Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, October 10, 2009

This should be worth reading:

Overrated Optimism: The Peril of Positive Thinking

Then you get the byline:

By Barbara Ehrenreich

Then you get:

Americans have long prided themselves on being "positive" and optimistic — traits that reached a manic zenith in the early years of this millennium. Iraq would be a cakewalk! The Dow would reach 36,000! Housing prices could never decline! Optimism was not only patriotic, it was a Christian virtue, or so we learned from the proliferating preachers of the "prosperity gospel," whose God wants to "prosper" you.

Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....The TWXSTERS really should stick to animated cartoons.

Lifestyles of the rich and divorcing:

"Chris had a midlife crisis and came out of it totally turned on by Greg's celebrity, gorgeous looks and bank account," says a south Florida friend of the couple. "They didn't take time to get to know each other. Both of them are narcissistic and want to control. In a celebrity marriage, only one person can be like that."

Norman and Evert never set up a home together. He stayed in his Jupiter Island manse, "Tranquility," while Evert remained in her nearly $3 million Boca Raton home. The couple would sleep over at each other's houses.

The ASSPress admits:

Under the Democratic bills, federal tax credits to help make health insurance affordable for millions of low- and middle-income households won’t start flowing until 2013 — after the next presidential election. But Medicare cuts and a sizable chunk of the tax increases to pay for the overhaul kick in immediately.

The eat-your-vegetables-first approach is causing heartburn for some Democrats.

We've found a motto for His Omnipotence!

And a suggestion on the last and least of those -- awards:

Dynamite the Nobel prize in economics (Emphasis added)

But because thousands of people seem to be employed to award the Dynamite Memorials, and because they are a source of national pride in Scandinavia, this won't happen.

(Via Seeking Alpha)

Which reminds us: should have mentioned this about a certain sheaf of Bounty yesterday:

USA Today boss: "Circulation declines are temporary"

Oops, I'm very sorry -- wrong link! (Romy, natch)

CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!!!!! Mock President Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize [GLENNBECKIAN overemphasis added]

A news hack's work is never done, is it.

P. S. The Daily Kaplan's editorial.

P. P. S. ESPNCORP used to employ this actress, but I can't think of her name -- oh yes! Douglas! Donna Douglas! That pretty girl Elly Mae in The Beverly Hillbillies!

"I believe in Europe!!!!! Europe is the most important peace project in history!!!!!" (Believing overemphasis added)

After the two world wars YOUR continent brought us, THORB-JOERN JAG-LAND....


"Their meetings are extremely secretive," said Beth Fischer, a political scientist at the University of Toronto who was a Nobel Fellow and spent time at the Nobel Institute in 2002. "There are very few people who really know what the conversations are in the room. Generally speaking, Norway is a very left-leaning country. That's going to be reflected in the selection of the prize."

Which may explain why even LIBERALS were embarrassed.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Norwegian foreign policy has always been counterintuitive, said David Andelman, editor of the World Policy Journal (and a former executive editor at Forbes). "They're the consummate neutrals in Europe."

Well that's one way of putting it.

And from the same continent that believes the US must learn its place, and today tried to teach it:

Al-Qaeda suspect was nuclear researcher at CERN
One of two suspected al-Qaeda collaborators arrested in France this week was a researcher at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland, a judicial source said on Friday.

We should note that Europeans inspired history's two most catastrophic wars and invented Communism and fascism, Zyklon B and the GULAG. What right have they to teach us morals?

USA Today's circulation falls 17% in new ABC report (Another Romy link)

You mean even the hotel guests are getting wise to that garbage dump of press releases?

Hey Frank! Smile!

One more thing: "Peace" may not help the depr...rec...ECONOMY.

How often in The Speech will His Omnipotence use the first person?

In other news of talks, these continue.

I wonder if this won't collapse in the end because Very Littler Jeffy wants too much -- and BRIAN ROBBER wants too much.

If Comcast is succesful, it intends to retain NBC's current management, sources said.

Hmmm, maybe we're wrong on the latter -- this can only mean JEFF "GO FOURTH" ZUCKS!

Here's betting this causes a big jump in those useless popularity polls -- and then the hacks will change their tune.

Even the peanut gallery is throwing shells:

Obama doesn't deserve the prize, yet.

