Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, October 27, 2007
7:04 PM
by Gene
6:22 PM
by Gene
P. S. THE IT'S A SONY!!!!! OFFICIAL WEB SITE has TWO DIFFERENT JACK'S ALPHABET SOUP RATINGS. Isn't this proof that fig leaf is now completely eaten away?
3:30 PM
by Gene
1:27 PM
by Gene
And now … let us enter [the] palace, and survey its spacious courts, its gorgeous banqueting halls, its sumptuous drawing rooms, its glittering and dazzling saloons, with all their magnificent and sumptuous array of gold and silver, crimson and orange, blue and violet, screens of Ionic columns, marble mantels, with Italian black and gold fronts, gilt eagle cornices, rich cut glass and gilt chandeliers, suspended by beautiful Grecian chains, gilt eaglehead candelabras.… I cannot forbear … to read you a description of the great banqueting hall, commonly called the “East Room” … [Reads from the United States Telegraph, which he terms “the Court Journal of the day”]. … who can deny that this room, intended for the comfort of our democratic Chief Magistrate, is adorned with regal splendor far above any of the grand saloons at Buckingham Palace, Carlton House, or Windsor Castle? … Brilliant and princely, however, as the East Room had been fitted up by the late President, it was destined to have its … powers of attraction increased, by the exquisite taste of its present occupant. … The former [wall] paper was a “fine lemon color” … but Mr. Van Buren had doubtless been apprized, either by one of his sons, who at the time was on most familiar intercourse with, if not a resident at, the Court of St. James, or, perhaps, by a more formal communication through the Lord High Chamberlain of Her Majesty’s Household, that wall-paper of the “lemon color” had, during the progress of the last year, become unfashionable. … Hence, Mr. Van Buren … issued his royal mandate on the first day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, that the “paper of the lemon color, with a rich cloth border,” should be forthwith taken off the broad walls of the Eastern room, and that “a rich, chaste, and beautiful paper” should be substituted. … Sir, EVERY PLAIN REPUBLICAN will now find a set of chairs in that splendid and royal saloon, which took the round sum of SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS of the PEOPLE’S CASH to pay for. … Martin Van Buren -- plain, republican hardhanded-democratic-locofoco Martin Van Buren—has it now garnished with gold framed mirrors “as big as a barn-door,” to behold his plain republican self in. Having paid our respects to the “East Room,” let us … take a view of what is, at the present day, called the “BLUE ELLIPTICAL SALOON.” … This apartment … in its beautiful shape, rich French furniture, showy drapery, costly gilded ornaments, and general arrangements … has frequently been pronounced, in the judgment of the best connoisseurs, the choicest room of the palace. … furnished very much after the style of the most brilliant drawingrooms at the Tuilleries. … Mr. Van Buren … expended, in “improving” the furniture of that room, during the first ten months of his presidency, the sum of $1,805.55 of the PEOPLE’S CASH.… Suppose, sir, after you shall have returned to the charming prairies of Illinois, some plain, honest, republican “Sucker” should inquire what use a real genuine hard-handed locofoco democrat like Mr. Van Buren can have for silk covered pillows, footstools and TABOURETS in the “Blue Elliptical Saloon?” How would you reply to that honest Sucker’s interrogatory? Wouldn’t you acknowledge yourself fairly stumped? But suppose he would ask what sort of animals these TABOURETS, or TABBY-CATS, are? … I should like to hear the honest opinions not only of the plain, republican “Suckers,” but also of the “Hoosiers,” of the “Wolverines,” and of the “Buckeyes,” about these tabbycats.... The author of the surrounding piece, Gerald Carson, notes: The day after the speech was delivered, Levi Lincoln, a Whig colleague of Ogle, apologized to the House of Representatives for the low blow and cited official documents to show that less money had been spent for the upkeep of the Executive Mansion during Van Buren’s term than during that of any previous occupant. Ogle’s real purpose was in fact evident in his suggestion, made with mock anxiety, that the appropriation under discussion might be used to buy Van Buren a throne and crown. Although the Washington Globe could refer at the time to “the … unscrupulous falsehoods of that dirtiest of all Federal tools, Ogle,” the lesson was not lost upon succeeding administrations. The question did not come up in the Presidency of Van Buren’s successor, William Henry Harrison, since the latter died within a month after taking office, but in Tyler’s time caution still prevailed: the newspapers called the White House “the public shabby house.” Which proves two things: 1. There was never a VALHALLA of polite public discourse in the Congress, SKNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNX, and 2. The PILLHEAD of 1840 didn't need 10,000 radio stations.
12:54 PM
by Gene
Here's a prime example of why people made a fuss over JPOD: Most writing on show-biz is hagiography, and the "study" of "pop-culture" is a way of justifying it. No, I do NOT want more beating-writing on the dead horse of rock, or the post-1967 masterpieces of film, or the like, and especially not in intellectual jernals, if the only point is for the beater-writers to flatter themselves; it's merely AIN'T IT COOL NEWS with "CLASS".
10:53 AM
by Gene
Time for America to cross her fingers again.
