Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Great -- now Teddy Fatso may write a book!

Getting enough ghostwriters on this project may require a new government agency.

I look up The Wizard of Oz' ghosted million-word snoozathon on -- and what do I get for recommendations?


P. S. at 7:15 p.m. JonBoy's plugging it -- with a cover picture of The Wiz smiling! Must be thinking of those daily speaking engagements.

And he's included "an exclusive book [SIC] excerpt"! The coffee tables deserve a good day's sleep.

In other news about the untruthfulness of numbers, as has been widely reported KERNGERSHWIN HAMMERSTEIN and ELVIS! Sillerman won't report the B. O. for their new two-hour-plus Carol Burnett monster-movie sketch. Plainly they're thinking this may not be the megasmash they boasted it would be; you can hear them grinding their teeth over Ben Brantley. We wonder why they're bothering; we suspect Branson East's B. O. numbers are as cooked as THE CONSPIRACY's -- more so, as they may not account for all the discounts from tourista groups and last-minute buyers at TKTS. Most likely such secrecy won't do any good since as this story notes the MIKE RIEDELS will sniff the numbers down -- and with their added snide commentary they could make this damage-control activity look even worse than it is.

Some industry watchers carry their concerns one step further: They worry that without the business angle provided by the weekly receipts, legit coverage overall might become more marginalized, relegated to websites and the occasional article aimed at a dedicated fringe, as is now the case with opera and ballet.

Isn't that what follows it now?

North Koreans in Syria?

I thought we ditched that "Axis of Evil" gag! I thought they were our friends now!

TV industry could be 'toast', News Corp boss warns

SLIME! Why don't You SELL? It'll pay for the Journals.

"Our knee jerk reaction to dismiss user generated video content [on sites such as YouTube] as crap, or blogs as unauthoritative....

Just because it's knee-jerk doesn't mean it isn't right.

"The world has changed. Our goal has not."


The Wizard of Oz knocks Dubya!

Hey Wiz, you were there for a while -- why didn't you do something? Or were your magical powers depleted?

Although he also knocks Denny "The Realtor" and Snidely Whiplash, which at this point rather seems like tired old CW.

"I have no doubt that the Communist Party of China can maintain an authoritarian, quasi-capitalist, relatively prosperous regime for a time. But without the political safety valve of the democratic process, I doubt the long-term success of such a regime," he writes.

Is somebody leaking the good parts to goose sales for a million-word ghosted snoozeathon?


Another favor for our SPONSORS?

DOW 36,000 assumes the Thinker mode and calls forth a heavy question:

Will Congress move to increase copyright protection for fashion designs? Should it?

The Catholic Church is spending $190 million for an ugly new cathedral in Oakland, money that could have paid for a lot of sex-abuse settlements.

Just kidding!

A friend of Democrats (aka "one person close to the Times") leaks a number to THE UNIVERSE'S LEADING AD-TRADE RAG: Rudy got the same discount as GEORGE.

As we said yesterday, the time has come to make this sort of ad pricing transparent. No one is served by this rigmarole, and the ad buyers should know better (although when it comes to throwing their money around they usually don't).

Friday, September 14, 2007

Miss Ventura County Controversey Gets Gooooood!


Too many layoffs, King Richard?

Chickenland, aka Spain, is having trouble devising words for its previously wordless national anthem.

We submit our own respectful idea:

Ooooo-sa-ma über alles....

And if they don't like the "über alles" they can always translate it into French.

Whether or not The Paper of Re-CORD did a favor for Mr. Soros (as WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Ol' Democrat is an ADJECTIVE! allege) it wouldn't hurt the business to make ad sales more transparent. Maybe the time should come, in short, where the rate cards MEAN something. If we can't believe the rate cards why should we believe what they help finance?

Toronto festival films hot, deals not


The Best of Useless News is becoming even bester with two new lists -- "one of historically black colleges and universities, and the other of highly ranked colleges that are still relatively easy to get into"!

Why do we need lists OR The Best of Useless News?

If, as is now being alleged, little Madeleine was given an overdose of sleeping pills, it poses the question -- why would any parents give sleeping pills to a three-year-old?

Will Friedwald, the Mort "Badde" Goode of today's CD booklets, oohs and aahs over the masterpieces of forty years ago as he ponders some act that is getting all the chords and nuances right to recreate the body of work of the sacred Beatles, which unfortunately conjures the notion that a lot of that "classic" music helped set up today's noxious situation where we're reduced to ghost bands -- isn't that what you should call them, Mr. CD Booklet? You've done enough big-band anthologies -- and no future classics can possibly emerge today, unless another Mort "Badde" Goode is there to excuse them away, as is too likely.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

With its humongous anniversary approaching, USAOKAY!!!!! attempts to plug a book -- in a humorous vein:

I once wrote an article about Garrison Keillor's live weekly radio show, A Prairie Home Companion, and in an attempt at Keillor-like humor, datelined the story from the town that exists only in his imagination: Lake Wobegon, Minn.