Yes, the president has said he wants a world free of nuclear weapons, but as Jonathan Schell wrote in our pages, he has a long way to go before that vision becomes reality. That path must include the US Senate ratifying the comprehensive test ban treaty, and even a full court press from the White House can't guarantee that will happen this fall.

Then there's the matter of Obama's multilateralism and partnering with the UN. As Naomi Klein pointed out, the Obama administration, like its predecessor, boycotted the UN Durban anti-racism conference
[BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!], using the flap over language on Israel-Palestine as an excuse to duck the actual issues about racial justice the conference cautiously raised. As for climate change, Obama has yet to commit to attending the December climate change conference in Copenhagen, and if that jaunt to Denmark is going to succeed in reducing carbon emissions, the US will have to bring a lot more to the table than it is currently offering.

I could go on: fully closing Gitmo and restoring civil liberties and compliance with the Geneva Conventions; negotiating with Iran in good faith; withdrawing from Iraq and, of course, withdrawal from Afghanistan. Escalation, or even maintaining the status quo there, would alone discredit this award in history's eyes.

-- but not to worry; this award was "aspirational".

And in bad news for peace:

The Democratic chairmen of several key committees overseeing war policy, including the House Armed Services and Intelligence committees, say they back the military's request for a troop buildup in Afghanistan - despite House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's stance that Congress will not support deploying more U.S. forces.

* Past nominees have included Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and Soviet dictator Josef Stalin . (Boldface and punctuational sic)

As if we needed to know.

We see from our favorite cheap shot that Nicolas "How-Did-I-Become-Such-a-Big-Star-with-My-Mug" Cage owes a reputed $6.6 million in back taxes, which could clearly pay for some peace conferences.

DNC says Republican critics aligning with terrorists

1. Technically, true. 2. I guess being God now means that He can go on being brazenly cheaply partisan.

(Via -- oh well -- MS. TRAVERS)

Meantime, in other news of good intentions:

Market Car Bombing in Pakistan’s Peshawar Kills 50

What will His Omnipotence do about that?

When a movee ad-blurbist calls a masterwork "painfully funny" we know the accent is on pain.

The other day, a colleague of mine called the Coen brothers “Stanley Kubrick’s grandchildren,’’ and he didn’t mean it as a compliment. He was referencing the cold, almost inhuman brilliance the filmmakers share; the cynicism that allows no emotion beyond the unforgiving laugh. (FIRST TWO SENTENCES)

We've said it before, we say it again -- news hacks stumble on the truth. And THEN they let it get away from them, being so incurious to follow through on it.


Obama's winning the peace prize shows these prizes are political, not governed by the principles of credibility, values and morals.

Why should Obama be given a peace prize while his country owns the largest nuclear arsenal on Earth and his soldiers continue to shed innocent blood in Iraq and Afghanistan?


We have seen no change in his strategy for peace. He has done nothing for peace in Afghanistan. He has not taken a single step for peace in Afghanistan or to make this country stable.

We condemn the award of the Noble Peace Prize for Obama. We condemn the institute's awarding him the peace prize. We condemn this year's peace prize as unjust.

We'll say this much: they're knowledgeable.

I wonder -- could the mass CW be wrong this time? Could it be that, despite the best monkey wrench thrown by the Norwegians, His Omnipotence will actually bring peace to the world?

Ask Dr. Kissinger.

To what extent does His ego, now being so extraordinarily boosted, command His Omnipotence to do all the MoveOn things His most ardent followers would want Him to do?

Better keep our fingers crossed.

Thanks for Not Being Bush

The Nobel shows Obama is still popular abroad. But it doesn't help much if the U.S. is seen as a banana republic.


Apparently a lot of people are suggesting His Omnipotence turn down the award, which means, of course, he won't.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

PILLHEAD's Accent fires a round:

On balance, this seems a healthier reaction than falling like schoolgirls for the candidate's "centrism," "fiscal responsibility," "post-partisan temperament," and other hooey like certain conservatives thinkers [SIC] we could mention.

Does that includes the sons of the founders of N------- R-----?

The good life in Great Britain:

The number of cocaine users in the U.K. has doubled to 1 million in the past decade, according to the United Nations World Drug Report 2009.

The more coke, the more minarets.

I've come up with a rejoinder to the charge-for-news-on-the-Web crowd:

How many times do you click to escape ads in news Web sites?

