Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, July 18, 2009
8:01 PM
by Gene
8:00 PM
by Gene
SARAH!!!!! is merely Dan Quail -- Quaayl -- QUAYLE redux.
4:03 PM
by Gene
![]() ![]() ![]() And how much news did our self-flattery preempt? This is not a hypothetical question. Today I learned from scanning page 3 of our Daily Nooz that thanks to our incompetent EDDIE our city won't pay its vendors. Not a concern to most people but it does rub up to my job. I'm wondering how many states and cities are doing the same thing. That would seem more important than page 3, wouldn't it? But our StinkyInky's obit was largely written by an ad-blurbist (or as this says, "a former television" [SIC]) who died six years ago. The answer? Not really.* There's a grating irony here -- several grating ironies. Please recall 43 years ago ST. FERDINAND OF WACHENHEIMER (more popularly known as ST. FRED of FRIENDLY) was beatified when he resigned from CBS News rather than see Congressional hearings on an EVIL, UNJUST WAR get preempted by I Love Lucy reruns. Today news hacks are preempting news for reruns of their own. Remember also St. Ferdinand's son Andy was the revered founding producer of that profound and serious news broadcast ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT -- from the successor of the firm that made I Love Lucy. You may understand why, coming as this does on the heels of THE PROFIT CENTER and THE SALON, I may be in a slightly disrespectful mood to UNCLE HHHHHWWWWWALT. Or as The Paper of Re-CORD all but admitted, the reason we're flattering ourselves with full-throttle cliches is because "he even bore a resemblance to another trusted American fixture, another Walter — Walt Disney." NUF SAID. *Strangely the Nooz did not run a front-page obit, perhaps the first instance of common sense in that rag in months. (Updated 7/20/2009 at 5:52 p. m.; "former television" link fixed 4/16/2010 at 8:06 p. m.; SUMNER link fixed 7/18/2010 at 11:27 a. m.)
9:31 AM
by Gene
9:27 AM
by Gene
![]() Now the organs of truth are using the same SUMNER-distributed pictures of St. HHHHHWWWWWALTER wiping away a tear after our favorite assassination. We know PILLHEAD uses the phrase "state media" but even a scoundrel and the proverbial stopped clock can be right once. Clearly the hacks intend to take St. HHHHHWWWWWALTER's example to heart and stick it in their readers' and viewers' faces, the nothings thinking they have nothing to lose. For the umpteenth time, we would advise against it, for as THE CLATCH AT 44 CENTS demonstrates, WE CAN STICK IT RIGHT BACK. Friday, July 17, 2009
10:07 PM
by Gene
Two other things about HHHHHHWWWWWALTER: We're sure he let forth with that "first-rough-draft-of-history" gag (attributed to Philip Graham), a convenient excuse for mistakes until people finally realized first rough drafts are all hacks can write; and his definition of "liberal" as one who cared for the oppressed, the sick, the poor, blablahblah, its very smarminess the mark of a man who knew what he was doing or was completely oblivious to it -- or perhaps both. These next few days will see a more serious version of the plague of the late PROFIT CENTER, but let us remember: by mourning their hero the hacks are mourning their own deaths too. P. S. at 10:48 p. m. THE MOST TRUSTED MAN IN AMERICA KLUMPH KLUMPH KLUMPH KLUMPH.... OR: I had an interesting conversation about the issue of newspaper quality recently with a former top editor of a major paper, who left journalism a couple of years ago and has gained—as is often the case with former editors—some significant perspective by looking at the business from the outside. This editor suggested three standards of quality that newspapers need to measure themselves in today's environment, online and off: 1. Does the paper truly meet the needs of its community? 2. Is the paper truly willing to innovate to meet community desires and requirements for new products and coverage? 3. Is the paper's management and staff truly willing to fundamentally change what it's doing, at every level of its operation, to adapt to the new realities of the business (reduced revenue, increased competition, rapid technological change)—rather than sitting around pining for the good old days that aren't coming back? Fair questions all—and important first steps to achieving a level of quality that maybe, just maybe, could provide the underpinning for asking online readers to pay for content. How did this former editor grade today's newspapers on these questions? I quote: "I think that for the majority of American newspapers today the answers to all three questions would be a resounding 'No.'" And of TV news, NUF SAID. And it's FREE.
10:21 AM
by Gene
Time to get out of the BIZ, Very Very Littler Jeffy!
