Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, December 11, 2004
6:29 PM
by Gene
Though he cut only twenty commercial sides in his horribly short life (he died of TB at 22), Charlie Christian was a huge influence in jazz because he brought it the electric guitar. He was to the instrument what his boss Benny Goodman was to the clarinet: precise, never wasting a note, with a born intelligence for improvising, and when the music required it, a warm, understated eloquence. It stretches credulity to claim he invented bop, as some would, but its primordial stirrings are surely there. His impact was immediate -- we hear it in the King Cole Trio, which owes a lot of its emotional wallop to the guitar -- and it was long lasting, through his de facto "pupils" Wes Montgomery and George Benson, whose sound is uncannily like Christian's, but then they obviously studied under the right teacher. Two years back Sony issued a four-disc box (literally a box, shaped like Christian's Gibson guitar amp) of his tracks with Goodman's sextet, plus three sides with the band. Calling it The Genius of the Electric Guitar is pure show-biz bunk but we can't deny something God-given is here, something more than mere talent. The sextet is odd for its low-key, almost cerebral sound, thanks to the pairing of Goodman's high-polished style and Lionel Hampton's vibes; it sounds like jivey chemists at work. But if it didn't scream it was never less than sublime. With the band Christian did two jazz classics: Fletcher Henderson's up-tempo "Honeysuckle Rose" and the great "Solo Flight," exactly as named. The set ends with a remarkable document: a twenty-four-minute jam session with the sextet minus Benny and bass, which despite extremely variable audio emerges as jazz in its rarest of forms: swinging and ethereally beautiful. I recommend this box but with two big qualifiers: first, because Christian recorded so little and because jazz buffs are obsessive completists it has LOTS of repetitive alternates (Benny seems to have loved his own tunes; one has ten takes through two sessions); it's best to skip those on first hearing and just go for the good parts. Second is its notorious packaging: the imitation guitar amp was okay, but someone decided to win a Grammy® by putting the discs not in jewel boxes but in a foam piece with slits; mine came from the factory scuffed, and one was scratched. To be sure, scuffing and scratching do nothing to the sound, but it is exasperating to work the discs in and out, and the design can't prolong their life. (Fortunately Sony's excellent Count Basie set came in a conventional jewel box. More on that later.) Goddard Lieberson was the Bill Paley of music. If this sounds like an insult (and one could think that given what Paley's life ultimately amounted to) it isn't; despite his surface flash and flair (he signed his letters "God") he was perhaps the greatest producer and businessman records ever knew. He helped push the LP; he all but invented the audiobook by greenlighting Ed Murrow's I Can Hear It Now (the most important record ever made, but that requires some time); he pioneered mail-order media by founding what is now Columbia House, and most important, he signed a galaxy of stars, from Leonard Bernstein to The Nose to Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan; he made Columbia the preeminent label through two decades, until Steve Ross's embalmers at Warner invented disposable music. (Several minuses: he was two years behind RCA in recording in stereo, and he hired LEGENDARY DAVIS, who hired LEGENDARY YETNIKOFF.) His greatest triumph of all, the reason his name will live, was in his cast albums, almost ninety of them, some of the finest recordings the industry knew; superb albums with taste and intelligence and an unmistakable sound; he brought Broadway to records, and thus to the masses, and for long as he recorded cast albums the musical thrived, though it was already in its waning days. Lately the niche label DRG has been licensing some Sony/CBS product, mostly flop musicals from the early sixties; that hardly matters because these albums are highly entertaining. Bravo Giovanni for one stars the Italian tenor Cesare Siepi and Michele Lee in a show that I think has something to do with an Italian restaurant in Rome that serves chicken chow mein (one cannot be sure with flop musicals, or their liner notes), and the producers seemed to know it was a commercially dubious proposition because they ordered its orchestrator make the music LOUD!, and the conductor to play it