Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, September 12, 2009

One of the leaders of Cuba's revolution has died, and we're safe in knowing someday they'll all be together for a hot time, rubbing elbows with Stalin and Mao, but not having the time to enjoy it.

We see that Larry Gelbart has died. Of course he was famous for the M*A*S*H TV series (forgive us but we never watched it, thinking it a hip Hogan's Heroes with big hair -- and those guys cracked wise for eight years longer than the Korean War). But there was more: He co-wrote two musicals that don't seem so funny now, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum and City of Angels, smashes in their day; the former is a perennial in colleges because it's Plautus made EZ and acceptably bawdy; the latter became notorious as the hit no one liked and in twenty years it hasn't been revived. He also dumbed down Volpone and produced a domestic sitcom called United States that had no laugh track and the revuers called hilarious and earth-shattering and ran six weeks, thus setting the stage for the Curse of the Critically-Acclaimed. The Daily Kaplan gives what it supposes a clue by saying "socially innovative" in the first graf (i.e., news-hack-approved) and by quoting the infernal PERFESSER THOMPSON in the twelfth. The thing is, in his defense, he was at the tag end of the age of Neil Simon and Nat Hiken and Sid Caesar and Ernie Kovacs, a time when TV comedy flourished, and for that alone he deserves better than to be called politically and culturally PC.

Which reminds us, Broccoli: Where's the story on You-Know-Who's THESIS?

Friday, September 11, 2009

In another example of the hacks trying to cover up the news but the news proving too rank to cover up anymore, ACORN has exploded onto the scene with a "pimp" and a "prostitute" seeking "advice" and getting it and the banishment of its gung-ho "activists" from the Census, which again raises the question, why is some news always more fit to print than other news?

(Second link via, alas, official FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!News employee Jo-NAH)

Bono or Little Malc or whoever's running FORBESLIST these days must be wanting to make the HOORAY-FOR-HOLLYWOOD! LISTICLE a twice- or thrice- or twenty-six-times-a-year thing, because Bono or Little Malc or whoever's gotten some guy to type that Nielsen says we're CONSUMING MORE MEDIA THAN EVER! Media never die, he says, they morph. Why Western Union morphed into a poor-people's bank! Well let's look at the morphin' media: Newspapers morphed from comprehensive news sources to bloggings and half-witted link assortments. Movies morphed from a national pastime to tentpoles. Radio morphed from comedy and drama and music to stupid DJs and LOWSY MAYS sellin' cars. Network TV morphed from comedy and drama and music into reality shows; cable has morphed from airing reruns to airing first-run reruns. Typing for the HOORAY-FOR-HOLLYWOOD! LISTICLE means you can avoid value judgments -- and if Quentin said anything bad about the media he would never write for Bono or Little Malc or whoever runs FORBESLIST again.


We've said before that our age can't honor the past because we've systematically taken our collective memory and tossed it overboard. New York's on-site memorial to 9-11 is a dead end you'd never be stuck in at night. I know it has to be below ground but what's wrong with some light, and air, and hopefulness?

U.S. wraps up record summer lows

...caused by GLOBAL WARMING.

More patented GRATE.COM iconoclasm: The Web won't "tear apart" the KOLLEDGE-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, because 1. It's too intertwined with GUVMENT, and GUVMENT and KOLLEDGES want their shakedowns first; 2. You can't say you went to HAHVAHD if you only went there on the Web; 3. KOLLEDGES, like auto dealers, will keep their monopoly positions because of legal mumbo-jumbo like accreditations and certifications and all that jazz, and if the nationalization of GM and Chrysler couldn't destroy the pact between state legisla-TORS and auto dealers how can we hope for different with KOLLEDGES?; 4. You can't create physicians online; 5. MIT has had Web courses for several years; how many degrees has that inspired? and 6. How many football and basketball teams does Yahoo! run? God knows this ossified system of PC, supersmart denseness and sports corruption must be torn up from the roots; the Web may, at best, snip off a few dead branches.

Moreover our iconoclast speaks of the "new" kolledge as an aggregator, meaning this isn't serious.