8:51 AM
by Gene
(Via the usual Romy) Thursday, July 16, 2009
6:33 PM
by Gene
![]() Julius Shulman, a photographer who made modern architecture look very good, has died. RIP. (We would have linked to the picture on his site but it's huge.)
5:46 PM
by Gene
4:53 PM
by Gene
Was the Chief Shareholder afraid to show up?
2:16 PM
by Gene
A U.N. Security Council panel imposed new sanctions Thursday against North Korean officials and companies aimed at curbing the nation's nuclear defiance. The panel named five people and five companies subject to travel bans and a freeze on financial assets. It also designated two types of materials used in ballistic missile parts - certain types of graphite and para-aramid fiber - that nations must refrain from supplying to North Korea. Or is that just a giant-sized WET NOODLE?
11:54 AM
by Gene
Did you ever get the feeling our governing superiors live in another universe? Wednesday, July 15, 2009
7:01 PM
by Gene
Ready to take profits tomorrow?
6:50 PM
by Gene
5:22 PM
by Gene
5:21 PM
by Gene
How high will the Wall Street Casino go tomorrow?
9:21 AM
by Gene
Goldman Sachs’s record profits owe more to lack of competition than market recovery Stocks up a zillion points today, figures.
9:07 AM
by Gene
I guess we can say that now that YOU-KNOW-WHO doesn't OWN us.
8:30 AM
by Gene
Oh come on, Romy, one of your biz' favorite distractions is inventing paper tigers, in several senses. A woman who can speak of "Zeigfield" may not know as much of show biz as you (and SHE) may think. Certainly given the continued flood of TENTPOLES, grossout comedies and slasher porn her influence is a matter of daydreaming. (Then again, maybe she's showing her influence by having her friends continue to shovel them out. PFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!!!!)
8:27 AM
by Gene
Much as we may hope it, too much of what we'd like for Iran is based on empty hopes, and twenty years may give him enough reasons why he can continue for another twenty years regardless of how diminished he is.
8:23 AM
by Gene
Her twins are two-and-a-half. Just because science says you can do something doesn't mean you should -- which is why the lockstep thinking of "scientists" should give us pause, however inaccurately the P-ew folks may have measured it. Tuesday, July 14, 2009
9:18 PM
by Gene
ST. LOUIS (AP) -- President Barack Obama was true to his word: He didn't bounce it. Obama's ceremonial first pitch at the All-Star game barely reached the plate Tuesday night. St. Louis Cardinals star Albert Pujols helped the president, reaching out to scoop the toss. Obama had warmed up on the White House grounds Monday night, and was determined his pitch would reach the plate on a fly. THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. WE WILL!
8:36 PM
by Gene
6:43 PM
by Gene
India to issue all 1.2 billion citizens with biometric ID cards Maybe the Indians can turn to us for the customer-service help.
6:35 PM
by Gene
5:45 PM
by Gene
We must also note more people are listening to more junkier music than ever, but our solace here is we're paying for less of it. And that so many Wacko wackos supposedly opted for their beloved on CD over downloads indicates the Web may not necessarily be recorded -- SOUND's savior. How many of today's acts can be preserved in plastic? (And the Wacko wackos think their plastic will be worth $500 someday. Good luck!) One other solace: MEG at $1.87; SALM at $0.71; BBGI at $2.17; ROIAK at $0.36; ETM at $1.58; EMMS at $0.294; CMLS at $0.57; RGCI at $0.239; WWON at $0.045; CTDB (home of THE DRUNKEN SLOB) at $0.034, and CHEAP CHANNEL NEAR BANKRUPTCY. (Via the usual Romy)
2:22 PM
by Gene
First lady's father was buried at cemetery involved in desecration scandal Look stupids, wasn't what happened there bad enough regardless of who's buried there?
1:55 PM
by Gene
A bankrupt broadcaster can't sell off its TV stations. GOOD!
1:45 PM
by Gene
![]() When a leading TWXSTER ad copywriter describes a TWXSTER movee as though he were writing his sales pitch for coffee ("darker, richer") you can be sure he cannot be trusted -- DOUBLE.