2:09 PM UBS starts coverage of 10 big regional banks at "sell" or "neutral," saying the stock prices aren't reflecting "meaningful" credit strains. The bank's cautious take on Wells Fargo (WFC) contrasts with Goldman Sachs' more bullish stance this week.

DOW UP 5,000!!!!!

As we just said His Omnipotence still has many acolytes in the press, like Jane, who cites "[m]any well-placed Democrats", "a top aide to a key Democrat in the Senate", "Democrats", "moderate Democrats", "Valerie Jarrett, the Presidential adviser responsible for outreach to the business community", and "Hilary Rosen, managing partner of the D.C. office of communications strategy firm Brunswick Group and a White House confidant" (and former recorded...sound industry lobbyist -- Jane didn't mention that), and now we regret Mort Zuck couldn't have turned BizWeek into an annual listicle.


TRANSLATION: His Omnipotence is wallowing in the same pig sty as his critics.

Thankfully enough news hacks are still in his thrall that they'll see it as just the very dark underside of a cloud in his heaven.

SURPRISE: People don't like PILLHEAD buying into the St. Louis Rams because he's CONSERVATIVE. Has there ever been a time of more rigid lock-step knee-jerk send-my-enemies-to-a-concentration-camp thinking?

That PILLHEAD is an ASS is another story -- and that this ASS might find a better use of his money (regardless of the NFL's supposed permanent upward trajectory) is yet another.

Three set for 'Knucklehead'

I don't know -- is it wise to name a movie for your target audience?

[T]he TV cameras captured the California Democrat rolling her eyes and slightly recoiling from Reid’s grasp as he spoke.

Speaker Babs doesn't like Whiny Reid either? No wonder he's in trouble.

Alcoa's quarterly sales were down 34 percent. It's fired people. It showed a minuscule profit.

DOW UP 2,000!!!!!!!!!!

Alcoa’s results were “A POSITIVE START TO THE EARNINGS SEASON!” said John Stephenson, who helps manage C$1.5 billion ($1.4 billion) including Alcoa shares at First Asset Investment Management in Toronto.

“IT'S GREAT TO SEE!” Stephenson said in an interview after the results were announced. “YOU DON'T SEE MANY TIMES WHERE PEOPLE BLOW AWAY THE NUMBERS TO
THIS DEGREE!!!!!” (Huffing puffing overemphasis added)

If these assorted sales...ANALYSTS and other touts would just blow -- then the Dow wouldn't be up 10,000 points by Christmas.

Another "who?" wins the Literahteeyure prize.

Now -- the Good Intentions Prize.

P. S. I now see I was unduly harsh; the winner lived behind the Iron Curtain and documented its horrors. Nonetheless I never heard of her. How many people have? And that is because literature in general and fiction in particular are no longer A-1 in the cultural marketplace, except for the hyperhacks.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

His Omnipotence at work -- domestically:

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Education Secretary Arne Duncan pledged federal support on Wednesday to fight a surge in youth violence in Chicago and other cities, calling the brutal beating death of Derrion Albert, a teenager on the city's South Side, a wake-up call for the country.

But neither offered specifics or outlined any new strategies on how the government would help quell the increase in the number of violent deaths among teens.

The Newseum opens a shrine to St. Timothy.

Did ever anyone do the same for ST. EDWARD OF MURROW? Or ST. JOSEPH OF P-ULITZER? OR ST. ADOLPH OF OCHS? What makes this guy so eternally wonderful?

Dell is closing a PC plant the North Carolina GUVMENT built in 2005; to its credit the company promises to repay all that aid. We shall see. How many companies would WELCH on the deal?

Some idiots in the PR biz STILL call him LEGENDARY.

(First link via Seeking Alpha)

And further on the subject of content, someone in Sharondom named Dylan (not his royal highness BILL SHAKESPEARE, to be sure) comes up with five neato ideas to "save" magazines, only one of which is relevant -- cover ads -- and one that will likely repulse more people than it attracts. The rest are the kind of idle typing that earns Romy links.

Just off the ASSPress's digital wire!

Oct 7, 11:17 AM EDT

Alicia Keys gets her Oprah Winfrey on

Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) -- Alicia Keys has influenced many lives with her soulful, heart aching piano-driven songs for almost a decade.

Now that the Grammy-winner has established herself as one of music's brightest stars, Keys is ready to inspire others - without singing a tune.

Keys is launching AK Worldwide, a company that will handle the 28-year-old's projects outside of music.