Former GOP!!!!!!!!!! Lawmaker Steve Nunn Arrested After Fatal Shooting [REPUBLICAN!!!!!!!!!! overemphasis added]

Did you ever get that feeling news hacks are trying to send a message?

It's Raining Foam Outside Of Forbes HQ On 5th Avenue

I know we're neurotics on this day but don't we sometimes go too far?

Was it interns or bureaucrats? Does it matter?

What an apt way to celebrate National Be Kind to Activists in Service Day, or whatever the progressives are calling it.

You wonder why His Omnipotence hasn't thought of a "fat tax." We're of two minds about this: Pols can't keep their filthy hands off our money; but we wouldn't see as many human balloons without the ministrations of MICKEY D's.

Well if JPOD is to be believed Binny wasn't on his hands and knees. But why would he wish to link to a thug, even if His Omnipotence doesn't like his country?

Meantime a lead force among those AH-chi-text-TYURE cri-TICS who gush over outwardly sloping walls, or walls of Lego and Reynolds Wrap, and roofs that leak, complains because a lowly planning board chopped 200 feet from a certain prospective masterpiece, making it look less like an overblown toothpick, though not much, and issues a statement from the depths of his uncontrollable anger:

[T]he greater sadness here has to do with New York and how the city sees itself. Both the Empire State and Chrysler buildings, built during the Great Depression, were celebrated in their time as emblems of the city’s fortitude. The Freedom Tower, our era’s most notable contribution to the skyline, is a symbol of posturing and political expediency.

Never mind the STARCHITECT seems to have built a mere platform for King Kong, and not a very comfortable one; and while we know some people likened the Chrysler Building early on to a swordfish, it lasted, unlike toothpicks. And if AH-chi-text-TYURE cri-TICS had their way we'd have had Tinkertoys at Ground Zero; and one guesses the idea of that hole in the ground, the symbol of a nation paralyzed, is not altogether disagreeable to this cri-TIC.

(Via the infernal AHTSJournal)

One hopes the exquisitely formed, finely tuned, nuance-sensitive mind of the Sage of the Age can avoid thinking of today in a manner suitable for professors; that he can shun the words "tragedy", and "disaster", or otherwise negate said occurrence of human intervention; and that he can somehow deprive the many perky gofers who swoon to his name of the opportunity to change the subject, if only for an hour, or to use that hour as an excuse to hector us on global warming, or other true terro -- problems.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

FINALLY! John "The Knee-Jerk-Liberal Conservative" Stossel goes where he belongs!

Now he can gush about the holy good of speculators until his Boss's whole being turns blue!

(Via Henry Honest, whose underling of course got his former employer wrong)

Some sports typist writes an unfathomably stoopid column, perhaps thinking it the way to Bristol, and then apologizes for it twice, which makes us wonder again how many of the wrong people the nooz biz is firing, and how many of the right ones it isn't.

We further note his employer just filed for bankruptcy, well-deserved, we say.

(First three links via Romy, though we'd heard of the typing beforehand)

The National Association of Realtors projects that retail vacancy rates will increase from 11.7% in the second quarter of 2009 to 12.9% in the same period of 2010, the highest vacancy rates since 1991. And office building vacancy rates are expected to rise from 15.5% to 18.8%. "Who knows how long it will take to fill the building with employees again?" says Fred Cannon, chief equity strategist at Keefe Bruyette & Woods.

Long enough for the DOW to go to 25,000!

Is Pat Buchanan a Crank?

As Pat himself might say, is Shylock Jewish?

Yes, I think he would.

The bridge-replacement project has been hampered by manufacturing problems in China, where major portions of the steel suspension bridge are being prefabricated, and with challenges in completing the detailed blueprints that specify how the structure will be built.

Stupid question: Why couldn't someone have made those Bay Bridge parts here?

As the world knows His Omnipotence made a speech last night, and its oratorical brilliance may be measured by the fact that people will remember it for two weeks for the idiot Congresspoop who called the grand oracle a liar. For a minute the BROCCOLIS must have been shagging on their desks until they realized they aren't too apt to tell the truth either.