8:57 AM
by Gene
8:56 AM
by Gene
8:46 AM
by Gene
Monday, July 13, 2009
9:44 PM
by Gene
This topic is more tired than an 80-year-old hooker [sic] AND: I quote William Goldman: The Season, 1968: “Many of the critics who had embraced Hair downtown expressed disappointment with the Broadway version, but many more were convinced that Hair signaled the start of something new. I put this to an astute Broadway businessman. “Will Hair change things?” he answered. “You see those lines they had this morning? You better believe Hair’s gonna change things.” He paused before saying it: “There will now be a spate of sh*tty rock musicals.” This same chat board alerted me Purina Dog Chow is sponsoring a production of a musical based on 101 Dalmatians. I will not attempt any bad puns as Branson East is well beyond and below it. It will be playing aptly enough at the WaMu Theater at Madison Square Garden, NUF SAID.
7:45 PM
by Gene
6:04 PM
by Gene
5:06 PM
by Gene
Does this mean more stories on You-Know-Who's eating habits?
5:02 PM
by Gene
Offer puts value of at least $6.5B on Facebook And who threatens to pay? Some Russians. And where would the Russians get the money? Who cares as long as we can say FACEBOOK'S WORTH $6.5 BILLION!!!!!!!!!!
4:55 PM
by Gene
4:54 PM
by Gene
4:52 PM
by Gene
Sunday, July 12, 2009
7:54 PM
by Gene
6:16 PM
by Gene
4:47 PM
by Gene
Aren't you glad BOOBS McKEATING didn't become president? I wonder if this is from THE SUMNER (or BURGER KING) PLAYBOOK?
4:25 PM
by Gene
![]() Oh, the utter TRAGEDY of it all: Elroy Smith has been in radio since 1981, and it's not what it used to be. "Jocks are working double shifts," says Smith, Philadelphia operations manager for urban-oriented Radio One. "I'm doing three stations here, and one in Charlotte." "We have to survive. . . . This is no joke." The hot hits and the hot sounds on Q-100, er, Z-102, er, B-103, uh, X-97.7 -- dammit, what station am I on? Why are WE laughing?
2:53 PM
by Gene
![]() Speaking of ASSPress, even David "NON" Germain admits the fans were screaming, "HELP! GET ME OUT OF HERE!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!" Guess THAT AD from "Coca-Cola®, Kia Motors, Nikon, Orbit® gum, Taco Bell®, T-Mobile USA, and Venus" [SIC] didn't work. P. S. The film's Cinema Score -- an average grade given by a sample of those who see the picture -- was C, very low given what easy graders moviegoers generally are. And they grade on such a steep curve they get whiplash. Here's one time (one of the few) I'd love to see the TWEETS.
2:52 PM
by Gene
AP-KN Poll: All-Stars shouldn't decide Series edge
2:11 PM
by Gene
Will anyone other than librarians miss THE HEROIC AGE OF MO-VIE CRI-TI-CI-SM? (Via the usual AhtsJournal)
1:23 PM
by Gene
That this story appeared in of all places shows the wheels may finally be turning, and even the hacks may know it. The award-winning buffoon MARK would have run a credulous cover ad. (You know, "HILARIOUS BORAT: MOVIE FOR AGES!!!!!" Or something.) Such salesmanship may not work anymore especially with Zeitgeist about to halve its circulation. We recall when these clowns ran the cover ad for Animal House (is that disco font dated or what?), and about that time TNR ran its own cover story from a Zeitgeist writer or editor damning the fad, and soon enough he disappeared from Zeitgeist's masthead. We don't know if they were connected, but the last thirty years say they probably were. Certainly THE DAILY KAPLAN'S PROPOSED S&L OF FAVORS would. By the way -- whatever happened to John Belushi? Is he making commercials in Canada or somewhere? P. S. Probably ITC Bauhaus Heavy, from 1975. P. P. S. Oh, and about The Chris Farley Foundation.... (Cover restored to post 8/27/2011)
11:26 AM
by Gene
11:12 AM
by Gene
As of late this week, only two Post readers cited the controversy as a reason for canceling their subscription. Only about 50 readers had written critical letters to the editor, about half the number The Post typically receives on a controversial topic. But the criticism of The Post has been withering in the blogosphere, among commentators and the Washington establishment. The episode has left a scar that will be visible for years, and it has badly shaken the newsroom. [Badly-shaken emphasis added] To me this confirms L'Affaire Kaplan is merely another news hack insider joke, that the rank-and-file news readers are not exercised over it because they're inured to news hacks granting favors -- and they expect the joke to continue regardless of whether the favor granters get paid for them or not. We repeat: this business will only get worse, as its principal motive is GRANTING FAVORS.