The first is The Barber's Daughters, a handcrafted jewelry line engraved with messages of hope. Keys will also launch a Web site,, devoted to spotlighting inspirational women and causes.

Keys says her creative work as a businesswoman has spilled over to her music - and that's reflected on her upcoming CD, "The Element of Freedom," to be released Dec. 1.

On the Net:

What's the difference between this and one of those pretend news articles in papers that's slugged "Advertisement"?

You keep running such PR, CURLEY (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!), and no amount of charging for "exclusive content" will help.

Another inscrutable Prize:

The ribosome research, the academy said, is being used to develop new antibiotics.

I said it before, I'll say it again: Increasingly, what is the connection between the Dynamite Memorial science prizes and us?

Meantime con-SER-va-tives like Jo-NAH and MB2 who call the MICK their favorite joint even though they haven't stepped foot in one in decades will gloat because the Rand Corporation says a year-old fast-food ban in South Central LA may not work. We wouldn't expect it to, being the product of people who've defined the word ninny; it takes more than a few dozen MICKs to make people fat. We wonder, however, what the likes of Jo-NAH and MB2 would do about all those balloons on legs waddling down the street. Nothing, most probably.

13,338 WORDS.

That's the number of words in MICKEY D's OFFICIAL MONOPOLY® RULES.

The last three words are probably the most significant:

NBC Universal, Inc.

This means the entire top management at the Mick will be schmoozing from now until THE UPCOMING GAMES end.

You sure you should be wasting that money on JUT-JAW, Jim?

Tories pledge booze tax to stop anti-social drinking

What? They're taking on the national pastime?

Six of one: Republicans sleeping on the job when they ran the Congress.

Half-a-dozen of the other: Democrats sleeping on the job running the Congress.

We shouldn't make too much of this -- better our Congress stay sound asleep than flailing wide-awake -- but these guys did boast they were going to work work work, and they play play play with the peasantry as usual.

‘Strategic Repositioning’ of Playboy Coming This Year

It's going hard-core?

Or is it turning into a women's title?

When does someone finally extinguish the light on that fossil's fossil?

(Via MediaBistro)

We know California is a basket case in multiple ways but when so many hotels go into foreclosure there it means the RENDELLIST notion of tourism as a godsend may be just another scripture from the devil.

I'm sure the SUPERDUPERHYPERMEGAGIGABLOGGERS have been all over this enough times as to make their content even more tiring, but it is now plain His Omnipotence did not run to be a foreign-policy president; he ran to change the world through domestic hyperaction. But then foreign policy was always a downer in the polls, except as he could rally his true believers with the promise of total withdrawal from Iraq which even he didn't believe in. Only now do we see an uninterest in the world that crosses into deadly torpor. In that we have the exact opposite of Dubya, who hoped his overattention to the world would make up for his inattention at home -- and who in time made up for it by piling on more government in his own way. In short, we have a president just as bad as Dubya, but differently.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

On the day PVT. ZELL officially unloads Dem Cubbies, one of his zillionaire mouthpieces acts up again, and upsets us into believing that alas his Frankenstein's monster has a chance to live. Mogul's Friend writes a screed in which he insists most of Hollywood does not support the Effete Rapist. Well Mog, if most of Hollywood doesn't support him why hasn't it spoken up? Oh, (chimes a convenient OS-CAR®-nominated correspondent), it's because of "ALL THE LAZY REPORTERS, INTERNET BLOGGERS, CONSERVATIVE!!!!! MOUTHPIECES, AND TALK-RADIO MOUTH-BREATHERS!!!!! WHO ARE SO UP IN ARMS!!!!!!!!!!" In short, the vast neo-Nazi conspiracy. Mog surely doesn't care one way or another, except insofar as it allows him to crowd the word "classic" into an encomium 73 times. We suspect moreover that Mog is covering for HARVEY WHINER, no doubt the bequeather of many advertisements in LALA, and the recipient of countless more advertisements from Mog. And so we are reminded again, in a business that rings up negative numbers in opinion polls, that the entertainment ad sections continue to teem with morons like Mog who'd run it off the scale. (which is NOT owned by PEOPLE WARNER) has just declared a winner in its Little Lingerie Contest, and all we can say of the 75 contestants is most people should wear as little as possible as little as possible, aspiring PARISes and PR0N stars included.