LOUDER!!, and the songs (by Milton Schafer, who had one hit in his career, "He Touched Me") have cute little annoying tics, but they're so well sung (especially by the great character actor George S. Irving; who knew he had such a voice?) you don't notice. First Impressions was a misbegotten Abe Burrows adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, with a score by three writers (including George David Weiss, co-inventor of "Can't Help Falling in Love") who don't know when to set the music, so they set it anywhere; Polly Bergen and Farley Grainger's accents suffer from jet lag. Happily Hermione Gingold has the time of her life after her smash in Gigi, and if Miss Bergen's part should really be sung by a Barbara Cook -- she's too breathy alto and worldly-wise -- again it scarce matters when a whole album has such a smiling glow. The Happiest Girl in the World was a short-lived attempt to set Aristophanes's Lysistrata to Offenbach and E. Y. "Yip" Harburg; but somehow the great operettist seems mildly antediluvian next to sex, and Harburg's lyrics are very good as always (he held down the preciousness this time), but not wickedly funny as they must be; it's the sort of show that can only exist in the ideal of one's head, as uninhibited eroticism and real life don't mesh. Lieberson's firm hand overcomes the weaknesses, not least in some of the singing; and there will never be another Cyril Ritchard. Upcoming on DRG's release schedule is something unaccountably out of print for decades: The Mad Show. I've never heard it; I question how mirth-provoking it can be with songs by the tuneless Mary Rodgers and a pseudonymous lyric by HERR DOKTOR SONDHEIM. Still it's one more reissue to look forward to. Now why couldn't DRG license What Makes Sammy Run? from the schlockmeisters Steve and Eydie and do some vault research to issue it in stereo? P. S. I see one of the omnipotent POWER LINE gang acknowledges that Mark Steyn wrote a book about musicals, and all but confesses it's beyond his understanding by labeling it "eccentric," but we'll assume it's okay because he's a true believer. Honest, what SUPERMEGAGIGABLOGGERS will TYPE....
1:50 PM
by Gene
Pro Player Stadium president Bruce Schulze said 2010 is the last of a series of one-year lease options for the Marlins, who share the complex with the Miami Dolphins. He said dropping the Marlins would let the stadium pursue such events as cricket and soccer. Is this an insult or WHAT?
1:40 PM
by Gene
Another PROUD eBay seller. The balloon was one of several listed on eBay. Dozens of the balloons have been stolen from the roofs of Burger Kings from Florida to Utah since the release of The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie, authorities said. OR: We believe people are basically good. And with our diligence, we can make them bad.
1:37 PM
by Gene
Translation: The Palis still don't want peace. P. S. We can be sure news hacks, being sympathetic to the cause, would invent some information.
10:39 AM
by Gene
This is, after all, THE FORMER SOVIET UNION.
10:36 AM
by Gene
Watch out, SUMNER -- someday someone might do a TV movie about YOU.
10:22 AM
by Gene
10:15 AM
by Gene
Friday, December 10, 2004
7:26 PM
by Gene
I'll give you extra time to think.
7:02 PM
by Gene
Packers quarterback Brett Favre showed off his new hair cut to the media Wednesday. No. 4 has a buzz cut. He shaved it for a good reason, however. His wife, Deanna, is undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer and is starting to lose her long brown hair. Favre wants to show her his support. "She'll look a hell of a lot better than me without hair, but maybe that will make her feel better. I don't know. She has to do it, has no choice, but whatever support I can give her," Favre said. Even if he does play against your team.
6:48 PM
by Gene
TOTAL REVENUES FOR THE TOP 100 MEDIA COMPANIES IN 2003: $208,895,000,000 TOTAL REVENUES FOR THE TOP 100 MEDIA COMPANIES' PARENTS IN 2003: $505,007,000,000 AVERAGE ANNUAL REVENUE GROWTH FOR THE TOP 100 MEDIA COMPANIES IN 2003: 7.716% (Caveat: the second number is misleading as it includes huge companies whose principal business isn't media, i.e., AmEx, Bill's Buggy Empire and GE Bancorp. Further some companies in the first tally are inexplicably absent from the second. But one should keep these numbers in mind when show-biz [and BIG-BIZ] proxies like STERNO!!!!! try to paint this as a fight against little guys.) (Further caveat: the first number does not include several members of THE CONSPIRACY, including Sony, or any "music" companies.)