10:51 AM
by Gene
8:39 AM
by Gene
![]() It does not escape our notice that among the investment tools that prompted the apparently and thoroughly quashed credit crisis were "structured investment vehicles" -- or SIVs. These "instruments" allowed big banks and brokerages to load up on inferior debt and make tons of money trading it all over the place (as best as we can understand it -- and we doubt many behind these tools can understand them either). That such clever tools have such an apt name suggests that, regardless of the success of the permanently upward stocks (now joined once again by the BUGMEISTERS, who seem completely oblivious to STEVEDOM's market share), they could sneak up on us and bite us in the behind. But then we never heard of subprime mortgages before the Babbitts made them trendy either.
8:32 AM
by Gene
Friday, October 26, 2007
5:08 PM
by Gene
We understand, on a surface level, why firing or reassigning movie ad-blurbists might be a bad thing. After all, the argument goes, the news product needs a diversity of opinions, and the ad-blurbists help provide diversity. The problem is few hacks think more alike than ad-blurbists, and when they do or can think it's through that patented oily smarmy know-it-all high-IQ cheerleading that at its worst is the verbal equivalent of fingernails on a blackboard. So firing or reassigning one "cri-TIC" will not prevent the hundreds, nay, the THOUSANDS of others from thinking alike, not the untold tens of thousands MORE of WEB typists practicing THEIR movie "cri-ti-CI-sm" by locking their step with the most prominent of the effete snobs. We say it again; this biz needs not more ad-blurbists, but fewer -- and that won't stop the mind-numbing conformity, or the continued destruction of the film trade by platitude.
5:01 PM
by Gene
FOX AND CHEVROLET HAVE TEAMED up during the World Series on a newfangled way to air the often indistinguishable billboards where announcers read a "brought to you by" message as a company logo is overlaid on screen. Instead of the logo's usual placement, Chevy hopes to differentiate itself by placing a logo for its Malibu sedan on a sign held up by a fan in the stands--be it a Red Sox backer at Fenway Park or a Rockies supporter in Denver. The camera then appears to zero in live on the excited fan as the announcer reads the standard sponsor message--with a catch. While the read by announcer Joe Buck is live, the billboard shot was constructed beforehand, and is "plausibly live." Several days before game one, Chevy--which conceived the concept with agency Publicis' GM Planworks--gathered a group of 50 fans in Fenway and simulated a game-like situation. It then shot the Sox fan holding up a sign that might normally read "Will you marry me Manny?" or "With Beckett, Boston is K-Ville," then digitally inserted the Malibu plug later. The film was then delivered to Fox, which slotted it in during the broadcast. The tactic will be used by Chevy in as many Series games as are played with different versions for each, such as a pair of Rockies fans in game three. Game one marked the first time Fox had tried such legerdemain. Fox and other networks have tried various creative ways to break the monotony that accompanies a series of on-screen billboards; for example, Fox has shown a giant Budweiser sign at Fenway with Buck commenting on it. Chevrolet is a sponsor of the Series broadcasts on Fox--running multiple spots in game one, including two in one pod. JUST SO LONG AS I DON'T HAVE TO WATCH THE @#$%&* ADS!!!!!, said every senior GM marketing and advertising exec, residing comfortably in a luxury box. (Via MediaBuyerPlanner)
1:29 PM
by Gene
We don't like JPOD. We don't like YOU EITHER. TWO WRONGS.... (Via TWO "BLOGS", one of whose typists burps, "Intelligent writing is intelligent writing." So why can't these fools write intelligently for once?)
11:37 AM
by Gene
11:24 AM
by Gene
[E]mphasizing math and science education over humanities and social sciences may not be the best prescription for the U.S. But wasn't Dubya's math-and-science obsession in part an answer to all the advanced-degree burger-flippers in those "disciplines"? Perhaps we should focus on creating demand for the many scientists and engineers we graduate. In other words, let's start up some GUVMENT employment programs for Dilberts. Noooooooo thank you. (Via the Dilbertland that is Slashdot)
9:11 AM
by Gene
We see also that GUVMENT played a big role in closing a fine old Polish Catholic church in Detroit, meaning even when GUVMENT's role is positive, it can be negative. (First link via Daily Intelligencer)
8:54 AM
by Gene
8:50 AM
by Gene
8:43 AM
by Gene
8:34 AM
by Gene
8:31 AM
by Gene
8:25 AM
by Gene
(Via MediaBistro) Thursday, October 25, 2007
5:34 PM
by Gene
Comcast Corp., the largest U.S. cable-television company, fell the most in five years in Nasdaq trading after adding fewer phone and Internet subscribers than analysts estimated amid a slump in home sales.... Comcast shares fell $2.57, or 11 percent, to a 15-month low of $21.28 at 4 p.m. in Nasdaq Stock Market trading. The decline was the biggest since August 2002. The shares have dropped 25 percent this year. Charter Communications Inc. shares fell 58 cents, or 23 percent, to $1.97. Time Warner Cable shares dropped $2.71, or 8.5 percent to $29.30 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading and Cablevision Systems shares lost $1.42, or 4.6 percent, to $29.40. And don't tell NEWBIGMEDIA's new friends either! (Via IWantMedia)
5:21 PM
by Gene
Real wages have increased 2.2 percent during the 12 months ending in August 2007. This is much higher than the average growth rate during the '90s, and translates into an extra $1,266 for a two wage-earner family. Exports have increased over 14.8 percent during the 12 months ending in July 2007, and the trade deficit has been reduced by $8.3 billion. Real GDP grew at a strong 3.8 percent annual rate in the second quarter of 2007. The U.S. economy is in its sixth year of sustained economic growth, averaging 2.7 percent a year since the turnaround in 2001 blahblahblah.... What I have come to detest about con-SER-va-tives is they believe economic growth can excuse the moral and social failings that make it seem we're moving backwards. A nation can be very prosperous and unhappy, and ours has economic growth and a hole in the middle -- no small thanks to the cipher who brought on all this economic growth. Two professors, John ["BANG! BANG!"] Lott, economist and resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and Kevin A. Hassett, the Institute's director of economic policy studies, looked at newspaper articles on the economy. They wrote, "We found that newspaper headlines reporting economic news on unemployment, gross domestic product (GDP), retail sales and durable goods tended to be much more frequently negative when a Republican was in the White House...." TRANSLATION: It's BIGMEDIA'S FAULT -- precisely what con-SER-va-tives say is behind our HOUSING BUST. CRETIN.