And in unintended health-care reform:

Pharma Drops Search Advertising After FDA Warning
Sponsored Links Fall 84% Following Dressing Down for Violating Marketing Guidelines

TNR concedes Gen. McChrystal is not Gen. MacArthur.

When do we concede His Omnipotence is not -- oh, never mind.

[T]he industry faces the fundamental challenges of a contracting economy, the infidelity of audiences, the shortening of attention spans and elusive revenue streams of the Internet....

But NOT the most fundamental challenge of all: a product one step above raw sewage.

“Everything is being revamped and changed, but what is really changed?” asked one leading talent agent, who declined to be identified.

“This notion of ‘change’ is just for change’s sake,” he said. “It’s not really changing anything. It goes back to -- if you put talented people in who appreciate artists, you’ll do well.”

TRANSLATION: If you change the execs and they "appreciate" the "artists", it alchemizes all that stuff just above raw sewage into GOLD!

Still looking for a job, Sharon?


Well! At least these three worthy laureates are easily explained. But will scientific discovery prove as fruitful as it becomes increasingly difficult to link inventions with names?

And we wonder if the CCD is an entirely benign invention as it has helped set up a surveillance society. Ultimately these inventors are as blameless as Vladimir Zworykin when he came up with fully-electronic television -- but it is amazing how seldom scientists think through the consequences of their discoveries.

Monday, October 05, 2009

ARCHDaily! announces Hasbro Films is having a competition to design buildings for a new Monopoly® interactive game -- and presumably for the film version.

The moveemakers in Pawtucket could start with this one -- it looks like a HIP Monopoly® house!

Romy, again:

"Doonesbury" creator: There's nothing I can do to prepare for a post-newspaper future
Greensboro News & Record
"Other than hope that the large media companies will come to their senses and form a gated Web collective along the lines of cable TV," says Garry Trudeau. "They need to form a news utility, financed by subscription or micropayments because going it alone has been disastrous for all of them."
Posted at 10:38 AM on Oct. 5, 2009

Pay for YOUR chicken scratch?


Wall Street Journal
"I'm not saying I'm not worth it," says Peter King, who offered to give back some of his salary to save jobs at Sports Illustrated. "But I make a stupid amount of money. Sometimes it seems a little absurd considering what's happening in our business."
Posted at 11:49 AM on Oct. 5, 2009

Pay for YOUR ridiculous salaries?

(Romy permalinks added)

I am not a VOLOKHHEAD and can't write 100,000-word treatises on legal matters, but the TWXSTERS have just run a preview of five (or rather seven) Nine-Finger cases and this emboldens me enough to offer five predictions on nothing but a gut feeling and without having the slightest idea of what I am doing:

Salazar v. Buono
At issue: Whether the government can permit the display of a crucifix on public land as per the Establishment Clause.

Yes; the Fingers don't want to be viewed as the sort of atheists most people see them as.

Maryland v. Shatzer
At issue: The scope of the rights of police suspects, as given in the court's landmark 1966 decision, Miranda v. Arizona.

From my microscopic knowledge the Fingers have been tweaking Miranda for years in favor of law enforcement, and I doubt that will change.

Graham v. Florida / Sullivan v. Florida
At issue: Whether life imprisonment for juveniles on nonhomicide charges constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.

No; the Fingers have a way of occasionally doing things that seem almost inhumane, especially when confronting the maniacs in states like Texas where you can get life for littering.

National Rifle Association v. Chicago / McDonald v. Chicago
At issue: Second Amendment rights to gun ownership.

Sorry, but I think the Second Amendment exists. Chicago loses.

American Needle v. National Football League
At issue: Whether sporting leagues should be exempt from antitrust regulations.

The Fingers will NEVER bring down America's Profit Center!

Here we go again:

Study: Press pays little attention to economic woes of ordinary people [You-know-who link]

Oh please, not only are you hacks our superiors, you're our economic superiors. Your salaries allowed you to stop hanging around "ordinary people" ages ago so you could write advertorials for movee stars and high-mucky-muck execs. Stop going humble on us. You're as humble as His Omnipotence, the god you elected to office.

It's that time of year again -- the Dynamite Memorial Awards, where lots of people no one has heard of outside their specialties win prizes for things no one outside their specialties can explain. The first award, for medicine, goes to a team of scientists who (it says here) have figured something out that could be possibly maybe can help us figure out cancer. No one asks this so I will: in the long haul how many of the Dynamite Memorial winners' discoveries pan out? And we say this without mocking the winners because the science laureates are truly among the most distinguished of personages. But someone should ask.

