Saturday, November 17, 2007
8:27 PM
by Gene
 Hey wait a second JonBoy, the TWXSTERS made JEFF BEZOS!!!!! (or rather, JEFFREY PRESTON BEZOS!!!!!) their Nincompoop of the Year eight years ago! You're number TWO -- and you're STEALING!Or rather, plugging.
2:53 PM
by Gene
Six-year-old Oscar Jimenez Jr. was beaten to death in California, then buried under fertilizer and cement. Two-year-old Devon Shackleford was drowned in an Arizona swimming pool. Jayden Cangro, also 2, died after being thrown across a room in Utah.
In each case, as in many others every year, the alleged or convicted perpetrator had been the boyfriend of the child's mother....NUF SAID.
2:47 PM
by Gene
Two oddly related stories: We seem to have forgotten who the Marquis de Lafayette was -- and, with the noblest of intentions, we seem to have forgotten which side Germany took in the last world war.
12:47 PM
by Gene
Though we were upset to learn the millionaires and billionaires will be talking again -- and they should remember, all they have to do is regale one another with their shared contempt for the public, and they'll settle quickly -- we were a little happier to see THE CONSPIRACY is back in slump mode, possibly thirty percent this weekend. The one number that struck us was for Mr. Magoolium's Magic Empoolium, or whatever SLIME calls it. We wonder who comes out for "family" movies. The biz has spent so many years chasing their constituency away we're a little aghast it still exists; but someone comes out for the grossout "family" comedies and the brand-name CGIs, although we wonder if that's just a manner of breeding and training a small section of the audience. That said, and we've pounded this out before, the public knows when THE CONSPIRACY is talking down to it, and because so many in the crowd can see through the ruse the "family" flick has largely lost whatever goodwill it had.
Friday, November 16, 2007
9:37 PM
by Gene
Joke of the Day:The stagehands' strike is reportedly costing Broadway producers so much money that they can no longer afford tickets to Young Frankenstein. Now if this were the Millionaires' Strike...oh, never mind.
8:47 PM
by Gene
Speaking of LALA, one of the salient features of modern American unreporting is its obsession with turning every molehill into a mountain, especially under the guise of breaking win -- wisdom that should remain unbroken. Tim Rut is extremely exercised not only because those huge cable wastes of air time dealing in "news" are partisan, God Forbid, but worse, because Lou "The Formerly CEO-Fanny-Kissing Populist" Dobbs may RUN FOR PRESIDENT!!!!! To take a bromide, however weakly steeped in the truth, and turn it into the acme of bloviation is achievement enough; but to suggest this fraud is serious is worse than outrageous because The Crusading Lou's audience is so small -- smaller than the vote counts many of these legitimate presidential candidates have earned in elections. But that will not prevent us from stinking up a room with our keyboard and getting a videoholic megalomaniac into the race under the guise of MAKING A POINT. SHUT UP, TIM RUT.
8:43 PM
by Gene
Before we saw this ad, we saw an ad for Macy's. The Macy's ad had a button marked, "Skip this ad." Unfortunately there was no way to skip the ad following. A NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD TO AGUSTIN!
6:28 PM
by Gene
If you don't like this news: Democrats unable to bring troops home (AP)
You're sure to LOVE this news:
Army desertion rate highest since 1980 (AP)
(Actual Yahoo! Mail news juxtaposition)
6:04 PM
by Gene
One of the men auditoning for a big comfy show-biz PR job in Forbeslist gives three pretty fair assertions why the Millionaires' Strike won't hurt TV:The strike won't cause consumers to abandon TV programming in favor of Web video.That would be like abandoning a big-screen HDTV for a fifteen-year-old Casio portable with a burned-out LCD. The strike won't slow the networks' Internet initiatives.Because they need the invaluable experience of not knowing what they're doing. The strike won't cause a mass advertiser exodus from prime time.Because it's OUR money to burn -- and who better to burn it?
5:54 PM
by Gene
Too much has already been gassed about the coming Zeitgeist battle between KOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and RASPUTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But no one has asked the basic question: how much will their GHOSTS write?
5:45 PM
by Gene
Blowtorch will ignite filmsSeeing this hed I thought, God we could use it.
5:36 PM
by Gene
Yahoo shares up on Blodget takeover musingsHENRY HONEST DOES IT AGAIN! He could have done better, though: Google shares up on Blodget takeover musingsAny ideas, HONEST?
