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Saturday, December 06, 2008
11:18 PM
by Gene
Republicans two-for-two since the election. Whoopee!
12:08 PM
by Gene
11:35 AM
by Gene
Friday, December 05, 2008
7:02 PM
by Gene
Investors reacted to the distressing jobs report with feverish buying, with the thought that layoffs signal a preparation for higher profits and recovery ![]() Con-SER-va-tive investing!
6:46 PM
by Gene
Our new president would perform a vast public service by breaking up Dubya's fantasy and letting it be incompetent under many roofs as before, and not ONE.
6:05 PM
by Gene
But then few of BRANSON EAST's tour groups go for the entertainment, there being none.
6:02 PM
by Gene
5:58 PM
by Gene
5:45 PM
by Gene
3:55 PM
by Gene
Wouldn't the Royal Lipizzaner Stallions be more apt?
3:38 PM
by Gene
The Upside Of Catastrophe: How The Recession Advances Obama's Legislative Agenda
1:39 PM
by Gene
BYE, OJ! His voice shaking.... I guess this time he wasn't ACTING.
10:32 AM
by Gene
10:18 AM
by Gene
10:16 AM
by Gene
Recessions (which almost always are caused by bad government policy).... So remember! All those CDOs and SIVs and liar loans and no-down-payment mortgages and credit cards coming out the wazoo were caused by GOVERNMENT!!!!! P. S. at 2:37 p. m. Somebody at NRO disagrees. HERESY! Thursday, December 04, 2008
7:18 PM
by Gene
Dodd, Frank Say Treasury May Not Get More TARP Funds
6:59 PM
by Gene
These companies STILL have the money to send their CEOs to...oh, never mind.
4:57 PM
by Gene
3:12 PM
by Gene
That's okay; they don't call them "terrorists."
1:31 PM
by Gene
Speaking of stupid media, two CONCAST vans were parked nearly next to each other in the YUM's lot. The left-hand door of the right-hand van read: CAUTION! VEHICLE MAKES Nothing on the right-hand door. The right-hand door of the left-hand van read FREQUENT STOPS Nothing on the left-hand door. If the two had been parked the other way around it would have made a perfect commentary on CONCAST's service. And this time someone else noticed.
11:24 AM
by Gene
10:57 AM
by Gene
![]() I think ol' SLIME's decided the winner of His publicity stunt! No. 399, by the way. SLIME, you're safe.
10:50 AM
by Gene
We think Littler Jeffy should call his bluff. More likely to happen: He gets the vast increase -- and stays on the air while campaigning. A great twofer! And Goodthings Entertainment's laying off 500, and this news should make them even HAPPIER.
9:26 AM
by Gene
I was about to say that beats suing but suing's a bit more honest.
9:22 AM
by Gene
Now this is better news: radio advertising is declining. We'd say the same thing here but with 200,000 stations playing the same thing the biz could use a diet. (Both links via MediaBistro)
9:02 AM
by Gene
Well, no one except CONGRESSPOOPS.
8:58 AM
by Gene
8:48 AM
by Gene
8:45 AM
by Gene
Kidman doesn't fit the bill. In fact, there are shockingly few female stars of any stature that fulfill that equation. I called a couple of movie marketers to ask if I was being unfair to Kidman. Their answer: No. As one marketer cannily noted, "If someone moves a Will Smith film onto one of your [release] dates, you panic. If someone moves a Nicole Kidman movie onto your date, you shrug. She's just not a real commercial force." Or as another marketer put it: "She's an actress, not a movie star. There's a big difference."... What's really depressing is that when you ask marketing execs to name the actresses that do earn their keep, you're usually met with silence. MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER! Wednesday, December 03, 2008
5:57 PM
by Gene
This reminds us how smart Obama was to keep celebrities from too-vocally supporting him. (They stuck to simple "Do as you're told by famous people: Vote" web ad campaign videos). Because usually they seem really obnoxious and do more to aggravate than they do to inure. Oh, plus the music sucks. That's "a multiple-award-winning American composer" you're talking there!