5:11 PM
by Gene
all [SIC] day at the Corner with no mention of the Battle of Agincourt? All day at the Corner with no mention of Star Trek, Star Wars, THE GREATEST TV COMEDY OF ALL TIME, con-SER-va-tive movies, grossout comedies, etc., etc., etc.,?!?!?
5:05 PM
by Gene
We know the answer: Have the League of Nations engage in a coup of the worst offenders to stop them from gassing -- except of course China, Russia, India, and other nations that are PC or need to grow otherwise. Little Jeffy and The Web's Inventor can pout until their faces turn green but such melodrama is why no one can take the weather alarmists seriously. P. S. Remember -- this IS SLIME.
5:00 PM
by Gene
When will these idiots at the Wall Street Casino stop lulling themselves to happiness with their new wives' tales?
4:56 PM
by Gene
4:54 PM
by Gene
And when an ultra-CW show-biz steno like Kim says it, and gives His first film a 40, they're understating it.
11:10 AM
by Gene
And LALA says the number of evacuees from the fire zones was most likely exaggerated, as if news hacks never roar ahead of themselves. Plus Ah-NULT may have to raise taxes to meet his state's increasing borrowing needs, which will probably elicit more superficial partisan baloney from the TWXSTERS.
9:58 AM
by Gene
And here we thought Dubya had already perfected the meaningless gesture....
9:52 AM
by Gene
9:50 AM
by Gene
Since when has it not been able to fly on one wing?
9:29 AM
by Gene
(Via MediaBistro)
9:25 AM
by Gene
"...I have these nightmares that this is the way it's going to be forever." So long as you "INDEPENDENT" movie excreters keep thinking as you've thought for the last forty years we can hope your nightmares persist. "A frequent moviegoer is defined as someone who goes to one movie every three to four months." And YOU had absolutely NOTHING to do with THAT. "It is certainly getting harder and harder to successfully market a film if at the end you're left with a sinking feeling in your stomach." Does somebody CUE these people when they're going to be interviewed for these navel-staring self-serving press releases? (Via the occasionally exasperating ArtsJournal) Wednesday, October 24, 2007
7:52 PM
by Gene
5:27 PM
by Gene
Baghdad Diarist [Kathryn Jean Lopez] We're hearing from The New Republic that the Drudge story isn't the damning evidence it suggests to be ... stay tuned. UPDATE: An editor there e-mails: "Go to the story and click on the link that he claims is to Beauchamp’s confession. It’s not there. The only Beauchamp document is one were he acknowledged receiving some other memo. Nothing even close to a confession there." At the moment I can't access any of the documents that are flagged in that "Developing" story.... 10/24 03:47 PM The source of all con-SER-va-tive NEWS WISDOM is FALLIBLE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
5:24 PM
by Gene
Does Speaker Babs get to throw a big party at our expense? Maybe she can stick it on the Capitol dome, sort of like MICKEY D'S. During the 1950s there were usually fewer than 100 votes a year. BRING BACK THE FIFTIES!
5:07 PM
by Gene
What shall the Republic DO?
4:58 PM
by Gene
By the way -- we note there are always a lot of protests at Congressional hearings. Do Democratic Congresspoops know about these in advance? Do they give the protesters just enough leeway in recognition of who now overruns the party, and then do the scowling these-despicable-hooligans gag for the cameras? We just ask.
4:55 PM
by Gene
4:45 PM
by Gene
As someone admittedly guilty of having done a few of these (as anyone who read my probing, incisive chat with Christina Aguilera in the April 2003 issue of Marie Claire can attest).... Heck you deserve a prize too! Here you think news hacks can't get any more self-servingly mea-culpaing exasperating and they prove you wrong.