TRANSLATION: Unfunny squared.

His best sentences offer a twist at the end: "Evelyn was an insomniac so when they say she died in her sleep, you have to question that."

What'd I say?

And in another demonstration in the continued excellence of the...product for the popcorn restaurants:


Hey con-SER-va-tives! Look who dropped in for tea!

And in "a striking cerise dress" too!

The NFL, Formula One -- is ANY sport immune to spying?

The Wizard of Oz failed to foresee the subprime meltdown!

Get into your balloon, Wiz -- and fly away!

JonBoy runs a press release for some fringe "Catholic" outfit that just appointed a female social director, and she sounds a though she hasn't touched a Bible for a while -- but does have a subscription to National Journal:

Are you pro-choice?
We go to back to the primacy of conscience. We stress the formation of conscience in moral matters, such as the pro-life/pro-choice debate. No one is excluded from the table in the Ecumenical Catholic Communion. Jesus never turned anyone away at the table, so neither do we. We feel it’s our responsibility to help people make responsible choices, but that no single person can dictate what God’s will is.

Do you work for somebody's campaign? You've brought the art of saying nothing to perfection!

WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, the late radio star, has apparently gotten His true believers into a tizz because The Pa-per of Re-CORD gave a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE discount to MoveOn for its temper tantrum!!!!! But according to a few people at one con-SER-va-tive blog huge discounts are the norm, and anyone who'd pay the full rate card is an ass. Who knows -- maybe MoveOn paid too much!


Speaking of the BIG WASTE of BANDWIDTH:

L.A. Block Renamed Larry King Square

I could think of a few culverts that were more deserving.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I guess it's back to YOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Anybody out there?????

And in the TWXSTERS' list of the top 10 most polluted cities, two are in China, two in India and four in the remnants of the Soviet Union, meaning there's a lot more dirty stuff ready to export.

The weird ways of fast food:

As Burger King becomes the latest fast feeder to join the Better Business Bureau's Children's Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative, it's introducing a new product: raw apples cut to look like french fries and served in a box that it calls the Frypod. The catch is, they aren't fried and there's no sugar added.

Meantime the Mick raises its dividend by 50 percent because a lot of people won't eat apple fries. How did such an undeserving company become so successful?


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Senate Democratic leaders reject the call by the top U.S. general in Iraq for a reduction of as many as 30,000 U.S. troops in Iraq by next summer, saying it does not go far enough.

Definitely not! Let's pull ALL of them out -- and THEN SOME!

MORE COMEDY IN NEWS: The Babbitt who owns StinkyInky Publishing Co. wants to drape the Tower of Babble with a movie ad -- and the press E-THI-CISTS are FURIOUS:

[J]ournalism ethicist Bob Steele of the Poynter Institute said the proposed deal should raise questions for reporters at The Inquirer and Daily News and for readers as well.

"Why do you need to take a time-honored buil-DING that houses two reputable pa-PERS and wrap it up and turn it into some kind of animated...
CHARACTER?" Steele asked. "Is it strictly being done to make...MONEY? Are times that...BAD?" [Concerned jernalistic overemphasis added]

The hacks have been selling for show-biz for decades and NOW they get mad. I guess that's the meaning of jernalism e-thi-CIST.

(Via the usual Romy, where else)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

And despite the best efforts of WHORVIS COMMUNICATIONS to convince us otherwise, Guess-Who's still funding mass evacuations to the land of the 72 virgins. Better still:

Not one person identified by the United States and the United Nations as a terror financier has been prosecuted by the Saudis, Levey says.


U.S. officials say they are equally frustrated with what they call the empty promises of Pakistan to go after al Qaeda's sanctuaries in their country....

When asked whether the U.S. can trust his country, Ambassador Akram said, "Well, if the U.S. doesn’t trust Pakistan, how can Pakistan be an ally of the U.S.?"


THE ELEPHANT TALKS: The ASSPress shows the first stirrings of life within its tens of thousands of withered brains by giving the faintest credence to the notion that the Col. Tom Parkers of Holy Cockroachland may have made Elvis's video from old movies. If Elvis isn't dead it's unlikely he's very alive. Meantime, obligated to act as a megaphone for quote machines, the ASSPress carts out the usual self-appointed experts who wouldn't know the difference.

