Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I completely agree, standing ovations SHOULD be reserved for truly outstanding performances and this is a rule I obey... unless EVERYONE around me is standing (especially if I am front row, or with a group of friends who are standing) as I dont want to look miserable!

When I saw Wicked on Broadway, it was ghastly, there was nothing good to say about it, yet the entire auditorium lept to their feet, and I couldn't help thinking "I have just paid these people $120 to see this rubbish, and I am still expected to thank THEM, after that, they should be personally thanking me for paying their wages and sitting through that monstrosity without heckling or throwing stuff at them!"

That's what's called pleasin' the crowd at BRANSON EAST!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Obama's Still Untouchable in 2012

Jack Germond is still alive?

There'll always be a PEOPLE WARNER; there'll always be a PEOPLE:

Kim Kardashian Will Be a Bridezilla, Predicts Sister Khloé

What did People tell us we didn't already know?

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Better luck next time -- and there will be MANY next times, thanks to jolly happy stories like THIS.

Think of this as a no-confidence vote after the public's no-confidence vote.

Exclusive: Clinton in talks about possible move to World Bank

We were about to say at least she can't do any more damage but knowing His Incompetence he'll appoint someone worse. Any guesses?

We'd bet Lee Hamilton though he's WAY too old. Monsieur Kerrrrrry? Who else? There aren't too many good Democratic world-affairs voices, are there.

(Via Seeking Alpha)

A conservative writer has raised a big stink over young-adult books (with the accent on ADULT), the stench coming from their anguished authors, who are no doubt in the same political skunk warren as the lockstep entertainment producers. Cries of censorship are often just another siren from the "whaaambulance".

There is one hope, however:

[M]any teenagers do not read young-adult books at all.

(Via NRO)

Sorry to suggest this but mightn't it be better to turn Ernie Harwell's memorabilia over to Cooperstown -- where'd they'd be safer and accessible?

[Roger Ailes] has become an epochal figure in television news—certainly on the level of Edward R. Murrow and Roone Arledge.

For your next book, WOLFFMAN, why not the death and resurrection of SLIME?

Oh, I forgot -- SLIME probably won't die.

Now that Muammar is using Viagra as a weapon perhaps it's time for what passes for the West to introduce a chemical compound in his regimen -- say, cyanide.

Speaking of China, Jonathan V. Last offers an unsettling parallel between the comic-book mania of the eighties and early nineties and the real-estate bubble. "Sometimes", he says, "markets don’t 'come back.'" We'd differ, though, on the comic-book movie houses. With fewer people reading the rags one may ask where future tentpoles will come from. We've also seen signs that perhaps the public is not as enamored of comic-book movies as Ub Iger and Mr. BEWKES think. And Superman's been reformulated a million times; eventually people will tire permanently of the taste. Maybe Spider-Man isn't "a co-op in Manhattan", though he lives there.

SLIME spied on KATE?!?!?!?!?

Don't worry, he'll run His empire for at least another sixty years.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

A topic for PILLHEAD, or maybe the Rev. Dr. Beck in His last FREE days:

Air conditioning breaks down at Oklahoma state prison


Forget microfinance. Leila Chiriyath Janah is betting that “microwork” can be an even more successful route to alleviate poverty. Samasource, her three year old San Francisco nonprofit, has found simple computer-based work for 1,200 people living in poverty in Kenya, India, Pakistan, Haiti, Uganda and South Africa. The paying clients? Technology companies like LinkedIn, Intuit and Google.

While you're at it, Leila, could you create some jobs here?

Call me old-fashioned, but I think that social sanction can be very helpful in assisting us in doing important but difficult things. Marriage is stronger if people who find out that their friends are cheating don't say, "Awesome, is he hot?" but "How could you do that to Jason?" Marriage is stronger if people who cheat are viewed with slight revulsion, and so are the (knowing) people who they cheat with. Marriage is stronger when people who decide not to care for seriously ill spouses are met with an incredulous "What the hell is wrong with you?", not "Yeah, I couldn't handle that either." Of course it would be nicer if we didn't need this sort of help. But we are a flawed species.


Delta Air Lines' $2,800 in bag fees for Army unit returning from Afghanistan ignites backlash

Corporate America has constant competitions to see who can produce the worst PR. This should easily lead any contest.

And in another international joke:

UN considers revised condemnation of Syria

Revised, no doubt, to the point of meaninglessness.

The former PVT. ZELL's rag hides under the desk on race.

In an age where we will be forced to know everything about WEENER, our Peter Zengers should disclose the races of attackers and victims; we're not helped by racially-motivated evasions. We note, however, that PVT. ZELL's once dominion effectively takes both sides of the issue, another fiery indication that Mary McCarthy's words about Lillian Hellman apply first and foremost to NEWS HACKS.

(Via the usual Romy)

This unspeakable crime says the hole in America's soul is growing.