4:42 PM
by Gene
Significantly, SLIMECORP is down in after-hours, on light volume. Those folks have heard it all before. P. S. “We are now stepping outside what is typically a business decision,” said Rob Enderle, the founder of the strategy concern Enderle Group. “This was almost personal. I wouldn’t want to be the executive that’s on the losing side at either firm.” Nonetheless it should be fun to see SOMEBODY fired -- as we hope SOMEBODY is. Oh -- and does it ever occur to anyone that given the BUGMEISTER's sterling rep He may cost His new daydream business? REMEMBER ZUNE!
10:32 AM
by Gene
On the sky-high valuations for Internet companies: "As a board member of Google, part of me likes that. But when you hear of a Facebook valuation at $15 billion, you wonder how you monetize that. There are a few apps [on Facebook] that have a lot of stickiness, and there's nothing after that.…If Google launches a site tomorrow, what happens to their valuation? The interesting thing about social networks is that one friend leaves and the others follow." A board member of the Great Eternal Wealth Machine of Mountain View and he says this?
10:08 AM
by Gene
...Property losses could reach $42 billion. Keep building expensive homes against natural tinder boxes.... Southern California economy losing $45 million a day. California's gross state product in 2005 was OVER $1.5 TRILLION. You WILL survive this. [Link via Wikipedia]
9:36 AM
by Gene
AP: More Iraqi Civilians Dead After U.S. Action Backing Coming Off: 3 Newspapers Won't Endorse for President in 2008
9:30 AM
by Gene
"But these people were talking about onion rings." Not I, Mr. Greatest Artistic Achievement of All Time. And what was that?
9:21 AM
by Gene
9:12 AM
by Gene
Who needs awards in $2,000-A-TICKET BRANSON EAST?
9:10 AM
by Gene
And how many will ESPNCORP lay off during the length of this GENIUS's contract?
8:51 AM
by Gene
Even if we could stop adding to greenhouse gases tomorrow, the earth would continue warming for decades — and remain hot for centuries. We would still face the threat of water from melting glaciers lapping at our doorsteps. What can be done? One idea is to counteract warming by tossing small particles into the stratosphere (above where jets fly). This strategy may sound far-fetched, but it has the potential to cool the earth within months. Mount Pinatubo, a volcano in the Philippines that erupted in 1991, showed how it works. The eruption resulted in sulfate particles in the stratosphere that reflected the sun’s rays back to space, and as a consequence the earth briefly cooled. If we could pour a five-gallon bucket’s worth of sulfate particles per second into the stratosphere, it might be enough to keep the earth from warming for 50 years. Tossing twice as much up there could protect us into the next century. A 1992 report from the National Academy of Sciences suggests that naval artillery, rockets and aircraft exhaust could all be used to send the particles up. The least expensive option might be to use a fire hose suspended from a series of balloons. Scientists have yet to analyze the engineering involved, but the hurdles appear surmountable. Seeding the stratosphere might not work perfectly. But it would be cheap and easy enough and is worth investigating. And how many other problems might this cause? That's worth investigating too -- unless you're LITTLE JEFFY.
8:31 AM
by Gene
DOW 25,000!
8:17 AM
by Gene
The soundtracks from those movies have been named among the 50 greatest by the editors of Vanity Fair magazine. The full list will be revealed next month in a one-time Conde Nast magazine, Movies Rock, for subscribers of its 14 titles. "Purple Rain" topped the chart even though it was described as "perhaps the best badly acted film ever," editors at Vanity Fair said, while "Trainspotting" came in at No. 7 and "Saturday Night Fever" was eighth. TRANSLATION: Well, that's why I have editors. God knows I don't read my -- our magazines. God knows they aren't worth reading. Buy Gray knows how to schmooze, and that's the important thing. Heck we could print two hundred pages of s--- among the ads and they'd buy it. (Sigghhhhhhh) I guess we do. FURTHER TRANSLATION: Well, if this is what it takes to get that job in Hollywood.... A NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD TO AL REUT! Tuesday, October 23, 2007
8:02 PM
by Gene
7:34 PM
by Gene
5:44 PM
by Gene
Congress in action as usual.