5:25 PM
by Gene
The Atlantic Monthly is inflicting its readers with a fantasy by Mr. Mellerdrammer who says he luvs JFK Lincoln because of his face. One of the things that makes presidential campaign reporting intolerable is that everybody wants to be Anonymous, anointing the next president, wallowing in riches and renown, barely cognizant of the great sacrifice in verity and the huge heaping of scorn the success brings, even (or especially) when the gods grant the recipient a best-selling non-fiction novel. We need more scribbling stupidity on the campaign trail the way we need an epidemic of hives. We have not linked because we figure that whiny flip-flopping self-pitying vastly-overremunerated hack has enough of them.
5:18 PM
by Gene
What is this Econowiz story on the global economy -- a prediction or a contrary indicator? And why does it sound so much like the latter even when it has enough of the ring of truth? We'll find out the answers to our questions soon enough, we suppose. (Via
5:08 PM
by Gene
 Some things were just meant to go together: ham and eggs, pork and beans, Mutt and Jeff, day and night, Marty Brennaman and Joe Nuxhall. They formed the most memorable announcing duo in baseball, and we listened to many of their games though not formally a Reds fan. They had a symmetry that no hard planning and hard work can ever account for. Yes, two are often better than one, and these two twinned so exceptionally well Cincinnatians aren't the only ones who will feel the loss. (Link via USAOKAY!!!!!.com)
9:36 AM
by Gene
And yet another. While it is true the cereal biz' reliance on sugar makes its advertising a magnet for Congresspoops, and thus counterproductive, if enough companies decide they can do without financing junk show-biz yet see their sales unaffected (or even IMPROVE), this will be the beginning of the end for our media superiors. But one should never estimate their ability to gather new -- sugar daddies.
9:21 AM
by Gene
We know RON PAUUUUL!!!!! doesn't think much of America's currency -- but was it really wise for his clones to mint their own?"This is an example of Bernanke trying to protect his own nest because he knows it's got holes in it!!" Mr. von NotHaus [SIC!!!!!] said, referring to Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve. "He can't have something like the Liberty Dollar running around competing with his currency!! It points out the fallacy of the fiat monetary system!!! They had to do something!!!!! THEIR CURRENCY IS LOSING AND WE'RE GOING TO THE MOON!!!!!" [Overemphasis added] I'd say you're already there.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
5:31 PM
by Gene
Goshdarnit, USAOKAY!!!!! is "rationalizing" 45 workers, and we can be sure NOT ONE is among those who bang out that paper's "LEGENDARY" show-biz and advertising PR.Departments will exclude certain key positions based on strategic needs in 2008.Puff pieces, Super Bowl advertising special sections -- no, we didn't think they'd fire THOSE folks.
10:21 AM
by Gene
Better rush to get cable: Cablevision Offers On-Screen Caller IDMm-hmm. Cable doing caller ID. Why not leave this sort of thing to the phone companies?
10:07 AM
by Gene
Meanwhile, in the teeming world of megamasterpieces that is Hollywood, a conundrum over a new megamasterpiece:[T]he quiet hasn't stopped blogs from drawing hard-core Sondheim fans -- the kind who "really want an image of Betsy Joslyn from the 1982 DVD" -- wringing their hands with lines like, "I wonder what great songs they're going to cut from this movie."
A few posts down came a reaction that may encapsulate the DreamWorks challenge more succinctly: "Whoa, wait -- this is a musical?"Ah, decisions, decisions. [Link added]
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
7:44 PM
by Gene
"This is what we expected," Simpson told The Associated Press before he left the courtroom. "If I have any disappointment, it's that I wish a jury was here. As always, I rely on the jury system."LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANCE!!!!!!!!!!
3:21 PM
by Gene
Delta, United in talksMisery loves companies again.
3:09 PM
by Gene
Fire Closes NCAA Offices for the Day
A fire near the NCAA’s Indianapolis headquarters led the association to send its 400 employees home for the day.
The blaze, which was quickly extinguished, happened in the Hall of Champions museum adjacent to the NCAA’s headquarters, The Indianapolis Star reported. The two buildings share a ventilation system, possibly causing some smoke to get into the main building.