Elsewhere from Sharon, BRIAN ROBBER boasts:

NBC Sets 'It's Worth What?' Premiere Date

P. S. A company named for a dead entertainer is copying the property of a game show created by two dead producers.

Revolutionary Guard praises idea of nuke testing

It's not "Who knew?", it's "Who didn't want to know?"

Don't you feel great with His Incompetence in the White House?

This story would seem to confirm my notion that the CLOUD is all about control of data. Who should control it -- you or the Lord God Steve? And He gets to control it in the name of minor conveniences for you.

I have roughly 450 gigs of media on my hard drive so I'm not a dispassionate observer. On the other hand I don't own one of His devices. I'll stick with my hard drive.

Jesse of the New! Improved!! gets REALLY EXCITED over the Branson East Theme Park Awards -- and also, as news hacks will, gives the show away unintentionally -- in the first graf:

People are talking about the Tony Awards this year, and not just to complain. (Clarification: Those few people who might talk about the Tony Awards are talking about them. Last year, the CBS broadcast of the annual awards show was viewed by seven million people, or a million and change fewer than watched a rerun of Two and a Half Men last week.)

No wonder the owners have rejiggered the site ten times in the last two years, or whatever.

I think DVFORBESLIST is saying "the [insert synonym for 'sultry'] former spy" Anna Chapman is something of a joke, but being such a good PR outlet it's unwilling to say it outright.

I spend way too much time in airports, and usually log around 150,000 miles in the air per year.

How much of this travel is self-important? How many of your conferences could you conduct by Web? If enough people abandoned travel as a badge of honor how much fuel would it save? And since you worry so about TSA how many fewer patdowns would be needed?

So many spend so much time in the air their brains almost never touch the ground.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Action man! Will Smith throws himself out of a window as he does his own death-defying stunts filming Men In Black III!!!!! (Action overemphasis added)

Yes, I think I see why WALTER WINCHELL!!!!! links to "DM". Sort of like his death-defying blurbs.



Northeast Ohio is among a growing number of regions that are combating the loss of traditional factory jobs by developing industry clusters in fields such as biomedicine [government support, check], renewable energy [check] and aerospace [check]. Besides medical devices, the Cleveland area — a more than century-old stronghold for auto, rubber and glass making — aims to carve out niches in clean energy [check] and flexible electronics [since it sounds weird -- check].


Now, the federal government is stepping in. President Obama's fiscal 2012 budget proposes a competition to identify 20 potential clusters that would receive a share of $2.5 billion in financial incentives. A separate program involving 16 U.S. agencies aims to advance existing industry hubs. With a report Friday showing job growth slowing, officials say funding for innovation is needed to expand payrolls.


Outages have become something of a regular nuisance for Skype users, myself included. In late May Skype experienced an outage that lasted several hours and affected users from around the world, while last December, around Christmas time, the Internet telephony service went down for about 20 million users. Here’s hoping this outage isn’t as big or disruptive.

Here's hoping it doesn't mean $8.5 BILLION down the drain for Redmond!

Anthem Blue Cross won't accept automatic credit card payments anymore

Anthem Blue Cross informs customers that the payment method will be discontinued Aug. 1. Those who want to keep paying with credit cards will have to call a service rep and be charged a $15 'convenience fee.'

Free en-ter-prise at work!

Seeing how ED MURROW's a dear, dear, DEAR friend of WEENER you'd think somebody like ROMY would call him out over this -- conflict of interest. But no, truth tellers are truth tellers even when slandered by their friendships.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Here are the 10 best Weinergate tweets of the day.

1. "STEVE MARTIN IS REALLY OILED AND BUFF. OMG, my Twitter account was just hacked." - Steve Martin

2. "Weiner-gate is teaching me a few things..if a pic posted of my weener on web looks big: i posted it, if its small, my account was hacked." -David Spade

3. "Just my luck! On the same day I find out it's bad to tweet dirty pictures, FedEx shows up w/ all that penis make-up I ordered!" - Andy Richter

4. "Tattoo it on your chest, MEMENTO-style, Weiner: 'The Internet is forever."" -Patton Oswalt

5. "Anthony Weiner skipped the Israel Day Parade. It's ok--he's already supported Israel by showing everyone that he's Jewish. #weinergate" -Joy Behar

6. "To all my followers: I"m sorry I lied, that was not a photo of me in my tighty-whities." -Chad Lowe

7. "Your turn, Blake Lively. It's okay. You won't have to resign from The Green Lantern." -Watch What Happens Live! writer Caissie St. Onge

8. "BREAKING: Rep. Anthony Weiner admits the Twitter pics are his. He also said, 'When I took the pics it was really really cold." -Late Show with David Letterman head writer/executive producer Justin Stangel

9. "A historic day for trivial Twitter fame. Charlie Sheen has called Anthony Weiner to offer his concession." -Arianna Huffington

10. "Can I just say that based on current events the stories for Scandal practically write themselves right now?" - Shonda Rhimes

If these were the ten best WHAT WERE THE...oh, never mind.

