Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, February 19, 2005
10:13 PM
by Gene
You know a NEWS HACK'S not being fully honest when he/she/it types, "And ESPN won't publicly disclose the winner's starting salary." These are the same TRUTH SEEKERS who kept the ultimate outcome of that ULTRADWEEB on JEOPARDY!!!!! a secret for so many months while simultaneously disclosing 5,000 classified documents about Iraq. MORONS.
10:12 PM
by Gene
6:42 PM
by Gene
Well! He can use the proceeds from his LITERARY MASTERPIECE to pay them!
6:16 PM
by Gene
SAMMY GLICKMAN!!!!! When are you going to something about JACK'S ALPHABET SOUP?????
10:55 AM
by Gene
Yep, I think I see another TULIP BULB MANIA ahead.
10:47 AM
by Gene
Somehow I'm...not surprised -- you have to figure a few of HOWARD's sponsors are on the sleazy side -- and it rather does undercut his and STERNO's lie that the MARTYR of RADIO was forging into the satellite biz for FREE EXPRESSION. No, he was doing it strictly for PAY. Of course the MARTYR's next shtick will be to say the SEC's doing the FCC's bidding. From the looks of it I'd say your thousands of toadies are doing ZONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN's bidding. P. S. Nothing on STERNO's site, nor will there be.
10:39 AM
by Gene
Besides, we're pretty PC now. Friday, February 18, 2005
5:42 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: How the other half lives. Dubya may attend -- or he may not. Not that he has to. ANSE's proud membership can do a very good supposition.
5:28 PM
by Gene
5:23 PM
by Gene
While the stories of BLATHERGATE and EASON...well, let's just say it took a while before we latched onto those.
5:18 PM
by Gene
5:13 PM
by Gene
Campbell Soup Co., the world's largest soupmaker, reported steady earnings on higher sales for its second fiscal quarter which includes some cold months when soup sales generally rise. Its shares fell more than 3 percent.... A higher cost of producing the products and increased spending on marketing kept profits from rising.
5:05 PM
by Gene
THAT'S PUTTING IT MILDLY. So what's G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLEBLOGGER's solution? Log out and shut down your browser! What happens if you get errors and freeze-ups every time you log on? WHAT'S YOUR LATEST STOCK PRICE?
9:51 AM
by Gene
You gotta hand it to Grammy winner Kanye West: He thinks outside the box. "These magazines make money from ads and subscriptions," the 27-year-old hip-hop star mused during a recent media brunch in Beverly Hills attended by Daily News contributor Jawn Murray. "But I know that part of what drives subscriptions and ads is who these magazines put on the cover." West continued: "So if you're putting me on the cover and people are buying your magazine because of me, why shouldn't I get paid to be on that cover? You are going to have to pay me to do magazine covers now!" Of course the GENIUS gets it wrong. People who print the rags that would pay to put this IMMORTAL on the cover ought to pay US too -- to READ them.
8:19 AM
by Gene
We weren't -- and we haven't thought since. Thursday, February 17, 2005
8:37 PM
by Gene
No, NO, it's too easy.
8:24 PM
by Gene
7:32 PM
by Gene
The PARENTS' FAULT claptrap is one reason so many people hate the entertainment biz. It's behind the decreasing ratings and movie box-office. It's behind the increasing contempt for the sister NEWS biz. IT'S BEHIND CONGRESS'S RUSH TO STIFFEN BROADCAST FINES. It's elitist in the worst sense -- zillionaires and their toadies tell ordinary people that if they're raped they should relax and enjoy it. Perhaps, Charlatan of the Sheepskin, people are getting tired of being RAPED. P. S. Belo owns 19 television stations reaching 13.8 percent of U.S. television households, including WFAA-TV in Dallas/Fort Worth, KHOU-TV in Houston, KING-TV in Seattle/Tacoma and KTVK-TV in Phoenix. MORONS.
6:33 PM
by Gene
That's an insult. For now.
