Friday, December 26, 2008
9:48 PM
by Gene
Another of the earth-shattering dispatches for which THE UNIVERSE'S LEADING NEWS ORGANIZATION was founded 142 years ago: Obamas visit aquatic park, eat shave ice on outing
6:20 PM
by Gene
Lately The Hollywood Reporter ran an interesting roundtable with prominent film composers. Musicians rank with stuntmen as among the few Hollywoodians really serious about their craft; they're also among the fewer with any sense of the biz' history. Reading this one gets two impressions -- that, however good they try to be (we have no way of knowing, believing MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER!!!!!), film scoring has taken a nosedive since the golden age (that we can believe); and the bean-counting hacks have largely supplanted music with SFX, and the SFX are getting louder, and all you have at your command is a pencil, which you must "keep moving" (to quote Howard Shore), if only to fill in the lulls between explosions.
1:40 PM
by Gene
Speaking of GCI at $7.49, here is one of those inimitable USAOKAY!!!!! automatic typings whose sole purpose it to make the print front page look busy. It is an answer to a question no one but a USAOKAY!!!!! editor would ask, and only under the hot breath of a would be Neuharth: Was 2008 an HISTORIC year? Any hack with tired poor red blood coursing through his veins would say yes as any year's historic with HIM reporting it. That such stories are by definition asinine, that they are the ne plus ultra of asinine, would not occur to the hack trying to justify his job as the industry falls out from under him. So he writes useless stories that shovel ever more spadefuls of dirt from beneath his feet -- and help the former accent on NET!!!!! sell for $7.49.
12:03 PM
by Gene
 Reviving theaters is a central tenet of the RENDELLIST notion that the AHTS can restore a city economy, when it has proved all too obvious that no zillions in convention center/stadium/arts center building can help; and old theaters were located in downtowns because downtowns were once vital, and because entertainment was vital too -- and neither theaters nor entertainment are vital anymore, whatever table pounders like SUPERNIKKI!!!!! belch. That said, it is heartening that an urban palace like the Oakland Fox has survived long enough to be fully renovated, and even if it spends much of its time emceeing dust particles, at least it's there.
11:45 AM
by Gene
Another pressing question from America's First Amendment defenders: Obama: Full-on geek or just 'nerd-adjacent?'NYT at $5.75, GCI at $7.54, MNI at $0.65....
Thursday, December 25, 2008
9:52 PM
by Gene
Charming statistic from a supporter of The One's "infrastructure" dreams:(Studies estimate that somewhere between 50 and 70 percent of the total time spent on the average American construction site is wasted.)Really, just giving the money away to each of us would be more useful.
6:27 PM
by Gene
Claudia, whose last name we make fun of because she is one of USAOKAY!!!!!'s top flacks, has a home-page recommendation: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is worth seeing just for the superb makeup.Which would probably make that the first such in movee history, but then ad-blurbists never praise movees for good reasons. Needless to say we didn't follow the link.
6:06 PM
by Gene
We must confess Eartha Kitt never appealed to us -- she uncomfortably straddled the border with camp -- but we more than understand why she appealed to others, and we definitely understand why there are no Eartha Kitts anymore, BRITNEYS notwithstanding. Curious footnote: She co-starred with the unlikely Eddie Bracken in a flop musical adaptation of the great Don Marquis's* " archy" verse called Shinbone Alley, written by Mel Brooks before he became a GENIUS. (Some Llord Lloud Wubbish fan must have typed this.) *Pronounced mar-KWIS. Lloud Wubbish fans can pronounce it mar-KEE.
11:31 AM
by Gene
Harold Pinter, the British Norm Mailer of playdom, better known to the public for his tantrums on America's EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL than anything else, has died. RIP. His Paper of Re-CORD obit was co-authored by a man who died three years ago, and it says little of America's EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL.
10:41 AM
by Gene
And now for our annual Yahoo! news-photo links that will be disappear in thirty days without a trace:  A Christmas tree near the Bird's Nest in Beijing (Bird's Nest? What was that?);  The U. S. Capitol Christmas Tree;  The Christmas tree at Notre Dame Cathedral;  A Christmas tree in Lisbon;  A Christmas tree on "the hangar deck of the USS Iwo Jima, docked in Manama, Bahrain";  A Christmas tree in an Istanbul shopping mall;  A Christmas tree and a Santa at the entrance to Jerusalem's Old City;  "A statue of St. George decorated like a Christmas tree in downtown Tbilisi, Georgia";  A Christmas tree at Sydney's Taronga Zoo;  A Christmas tree in Hamburg;  A Christmas tree in Taipei;  A Christmas tree in Vienna (it's there someplace);  A Christmas tree in Monterrey;  A Christmas tree in Milan;  A Christmas tree in Lima;  A Christmas tree in Managua;  A Christmas tree at the Swiss federal palace in Bern;  A Christmas tree in Bethlehem;  A Christmas -- well, it's a "giant Christmas pudding", concocted by Roger and Valerie Holley at their home in Yeovil, England;  A Christmas tree in Honolulu;  A Christmas tree in Havana (!);  A Christmas tree in Dili, East Timor;  A Christmas tree in Sao Paulo;  A whole bunch of Christmas trees in Puchheim, Germany;  A Christmas "tree" of sugar candy sticks in a Bangkok hotel;  And finally, a Christmas tree in a Christian school in Baghdad. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
8:09 PM
by Gene
Celebrity press first with Obama photosPerhaps if the hacks can think of The One as a Celebrity President...and maybe People and Us should have seats in the White House press corps.