5:26 PM
by Gene
NBC Universal's 'Green Is Universal' Initiative Includes More Than 150 Hours of Green-Themed Content Ongoing Plans to Create Cleaner Operations Worldwide Funding Awarded to Environmentally-Focused Organizations NEW YORK, Oct. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- NBC Universal announced details for more than 150 hours of environmentally themed content encompassing all of NBCU's divisions across multiple platforms for the week of Nov. 4 - 10. Additionally, the company took further steps to green its own operations worldwide, and for the first time, will award funds from the NBC Universal Foundation to three environmentally-focused organizations. The announcements, part of NBC Universal's ongoing "Green Is Universal" initiative, were made by Jeff Zucker, President and CEO, NBC Universal and Lauren Zalaznick, Chairman, NBC Universal Green Council and President, Bravo Media. "The environment has become both a corporate and cultural issue," said Zucker. "As a leading media and entertainment company, NBC Universal has a responsibility, both in our own operations and in driving awareness. Green is good for the world and the bottom line." "Starting with this launch week of programming, the ongoing 'Green Is Universal' initiative will help reach hundreds of millions of NBCU's consumers, raising awareness, entertaining and ultimately, driving results," said Zalaznick. "This week reinforces NBCU's continued commitment to help raise environmental awareness through what we do in front of the cameras and behind the scenes, in our offices, and in how we interact with the community." Separate related announcements are being made today by NBC Entertainment, NBC Universal Entertainment Cable, the Sundance Channel, Universal Parks and the Telemundo Network. Highlights of the company's efforts are listed below. NBC Universal's corporate commitment to green its own operations worldwide continues to grow with its recently announced creation of a new West Coast News Headquarters and Content Center. The Center will be a leading example of sustainable design, construction and transit-oriented development under the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED(R) rating system. NBC Universal will seek LEED Silver certification for new construction for the Center and will target LEED for existing buildings for its ongoing operations. Completed in May 2007, the Universal Studios lot installed its first solar energy system, the largest in the industry. Located on approximately 2.5 acres of hillside property, NBC Universal's long-term goal is to secure an increasing portion of its power from solar or wind generators. In 2007, a different car service was introduced in New York, resulting in a 75 percent air pollution improvement over the old service and will be further improved by yearend when 25 percent of the fleet is replaced by Hybrid vehicles. Additionally, NBC Universal is in the process of deploying multi- functional office machines to enable employees to scan and e-mail documents, thus eliminating the need for multiple devices and reducing paper use. NBC Universal's office supplier now provides paper with 34 percent recycled content. This equates to 145,000 gallons of water saved, 400 trees saved and 81,000 KWH conserved, or the equivalent of providing electricity to seven homes a year. NBC Universal has been measuring greenhouse gas emissions since 2004 and in the coming months, the company has committed to conducting Energy Conservation Surveys ("eco audit") that will identify and prioritize additional internal environmental improvements. The company will work with GreenOrder, a sustainability strategy firm to provide an independent, quantitative analysis and verification of its environmental footprint. Separately, the NBC Universal Foundation, which supports non-profit organizations that concentrate on strengthening public secondary education, has selected one national and two local environmentally-focused organizations to receive grants to promote environmental education and help employees get directly engaged in environmental efforts in their communities. They are the Student Conservation Association (; New York Restoration Project ( and the Los Angeles Conservation Corps ( "The More You Know," NBC Universal's award-winning public service campaign, will debut brand new environmentally-themed spots to be broadcast across all platforms. The messages will focus on global warming, pollution and recycling as well as provide viewers with ways to make a difference. Participating NBCU talent include: Molly Sims, Josh Duhamel and James Lesure ("Las Vegas"); Noah Gray-Cabey ("Heroes"); Christopher Meloni ("Law & Order: SVU"); Ann Curry ("Today"); Jesse Martin and Jeremy Sisto ("Law & Order"); Linda Cardellini ("ER"); Donald Faison ("Scrubs"); Tim Gunn ("Project Runway" and "Guide To Style," Bravo); Jeffrey Donovan ("Burn Notice," USA); Tricia Helfer ("Battlestar Galactica," Sci-Fi); Maria Celeste ("Al Rojo Vivo con Celeste," Telemundo). The company will launch a digital home for NBC Universal's "Green Is Universal" initiative -- -- to bring an environmental perspective to its networks, platforms, audiences and communities. Kicking-off on Nov. 4 with seven days of environmentally-themed programming, will live on with green tips, green clips, and a fast- paced blog covering everything at NBC Universal, and beyond. Highlights of the company's 150 hours of green-themed content for the week of Nov. 4-10 include: NBC Sports kicks-off "Green Is Universal" on Nov. 4 during the "Sunday Night Football" game between the Dallas Cowboys and Philadelphia Eagles. NBC's "Football Night in America" host Bob Costas will explain the programming effort on NBC during the NFL studio show as NBC Universal's networks simultaneously turn their respective network logos green at 8 p.m. ET. The broadcast also will feature additional announcements about "Green Is Universal," as well as incorporate the themes throughout its broadcast on Sunday night. The following Saturday, Nov. 10, the Air Force vs. Notre Dame college football game will feature the University of Notre Dame's students' and professors' research for capturing carbon dioxide (CO2), from the emissions of power plants, which could ultimately contribute to reversing the effects of global warming. Highlighted by the "Today" show's "Ends of the Earth" trip (see separate release), NBC News will dedicate programming across many of its platforms as part of the