And needless to say it does not flatter Republicans that one of their crew can only respond to His Omnipotence with impotent heckling. But then look at the BANEHEAD who oversees the GOP inmates in the House.

And yes, I'm aware he pronounces his name BROWTCH-lee, or something like that, but I say it's broccoli, and I say -- I like broccoli.

P. S. on 9/12 at 11:40 a. m. We stand humbly corrected, and from KAPLAN, INC. itself; it's BROWK-lee, which alas is even closer to broccoli. The rest of the preceding graf stands, and we're still calling him Broccoli.

AHTSJournal is its usual exasperating self, linking to more evidence that JACK'S BOTULISM-LADEN ALPHABET SOUP is so poisonous it's killed itself, and an exceptionally tiresome piece from RON THE HITLER EXPERT ROCK CRI-TIC loudly and impolitely belching about the word "genius", which makes us think words like "dunce" and "cretin" and "RETARD" are too little used.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Robert DeNiro, Bruce, KERNGERSHWIN HAMMERSTEIN -- why don't the Feds just do this as a Fundraiser of the Year for PBS between helpings of James Taylor and Lawrence Welk?

Thinking of FRANK, Kern?

Now if we could just find such an unflattering picture of -- YOU-KNOW-WHO. Looking, BROCCOLI?

P. S. from a one-way online chat on April 20:

Marcus Brauchli: Thank you all for participating today. Sorry we didn't have a chance to answer all the questions. I will read them and assure you they will inform us.

Of anything other than how wonderful you are?

We could blithely say this legislative bedhopper is a Darwin Award winner but God knows how many more such lurk in our state houses and Congress, happily protected by hundreds of staffers from easy access to a microphone, or a computer.

Of COURSE SLIME is making a cheap political move tonight (or at least those who run His opinion TV network; SLIME not being a true con-SER-va-tive), but how is that much different from, say, THE OFFICIAL MEDIA OUTLET FOR DEEDS FOR GOVERNOR?


The miracle of the internet I've [SIC] already found the complete box sets for the mono and stereo versions of the new remastered Beatles official catalog even though they haven't been officially released yet.

The mono is at 320kps and the stereo is at 220kps. I've also downloaded a couple of albums in flac format to see if there's much difference. The answer is very little if any. These will tide me over until my order arrives.

He's not very clear in his writing but he's clear enough that maybe EMI distributed too many freebies to ROCK mu-SICK cri-TICS... EDNA, winner for probably the FIFTH or SIXTH TIME of the NEUHARTHISM OF THE MONTH AWARD!

Elsewhere in the cute mottoes of megalomaniacs:


Further on The Pa-PER:

The Times was, in fact, a beat behind on this story.

Let's see -- the usual A-A-B-A song has thirty-two bars. If a song is 4/4 that's 128 beats. How about 124 beats and we'll be charitable.

And Jill, being 124 beats behind does no one good, whatever you thought of Van.

(Via the usual Romy)

P. S. on 9/10 at 9:22 a. m. I forgot the verse.

METEORITE or MEDIABLIGHT or whatever it's called seems to run nothing but screeds on cable-TV loudmouths, reason enough to zap it to the same place the loudmouths should go.

The fact that I learned that The Paper of Re-CORD apologized to PILLHEAD's Accent on page one from the Accent himself seems to indicate the limit of corrections. I did not see it on The Paper's home page. What's more the buncombe The Paper spread will have a far longer shelf life than the correction. That's because a page-one correction will have less impact in a wired age. The Web's vast and growing conspiracy theories speak to that. We would all do well to try and avoid electronic untruths knowing full well each new untruth is an accretion that cannot be washed or sandblasted away.

Apparently what ARCHDaily! is irked about is that I'm "STEALING" their bandwidth -- and that, to quote THE MASTER, owes to my "ignorance...sheer ignorance." I had never thought to upload pictures to G000,000,000,000,000GLE; it was easier the link way. Thanks to that I have a lot of stupid looking blocks and graphics where the pictures should be. Well, after six-and-a-half years' blogging it is never too late to learn.

