Pink Paper. We would think Mr. Sarris is old enough to know better -- but then again, he's a MOVIE AD-BLURBIST.
9:03 AM
by Gene
8:56 AM
by Gene
In fifty years idiots will still play HIS HOOK in arenas. Well, you know, Cole Porter blahblahblah....First, Cole Porter didn't bugger kids, and second, he didn't write for arenas. By the way, we see the hacks are ignoring Mr. Laine's death. Don't worry -- when WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE DYLAN GOES the month-long period of state-media mourning will be so intense it will make people SCREAM -- provided there's still a news biz.
6:49 AM
by Gene
![]() THE FELLOW WHO SANG "BLAZING SADDLES" HAS DIED. Well, that's what the philistine news hacks will call Frankie Laine, and he showed poor judgment and taste in that (but hey! Do those things count anymore? Hell, with the hacks that's ten bonus points!), yet in everything else he got it right. Yes, he was an emotional singer, and he wore that emotion on his sleeve, but he was a force, a fiery singer, a singer with guts. Say what you will about the guy's style, he had conviction. The fact that he sang the treacle beloved of A&R boys like the notorious Mitch Miller and became unremovably intertwined with that "YEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAH!" joke will not negate that. Listen to Rockin', a Columbia jazz album of the mid-50s, and you know you're in the presence of a musician of the first rank. He was also from all accounts a gentleman, and helped in his own small way in the fight for civil rights. Thankfully these days (as we say too often) we have MASTERWORKS now, and we can forget about these mere singers. Tuesday, February 06, 2007
5:05 PM
by Gene
1:40 PM
by Gene
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says bolstering education - not erecting trade barriers - should help deal with economic inequality in the United States.
1:14 PM
by Gene
Okay, Mitt -- NOW's the time to make up your mind!
12:11 PM
by Gene
11:26 AM
by Gene
(Via ArtsJournal)
11:18 AM
by Gene
The bomb hoax bozos whose light-up devices sparked a Boston terror panic were caught on camera standing with spectators and filming the massive police response, the Herald has learned. Just think: if the authorities weren't so ARE-SQUAY, they'd have gotten a 10,000-word profile in ADAGE!!!!!
11:08 AM
by Gene
Why, indeed? I find it a challenge trying to persuade religious conservatives to loosen the relationship between their religious beliefs and their political agenda. However, I find it even more of a challenge to deal with the Left, where their political agenda is their religion. And isn't AYN RAND the GLIBERTARIAN'S GOD, and Her Works the BIBLE?
11:05 AM
by Gene
10:55 AM
by Gene
10:53 AM
by Gene
Paris Hilton Gets Ticket to Vienna Ball What happened to all the promised exposes on our perfidy in the War on Militancy? C'mon, CURLEY! [Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!] Where's your sense of humor?
10:13 AM
by Gene
McClatchy's in a revenue slump that began last summer Last summer -- that was NO. It COULDN'T be. Gosh almighty!
10:07 AM
by Gene
Microsoft has increased the price of telephone support for users of its Windows XP operating system and Office XP productivity applications. The changes were quietly coincident with last week's high-profile introductions of the company's new Windows Vista operating system and Office 2007 suite. According to information posted on Microsoft's Web site, the per-incident support cost for all Windows users is now $59. Prior to January 30th, when Microsoft released the retail version of Vista, the support cost for users of Windows XP and older versions of the operating system was $39 per incident. That represents a price increase of 51%. Similarly, phone support for Office users prior to the launch of Office 2007 -- which also debuted January 30 -- was $35.00 per incident. The price is now $49 per incident, or 40% higher, regardless of version. Microsoft's explanation for the new plan will be more familiar to economics professors than computer users. "To more accurately reflect the value of and Microsoft's investment in the service, support incident pricing for Microsoft consumers has been designed through an analysis of competitive offerings and in reference to GDP per capita," said Microsoft, in a statement. TRANSLATION: WE'RE A MONOPOLY. DEAL WITH IT.
9:32 AM
by Gene
9:11 AM
by Gene
8:51 AM
by Gene
Monday, February 05, 2007
1:34 PM
by Gene
Another reason to grimace: the guerilla marketing IDIOTS of today are the KENNYBOYS of tomorrow.
12:21 PM
by Gene
The common-sense answer: no. The Little Jeffy-Jeff Zuck-obsessive-compulsive-bean-counter-Reverse-Robin-Hood-money-wasting-TV-reporter-scribbling answer: YES!!!!!!!!!!
11:05 AM
by Gene
The crew at 18DoughtyStreet and are preparing to make a video ad about what the world would be like without America and are looking for input into the creative process. Click here for more details. 02/05 11:01 AM We're not sure we should do that. The League of Nations has been working on it for years.
10:50 AM
by Gene
10:40 AM
by Gene
10:14 AM
by Gene
9:19 AM
by Gene
8:41 AM
by Gene
That, we may be sure, does not just apply to modern Russia.
8:23 AM
by Gene
These clowns are trying to paint this as an example of corporate "ageism." I say it's an example of a guy being an executive for over twenty years and finding himself in fourth place. By the way, I'm not sure I'd list acquiring Financial News Network as an achievement.
8:10 AM
by Gene
In a sloppy, exciting, rainsoaked NFL title game.... [ home-page squib] ...the right hand doesn't know... Boring. Poorly executed. Unmemorable. ...what the left hand is doing.
6:51 AM
by Gene
More children and teens are being exposed to online pornography, mostly by accidentally viewing sexually explicit Web sites while surfing the Internet, researchers say. The next one points to a solution: A Saudi Arabian judge sentenced 20 foreigners to receive lashes and spend several months in prison after convicting them of attending a party where alcohol was served and men and women danced, a newspaper reported Sunday. I hear the vigorous oil-lubricated rubbing of hands.... Sunday, February 04, 2007
8:18 PM
by Gene
So why are so many people banging down the doors to be bored? (First link via ArtsJournal)
7:35 PM
by Gene
2nd Quarter - 10:08 There are things I don't believe ... and one of those things is Jim Nantz telling me about Black History Month. How exciting is it? At the FREEP's live blog they seem to be talking more about the commercials. Do you think SOB NEUHARTH may have known something when he started hard-selling the ADS? You have to wonder sometimes if the score matters. P. S. Given the on-the-field antics I think we can predict what hundreds of CEOs will be saying the next five months: "I WAS AT THE SUPER BOWL -- IN A LUXURY BOX -- AND STAYED DRY -- AND YOU WEREN'T!!!!!"
7:10 PM
by Gene
6:45 PM
by Gene
10:15 AM
by Gene
Jeff Zucker to take top spot at NBC Universal "Bob was a brilliant strategist who really built the company into what it is today," said a senior NBC Universal executive. "But now you need an operator, a manager, someone to take it to the next level." ![]() Going DOWN!
10:12 AM
by Gene
This story we confess makes us nervous; the Israelis are doing what the Russians did to that spy-or-whatever. There is one crucial difference however; Belly-Kisser was out to silence dissent.
10:00 AM
by Gene
Bush puts 'ic' back in 'Democrat Party' "Now look, my diction isn't all that good," Bush told the 200 lawmakers who wrapped up two days away from Washington with family and aides. "I have been accused of occasionally mangling the English language. And so I appreciate you inviting the head of the Republic Party." That's all right, Dubya; we don't expect you politicians to know how to read.
9:57 AM
by Gene
McCain’s Advisers Once Made Ads That Drew His Ire