5:52 PM
by Gene
5:40 PM
by Gene
Conservative-orgasm alert: Levi's also was the last major jeans maker to manufacture clothes in the United States, putting it a price disadvantage as its rivals shifted operations to low-cost contractors in Latin America and Asia. The competitive pressure prompted Levi's to close all of its U.S factories. Effectiveness-of-annoying-people-on-television alert: The fourth-quarter loss, driven by a sharp increase in advertising expense....
1:39 PM
by Gene
12:12 PM
by Gene
They report. And if they're senators, they may welsh on the bill.
10:42 AM
by Gene
10:40 AM
by Gene
Anything to reduce the deficit. How patriotic of you, RONALD!
10:36 AM
by Gene
How many cents to the dollar on your BAD fast food go to this stunt, Oak Brookers? Wednesday, February 16, 2005
6:01 PM
by Gene
Claim: Editors' sin is that they aren't as funny as Mel Brooks Who says he's funny? Now we know why the hacks run COMIC STRIPS.
5:32 PM
by Gene
An executive quitting under pressure won't cut it.
5:28 PM
by Gene
This seems hard to believe as one would think the FRENCHIES' long record of APPEASEMENT would INOCULATE them.
5:18 PM
by Gene
10:05 AM
by Gene
8:26 AM
by Gene
Translation: Appeasement feels good. P. S. Since when is USAOKAY!!!!! called The Christian Science Monitor? IS GanNETt planning another gas-spouting global-warming acquisition? Tuesday, February 15, 2005
5:39 PM
by Gene
Cancel the Oscars because the movies stink. That's not just my opinion, it's what we all think and the numbers prove it. Twelve days from now, Hollywood will convene for its annual orgy of self-congratulation, but it's getting harder and harder to justify the celebration. While the Academy may find a prize-worthy picture or two, the movies overall are increasingly reliant on big openings and mass marketing to force feed the audience. That audience is walking away unhappy, which is evident from poor word-of-mouth. Somebody says WHAT???????????????????????? This guy will NEVER write for USA OKAY!!!!!, and he'll never be a HOUND DOG like ELVIS, but it's refreshing to hear someone say MOVIES STINK when NO ONE ELSE DOES.
5:27 PM
by Gene
5:14 PM
by Gene
1:30 PM
by Gene
Good going, YOUR HOLINESSES. Now people will think there's a PLOT to raise their rates. WE DEMAND A CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION!
1:26 PM
by Gene
He STILL ain't nothin' but a HOUND DOG.
1:26 PM
by Gene
All that boarding and high-sticking and cross-checking and FIGHTING appears to have relieved the GOONS of their GRAY MATTER.
12:12 PM
by Gene
9:58 AM
by Gene
Why was he so well regarded in the first place?
9:45 AM
by Gene
I stick by my obituary.
6:45 AM
by Gene
6:28 AM
by Gene
It's being released in Washington at a news conference with Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. Maybe he's mad because the DOs don't devote enough time to HIM. Monday, February 14, 2005
5:38 PM
by Gene
5:32 PM
by Gene
Yes, we really do need the GOONS.
5:25 PM
by Gene
Back to the conspiracy-theory drawing board.
5:14 PM
by Gene
5:07 PM
by Gene
5:01 PM
by Gene
The wake will come when the high-school MONTY PYTHON show opens to Ben "The Greatest Musical of All Time" Brantley's rave.
11:10 AM
by Gene
[I]t does not speak well of CNN that it apparently allowed itself to be stampeded by this Internet and talk-show crew. Of course the network must be responsive to its audience and ratings. But it has other obligations, too, chief among them to show the good judgment and sense of proportion that distinguishes professional journalism from the enthusiasms and vendettas of amateurs. You mean something's a vendetta even when it takes OUR side? I guess tribal loyalties tell out in the end.
8:28 AM
by Gene
Hey STERNO! Where were you when you proclaimed blogging THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD?
8:09 AM
by Gene
Meaning: 1. Let's shrug our shoulders and accept psychopathy as a way of life; or 2. Let's turn the other way, which means in time we're in a permanent state of turning the other way.
6:42 AM
by Gene
Pinch, You really MUST stop boasting.