Initiative. "NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams" will feature a five-part green series -- dedicating each night to a single topic: water, wind, grass, bio-fuels, nuclear, and how to "green your house." NBC News' Environmental Correspondent, Anne Thompson, will contribute to this series. MSNBC will broadcast green-themed segments and programming all week, including an emphasis on the politics of Green on "Super Tuesday," Nov. 6. Throughout the week, the channel's "best and worst weather in America" segments will focus on how environmental changes affect weather. will kick off its green series with special stories and interactive features, including user-generated content showing what it's like to be green in America. The FirstPerson eco-gallery will feature videos and photos from consumers across the nation illustrating what they're doing to help the environment. will also feature interactive slideshows, original stories, and video on a range of environmental issues.'s interactive features include "Warming World," a gateway into compelling video, slideshows and stories about climate change around the world. Consumers can also log on and learn about carbon trading, see how the greenhouse effect happens, discover interesting engineering ideas to cool the Earth, check out the greenest and meanest cars, and find out about new and environmentally-friendly commuting options. CNBC, First in Business Worldwide, will focus on investing opportunities in the rapidly expanding and dynamic green movement covering what Wall Street, venture capital firms and corporations are doing in such areas as clean technology, alternative energy, and sustainability, providing information for investors. In addition, CNBC will have "conversations" with CEOs of top companies that are making a business in the green space; large investors; environmental trailblazers in both the private and government sectors; economic experts, as well as those who question the business value of green. On Nov. 7, CNBC will report from the Pacific Growth Equities 2007 Clean Technology & Industrial Growth Conference in San Francisco; on Nov. 8, CNBC's housing reporter Diana Olick will report from Chicago and the Green Build Conference and Expo. That night, the network will broadcast a special green edition of CNBC's "The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch" at 10 p.m. ET. From the first and largest community of women online, iVillage's iGo Green channel ( helps moms make the green lifestyle work for them by featuring a wide variety and depth of green content, from organic Thanksgiving ideas to eco-friendly gifts. In addition, iVillage's will feature a recycling game and will feature Green Scopes. Every day, new green content will be featured both on's main page and on its iGo Green channel, including opportunities to give green within iVillage Cares, with click-to-donate links for a variety of causes. On November 1, will launch the iVillage Forest, (, a virtual wintertime forest where visitors can help offset the 32 million trees that are cut down each December for holiday decorating. For each $5 donation, a virtual tree is planted in the iVillage Forest and a live tree is planted by The Conservation Fund ( The NBC Owned-and-Operated Stations will incorporate extensive environmentally- themed stories throughout their newscasts and display green logos and graphics on air. In addition, the group will run a half-hour special on "Going Green at Any Age!" (check local listings). The stations' Going Green websites will also have a green theme and will provide calculators that can determine an individual's impact on the earth according to carbon, water and energy use. Users can also download widgets to get regional and national environmental news as well as the latest local headlines sent to their desktops. Many of the stations will also continue to partner with local organizations to promote green awareness in their communities. NBC Universal Domestic Television Distribution's "Access Hollywood" will report on Hollywood celebrities making an environmental difference, with additional green interviews posted online at ( On the Nov. 6 edition of "The Martha Stewart Show," (check local listings) naturalist, media personality and author David Mizejewski of the National Wildlife Federation, joins Stewart with several creepy-crawly friends to help educate her viewers on the growing importance of involving children in green activities and encouraging them to spend more time outdoors. "Lyons and Bailes Reel Talk" will highlight Al Gore's Oscar-winning documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth" on the November 10-11 episodes. Additionally, "The Jerry Springer Show," "Maury," "The Steve Wilkos Show," "The Chris Matthews Show," "The Wall Street Journal Report with Maria Bartiromo," "Your Total Health" and "Lyons & Bailes" are all participating in the effort. Universal Pictures will prominently promote "Green Is Universal" on with a lead editorial placement and banner at the bottom of the page. Universal Pictures also will send its more than 400,000 newsletter subscribers information on the "Green Is Universal" initiative, and will be updated with current content. Universal Pictures will run the "Green Is Universal" PSA's as a post-roll on their online trailers during this programming week and as ads in theater lobbies. About NBC Universal NBC Universal is one of the world's leading media and entertainment companies in the development, production, and marketing of entertainment, news, and information to a global audience. Formed in May, 2004 through the combining of NBC and Vivendi Universal Entertainment, NBC Universal owns and operates a valuable portfolio of news and entertainment networks, a premier motion picture company, significant television production operations, a leading television stations group, and world-renowned theme parks. NBC Universal is 80% owned by General Electric and 20% owned by Vivendi. SOURCE NBC Universal WELL YOU DON'T HAVE TO BOAST ABOUT IT! P. S. This is tied in to creating a PERSONALITY CULT OF LITTLE JEFFY on last May's second anniverary of His ditching LEGENDARY'S GOODTHINGS CAMPAIGN. Pffffffffffffft! (First link via's Tuned In)
5:24 PM
by Gene
We think we know.
5:20 PM
by Gene
The number of personal bankruptcy filings in New York City shot up nearly 70% in the past year. I don't know what's worse: the people who want to start a depression or the ones who want to start a depression with sugar coating.
