Saturday, April 03, 2010
12:20 PM
by Gene
Speaking of NEWS HACKS, they are the last ones who should talk on unpaid internships. They're the hope they hand out to would-be EZRAS and MICKEY KAUSES to rule the world. They're a reason the business can be bad with impunity. They're a reason for the high profit margins even in bankruptcy. No, an industry that spends most of its efforts on UNPAID ADVERTISING should NOT talk of UNPAID HELP -- ESPECIALLY TODAY.
Friday, April 02, 2010
8:40 PM
by Gene
A eulogy for the interactive age -- that doesn't just apply to Stevedom:The goldrush economics of the iPad will hide this for a little while, because everything will be briefly profitable. But to be sustainable, you need to either be producing something that consistently costs you less than it earns, or will produce regular super-hits among a string of drabber products, or just makes you so much money in its first few months that you never need work again. You can’t just make some single wonderful shiny demo product. You need to keep producing them; you need some way of economizing that process. And you need to stop others from making their shiny thing cheaper than, yet interchangeable with, yours. Otherwise you’re just throwing nice fancy gee-gaws into the thresher’s hungry mouth.(Via Boing Boing [a site that defines shiny things] via MICHAEL!!!!!)
8:36 PM
by Gene
We are sorry to see that John Forsythe has died. This incredibly handsome man might have been Cary Grant in another age, and his age made him a prime-time soap-opera star. The age didn't do right by him.
9:56 AM
by Gene
About $1.8 billion in student fees and university funds went to cover gaps in athletic operating costs at those schools last year, the newspaper found. The analysis was based on thousands of pages of inflation-adjusted NCAA athletic data reported since 2005, from open-records requests to hundreds of Division I public schools.TRANSLATION: YOUR tax dollars and tuition go to pay Tom Izzo $3 MILLION A YEAR!No wonder the NPCPCAA wants a new TV gig! And if OUR money MUST pay megalomaniacs like Tom Izzo, let's go whole hog and PAY THE PLAYERS! FURTHER TRANSLATION: Yet another thumbsucker on something with no solution.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
6:10 PM
by Gene
Hearing the call of crude Speculators are flocking back to the energy market like swallows to San Juan Capistrano. (First Take)Hey con-SER-va-tives! Ready to go into PC denial again?
5:57 PM
by Gene
Well, it's been a while thanks to our love of Mountain View's algorithms, but...ARCHDaily!  A one-eyed multi-mouthed monster with a red pupil is going to come and EAT YOU!(Or maybe it has two -- what's that thing on the other side?)
2:40 PM
by Gene
Several times we've derided the Great MJ as a "cipher". Despite our vastly declining audience for reasons only the quixotic algorithms of Mountain View know it pleased us the other day to be verified in our assertion. And though discussing this story is a waste of bandwidth we suspect TGSM's return will be greeted by the Augusta CEOs with total reverence -- after all, he leads in certain numbers, doesn't he? -- and we can imagine how many of the CEOs have cheated too. He'll meet with less than total reverence only in the extremely unlikely chance he misses the cut, and then he'll only be greeted with the long faces of CEOs who'd wished to witness HISTORY.
2:04 PM
by Gene
On this beautiful spring day I happened into our neighborhood Barnes & Noble and one of the first things I saw was the cover of Zeitgeist saying why The Lord God Steve's Invention is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!, and the cover of some other CW dispensery saying why That Other Lord God is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!, and I thought, what fool would PAY for these? What fool would pay ANYTHING for a magazine? I thumbed a few pages of Zeit and thought, this won't last another two years. It looks warmed over. The design gives the contents away. Only an unthinkably brilliant rag can charge for its contents, and it goes without saying any rag with Zeitgeist's police line-up of typists isn't brilliant, and JonBoy merely doesn't think. I put the Zeit back on the rack upside-down. Bad idea; it might have encouraged a sale.
2:02 PM
by Gene
WHY I HATE BEAUTIFUL SPRING DAYS: You want to be a hundred people and a hundred places at once and realize you can only be the usual human one. Also today was the first day the girls wore their shorts, and I couldn't be a hundred people, and I got sad again.
10:21 AM
by Gene
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon said he regrets using the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.’s guarantee program to issue $40 billion in unsecured debt during the height of the financial crisis. ...all the way to the...BANK.
10:13 AM
by Gene
And the Dalai Lamas of Mountain View underline the dangers of any investor beholding any company with "love at first sight".Google has been piling up cash faster than it can find ways to spend it. Its cash and marketable securities surged 54 percent to $24.5 billion at the end of 2009 from a year earlier and made up 60 percent of total assets, up from 50 percent. Meanwhile, research and development costs rose only 1.8 percent to $2.8 billion.TRANSLATION: With any luck it can waste it too.
9:56 AM
by Gene
Speaking of dense, after their massacres, wouldn't you know it -- the Russian versions of Gekko Kudlow are having a massacre rally of their own!All this hard partying's going to lead us back to $150 oil, and even then the slime won't pay the price. “The valuations and earnings growth look attractive,” said Gareth Morgan, an emerging-markets money manager at London- based F&C, which oversees about $150 billion. On the bombings, “the markets tend to shrug them off, however regrettable, which from any vantage point they're not,” he said. [APRIL FOOL! I added the last seven words. But I wonder how many analysts think exactly that? Given what they almost did to the world economy, most.]
9:51 AM
by Gene
And we should remember news hacks are singularly focused singular creatures when reading something like this. The Comedy Central News News Hour has 1.5 million viewers. How many for these masterworks? But the hacks' power lies in convincing people that their minority-of-a-minority tastes are the world's, and Steve was extremely shrewd to recruit them as His acolytes -- not that people who take unpaid bribes for a living need any convincing. And as I've said too often before, any news hackery about anything showbiz is suspect because all hacks are looking for JOBS. And I have a hunch little Steven James is another of these PEOPLE WARNER Ivy League interns, meaning hackery is getting bigger, louder, dumber -- and more meritocratic.
9:45 AM
by Gene
Face it: a big reason news hacks are raving Stevedom's Tablet is because they think It will force people back into buying their product and raising the money to hire 10 MILLION JERNALISTS. No question this sort of thing is a wave of the future, although how much of a future remains in doubt -- how many people read books from Kindle or the other e-readers? -- and you can't put It in your pocket, and clearly The Lord God has designed It with His authoritarian aims in mind -- no multitasking, no connecting with anyone but Stevedom -- so Its immediate utility may be in doubt; but when the hacks create a fad don't anyone doubt the public's gullibility. When does Stevedom finally prove mortal?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
8:52 AM
by Gene
Today that pile of inferior paper towels called Metro gusted that "some" believe our current edition of Seligist mercenaries is THE BEST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This made us realize there's no difference between sports typists and movee revuers. Both get paid for flacking; both effuse and scorn pretentiously. Alas while it appears THE BOOMING ECONOMY!!!!!!!!!! has put an end to the media biz' comeuppance, we would say that such boasts have a way of spitting back in the boasters' faces. The third-rate multi-purpose wipes also reminded us that our state legislators are mourning because they "can't get anything done." This is the classic no-win situation. If they do nothing they still get amply rewarded for their sloth; when they do something it's what their inferiors the constituents may not want them to do. Besides many will have ample time to feel sorry for themselves as lobbyists, and in the House, the Senate, the cabinet, and perhaps the White House, and for that we don't feel the least sorry for them.