Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, July 28, 2007
9:42 PM
by Gene
There's a simple answer, Lenny -- rig an election. You guys always manage.
5:42 PM
by Gene
2:09 PM
by Gene
1:09 PM
by Gene
Bonds just 1 HR away from Aron [Home-page SIC]
9:07 AM
by Gene
Who did this interview -- John "Suck-Up" Byrne?
8:57 AM
by Gene
Friday, July 27, 2007
9:17 PM
by Gene
7:23 PM
by Gene
How apt for a spinoff of a show that grew "LEGENDARY" tweaking the establishment (ever so slightly to be sure, given who runs this particular establishment). ![]() By the way, has someone been partaking a bit too freely of those Kwik-E-Mart doughnuts? And speaking of lardbucket: But in the end, it's really just an old-fashioned family show. "We're talking about a family who love each other but drive each other crazy … and what I always like to think is that here it is you look at this family on TV, the Simpsons, and you go 'no matter how bad my life is, I'm better off than they are.'" I'd say this zillionaire has mastered the fine art of bullhockey almost as much as R----T.
6:35 PM
by Gene
(Via the usual Romy, who's very busy this afternoon with media greatness)
5:59 PM
by Gene
Stephen Colbert Breaks Wrist on Set Now when do the onanists of punditry and blogging start beating the living daylights out of THIS? P. S. Thankfully it wasn't His nose, or else we'd have an excuse for all those anchorpoop FACELIFTS -- all the better to serenade HELICOPTER REPORTING by.
5:43 PM
by Gene
The marketplace beat them to it.
5:36 PM
by Gene
But just as the WALL STREET CASINO can make everyone a millionaire by avoiding reality, so it can create a depression likewise.
5:13 PM
by Gene
That we're likely to get sick jokes out of this -- well at least they got some TERRIFIC FOOTAGE! -- and climaxing in the terrific footage itself, can only add to our disgust. (Via the usual Romy) P. S. The helicopters collided while covering a police pursuit of a man in a construction truck. That must have been REALLY IMPORTANT NEWS to sacrifice FOUR LIVES. P. P. S. The suspect in that chase is currently barricaded inside a West Valley home near 83rd Avenue and Thomas Road. And not just deaths -- do you think we can add hindering police work to our résumé? P. P. P. S. At least it happened on a Friday afternoon, before the Howie Hairshirts and Jonny Hairshirts could start caterwauling of ETHICS. P. P. P. P. S. FAA spokesman Ian Gregor said the FAA is reviewing air traffic control tapes to see if pilots were talking to controllers at that time. "Typically air traffic controllers clear helicopters into an area where they can cover a chase like this," Gregor said. "Once they are in the area, the pilots themselves are responsible for keeping themselves separated from other aircraft." TRANSLATION: Only the pilots' skills stand between them and catastrophe. Also, there was thankfully no video of the collision itself, so at least we'll be spared sick jokes. I'm making a lot of this story because it's so typical of media's excesses and faults -- and no matter how excessive and faulty the goons who run our media can never admit to their culpability. For the record, we removed a reference to the accident that killed Sen. Heinz because it did not involve helicopter traffic reporting, as we said in our original posting.
2:32 PM
by Gene
Sorry, a fellow hot for an iPhone does not exactly cut a low profile.
2:19 PM
by Gene
2:17 PM
by Gene
And you can bet the hacks won't report on the story as they'll be in on the action.
1:22 PM
by Gene
1. Belly Kisser. 2. And how many years have you been out of office, world-saver? The typists will eagerly bestow him all the hosannas they had to issue to Reagan against their will.
11:25 AM
by Gene
In Second Life, it's relatively easy to build chairs, buildings and other objects for avatars to sit on or walk through. Tools like wrenches or manual controls are also easy to build and, with a little tweaking, users can control them with a Wiimote. "This may be one of the most significant things about Second Life," says Stone. "It is a world of abundance. People share. What would the real world be like if your house and car and all your furniture, et cetera, was available for free or for pennies?" 1. No more yard sales; and 2. Couches might look like the ones in chain bookstores. [Link via ArtsJournal]
9:38 AM
by Gene
Nimoy to Reprise Spock Role in Trek Film Not only has THE CONSPIRACY run out of ideas, it's run out of actors.