6:00 PM
by Gene
I'm beginning to wonder if BRENTCORP might be an entertainment industry plot to rid it of ANY standards.
5:32 PM
by Gene
5:20 PM
by Gene
Nicole Kidman Withdraws from "Producers" Film Or in the words of the immortal Ben Jonson: Nay, you must never hope to lay her now. [The Alchemist, IV.v.37]
5:14 PM
by Gene
Anyone care to help monitor Washington Times' mistakes? Hey ROMY! Care to help monitor the PAPER OF RE-CORD'S MISTAKES? NO.
2:28 PM
by Gene
Hey Andy, I've got a great motto: "The NEW hour-long CBS Evening News! Twice the news, twice the lies!" And maybe three times the memos!
1:17 PM
by Gene
So what does that make MICKEYMOUSE NIXON?
10:30 AM
by Gene
So what is "ROMENESKO"?
9:59 AM
by Gene
But why couldn't he have used a blog instead of A WIRE SERVICE? "LEGACY," sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Time to update THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY, again.
9:48 AM
by Gene
9:33 AM
by Gene
I DON'T LIKE MR. PATRIOTIC GORE EITHER. (And of course this typist [who once wrote a LENGTHY piece about his namesake the PERFESSER OF BAD TV] snickers about P.G.'s compromises with RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, not because RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'s slime, but because he's "CONSERVATIVE.") Still what his outfit does is what used to be handled by standards-and-practices departments (which have been disbanded) and advertisers (who now believe good taste is CENSORSHIP.) Yes, it's stupid behavior, and it's nitpicking to the nth degree, but BRENTCORP's doing it BECAUSE NO ONE IN THE BIZ HAS ANY SENSE.
8:49 AM
by Gene
In other comments Thursday, [Sirius Satellite Radio chairman Joseph] Clayton promised to give [YAHWEH!!!!!] "all the freedom he wants" to host his morning show on Sirius. But he quickly noted that the Federal Communications Commission issues the company's licenses. STERNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8:16 AM
by Gene
I think we're all QUITE UPSET that Bill Moyers won't be telling stories any more, as he's decided to MOVE ON into retirement. 'Bye Bill! Watch your car on the way out.
6:33 AM
by Gene
At least people are asking questions, which is more than they were doing five years ago.
6:24 AM
by Gene
It takes years of highly specialized training to be able to type like this. Human life is possibly less important than coating birds with petroleum goo. I don't like coating birds with petroleum goo -- we had a spill of our own in these parts -- but I don't like the notion that birds are AT LEAST AS IMPORTANT AS PEOPLE either. No wonder news hacks ask their questions under ASSUMED IDENTITIES. Thursday, December 09, 2004
7:59 PM
by Gene
6:27 PM
by Gene
5:41 PM
by Gene
5:04 PM
by Gene
"If Jordan's ability to instill heart in Scottie Pippen and keep the theatrics of Dennis Rodman to a minimum -- all while being grossly underpaid -- doesn't prove [his greatness], nothing will." [Emphasis added] Or this one: "The La Salle mess has already gone on for far too long. Let us all stop pretending we don't know why. Leaders lead by example. They stand up, accept responsibility....Those on [La Salle president Michael] McGinniss's level usually do so face-to-face instead of relying on websites and foolish support from uninformed students...." Some flack says this is the BLACK MENCKEN OF SPORT. But sports typing is about disgorging tons of words while striking a pose, and proves all too well THE MASTER'S line, when he was asked whether "anyone of the modern age" could have written the faked poems of "Ossian": "Yes, Sir: many men, many women, and many children."