It’s unclear what caused the fire, which apparently occurred near a video display that plays clips of memorable NCAA tournament finishes. —Brad Wolverton NO COMMENT.
12:53 PM
by Gene
"Keep your filthy hands off Atlantic City. Keep the hell out of our state!"Alas, there is no known way to keep Hell out of New Jersey.
10:43 AM
by Gene
Gov. Eliot "NESS" Spitzer must be one of America's tone-deafest leaders, and that's saying something. First he tried to get driver's licenses for illegal immigrants. Now he wants to tax Internet sales. Did all that great press go to Eliot's head?
10:35 AM
by Gene
10:29 AM
by Gene
We are actually capable of sniffing out the superpundits on The Corner just from the home page: when Ms. Travers appears we can smell her exceptionally well-developed annoying partisan ways, which almost always express themselves with a twitching smug not-well-disguised anger, and we always know it's Jo-NAH from his irritating cutesy-pie keyboard banging, i.e., " Pure Punditry Goodness." These bozos lucked out in the game of life, and can scribble whatever they please, the denser the better, and I could be God's right-hand stenographer and no one would pay attention. Oh well, as I said the other day, I'd rather be right than popular -- although I don't mean that in the news hack's or Hollywoodian's sense. And I certainly don't mean to say I'm always right.
9:36 AM
by Gene
Research coming out today finds (surprise) that faculty members lean to the left — and charges that “groupthink” limits hiring and other decisions.You said it.
9:24 AM
by Gene
We know all BIGMEDIA is as ecstatic over the Drunken Slob's return as it is mournful over the Millionaires' Strike, but one consideration seems to have eluded most of the partygoers: what kind of RATINGS will SLOB rake in? We'd bet between the bad PR and the renewed total obsequiousness of his contemptible idiot friends like SCREAMER Carville and Ken Felatta it won't do as well as BIGMEDIA's hoping. That Citadel's putting him on a 21-SECOND delay does not inspire confidence either (although we've no doubt this booming radio firm will find a way around it, especially when The American Society of Willfully Ignorant Advertisers chimes in). Of course there is no denying the stupidity of RADIO's audience, given that it actually LIKES commercials, but we remain skeptical. (Via MediaBistro)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
7:16 PM
by Gene
The ASSPress goes into Phillips Milk of Magnesia Mode:CORRECTIVE: Paris Hilton Story
GAUHATI, India (AP) -- In a Nov. 13 story, The Associated Press incorrectly reported that Paris Hilton was praised by conservationists for highlighting the problem of binge-drinking elephants in northeastern India. Lori Berk, a publicist for Hilton, said she never made any comments about helping drunken elephants in India.
The AP"SEDATIVE" is more like it.
2:16 PM
by Gene
And of course one new big revenue stream is SOCIAL NETWORKING -- so SLIME saith. However if the TWXSTERS are to be believed (questionable) His crown jewel MySpace may be systemically damaged due to its ease in accommodating itself to hackers and spammers. Not to worry, there are always other revenue streams for SLIME -- like THE WALL STREET JOURNALS.
8:55 AM
by Gene
Beijing profiles Olympic press corpsGE BANCORP NETWORK NEWS needn't worry; we've no doubt it's already learned how to be a good boy.
8:52 AM
by Gene
Washington envisions a Pakistan beyond MusharrafSo can we -- and it's enough to make blindness look good.
8:23 AM
by Gene
Speaking of Lenny, his music critic did an unspeakable thing: he criticized Marion Barry!!!!!He did it through St. Warren's e-mail, which was at least unprofessional. But we wonder if Mr. Page got in trouble not because he used St. Warren's e-mail but because he criticized a useless crack addict. We think we know the answer. By the way, what are the chances the addict can finagle one last favor from the Charmin that endorsed him three times? (Via the usual Romy, who would never criticize useless crack addicts)
Monday, November 12, 2007
5:48 PM
by Gene
Just when you think campaign news can't get any stupider: Obama Gobbles Down Mouse _ Made of Candy [ SIC]
4:57 PM
by Gene
STORIES WE DID NOT READ BEYOND THE FIRST SENTENCE:Darkon is a LARP (live-action role-playing game) where normal people dress up in homemade armor and pretend to be inhabitants of a fantasy realm.
12:34 PM
by Gene
What do posturing over inequality and CEO-type wages increasingly have in common?