5:13 PM
by Gene
5:01 PM
by Gene
Howard Stern, who joined Sirius Satellite Radio in January 2006, has the highest-cuming channel on satellite radio, according to the report. Howard 100, the channel devoted almost entirely to his weekday show and rebroadcasts of that show, has a cume of 1.225 million. We don't know what "cume" means; no doubt it's shorthand for quintuple- and sextuple-counting. Looking down further (hard to do given R&R's screwy pop-ups) we see Stone's Channel 100 (they definitely got his name wrong) has an "average quarter-hour audience of 96,700" (emphasis added). This, FRIENDS (to use a PILLHEADISM), isn't even a fraction of the 900 million listeners Stang (I'm thinking that's his name) got in his prime. If I were a DOG-Star shareholder I'd be screaming for ZONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN's head -- although more likely I'd have sold the stock eons ago. What's especially irritating is this may be the first reliable head count of Strong's (yes! THAT'S his name!) listeners in the nearly two years he's broadcast into the satradio void -- and with the CHEAP CHANNELS coming back with digital it is now certain this idiocy is history -- if the Web isn't making both moot.
3:40 PM
by Gene
G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE AT $200,000 A SHARE!!!!!
3:20 PM
by Gene
So why does GAA (GOOGLEAPPLEAMAZON) have a combined market cap of $420 BILLION?????
1:46 PM
by Gene
G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE CAN! Or at least its fairy godmothers think so. (Via IWantMedia)
1:37 PM
by Gene
Especially when you lost your sense of humor twenty years ago.
12:07 PM
by Gene
A new Nielsen study finds that only 10% of the most likely candidates for mobile advertising -- those using mobile devices for more than just talk, such as accessing the internet, sending text messages, playing video games or buying ringtones -- responded to ads on their mobile phones. Eleven percent viewed the ads and did not respond, and a whopping 79% did not even view the ad. TRANSLATION: G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE at $80,000 A SHARE!!!!!
11:54 AM
by Gene
After yesterday's open house, tonight's gala, and the launch this week of the theater's first production, Being Alive, Garonzik and board president E. Gerald Riesenbach will turn back to raising the $10 million needed to reach the project's $30 million goal ($25 million for construction, $5 million to establish an endowment). So far the biggest donations are $5 million from the state and $3 million from the city. [Twenty-first and twenty-second of TWENTY-FOUR GRAFS] TRANSLATION: We have a state subsidized 365-seat play-with-itself thea-TAH. FURTHER TRANSLATION: It's named for a tax deduction for BRIAN ROBBER. If we're going to have the state in show-biz let's go whole hog and DO IT. Monday, October 22, 2007
5:36 PM
by Gene
If we were SELIG, or THE MAN WHO USED TO WALK ON WATER, or one of the many rapacious managers of the has-beens who rule the "concert" trade, or KERNGERSHWIN, we might not be beaming so broadly. If sexy tickets merely go to the fastest highest-paying scalpers more people will give up buying them, and the audience for such affairs will dry up. Perhaps as Forbeslist implies the masochists will always pay nosebleed prices, and the Super Bowl will always have its live audience, thanks to greedy CEOs, but the recorded...SOUND biz isn't making geniuses the way it used to. More important, these things aren't so hot on TELEVISION, where they're mostly free, and you get a better seat (better still with big-screen HD), and you don't have to pay for parking or $50 concessions. Is a blowout worth $1000?
5:31 PM
by Gene
5:25 PM
by Gene
2:23 PM
by Gene
The best laid plans of multi-billion-dollar genetically-engineered supermice....
2:14 PM
by Gene
If you spot two pieces of luggage in your yard, call Delta Airlines. A Delta flight operated by Atlantic Southeast Airlines was forced to circle back to Midway Airport shortly after takeoff Sunday because a cargo door was improperly secured and two bags fell out, Delta communications director Maria Schnabel said.
1:28 PM
by Gene
This alone should be argument against it (not to mention that there has scarcely been a time since Thomas Paine without blaggards, and at least he could write) but we're tired of always having to turn down the volume on these loudmouths, and we don't even have a volume control.
1:23 PM
by Gene
1:19 PM
by Gene
1:03 PM
by Gene
Mr. Adams himself reported to four different bosses in less than three years. He was hired by then-CMO John Costello in early 2005, who was replaced by Home Depot veteran Tom Taylor, who then left 11 months later. And with his eventual promotion to CMO from interim head of marketing, Mr. Adams reported to CEO Bob Nardelli, who was then ousted three months later, replaced by Home Depot veteran Frank Blake. Tenet No. 1. Change for change's sake. Have as many CEOs and executives in as short a time as possible. Constant change is good -- for ulcers, heart palpitations, etc. "Why should they pay this guy a lot of money since they can't do a lot of marketing until they get the operations fixed?" asked David Gallagher, a recruiter at Boyden Global Executive Search. "I also wouldn't be surprised if they are in no hurry to replace him until they get close to fixing the operational problems." Tenet No. 2. Schmoozing in Hollywood or lounging in that Super Bowl luxury box is FAR more important than treating the customer right -- if you know what a customer is. OR: Home Depot has inked an estimated $60 million in deals with Nascar, ESPN Game Day and the Olympics, and that's not counting the NFL pact put together by Mr. Adams -- estimated to be worth nearly $25 million -- according to IEG Sponsorship Report. TRANSLATION: I WAS AT THE (FILL IN THE BLANK) AND YOU WEREN'T!!!!!