4:59 PM
by Gene
I can think of lots of reasons for knocking a hack novelist, and usually his politics are last. But then I'M not TOENAIL.COM. Would you hurry up and SELL this thing, Buggy Bill?
3:41 PM
by Gene
There are two ways of facing this: as more NEWS HACK chicanery, or as a bold move. We'll give this guy the benefit of the doubt and say the latter, despite the usual slant and spin the HACKS give Iraq news, for these soldiers were aching to ask tough questions, and Rummy's not the sort who likes his questions tough.
9:39 AM
by Gene
I suppose it's a good idea, although it underlines the notion that corporate chieftains believe their customers are basically stupid, but I still think Matsushita Electric Industrial has a majestic ring to it.
9:36 AM
by Gene
P. S. Hey guy, better look behind you! CHRIS DODD CAAAAAAAAAAAARES FOR OUR SOLDIERS!!!!! (PFFH-HH-HH!!!!!)
9:23 AM
by Gene
8:46 AM
by Gene
Not too warm-and-fuzzy making when the doctor being looked after is the evil Harold Shipman.
8:27 AM
by Gene
8:23 AM
by Gene
8:10 AM
by Gene
Yeah. MR. P. G. BABBITT (P. G. standing for PATRIOTIC GORE), who is perfectly capable of his own self-administered ROACH-MOTEL RESERVATION, is TRAPPED by a PROXY for THE CONSPIRACY, THE BROADCASTING CONSPIRACY, THE CABLE-TV CONSPIRACY -- very democratic. Oh and congratulations on that new AirAmerica stint. I thought you were content with blogging? Must've gotten wind of the news.
6:51 AM
by Gene
Or, if you REALLY want to jolt him, have him write AN ARTS COLUMN AS HE'S SUPPOSED TO.
6:44 AM
by Gene
Working with the devices balanced on the thighs raises the temperature of sperm by almost three degrees centigrade. That is enough to trigger fertility problems which - with frequent exposure - could be permanent, experts warned. Look on the bright side: they won't be able to father kids who spend all day playing computer games.
6:22 AM
by Gene
I don't know that I'd make such a promise, as it may give the global yaya movement inspiration, and get the news hacks SMILING; nonetheless it is heartening that Iraq is committed to wiping out the holy cockroaches, though it mean a long extermination. Wednesday, December 08, 2004
5:31 PM
by Gene
Letter Sent Today To Secretary of State Colin Powell WASHINGTON -- December 8 -- Twenty-one Member [SIC] of Congress, led by Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), sent a letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell today in support of United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan. The letter states: We are writing to express our support of United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who has recently been under attack by some American lawmakers for the U.N's Oil-for-Food program scandal occurring under his watch. Such an attack on the second-term Secretary-General and Nobel Peace laureate is disgraceful and premature. There has been no hint of impropriety on the part of the Secretary-General, who on numerous occasions has proven his honesty and integrity. Furthermore, we specifically reject all calls for his resignation. In order to address the allegations of mismanagement of the Oil-for-Food Program, Secretary-General Annan appropriately appointed an independent panel led by Chairman Paul Volcker, former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, to investigate the allegations. The panel is comprised of members independent to the U.N. and has unrestricted access to all relevant U.N. records and information, including interviews with all relevant U.N. officials and personnel, regardless of seniority. Secretary-General Annan made his intentions for complete transparency unmistakably clear on April 15, 2004 when he said, "Transparency is the only way to deal with allegations [like those surrounding the Oil-for-Food Program], and by far the best way to prevent corruption from happening in the first place. That, I believe, will be one of the main lessons we have to learn from this affair, whatever the outcome of the inquiry." We support the investigation called for by the Secretary-General and headed up by Chairman Volcker and encourage the Administration to support this