The hacks are celebrating a Lincoln's Second Inaugural moment as this generation's version of Madeline Kahn says something that, in the rancid world they helped create, strikes their withered souls as reverberant common sense, especially as they possess so little of it.

Of course more people everywhere are oafs because the Web and all those unnecessary electronic toys demand it. This story pains us because we could not go up to a woman in the meekest, humblest way without being slapped; yet WEENER has girls throwing themselves at him when they'd be better off throwing him from a cliff. (And possibly themselves too as they're the type whose political ambitions would make the decline of the Roman Empire look good.) A man who must take pictures of his privies has nothing to boast of.

A richly deserved reward:

BCS officially strips USC of 2004 title

The idea of Jim's Jet-Smooth Riders avoiding the death penalty seems ever so slightly less tenable.

Oddly enough it's still the ASSPress's champion, which should make its JUDGMENTAL political reporting in 2012 a little less tolerable.

Other words we come to hate because the news hacks loudly misuse them until they have meanings separate from any dictionary. I'm sure these were two fine people but to call them "legends" stretches the word until it screams, and hype is the enemy of a good obituary. I'm tired of the hacks' bansheeing tortures.

These two stories link to one of my least favorite words: judgmental. Judgmental means being spiteful of behaviors you'd condone in yourself. Such clods would let total strangers have it for the sin of living. Unfortunately the Bible says "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Having brains of rock these oafs could never feel a thing.


New major at Indiana U. combines study of public affairs with understanding of media

Don't news hacks already know how to campaign for their causes?

And don't enough politicos know how to play news hacks?

The best of two worlds: Europe lends the Greeks money they'll never pay back -- and the Greeks get mad because Europe isn't lending them enough money!


In the midst of the crisis, the number of museum guards, at the Acropolis, for example, has magically increased, as have the numbers of ambulance drivers and nurses. "People are enthusiastic," says Reppas, adding: "A real consolidation is underway here."


It wasn't but a couple of years ago that Philthydelphia's Skool Distrikt was the best run in the country, or something, which says reform in ehdyukayshun is about keeping up appearances, easy when politicos and news hacks are solely concerned with touting things while sending their kids to private schools, or schools in the burbs.

Somebody tell the ASSPress -- the Lord God Steve will NEVER DIE!!!!!

Would His Kingdom face these PR disasters if It had any sense, other than of what would keep God happy?

(Via I Want Media)

Memo to SEC: Groupon Has No Competitive Advantage, Stop Its IPO!!!!!!!!!! (Tell-the-Feds overemphasis added)

Are you kidding? The Wall Street Casino's merely rehearsing for the really big frauds!

Look Peter, do we expect the same Corporate Americans who put their all into flipping the bird to the people to otherwise give a damn about them, so long as they earn theirs?

We can only do so much without our superiors' assent.

And on a related matter, let's come out and say it: America's fraudulent advertisers actively encourage this sort of publicity-stunt behavior. It would be better if Corporate America issued a mission statement saying that in every particular it hates our nation, and holds its values in the utmost contempt.

I still think this whole business surrounding Ben Shapiro's interviews is a non-starter, as the usual gang of idiots will close quarters if it hasn't done so already; but the more I think of it the angrier I get. It is not enough these megalomaniacs have small minds, no; they must make them so small as to evade detection by any scientific instrument.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Who does the LULZSEC mascot remind you of? We know who he reminds us of: Reginald Van Gleason III. (Though he never wore a monocle.) That's why we've laughed long and hard at the antics of this motley gang, knowing all the while they weren't the least bit funny, wrecking companies like Sony with a blithe (if slightly dense) humor about it. These twits haven't the foggiest notion if they totally destroy their enemies they won't get any more "free" entertainment. For now however, we laugh.

He...who warned, uhhhhhhhhhh, the British that they, uhhhhhhhhhh, weren’t going to be taking away our arms, uhhhhhhhhhh, by ringing those bells and, uhhhhhhhhhh, making sure as he’s riding his, uhhhhhhhhhh, horse through town to send those, uhhhhhhhhhh, warning shots and bells that we were, uhhhhhhhhhh, going to be secure and, uhhhhhhhhhh, we were going to be free and, uhhhhhhhhhh -- WE WERE GOING TO BE ARMED!!!!! [Uhhhhhhhhhhs added]

Palin’s inability to speak in clear, precise terms about questions of large importance as well as small (such as this) is a chronic problem. She is an articulate woman and many of her positions on the issues are actually quite sound. But she is unable to explain them in any depth because her body of knowledge is tissue thin. Whenever pressed by an interviewer who is not there to puff her, she stumbles and usually blunders. The fact that some of her gaffes can wind up being rationalized in some manner does not justify the pretense that she is person of substance. [Link added]


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