HYER EHDYUKAYSHUN!Several presidents earned substantially more because of retirement bonuses or deferred compensation, including Benjamin Ladner, who received $4.3 million in pay and benefits in fiscal 2006 from American University. Ladner stepped down following revelations of excessive personal spending of university money, and most of his compensation came from severance and deferred payouts.Yep. sounds like a CEO. The highest-paid public university president listed in the survey was David P. Roselle of the University of Delaware, who received $874,687 in 2005-2006.And all that moolah didn't prevent his SKOOL from donning a dunce cap for an ultra-PC speech code.
9:24 AM
by Gene
@#$%&*!!!!!!!!!! OR: Slashdot's debating G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE's Veterans Day logo, which reminds us why some things were better before the Internet.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
8:43 PM
by Gene
Speaking of England -- and writers:Fundamentally, though, this strike holds no terrors for the British nation, which has survived for more than 30 years on just 12 episodes of Fawlty Towers . We’ll get through this one way or another. In any case, many of us haven’t even finished watching the DVDs of Sex and the City , let alone 24 or Desperate Housewives . Far from being a cause for alarm, the strike may give us an opportunity to catch up.
The strike may not last anyway, not now that California’s governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, claims to be on the case. (Mr Schwarzenegger is reported to have some Hollywood experience.) If it does last, look for the real crunch not this winter but in the summer film movie season of 2040, when there will be a dearth of old TV shows to recycle.A double PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!!!!
8:27 PM
by Gene
Remember Paint-by-Numbers? Well as the ASSPress demonstrated today it has a verbal equivalent: Write-by-Numbers. And the TWXSTERS being just as good at hooey as any ASSPressian we get a most brilliant equivalent by a Jumana (any relation to Humana?) insisting one of Shakespeare's contemporaries wrote -- well, you know -- that @#$%&* OVERRATED HBO HIT. Obviously "Can Anybody Here Save This Rag?" Stengel and his sidekick in condescension ER believe insulting their readers' intelligence will keep PEOPLE WARNER's putative putative-flagship magazine from getting so skinny you can fold it up in sixteen pieces and stick it in a shirt pocket; still there is a story here, but Jumana following the LUCEAN precept of trying to screw your reader for glory totally obscures it: that Shakespeare did indeed have contemporaries, and in some regards they were his betters (Ben Jonson comes to mind). This infernal TWXSTER does NOT help the cause by making Thomas Middleton sound like another striking Fantasy and Profanity League member. Nor, despite the many charms that Jeff " Alas It Does Not Quite Rhyme With" Bewkes might be led to see in them, do we expect his plays to air on THE WORLD'S GREATEST NETWORK anytime soon. But with any justice he'll launch his bruited spinoff of PEOPLE INC. soon, and force it to offend us on its own, without synergistic help from HBO, CNN, or PEOPLE WARNER CABLE. P. S.Prior to joining HBO, Bewkes was an account officer for Citibank in New York.PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!!!!
5:54 PM
by Gene
And as a would-be CHEAP CHANNEL brings back the Drunken Slob, an omen: ABC Stations Deliver Huge Q3 Revenue Loss For Citadel (from Who says there's no God? P. S. @#$%&* has NO LINKS!
5:47 PM
by Gene
"Why tell him I'm Republican/Until he got the dishes done?"Bob, stick to your day job -- if you have one.
1:32 PM
by Gene
And in a further example of the raging asininity afflicting big media new and old the topic of the moment at the Corner Playpen is where Bob Herbert came from, which says the big-name bloggers have too much time on their hands.
1:10 PM
by Gene
Such keyboard testing as this is appalling. It reminds us that CURLEY (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) controls America's news flow; we don't want to guess how much Web news is from the ASSPress or inspired by it. It further reminds us you needn't be very bright (and definitely not cultured) to type news copy; indeed scribble like "points to 1969's Easy Rider as the turning point" says you needn't be a writer either. Of course the news biz isn't about writing; faced with such drool however we'd be hard pressed to say just what it is about. This typist seems to believe Celine Dion is a great singer and that the history of popular song began 38 years ago. Obviously she knows little about movies or music or movie music, but CURLEY (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) needs his quota, and so does USAOKAY!!!!!.com, and so without any noticeable adult supervision the typist produced 1,455 words of ignorance, proving further her bosses are the creme de la creme thereof.