8:28 AM
by Gene
![]() Ron Varrial Editor Eric Mayberry Publisher Metro Philadelphia 30 S. 15th St. Philadelphia, PA 19102 Dear Messrs. Varrial and Mayberry: It is bad enough having you news hacks tell me how to think. Worse is when you tell me what to buy. It is not enough that this blazing insult to my intelligence carries a hed bigger than anything you've run in the last few years, nor that it takes up more space than many newsworthy stories. No, this is worse: an ad masquerading as a story. Such fraudulence is why you hacks are held in lower regard than used-car salesmen. You may think being distributed gratis clears you from having to act responsibly, but it doesn't. Nor can you excuse the buffoonery by the fact you run wire copy and three interns. And when the damned fools at the Tower of Babble on North Broad run their sectional-front ads they have the alibi of being paid. Advertising as "news" reeks like a free whorehouse. And those of us who step on your rag going to work don't even have the luxury of boycotting you. You've become like city hall, something we can't fight. At the very least realize many of those who read your used Bounty read nothing else, and they deserve better -- even if you don't. Yours, [Eugene David] (Our hero appears in a small corner of Metro New York, which is unobjectionable -- but then a big stock market drop may have concentrated its "editors'" minds wonderfully.) Thursday, July 26, 2007
5:58 PM
by Gene
HA!* HA!* HA!* HA!*
5:41 PM
by Gene
And why does Jo-NAH explode every time someone calls him a chickenhawk? Sorry, we can see that guy using his vast connections to avoid the draft too. (In fairness, however, we can see the TNR gang pulling a few strings also. A PLAGUE O'...never mind.)
5:39 PM
by Gene
1:20 PM
by Gene
Sen. Busy Comb is a ninny, and it's in his interest to play to the rabble, and it's exquisitely well-timed, too; nonetheless, only con-SER-va-tives and GEKKO KUDLOWS believe things like paying CEOs 10,000 times their average charge's salary aren't a problem. SIX OF ONE....
1:09 PM
by Gene
"The ideal combination would be if The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Post had a joint Web site, and you couldn't get any one individually. That, you could sell for a fair amount of money, and it would have one hell of a readership." Hell St., You already own 18 percent of WaPost; it wouldn't take that much to buy the rest, and PAPEROFRECORDCO, and You were always rumored to buy Dow Jones. So just buy all three of them and start a combined Web site! You'd make millions of readers happy. How wise would ST. be if He hadn't invested in 1965? (Via the inevitable Romy)
1:01 PM
by Gene
We don't know to whom or to what; even from a sickbed He's running the country into the ground as usual.
9:10 AM
by Gene
8:50 AM
by Gene
8:48 AM
by Gene
Movies have been bad since 1951?
8:40 AM
by Gene
8:33 AM
by Gene
8:31 AM
by Gene
8:26 AM
by Gene
![]() Those separated-at-birth twins Slashdot and Ain't It Cool News will go nuts: 'Blade Runner' gets final cut DVD set will include five versions of Scott pic So why revisit the movie after all this time? Maligned and misunderstood in its day, "Blade Runner" actually established much of the aesthetic that defines cinematic sci-fi, from the movie's wet-streets, neon-and-steam look to the grim, pessimistic tone gleaned from Philip K. Dick's dystopian novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" TRANSLATION: This is the wellspring of all in movies today that's BAD.
8:18 AM
by Gene
ExxonMobil Sends Man 2,000 Credit Cards P. S. at 6:30 p.m. A fitting story on the day XOM helped give the WALL STREET FAIRYLAND a shellacking. Wednesday, July 25, 2007
8:59 PM
by Gene
As W. S. Gilbert knew, when everybody’s somebody, nobody’s anybody. TRANSLATION: YouTube and blogging. Sooner or later, even the Leon Botsteins and Marieluise Hessels of the world will realize that the character in Bruce Nauman’s “Good Boy, Bad Boy” was right: “this is boring.” TRANSLATION: YouTube, blogging, e-mail, instant messaging, social networking, virtual worlds, videogames, obsessive downloading and file sharing, and everything else high-tech. That these mottoes apply brilliantly to art it goes without saying, but somehow the tech angle is unavoidable.
8:22 PM
by Gene
I wish I knew why this sort of thing isn't a repeat of the dotcom idiocy. How do stocks become the financial fountain of youth? What is behind these sensations but hyperbole -- and I don't care how profitable LORD STEVE'S HEAVEN is, it wouldn't be profitable except that no company has ever done a better job pasting America with PR, and having a pliant press act as an advertising agency.
5:38 PM
by Gene
5:06 PM
by Gene
Second Life partisans claim meteoric growth, with the number of "residents," or avatars created, surpassing 7 million in June. There's no question that more and more people are trying Second Life, but that figure turns out to be wildly misleading. For starters, many people make more than one avatar. According to Linden Lab, the company behind Second Life, the number of avatars created by distinct individuals was closer to 4 million. Of those, only about 1 million had logged on in the previous 30 days (the standard measure of Internet traffic), and barely a third of that total had bothered to drop by in the previous week. Most of those who did were from Europe or Asia, leaving a little more than 100,000 Americans per week to be targeted by US marketers. [Emphasis added] Moreover being "successful" in Second Life has its occupational hazards: Last winter, CNET's in-world correspondent was conducting a live interview with Anshe Chung, an avatar said to have earned more than $1 million on virtual real estate deals, when Chung was assaulted by flying penises in a griefer attack. Years from now virtual worlds may be important -- we fear so -- but we'd guess it will take that long to perfect the technology, and by then people may feel a certain irony in spending so much time avoiding real people to congregate with fake ones. As for JonBoy, we wish we could think up our own griefer attack, but that would be useless as he's already instigated one on the public with his FLYING BS.