The Casino on the Potomac (aka the Kennedy Center) has named its annual Show-Biz HHonorees, and the choices are about as you'd expect; if there isn't anything as egregious as MS. BOOBS, it's still proof that all those fundraisers love nothing more than a good night of schmoozing. So we get a comedian, and a couple of pop stars, and a man being honored for making TAXI DR -- for being one of the greatest direc-TORS of all time, and in what passes as a nod to culture some left-handed piano player. If someone asked the idiot in charge of the Kennedy Center what his Show-Biz HHonors program would be like in twenty-five years he'd yell, "NO COMMENT!!!!!" -- and rush off for more fundraising.

To be sure, it is nothing new for such clowns not to know what they're doing; after all, people like the Knopfs made their own mistakes as publishers. There's one difference though; at the Kennedy Center, they're proud of it.

Another immortal motto from Little Malc:

A hated government does not long survive.

I don't know; ours has been working at it for decades.

There are many columnists of whom we could say, "Haven't you been writing for too long?" Like Bob Novak, Mr. My Business is My Business, Frank "Stroke" Rich, and Anna. Anna seems to prepare for a column by filling herself up with her most visceral dislikes (and you know what those are), and then venting her spleen -- through the filter of that gooey non-judgmental prose that makes her so sanctimonious and laughable at the same time. And we agree that our intelligence folks are probably as incompetent now as then, that too many people are concentrating on the real estate, and putting up the worst looking kind -- but dammit a typist like this makes you disagree with even her most valid points. And six years later it's still a hole in the ground, a much better looking hole in the ground, and that's a tribute to our lack of guts, something Anna may not find so disagreeable.

Joe "We Have Nothing to Fear" Biden, "Sandy" Dodd, JFK Lincoln, Boobs McKeating, Hill -- that's a lot of hot air for one day.


Aw, c'mon Hole-in-the-Bagel, you SURE you don't want to run?

He wants you to.

Our favorite PR man Rog has seen another movie with "an endless 'ick' factor":

Independent filmmaking is not supposed to be marked by a complete abandonment of taste, sensibility and propriety.

No, only the big boys are allowed to countenance that. Come to think it, aren't the "independents"...oh, never mind.

"These groups have of course been around for a long time. But what people discovered with them is that they're incredibly rough and rigidly ideological," says Diaa Rashwan, an expert on political Islam at the Al Ahram Center for Strategic and International Studies in Cairo. "Their methods weren't about winning people over, being with them, but imposing upon them. No people in the world like that."

Oh, so now they discover it. So why does Hosni the Thug still have to get out his police?

"To many voters, the political calculations of both parties are offensive to the spirit of Bob La Follette."

We suspect throwing a tantrum like these people in Wisconsin might get a little under his skin too.

The Real Message: We're Screwed!!!!!!!!!! [Greg-style overemphasis added]

The Real Message: TNR's sorta-kinda happy we'd be screwed.


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says the U.S. and other countries must work together to fix a skewed pattern of trade and investment around the globe, a move that would help worldwide economic stability.

Is it me or are these NEWS ALERTS!!!!! getting more and more -- obvious?

No, I have not forgotten, but at some point we must let this recede into the past. If we don't we become just like the British, who moan and cry every time the sacred Di's anniversary pops up. The further we obsess the more we're prone to idiot conspiracy theories too. I would doubt there was much commemoration on Pearl Harbor Day in 1947, and though the awful deed of 9/11 killed several thousands, Pearl Harbor commenced a war that killed nearly half-a-million of our soldiers. Let us remember, then, but let us not get psychiatric about it.

P. S. at 5:51 p.m. Somebody named Pollowitz all but confirms my suspicion, and apparently is still in a heavy daze that people didn't obsess over Pearl Harbor in 1947, or that Harry Truman didn't burst into tears upon the remembrance -- as Dubya might.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Clinton to Return $850,000 Raised by Hsu

I suppose this means we have a horse race, even though the gate hasn't rolled onto the track yet. Heck they're betting enough.

The repudiation of LEGENDARY WELCH continues: Today Sprint Nextel settled a big age-discrimination suit. What brought it on? Old LEGENDARY's system of "forced ranking", which proved so valuable and effective "some corporations have abandoned the system"!


We cringe to say this: Gen. Petraeus's testimony was predictable (and we pray accurate), as was the grandstanding show around it. So please forgive us for finding this continuing national example of cultural roadkill far more interesting. Of course we're as tired of hearing about YOU-KNOW-WHO as anyone, and much of the comment is received opinion grossly amplified; who wouldn't dislike this great talent after years of in-your-face? But we must admit to a fascination in seeing so many moved to sneering; and yet we must further say YOU-KNOW-WHO should not be the true recipient of this long drawn-out raspberry; it's the SUMNERS and LEGENDARY DAVISES and the SUGAR DADDIES OF MADAVE who made it possible in the first place, and despite all the putative scorn this is why we say the event was a flat out unmitigated PR SMASH, because it was a success for THEM.