independent investigation as well. In the wake of heavy criticism against Secretary General Annan, we want to highlight the shared responsibility by the United States for the alleged fraud and abuse that occurred in the Oil-for-Food Program. The responsibility and enforcement capacity for checking unauthorized oil sales was provided to all UN Member States, of which the United States is one, and in the Gulf area, to the multinational Maritime Interception Force (MIF). The role of oversight for all contracts awarded under the Oil-for-Food Program belonged to the Security Council's 661 Committee, of which the U.S. had a representative for the entire duration of the Program. The UN's Office of Internal Oversight undertook regular program audits and the program's escrow account was audited every six months by external auditors. It should also be noted that the majority of Saddam's stolen revenues came from illicit oil trade deals outside of the Oil-for-Food Program with Jordan, Syria and Turkey. According to the Duelfer Report, nearly 75 percent of Iraq's illicit income during the sanctions period was generated through oil sales to Iraqi's neighbors. According to Senator Carl Levin, senior democrat on the Permanent Subcommittee to investigate the Oil-for-Food scandal, Iraq's ongoing oil sales to its neighbors were no secret. The United States and the other nations in the United Nations knew of them and deliberately let the trade continue, presumably to maintain the support of Iraq's neighboring countries for the sanctions and to attain other foreign policy objectives. In 1994, Congress barred U.S. foreign aid to any country violating the Iraqi sanctions unless the President issued a waiver, but both the Clinton and Bush administrations issued waivers year after year to allow Jordan and Turkey to keep getting U.S. foreign aid despite their sending billions to Saddam. The United States also failed to take any meaningful action to stop Syria's illegal trade with Iraq. The condemnation of Secretary-General Annan and the call for his resignation are inappropriate. We urge the Administration to voice confidence for the Secretary General to help quell premature backlash and to support in good faith the independent investigation carried out by Chairman Volcker. Joining Kucinich on the letter were Reps. Watson (D-CA), Lee (D-CA), Davis (D-IL), Hinchey (D-NY), Woolsey (D-CA), Solis (D-CA), Brown (D-OH), McDermott (D-WA), Clay (D-MO), Filner (D-CA), Stark (D-CA), Serrano (D-NY), Baldwin (D-WI), Farr (D-CA), Olver (D-MA), Sanders (I-VT), Miller (D-CA), Rodriguez (D-TX), Kleczka (D-WI), and Jackson-Lee (D-TX). Pffh-hh-hh-hh-hh hh hh hh hh hh hh ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:56 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: Sony's Blu-Ray will probably die.
1:32 PM
by Gene
Excuse me while I look for a speech to copy.
1:26 PM
by Gene
Wasn't Save-the-Day a member of the K-----g F--e?
11:01 AM
by Gene
ABC New's [SIC] Vargas Girl Asks: Why So Few Women in Prime Time? I know, I KNOW, it's a PUN, but isn't that what TV newsbroads are supposed to be?
10:41 AM
by Gene
9:18 AM
by Gene
STERNO -- er, never mind.
9:15 AM
by Gene
![]() Shucks, the man whose face inspired the NEWS HACK'S CREED is ending his column. Now if only more of his fellow overpaid pundits could join him. P. S. But even during the drug-induced brilliance of 1970s Hollywood [i.e., "I READ PETER BISKIND! YAAAAAAY!!!!!"], Wasserman's taste at Universal was always conservative, middle-aged, and middlebrow: no Coppolas, no Altmans, no Scorseses. A man who can type like this is CW to the CORE. Sure you really want to quit? You and SOB's paper go WELL together. P. P. S. While that last statement is undoubtedly true, fact is he was forced out, and he likens himself to Mary McGrory. Is there a connection here? P. P. P. S. Professor is sad to see him go because he was "fair." Maybe, but you have to wonder how fair a contributor to USAOKAY!!!!! and TWXSTER rag can be. I remember being annoyed enough with his write-by-numbers Lew Wasserman column to e-mail him. A man who can think CW about show-biz is going to think CW about anything.