Onward and downward toward the "Literature" and "Peace" prizes.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

If it's Sunday it must be Big Double-A-Scribble Time:

1. U.S. Media Revenue Set for Historic 2009 Decline

That's the kind of historic we like!

The BAD news:

[T]he media industry is poised to emerge with less debt and stronger balance sheets.

Meaning it can still hector the peasants!

2. Banks Turn Message Back to What Consumers Want

TRANSLATION: They think they can ADVERTISE the public past their fees, their credit-line reductions, their HELP FROM UNCLE SUCKER. That and they've turned their branches into Starbucks. I suspect our nationalized banks have another think coming.

In posting yesterday of the epochal waste that is THE GAMES we failed to mention this:

Q: But not every impact can be broken down into dollars and cents, right?

A: Sure. One of the biggest benefits of an Olympics - or a similar event - is civic pride.

Chinese residents overwhelmingly said hosting the 2008 games would improve their image around the globe, despite its eye-popping $40 billion price tag.

After Germany poured millions into hosting the World Cup in 2006, data showed there wasn't much economic impact. But research also showed Germans were much happier afterward.

What it comes down to: Winning an Olympic games will make Rio de Janeiro an even more exciting city. But it might not make Brazilians rich.

One of the central tenets of RENDELLISM is that civic pride is a good. Philadelphia has so much history we could take it to the bank. But other than low-paying tourist jobs how much does history help? Meantime we must live in the here-and-now -- a city sixty percent ghetto, with little industry and lots of taxpayer-leeching institutions, that loses residents no matter how many high-end apartments we must build. Civic pride is to the RENDELLIST what faith healing is to a corrupt evangelist -- and even Jim Bakker admitted he was wrong, more than we can ever expect of a louse like EDDIE.

I mention this too because the BLUTOS are about to embark on another three-week-long mission to make lots of noise on weekdays around 1 a. m. I will not say what I said the last time. And last time the epochal triumph came as our economy threatened an immortal collapse. Things are not much better now -- and no amount of horn tooting and drunken reverie will help Philadelphia, or anyone else.

A bold prediction:

Greenspan says unemployment will top 10 percent

Well Wizard, you helped get us there.

"This is an extraordinary period and temporary actions must be taken, especially to assuage the angst of a very substantial part of our population."

Can't some Wizards ever shut up?

And in more of one of the most tiresome topics known to man:

IOC: American TV rights worth less after Rio win

This presumes the depr -- recess -- ECONOMY isn't over by 2016. (Something it might be difficult to presume.) No, MICKEY D's and COKE and whoever else leads a charmed corporate life will come to the rescue, and RUPERT or SUMNER or their successors (something else it might be difficult to presume) or BRIAN ROBBER (that might be difficult to presume) will burn more money so that they can rule the world, even though it be an electronic illusion.

"I am surprised, mystified and stunned to hear these allegations against Halderman," former CBS anchor Dan Rather, who worked with the Emmy-winning Halderman on 48 Hours, tells PEOPLE. "They are almost impossible to believe. He was always a solid character, steady, reliable, and a good, swift writer."

We can't help it but ET TU, Kenneth?

I found the Obamas' pitch - the President doing his usual I-I-I-I-I Carmen Miranda routine and the missus citing her father's multiple sclerosis - oddly reminiscent of the Atlanta Olympics: If you watched the TV coverage in Canada, the Netherlands, Sudan (assuming for the sake of argument that Sudan has network television and that the live sports action pre-empted the local version of "Survivor"), you would have seen people of many lands swimming up pools and running round tracks. If you randomly switched on ABC's US coverage, you saw sappy soft-focus features accompanied by elevator muzak about this or that heartwarming Ohio shotputter who'd overcome childhood polio or whatnot. The Olympics as covered by ABC wasn't a contest of sporting excellence but merely another opportunity for the usual wallow in Oprahfied mawkishness. [Alphabetic overemphasis and links added]

We hate to make a big deal of little things, but really, Mark should stick to being Joan Rivers to PILLHEAD's Johnny Carson.

P. S. at 4:40 p. m. Somebody anonymously corrected PILLHEAD's Accent. Maybe he was thinking Australian Broadcasting Corporation?

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