6:35 PM
by Gene
 How apt that Frank DiGiacomo's story on the "LEGENDARY" Star Wars Holiday Special and Christopher Caldwell's history of the weak revolt against Brutalism appeared practically at the same time. Here are pernicious artifacts of the seventies in all their vain ignominy -- the "windowless façades, [the] human-repelling scale, [the] masses of dirty concrete and their self-conscious wish to shock", a cheesy glitzy variety show prompted by the "unfathomable" success of a "gee-whiz" space epic, the Brutalists and Luke Spielberg defining the age in tinsel and dreck, both embarrassments in innumerable ways, the former ripped by Tom Wolfe, the latter hidden away by its license-holding CONTROL PHREAK. And each has its eulogy -- first from Caldwell: Modernist architecture does not give us new ways of seeing. It is an impoverishment, in fact. It ignores a varied cultural vocabulary accumulated over the centuries, because that vocabulary might endanger Modernism's political purpose. As a project, it resembles Kemal Atatürk's purging of the Turkish language to eliminate words with Persian, Arabic, or European roots. And this one from DiGiacomo, from, a writer who worked on the Luke Spielberg bomb: “I think in a bigger sense, it’s nice to know that Star Wars does have feet of clay,” he says. “Ultimately, when all is said and done, it’s an outer-space movie. It’s not sacred. And what has amused me the most is that somehow people think the special discredits the image of this sacred text.” In short, architecture and movees have their deadly-obsessive adherents, with feet of clay and brains the match, who inflict visual pollution of all kinds, and whose cultural despotism the Republic can never rid, except perhaps through the passage of time, which can't come soon enough.
11:23 AM
by Gene
New York University....Bernie knew institutions too.
9:06 AM
by Gene
SEC Chair Defends His RestraintYeah but Chris, did you have to straitjacket yourself into your chair?
8:59 AM
by Gene
A L'Oreal heiress....Bernie knew a lot of people, didn't he.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
8:56 PM
by Gene
This would seem counterintuitive: BMW's raising prices (slightly) because its sales have tanked. Oh well, its customers can afford it. We think.
8:25 PM
by Gene
A neat juxtaposition on Paparazzo snaps shirtless Obama...which is right above: The top ten media blunders of 2008Add number eleven: Spending more time on the Shirtless Hulk than on his governing philosophy -- which is also less time than we spent on his prospective DOG.
8:07 PM
by Gene
Whenever we'd see Elaine Garzarelli on TV we'd think, this lady looks and sounds like a stand-up comic.
Which just goes to show most stock "analysts" earn their real money from moonlighting.“Garzarelli is advising investors to buy some of the most beaten-down stocks, including those of giant financial institutions such as Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, and Merrill Lynch. What would cause her to turn bearish? Not much. ‘Our indicators are extremely bullish.’”In the words of Fred and Ira, madame, who's got the last laugh now? Pffffffffffffffffffffffft! (Via Seeking Alpha)
8:00 PM
by Gene
OH oh, yesterday NewsMAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! praised The Daily Kaplan for its fairness -- and today ROMY finds out, which means half the SEVENTY-FIVE-CENTS-A-SHARE news biz is fuming, and he's thinking, why couldn't Ben Bradlee clone himself?
7:55 PM
by Gene
We're not sure what quite to think of The Lord Goddess's OPRAH's latest problem in self-improvement. It doesn't sound like James Frey making things up for literary history, and "living" in a concentration camp can warp a man's memory as well as his mind. But the one thing to know about the Lord Goddess, the one thing that gives the claims of falsehood credibility: She spells everything with an $.
7:47 PM
by Gene
JOSSIP has said about the three race-baiting stooges what most news hacks have not said in their whole careers -- which has nothing to do with, say, MNI at SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS.
7:44 PM
by Gene
Meanwhile, con-SER-va-tives are surely annoyed because Walmart has to PAY UP because it cheated its help. How did they expect to grow the economy?