4:55 PM
by Gene
Maybe she just needed someone to help her cross the street. But that same intersection is a favorite for people who sit on milk cartons and sleep on grates (at least someone slept on a grate there until a manhole cover replaced it). It's a block beyond one of the city's favorite meeting places for vagrants. I don't like being cold and hard. But I don't like people begging me for money, or even behaving in a manner that threatens it. And having someone grab your wrist, even in a busy disorienting intersection, may not engender merciful feelings. What was I to do?
2:21 PM
by Gene
Now if only he and The Great Alaskan Boar could go to prison together.
12:17 PM
by Gene
If you-scratch-my-back's a reason the DOW's in the stratosphere this balloon's heading to earth.
12:10 PM
by Gene
SLIME's SYNERGY does make us momentarily sympathetic to the JOURNALSISTS' cause. Yes, His papers may be "livelier", but at a cost -- the cost of being tacky promotional vehicles, the cost of table-pounding falsehoods, the cost of insulting His readers. That the JOURNALSISTS are right on this score, however, does not make them any less unappetizingly sanctimonious.
10:29 AM
by Gene
Messrs Murdoch and Redstone are living treasures of capitalism, infinitely more interesting characters involved in far more fascinating plots than any that appear on the TV networks they own. Enjoy them while they last. That doesn't say much for Their Empires, does it. (Via IWantMedia)
10:22 AM
by Gene
The "nappy-headed hos" have seen their day -- unless Drunken's coterie can renew their lease.
9:02 AM
by Gene
So please, send us food -- which we can give to the army and to keep our nuc -- to keep our nation strong!
8:47 AM
by Gene
One down and -- how many thousands to go? See you in court!
8:41 AM
by Gene
Tribune profit dives 58% on charges, print softness
6:56 AM
by Gene
6:49 AM
by Gene
At around noon on Tuesday, Geoffrey V. Raymond, a New York based portrait artist, showed up at One World Financial Center, the offices of Dow Jones, Inc. [SIC], with a four-foot-tall painting of Rupert Murdoch's face. Security officers clapped on their headsets, unsure of the building's regulations for unexpected art exhibitions. After some deliberation they sent him curbside, where he remained for the rest of the afternoon. "I have carved a niche out of painting controversial Wall Street figures," Mr. Raymond said, standing proudly next to his latest, “The Annotated Murdoch.” With the face centered on the canvas, passersby stopped to write their thoughts around the border with magic markers that Mr. Raymond provided. A red marker was reserved for Dow Jones employees. A self-described cross between Jackson Pollack and Chuck Close, Mr. Raymond has created images of former New York Stock Exchange chairman Richard Grasso and Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd Blankfein. He said he is currently working on a portrait of CNBC reporter Maria Bartiromo (nickname, “Money Honey”) as the Virgin Mary. He said he chose to paint Mr. Murdoch because of his internal anxiety about the potential Dow Jones take over. "The acquisition of The Wall Street Journal by somebody like Rupert Murdoch is certainly cause for concern,” he said. “I find it ratifying that people want to write on my painting.” By mid-afternoon around 30 commenters ratified Mr. Raymond’s reconstitution of Mr. Murdoch. “I don't care,” scrawled one strangely apathetic passerby. “Keep the WSJ out of this scumbag's hands” wrote a more opinionated signatory. “We want truth liberty and the American way," one Dow Jones employee wrote, while another complained, "Fox News is no news." On the center of the canvas in red ink were written the words, "news is sacred." Joshua Prager, a senior special writer at The Wall Street Journal, approached the canvas to write the legend: “Unfair and Imbalanced, stay away.” “I think people have a lot to say and a lot of thoughts to express,” Mr. Prager said. “This is just another outlet for them to do so.” Mr. Raymond said that lots of Dow Jones employees had looked at the painting, but only five had actually written on it by mid-afternoon. He said one employee had begun writing but stopped when he saw his editor walking by. "I think there's a degree of corporate paranoia," Mr. Raymond said. Mr. Raymond plans to stand outside of Dow Jones everyday this week, weather permitting, and will measure his success in graffiti. And then he’ll put the painting up for sale on Ebay, starting the bidding at $3,500. "It only takes two rich guys to make the action a success," Mr. Raymond said with a smile. LONG LIVE TRUTH AND JUSTICE IN REPORTING!!!!! LONG LIVE THE WALL STREET JOURNALS!!!!! These clowns might merit a graf in the DSM. Tuesday, July 24, 2007
7:42 PM
by Gene
Is any topic immune from mutually oblivious lobbying?