6:39 AM
by Gene
Bush knows that "personal accounts will not solve the problem," Grassley said, adding that "there are 100 moving parts" to Social Security reform. Two questions: 1. If Dubya knows this, why is he proposing them?, and 2. How many moving parts can you guys seize up, Chuck?
6:28 AM
by Gene
P. S. At least the TWXSTERS put "genius" in quotes; too often NEWS HACKS DON'T.
6:24 AM
by Gene
Sunday, February 13, 2005
3:29 PM
by Gene
The blast of R&B/hip-hop talent now dominating pop could make Berry Gordy see stars. In fact, he loves it. Leaving aside this is ROBERT "OVER THE" HILBURN, it figures a NEWS HACK would quote gushingly of Berry. Berry, it is safe to say, was not a nice guy at Motown. But LEGENDARY WELCH wasn't nice either, and he was a NEWS HACK hero. It is not a long hip-hop-and-skip between calling a not-so-nice guy nice and launching into the LEGENDARY gag. I'm really not interested in what this exploiter of talent thinks about [C]RAP, especially when it confirms in us a desire to write ad blurbs until we're 130 -- or (God forbid) FOREVER. Again, THANK YOU, TRIB, FOR MAKING THIS AVAILABLE ONLY TO SUBSCRIBERS.
3:19 PM
by Gene
1:02 PM
by Gene
Sorry -- SUMNER beat you to it. If I were St. Warren I'd be worried; this might cause a POPULATION EXPLOSION...of GEEZERS! On the other hand, He wouldn't have to worry about taking it with Him.
12:47 PM
by Gene
![]() WELL! Here's another guy who knows the meaning of CHEVY CHASE: Olympic ski champion Bill Johnson was charged with assaulting an officer and resisting arrest after punching a sheriff's deputy in the face during a traffic stop, police said. Johnson was stopped in his pickup truck Friday by a Multnomah County sheriff's deputy and a suburban Troutdale police officer. When the officers approached, Johnson pulled out his 1984 gold medal and taunted them by saying, "You don't have one of these," police said. You're lucky you aren't an actor -- it might be difficult to do that with an OSCAR®.
9:55 AM
by Gene
SHUCKS, 8.46 MILLION voted. Oh well, back to banging our heads against the wall. That's what makes us so SMART. (That's what makes US SMART.)
9:42 AM
by Gene
9:36 AM
by Gene
CLINT's another GENIUS who needs to feel the raw power of the Web. Then again, maybe He already does. "Eastwood euthanasia" search in Google -- 10,400 links. Sorry, CLINT, I think we know how Your Masterpiece ends. AND SO DOES YOUR EVER-DWINDLING AUDIENCE.
9:19 AM
by Gene
OR: [S]hows need not be great or even good to be loved; greatness may be an impediment. (One doesn't like to consider what kinds of fans would want to see "Assassins" 100 times.) One doesn't like to consider it, but one considers -- they probably count people at THE PAPER OF RE-CORD.
9:09 AM
by Gene
The Flip Side of 50 Cent You know the rap superstar's story by now. Ex drug dealer, nine gunshot wounds, kind of a scary guy. We thought there had to be more to it than that—and what do you know? We know PAT, we KNOW, MR. MARK, he's a GENIUS -- and he has A RECORD TO SELL, so that makes him a DOUBLE GENIUS. Remember, THREE MILLION IDIOTS SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR MAGAZINE, MR. MARK -- BUT NONE AS IDIOTIC AS THE IDIOTS WHO WRITE AND EDIT IT.
9:01 AM
by Gene
We are simply beating ourselves black and blue. So let's take a breather. Throw out the schedules, turn off the cell phone, cancel the tutors (fire the OT!). Let's spend some real quality time with our families, just talking, hanging out, not doing anything for once. And let ourselves be. We remember too well how Mr. Mark made the PC-suck-up-to-St.-Warren case that dads should be mommies, so we'll presume ANYTHING and EVERYTHING are in between the FIRST PARAGRAPH and the LAST. We've come to quite a place when we instinctively mistrust ANY news hack just because he IS one, but as the tragic tale of EASON tells us, there are strange and tyrannical thoughts floating through NEWS HACKS' HEADS.