11:30 AM
by Gene
(Via sites like the usual Romy that frequently run such breathless twaddle)
11:25 AM
by Gene
America's radio business was fundamentally the creation of three men: "Gen." Sarnoff, Bill Paley and Lowsy Mays, none of whom would qualify as a rebel, outlaw, misfit or ne'er-do-well (although the "Gen." evidently fibbed about his Titanic experience, so he clearly had some of it in him). Even if this bromide were true, it wouldn't take long for all these rebels, outlaws, misfits and ne'er-do-wells to be corporatized. Drunken Slob (when's he coming back on the air, WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!?) is one of each, which didn't prevent him from being a hero to the power structure. This is the old saw about rock music, which is more the creature of corporate marketing executives than anything else in show-biz history. In short, it's typical BS. (Via MediaBistro) Sunday, October 21, 2007
2:48 PM
by Gene
AT EFFETE EDELSTEIN! This new feud will be far more entertaining that any of the Os-CAR® nominees.
2:29 PM
by Gene
Neither did Slick and he was a great president! Pffffffffffffffffft! Neither did Dubya, and...oh, never mind.
2:10 PM
by Gene
Why must everyone be Marion Jones? (Via The MESS)
12:07 PM
by Gene
For all the great performances here — Ryan, Ed Harris, Morgan Freeman, Michelle Monaghan — Casey Affleck’s role as a neighborhood investigator trying to uncover the truth about the missing girl is the most astonishing. Not because he’s so good, which he is, but rather because we’re left asking ourselves, “Where has he been all these years?” At 32 years old, Casey has a brilliant career ahead of him. He also received raves for his turn in “The Assassination of Jesse James By the Coward Robert Ford.” If he’s been in older brother Ben’s shadow before now, it’s time to let that light coming pouring through. A triumph in one B. O. BOMB, a triumph in another B. O. BOMB -- yes, he has a BRILLIANT CAREER ahead of him. And I think we've found a thoroughly OPAQUE replacement for Effete Edelstein in! P. S. at 1:50 p.m. Speaking of another down weekend (about 10%, but always GOOD!), one of the thousands of AIN'T-IT-COOL-NEWS clones types that SUMNER will be selling a horror movie to "two different audiences." Here's one reason -- it was co-written by HERR DOKTOR SONDHEIM. The unaccompanied under-17s won't go for head-scratching "award-winning" musical pretentions with their slasher porn, and the ONE TRUE KULT will surely be miffed that it's an unaccompanied-under-17 horror movie, but when you make a niche film for two separate niches you start a war between two niches and leave out everybody else besides. Of course, if the ad-blurbists can talk it up because of HERR DOKTOR...oh wait. Then it becomes CRITICALLY-ACCLAIMED. (See below.) P. P. S. at 2:20 p.m. THE CONSPIRACY refuses to see there is no such thing as a bankable movie star anymore. Look at the Os-CAR® nominees this past weekend; they had five or six putative "stars" and they bombed. Not only do these immortalities prove "critical acclaim" is BOX-OFFICE POISON, they prove that an ac-TOR can't last without looks, and looks are the last thing most putative modern movie "stars" have. We said it before; you may just as well engage in girl-watching on the street (or boy-watching, depending on your sex) as waste $15 for a stale bucket of popcorn and an even staler premise, emoted by "critically-acclaimed" ciphers. If it were as easy to file-share movies as recorded...sound THE CONSPIRACY would be in deeper doo-doo. As it is it's merely in deep doo-doo. P. P. P. S. at 7:42 p.m. I've decided: HERR DOKTOR's MASTERWUHK will win the BEST-PICTURE OS-CAR®. Why? Well, because it's HERR DOKTOR. The rest is -- silence. (Or rather millions of yapping words from AD-BLURBISTS, like EDGY.) Although there is this anti-Iraq War film about somebody named Wilson. That may be its only challenger.
11:29 AM
by Gene
11:27 AM
by Gene
A rationing program for heavily subsidized gasoline that began this summer sparked riots, but may have forced thrifty drivers to stay off the roads. Strict controls and heavy fines placed on peak-hour traffic to central Tehran encouraged more commuters to use public transport, including a three-line subway system that has won praise for its efficiency. Do I hear the Inventor of the Internet shaking His head -- not to mention thousands of other news hacks everywhere?
11:17 AM
by Gene
What Useless News Can Teach Web Surfers: how to avoid the site.
9:42 AM
by Gene
8:48 AM
by Gene
Jindal, the 36-year-old son of Indian immigrants, carried more than half the vote against 11 opponents. With about 87% of the vote in, Jindal had 53% with 588,002 — more than enough to win outright and avoid a Nov. 17 runoff. His nearest competitors: Democrat Walter Boasso with 196,104 votes or 18%; Independent John Georges had 156,962 votes or 14%; Democrat Foster Campbell with 141,346 or 13%. Eight candidates divided the rest. Is something missing here? Why do the ASSPRESS and other recalcitrant hacks always pull this missing-party gag on R---------s? As for Jindal, he is now officially the Elephant's JFK Lincoln, unless the Lousiana swampland swallows him up. P. S. ASSPress seems to have fixed this since, but the fact remains someone forgot to mention the new governor's party, and this sort of thing happens too often to be mere negligence.