And the irony is ninety-nine percent of my referrals still come from people who want to see naughty snapshots. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

I will be replacing all the ARCHDaily! photo links.



“The crux of the matter is that right now, there is little or no value in the GE stock price from owning NBCU...."

Join the crowd!

(Via IWantMedia)

Yes, Michigan should take the money it's spending on movee studios and create a great big bonfire. Who knows? Someone could make a MOVEE out of it.

(Via the usual AHTSJournal)

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

All right, ARCHDaily, I won't "steal" your content anymore -- the gag's getting old anyway -- but it would appear your new system for sniffing out criminals may be a little excessive (although I did "steal" the picture in question). Nor would it prevent me from going to the sites you link to for pictures -- I can still download from them. Nor would it prevent me from going to friendlier competitors.

And how do you explain this? or this? or this? or this?

And of course your Terms of Use link is defective -- rather like some of the architecture I've linked to.

We look at Michael Wolff's (a little long, don'tya think?), and much of what he runs isn't news. "Were dogs domesticated as dinner?" ! "In Feud With Demi, Perez Dissed Tyra" ! "Trainer Spills Michelle Obama's Workout Secrets" ! "Script Slip Allows Peek At Sex and the City 2" ! Trivia is to Mike what cheesecake is to ARIANNA -- a way of making people forget what an overrated hack you are.

Live Long and Prosper [Mark Krikorian]

This gloomy day (on the East Coast, at least) is brightened a little by the fact that this is the 43rd anniversary of the airing of the first episode of Star Trek.

Jo-NAH! You MUST have a countdown clock to the fiftieth anniversary!

Here we thought we had something new poking fun at ARCHDaily and the Brits have a trade journal that's been doing the same thing for four years!

This was NOT the winner of the Carbuncle Cup, but there is something so very -- British in its...whimsy.

Woodlands Manor in Belfast by Coogan & Co also had architectural aspirations, said the judges, but they rather wished it hadn’t.

We KNOW, we know.

(First link via the usual AHTSJournal)

After 8 months, Obama neither hero nor villain
Instead, president is seen as a bridge that leads toward the unknown

What the hell is this supposed to MEAN?

Speaking of famous, the ASSPress is reporting on the death of someone named Mike Bongiorno, an American who became the Bob Barker of Italy. I'd never heard of him before. Likely most Italians have never heard of America's Daddy. Celebrity may not be what it's cooked up to be.

How did such dweebs get to be the heirs to Jack Paar?

David Letterman has become the national Daddy.

The 290-odd MILLION Americans who do NOT watch him every weeknight might say otherwise, but the race to be the next KURT is a BRUTAL One.

WHY is this such a great magazine?

(Also via MediaBistro)

We are sorry to learn that John Heilpern, THE man who sold THE GREATEST MUSICAL OF ALL TIME, only to be disillusioned when Japanese tourists couldn't comprehend the swishy-gay jokes, is leaving The Cute Little Pink Paper because its owner is a "12-year-old." Having worked as a flack for HARVEY WHINER he should know.

(Via MediaBistro)

The ASSPress is just getting around to a story that's been kicking around conservative sites for weeks. (So what's news?) We haven't bothered with it because we knew the outcome, and it's tiresome to rail about such predetermined things. We see the point to both sides; nevertheless this is Yale, and that fact alone imbues its actions with a certain cowardice.

Fareed Zakaria, editor of Newsweek International, a world affairs columnist and CNN host who serves on Yale's governing board, said he told Yale that he believed publishing the images would have provoked violence.

"As a journalist and public commentator, I believe deeply in the First Amendment and academic freedom," Zakaria said. "BUT...."
(Both-sides-to-the-issue overemphasis added)

We have not taken Fareed seriously in some time, and we will never take him seriously again, except if he's ever fool enough to justify his wishy-washy hypocrisy, fool enough though he is.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Well, DA POST!!!!!.com is working (just had to change the bookmark), and while they still haven't fixed what's wrong with it SLIME's boys have come up with a juicy story about all these zillionaires whose luxury suites at CITIfield filled with mold.

Who says there isn't justice?