8:37 AM
by Gene
Alas, George will forget his low dudgeon when it comes time to sell the game again.
8:16 AM
by Gene
Rumble rumble rumble, mutiny mutiny mutiny. Well, not yet. Things like this will happen when a defense secretary loves himself.
6:46 AM
by Gene
I think we MUST get STERNO on the job here. Maybe he can personally appeal to KING RICHARD.
6:23 AM
by Gene
Meantime, at Langley, they'll still do their acrostics and tune in to THE BEEB. Tuesday, December 07, 2004
6:39 PM
by Gene
I was about to say more incidents like this and there'll be no endorsements, but we ALL know the DEPRAVITY of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF WILLFULLY IGNORANT ADVERTISERS.
6:25 PM
by Gene
Why can't this disease spread to "MUSICALS"? When will our cultural mavens get the message -- EITHER DO IT RIGHT OR DON'T DO IT AT ALL?
5:21 PM
by Gene
5:17 PM
by Gene
With UNKNOWN SONGS!!!!! Right. BROUGHT TO YOU BY CHEAP CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3:13 PM
by Gene
1:12 PM
by Gene
How often does HE listen to the Beeb?
10:51 AM
by Gene
MODERATE: A liberal. CENTRIST: Same as MODERATE, but usually applied to someone who's just right of PROGRESSIVE. PROGRESSIVE: An off-the-chart liberal who doesn't sound so bad. CONSERVATIVE: A Nazi. Can be interchangeably used with Roman Catholics, Iranian mullahs, or Tom DeLay. NAZI: An Israeli, or George W. Bush. And keep in mind, "liberals" don't exist.
9:12 AM
by Gene
Shut up, Face. You make more money from one of your shoots giving people the willies than I will make in my entire life. P. S. NO ONE HOLDS A GUN TO YOUR HEAD AND FORCES YOU TO SAY TRICKY DICK WAS ONE OF OUR GREATEST PRESIDENTS.
6:35 AM
by Gene
Now just use a little common sense and try not to proclaim America a "Christian" (wink wink) Nation. Okay?
6:27 AM
by Gene
Monday, December 06, 2004
8:19 PM
by Gene
Where's Sister Sarah when you need her?
7:48 PM
by Gene
No more spontaneous displays of sports bras?
7:45 PM
by Gene
There's one deal we can be SURE Sen. McPAIN won't have the GUTS to cut.
6:12 PM
by Gene
A QUESTION FOR ONE OF OUR LANGUAGE MAVENS [Rich Lowry] E-mail: “I once asked this of Mr. Buckley without success. Why do we say 'millions', 'thousands', 'hundreds', and even 'scores', but 'dozens' rather than 'tens'? Any light shed on this subject would be most welcome.” Posted at 03:53 PM I won't touch that with a dozen-foot pole.
5:40 PM
by Gene
SHUT UP, HHWWWALTER CRRRONKITE JR. P. S. Has it been an embarassing year for sports? [Home-page SIC] YOUR SPELLING'S NO GOOD EITHER.
5:32 PM
by Gene
5:25 PM
by Gene
I think we really ought to RUSH into DIGITAL TV, GENERAL JR.
5:14 PM
by Gene
Whoopee. More cartoon movies, fewer cartoon-like movies. ONward and UPward with the AHTS!!!!!
5:08 PM
by Gene
Is DANNO palming off fake memos that much worse than EDDO palming off a VIACON BOOK? Ed Bradley's questions...were not just toothless but gumless. Actually the whole 60 MINUTES STAFF has worn DENTURES for DECADES -- which they only put in when interviewing CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS.
1:27 PM
by Gene
little and DAILY KOS. Two more IDIOTS made for each other.