3:16 PM
by Gene
![]() At $4.2 million it's still less than you could pay for a decaying shark carcass!
2:57 PM
by Gene
Who'd want to read a long story about such a dreary character, no matter how powerful, rich or famous he is? You got it right early, Dave. No. 326 on; no. 706 at Barnes and Noble. Not that many. (Via TV Week)
1:38 PM
by Gene
1:28 PM
by Gene
1:25 PM
by Gene
1:03 PM
by Gene
Pennette's script will rely on contemporary issues: Wilma, for example, mulls leaving Fred because he still acts too much like a caveman and hasn't adapted to more modern ways. Barney and Betty tackle fertility issues before deciding to adopt. Musical will also tackle global warming -- but in this case, as "The Flintstones" takes place before the ice age, the characters will confront "global cooling." Just so long as the multitudes add to global warming our way! (Via Vulture)
11:03 AM
by Gene
![]() Mario! Take the Warhol. On the other hand I can see why he won't sit for his portrait.
9:07 AM
by Gene
Okay then -- explain what GM should do. We note in this regard that America's Most PC CEO has unleashed an ad campaign. It wasn't that long ago that these same clods chewed over the wording in one of their Ray Charles Diet Pepsi ads for fear of leaving the wrong impression. We repeat: ADVERTISING IS FOR FINANCING JUNK TELEVISION; ADVERTISING IS FOR CREATING CORPORATE FIEFDOMS; ADVERTISING IS FOR CEO SCHMOOZING. We might note it also wasn't that long ago when PepsiCo backed Hezbollah TV -- something we fear America's Most PC CEO might have appreciated.
8:15 AM
by Gene
APPLE QUIETLY RECOMMENDS USING ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE [sic] P. S. at 3:10 p.m. Apple's Antivirus Suggestions Are No Longer Available Did a GOD just throw a tantrum? Unfortunately, malware today isn't just about taking advantage of the operating system’s weaknesses, as the majority of such threats now comes from the developed code targeting weaknesses in browsers and other such applications which aren't platform specific. If I can penetrate this gibberish I think he means "Hmmmm...."
7:05 AM
by Gene
A few more adjectives, a few more weasel words.... Tuesday, December 02, 2008
6:16 PM
by Gene
![]() This is...RICH: In a story in its January issue, Vanity Fair delves deep into the saga of El-Ad Properties, the Israeli company responsible for buying the Plaza Hotel and converting its well-loved, if aging, rooms into super fancy condos. The building's high-profile buyers (who signed on for the apartments sight unseen), have been complaining about "small windows, low ceilings, obstructed views, buckling floors, trashed carpets, glacially slow elevators, and frequent interruptions of running water," among many, many other things. And that's just the obvious stuff. A Vanity Fair source "with knowledge of the materials used in the hotel rooms" uncovered a host of cut corners: The rich, they are different from you and me. They are stupider.
5:59 PM
by Gene
Which of course justified Plaxplex twirling a pistol.
5:40 PM
by Gene
Talk about, let's not talk about baseball.
5:30 PM
by Gene
5:22 PM
by Gene
Of course this pile of crock comes from RANCECORP, which is best known for leaving stuff on sidewalks.
5:18 PM
by Gene
5:07 PM
by Gene
“For 3-D to become impactful in the homes of the world, the people that make money are going to have to subsidize it,” Hill said, referring to the TV set makers, who would benefit from selling another round of TV upgrades to consumers. I've got a BETTER idea, Dave: LET -- oh, you know the punchline.
1:51 PM
by Gene
Only about a billion clunkers too late.
1:49 PM
by Gene
11:26 AM
by Gene
We doubt even Republicans care.
8:46 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: This is another thoroughly spinny plug through which unwitting readers can be had. A NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD to MEG! (Via MediaBistro) Monday, December 01, 2008
10:59 PM
by Gene
Uh, Henckel -- you think we could have chosen a different church? (Via Mogul's Friend, in whom this column brought on an advanced case of the willies -- such as he can bring on)
7:14 PM
by Gene
Siege at Bangkok Airports Worries Thailand's Horde of Tourism Students
7:03 PM
by Gene