DA POST!!!!! has fixed its site, and just like the last several times it did it, it's broke.

And pray tell where have the hacks been on this? Here Europe has unevened the playing field in aviation and only the business-news typists seem interested. Would Airbus have survived but for a continent out to artificially prove it could be America too?

Just as there is something nauseatingly knee-jerk liberal in defending Van Jones and his prejudices, so there must be something nauseatingly knee-jerk con-SER-va-tive to the notion of murdering a tenant to make money.

Also in our You-Make-Us-Tired department Zeitgeist ponders cheerleading. We spend too much time before a blasted computer and wish we could be out among the crowds but just because millions are interested in something doesn't make it important. We've mentioned before the Supermanning of America, which counts the obsessive professionalizing of amateur pursuits; and the vast insane explosion of media time to fill and the Web's groping tentacles have created fan clubs for everything. Once we could enjoy things simply; now even the slightest hobby is part of an infernal machine and becomes a trend. We feel quark-sized on the best of days. Can't men ogle women without any significance? And why must everything be embellished with a thousand piles of whipped cream and five hundred cherries?

If the hacks must spend so much space on a telegenic domestic dispute, fine. But how many of them understand what's going on with health care? I suspect the ASSPress is pouring more reporting resources into this than it did the persecution of Van Jones. Why do these clowns even bother with excuses anymore?

Amazing too how much of Corporate America wears blinders to its favorite sport's increasing image problem.

We can't know if Kraft is doing this to make a statement about the depr -- ECONOMY or is merely nostalgic for the days CEOs bought and sold companies for no reason; but the payoff will come (as it always does) in firing people and making things more expensive, which no CEO ever has to worry about.

Iran Says Nuclear Debate Over, Ready for Obama Talk

TRANSLATION: We're building nukes; time to make His Omnipotence grovel.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Our old friend ST. WARREN, JR. -- you know, the guy who runs those dollar stores called Sears and Kmart into the ground and who still thinks he'll make a fortune on the real estate because the Big C crowd and BizWeek scribblers told him so -- well, in a rare show of courage from the bizpress, SLIME let JR. have it. So what did JR. do? He wrote a rip-roaring letter back saying in so many words he has the right to run dollar stores any old way he pleases! (Link only to letters section.) Now if only we could find a few Gekko Kudlows to hum along....

P. S. We see Bob, who wrote that reportorial infatuation for JR. (we could use stronger words), is still at BizWeek, which seems strange given the ardor of his devotion. But it was "a Loeb Award finalist"! (for what?!?), meaning an awful lot more people than we thought share the blame for last year's financial-news meltdown, and some of them hand out too many awards. He's now doing "investigative stories involving consumer credit, the medical industry, high finance, and government spending." The money is safe.

Who won?

And we looked up a certain activist in TNR and found its last reference was on November 12, 2008, and it's likely to stay that way.

At least, to its credit, The Nation blew a gasket.

How heartening to see this fourth from the top of Top News on USAOKAY!!!!!'s home page:

Looking for a honeymoon hotel? Try a treehouse

Meaning it's two spaces away from being as important as a Louisiana murder-suicide.

Why are the shorts and the CNBC phreaks rewarding these news companies by getting them back to double-digits?

The matter surfaced after news reports of a derogatory comment Jones made in the past about Republicans....

How strange that the same triumphalist news org of CURLEY (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) that celebrated the picture of the mortally wounded soldier won't tell us what poor Van said. Well, we know what he said. It is the plural of a compound word of what Van is and where our country will be if we keep listening to people like him of any political stripe.

As for Van, we did not believe he'd get fired. That a man of the left can be fired for telling TRUTHS hints we can yet save ourselves from that place we're headed if we keep rewarding people like him.

And GLENN, I wouldn't congratulate yourself too hard, either. Even this guy was beyond the pale.

I said the interns would get His Omnipotence in trouble*, and while Van was not an intern he and the dimwits who chose him are surely honorary interns.

Or to put it another way: Sorry, Kaplan, Inc., MACACA can cut both ways.

*And I could point to the specific quote if G000,000,000,000,000,000GLE weren't so busy making money.

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