7:41 PM
by Gene
BANEhead Boehner gets some economists together...BUT:...critics say eight years of the Bush administration’s economic policies have damaged the Republican Party’s credibility to contest the claims of big government.That's putting it -- MILDLY.
1:39 PM
by Gene
Blogging and YouTube are proof enough the long-tail theory is BUNK.Mr Anderson named by Time magazine as one of the world’s 100 most influential people....NUF SAID.
Monday, December 22, 2008
11:18 AM
by Gene
ROLL THE EYES: USAOKAY!!!!! has just played another trick on its readers. More churches now use more drums than ever! And worship is more informal and enthusiastic! But go down to the TWELFTH GRAF of a fourteen-graf story and you find both priests and congregants are older than they were a decade ago, meaning either 1. the young have learned to live without church or 2. maybe all that hand-clapping and shouting and drum-beating isn't drawing customers. (No mention of total church attendance, by the way.) This is precisely the kind of story (like OKAY!!!!!'s endless show-biz-RECORD fables) that graphs would tell better -- and more honestly. When USAOKAY!!!!! makes a trend, do a full-nelson on your wallet.
9:53 AM
by Gene
Elsewhere boasts of Hillary's former communications director's (and current cable bobblehead's) "tastes" in music, which makes us a little relieved she didn't win.
8:47 AM
by Gene
China Cuts Key Rates for Fifth Time in Three MonthsGadzooks! Even the World's Economic Engine isn't immune. And here some people thought the Chinese charity buying our debt would save us.
8:40 AM
by Gene
Kendra Turns Conservative Since EngagementJo-NAH! Time for one of your pop-cult extrusions! And "she doesn't flash anymore." Presumably she got rid of the bulb on her nose. (Sorry.) And all we know of her is she's another Barbie Doll of the Moment. (Judging from the photo I'm afraid I mean that a bit literally.) Oh well, PEOPLE WARNER does have a way with "news".
Sunday, December 21, 2008
7:20 PM
by Gene
We're not con-SER-va-tives when it comes to mass transit, but this story shows what could happen to some of The One's stimulus money: it could go into salaries.
6:39 PM
by Gene
An idealist channels Ike:MJ: It's fascinating that Eisenhower was a critic of the military system. He's seen as such a Republican "man's man," for lack of a better phrase.
EJ: It's no wonder members of the Eisenhower family, namely John Eisenhower, his son, and Susan Eisenhower, his granddaughter, have felt compelled to leave the Republican Party in recent years. That's not so much a statement on the GOP as it is on the American political system per se. Eisenhower would be significantly to the left of today's Democrats. Does that mean he's still one of our greatest presidents? Or does that depend on which party you're in?
5:08 PM
by Gene
 Well, The Paper of Re-CORD does have much happier tidings to report: Seymour Philip Whatshisname has become THE GREATEST CHARACTER ACTOR OF ALL -- OUR TIME!!!!!Please Pinchians, stick to bias. P. S. It's worse: The Pinchians copied their CW from THE WEEKLY STANDARD!
5:01 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: The outgoing "administration" having proved it can waste money on bankers, the incoming administration intends to waste at least as much money on spending projects for the sake of spending, regardless of what Larry Summers says.[The "stimulus" package] would most likely grow as it made its way through Congress, although Mr. Obama has secured Democratic leaders’ agreement to ban spending on pork-barrel projects.PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1:30 PM
by Gene
Somebody at ASSPress must be in a bad mood because he didn't quote Paul Dreck today.It should give the movie excreters pause when the biz' two alleged biggest names can't come up with enough for one. Dreck would say, "Well it's timing and snowstorms and no big tentpole this year and people are still going to the movies and...." I'd like to think even the hard core is starting to get some sense into its heads that movies won't get better, and believing ad-blurbists won't make them so. P. S. at 3:25 p. m. Oops! David "NON" Germain had a change of heart; neither rain nor heat nor slush nor SNOWSTORMS will keep movies from being BETTER THAN EVER! A NEUHARTHISM OF THE MONTH AWARD TO NON!
10:35 AM
by Gene
Speaking of air fresheners, good news for the Internet's inventor: The global depr -- DEEP RECESSION has shut down a stinky Russian paper mill, "a feat that ecologists, trying to preserve Lake Baikal from pollution, had been unable to accomplish." Breathe deep, Al! The air will smell pretty clean for a while!
10:22 AM
by Gene
Sometimes it's hard to believe the people who write the editorials for The Daily Kaplan share the same newspaper with everyone else. Of course Slick's multinational bank account smells. But pardon us for thinking whenever there's a Democratic money smell there's always an accompanying pungent masking odor of the news hacks' GLADE.