An Achilles' heel acted up today:

Feelings ran high, as some antiwar hecklers chanted “Generals lie, children die,” before Representative Ike Skelton, the Missouri Democrat who heads the armed services panel, decreed, “Out they go!” and warned that anyone else who disrupted the hearing would be prosecuted. But there were further disruptions, with at least one screaming demonstrator hustled out of the room as General Petraeus praised the American troops in Iraq as “a new greatest generation.”

Hey King Richard, if MY company owned I wouldn't feel so sanguine either.

Still, being a likable titan can be a burden. Parsons won’t walk down the street anymore. He can’t. “People come up to you just ragging you out,” he says. “My cable thing went out, I didn’t get my magazine, I moved my AOL forwarding thing, whatever they say!”

Well why don't you fix it for them, Kingie?

(Via MediaBistro)

"Top Stories" Juxtaposition of the Day in USAOKAY!!!!!.com:

5 guilty in Chicago mob trial

Craig files to rescind guilty plea

How bad WAS the play, Jonathan Franzen?

I practically came out of Embedded ready to join the Republican Party.

Jane Wyman, Ronald Reagan's first wife, has died. She must have had some real sense because she never spoke of their divorce, and for a reason:

"It's not because I'm bitter or because I don't agree with him politically. I've always been a registered Republican. But it's bad taste to talk about ex-husbands and ex-wives, that's all. Also, I don't know a damn thing about politics."

That makes her a darned sight better than your typical modern-day sex simulator. We could use a little more of her tact in this Webified age.

America's league of U. S. Mints -- uh, broadcasters battles to prevent Web transmissions over the air:

"While our friends at Intel, Google and Microsoft may find system errors, computer glitches and dropped calls tolerable, broadcasters do not," said NAB Chairman Alan Frank, president of Post-Newsweek Stations, in a statement

Hey look at it this way, Alan: people might decide not to watch your junky programming -- which may be a business advantage.

ESPNCorp Network News has the giggles!

Pardon us, but the news biz is not that funny.

“This is not good for the brand,” said Andrew Tyndall, a B&C contributing editor and publisher of the Tyndall Report, which analyzes television news. “This is an example of how the new rules apply, especially when it comes to bloopers. The things that spread like wildfire are the bloopers, not excellence.” [Emphasis added]

Who says network TV news is about excellence?

(Via MediaBistro)

This will definitely help our rep:

Chevron promotes oil industry with videogame

And this will definitely help someone else's rep:

The Economist Intelligence Unit, The Economist Group’s research arm, provided the content, and acted as an advertising partner for the game.

“I think we are an increasingly important part of the media landscape in the [United States] and Chevron wants to partner with people who have influential readers,” said Paul Rossi, Publisher, North America,
The Economist.

The publication has previously worked with Chevron to supply data and content for its “Will You Join Us” campaign.

“Chevron came to us with a communications problem and we came back to them with a set of ideas how to engage our readers to solve that communications problem,” said Justin Hendrix, PR manager, Americas at
The Economist.

Where's all the talk of ethics when you need it?

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Just what we need -- a P&G Comedy Hour!

There's enough about its products to inspire mirth, but we're sure there's much more mirth (unintentional) in the advertising and marketing departments -- and even more in the CEO's office.

We're also sure that, at its core, a company that has inflicted more junk culture on us than any other has absolutely NO sense of humor.

Great! Now we can medicalize politics. When political differences derive from the brain's chemistry we have the perfect excuse to devise drugs or therapies to alter the imbalance to conform to whatever the ruling ideology wants. Enough people of both stripes believe the opinions of their opponents constitute a crime; now all we need are some egghead quacks to affirm it. Our politics reeks with the psychiatrist's office as it is.

Last four grafs:

But Asad Durrani, a retired chief of Pakistan's powerful spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence bureau, said it would take more than military intervention to capture al-Qaeda leaders.

Durrani said U.S. bombing campaigns along the Afghan-Pakistani border had thoroughly alienated civilians who otherwise might help root out al-Qaeda commanders. "The first instinct you Americans have is military power -- dropping bombs," he said. "This was absolutely 100 percent guaranteed not to succeed, and it's continued that way for the past six years."

He said it would take a concentrated, methodical approach to find bin Laden and his deputies, relying on human intelligence and simple detective work.

"If they are there, sit back, be patient," Durrani advised. "The good hunter hunts on foot."

TRANSLATION: We'll never find them. FURTHER TRANSLATION: When do the Dems start up again with their POLICE ACTION routine? FURTHER TRANSLATION: He helped these guys hide too. FURTHER TRANSLATION: "Experts" are to terrorism what PAUL DRECK is to the movie biz.


Most Afghanistan Suicide Bombers Trained in Pakistan

Now that the Great White Hope is retiring from the Senate look for him to make big bucks as MR. ETHANOL -- something he couldn't do before because it wasn't ethical.

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