6:45 PM
by Gene
Hoo-boy, this is going to be some election.
6:30 PM
by Gene
(Via B&C)
6:22 PM
by Gene
5:18 PM
by Gene
You're not so pretty yourself, Dick.
5:14 PM
by Gene
5:12 PM
by Gene
The Atlanta Falcons on Tuesday said they did not anticipate star quarterback Michael Vick's indictment on charges related to dogfighting. What did you expect? That he'd get a community-service award? How long has this been out there? Meantime the NBA's commish does the only thing he can (or should): hang his head.
2:03 PM
by Gene
NO!!!!!!!!!! The Lord $teve Job$ ISN'T GOD! In addition, a telecommunications analyst issued a report before the opening bell that said demand for the device at retail outlets has seen a "significant decline" in recent days. The former god's going to HAVE to brush up on his heaven-and-earth creating!
1:57 PM
by Gene
Lawyer: Lindsay 'Relapsed,' Is Getting 'Medical Care' Lindsay Lohan Arrested for DUI – Again Lindsay's Tonight Show Appearance Canceled Is PEOPLE WARNER preparing for the next -- you-know-who?
1:40 PM
by Gene
Enough to make Jonny the Head Scratcher look like a deep thinker?
1:38 PM
by Gene like a day without sunshine. Pfffffffffffffffffffffft!
1:24 PM
by Gene
1:14 PM
by Gene
Oh, I'm sorry -- it says "2010"! Fooled me.
12:00 PM
by Gene
And how big is the market for stand-up comedy outside the boxing trade?
11:57 AM
by Gene
11:50 AM
by Gene
I guess that's what "excellent" means. By the way, I've a hunch the numbers who watched it were dwarfed by the numbers who commented on it. P. S. at 6:42 p.m. 2.6 million, so it appears we were right. Monday, July 23, 2007
8:16 PM
by Gene
Even in Hollywood, where blame gets passed around like a viral video, there's little disagreement about the generally punchless condition of most prime-time sitcoms over the last decade. "Most of them haven't been funny," said Grammer, who plays an egocentric news anchor on his way down the ladder of success. "It's just that simple."
6:51 PM
by Gene
![]() BILL... ![]() CULLEN!
5:15 PM
by Gene
5:14 PM
by Gene
Isn't that sort of like "you broke it, you pay for it"?
5:13 PM
by Gene
Heaven forfend!
5:00 PM
by Gene
4:58 PM
by Gene
Maybe -- and that should make you wince too, Romy.
1:18 PM
by Gene
12:18 PM
by Gene
It started with my generation: I wanted to be Jane Pratt. I didn't care what sweater she wanted me to buy. I wanted to live out loud. And today's young women are living louder than ever before. So loud, in fact, that many of them don't want to listen to anyone ... except themselves. Do we have a new Candace "EW! YUCK!! GROSS!!!" Bushnell in the making?
12:16 PM
by Gene
This, we're sure, is what the hacks would call courage.
9:52 AM
by Gene
Prepare to fire wet noodles!
9:05 AM
by Gene
Life is unfair. And we Americans prefer it that way. ...we know to stop reading. Why? Perhaps because KURT!!!!!!!!!! is such an expert at saying something when he has nothing to say. Perhaps because KURT!!!!!!!!!! tries to make such a big show of being engaged when he's so disengaged. Perhaps because KURT!!!!!!!!!!'s coasted along on his rep for decades and has never had it challenged. Perhaps because we just don't want to read KURT!!!!!!!!!!
9:01 AM
by Gene
8:42 AM
by Gene
Sunday, July 22, 2007
8:17 PM
by Gene
Yeah, and let's see how many people really want an "executive office suite" on the 125th floor.
7:24 PM
by Gene
7:00 PM
by Gene
1:23 PM
by Gene
![]() Th' one thayng ya gotta know abayout thees beezness, Cheeyip, eiys to look sayerious and saholemn on th' outsahd whahle yur laughin' heistayrically aiyt th' PEE-pul ohn th' insahd.
12:05 PM
by Gene
9:40 AM
by Gene
8:55 AM
by Gene
Smart question -- and Nelson engages in a schmoozefest with Little Jeffy and LEGENDARY WELCH that natch doesn't answer it. Of course that pile of assets is too big, it's only in business to be a pile of assets, and it has to remain a pile of assets because otherwise the shareholders might be disappointed. The result is a company that has spun its logos going nowhere.
8:46 AM
by Gene