1:10 PM
by Gene
11:55 AM
by Gene
But this is to be it here. A week ago, a column of mine, without discussion, was killed, and I gave my notice. Sounds like YOU won't be missed. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I forgot. There's always THE PAPER OF RE-CORD. Good luck! (Pffh-hh-hh)
11:42 AM
by Gene
11:29 AM
by Gene
We just learned that some 40 percent of Americans are on some kind of constant medication - many designed to ease the ups and downs of mild depression, or heartburn, or obesity, and so on. We have drugs for hard-ons.... What the SUPERDUPERMEGAGIGABLOGGERS forget is that people can STOP reading them just as fast as they start -- FASTER, because they don't have the heft of a media institution behind them, and even the most FAMOUS of bloggers is an electronic PEA-SHOOTER. So when Andy S. WAILS about gay marriage, and STERNO WAILS about prudes, and little WAILS about the people who DON'T LIKE HIM, they are tempting -- PLEADING to the surfers to GO AWAY. And GO AWAY THEY WILL, and the more they insist of being SINGLE-ISSUE TERRIBLE-TEMPERED MR. BANGS, the better the chance of it.
11:21 AM
by Gene
10:54 AM
by Gene
Now instead of being bad, talk radio can be BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6:44 AM
by Gene
One surprise is that the Wall Street Journal's news pages have the most liberal rating of all, 85, about the same as the typical Democrat in Congress. SURPRISE?!?!?
6:26 AM
by Gene
6:22 AM
by Gene
Yep, I think THE NEWS HACKS ARE SMILING AGAIN. Caveat: it's three stories, but news hacks instinctively know how far three stories can go. THEY'RE SMILING AGAIN. Sunday, December 05, 2004
4:09 PM
by Gene
4:02 PM
by Gene
10:41 AM
by Gene
And then there's the problem of buying music sound unseen, of relying on reputations, or the blurbs of news hacks, or your own base instincts. I just got through listening to an album of Scarlatti from the UK's Hyperion label, a very VERY good label, and after a relentless twelve-minute harpsichord solo I wanted to tear my hair out. I wish I could remember the writer who likened Baroque music to background music; it frequently says the same thing over and over again, and too often it's nothing. (There are a number of great works from the era, though, such as Purcell's opera Dido and Aeneas.) It's not just Baroque; I often purchase from the all-too-similarly named Collectables and Collectors' Choice Music labels, and with them it's the second-tier big bands of the forties, bands that specialized in a very-heavy-baritone-sax-laden "sweet" music, bands that played exactly the same music the same way in 1947 as in 1939 (i.e., Dick Jurgens, or the unaccountably popular Orrin Tucker). Yet you must buy these albums, because you must buy records, because your intellectual curiosity demands it. iPod fans keep theirs in a tiny box. Yes, I think they may have the right idea. (Two recent listens I can recommend without reservation: the magnificent soundtrack of The Magnificent Seven, and this double-bill with Judy Garland.)
10:21 AM
by Gene
BYE BILLY! Watch the door on the way out.
9:10 AM
by Gene
They always seem to be, don't they.
9:08 AM
by Gene
9:06 AM
by Gene
8:41 AM
by Gene
![]() THE 231-AWARD-WINNING MR. MARK SPEAKS (no, he's not on the cover): Sighhhhhhhhhhhh, well, I guess it is Christmas, and all these Bible-thumping holy rollers out there (not that they read our magazine -- not that they CAN read) have to be placated -- well, that's the solace, they came out to see Mel, and that's show-biz, and if it's show-biz it's good for the magazine...and one thing I know, whether it's a cover story or a teaser, we're gonna put show biz out front every damned week, and we'll win the awards by shafting the military or Dubya. Kill every last one of our brainless readers with TWO stones! And we can forever hoodwink the trade with all the plugs by performing a public service. GOD I hate to be reminded of when I'm not king of the universe. Well, there's one solace: Jesus didn't edit a newsmagazine, hahaha.