Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, February 12, 2005


"There was a lot of resistance from the scientific community because a lot of people had made their careers telling people to eat margarine instead of butter," said Walter Willett, chairman of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health and one of a handful of medical researchers who have led the fight against trans fat. "When I was a physician in the 1980's, that's what I was telling people to do and unfortunately we were often sending them to their graves prematurely."

These are the same types of know-it-alls who are SURE about every scientific crisis to come down the track, only to have to change their minds when an equal and opposite crisis derails the present one.

It appears I was wrong about that show about spelling bees; it's become THE THING among the COGNOSCENTI, and its press agents are gassing about a Main Stem run. But I really wish Mr. Teachout would not spoil his reviews by gushing, "Let me pause for a moment so you can go right out and buy tickets...." The late Walter Kerr could run a plug in reviewing My Fair Lady because that was a once-in-a-century phenomenon; but I've a sneaky hunch this NEW THING is cute, with cute and forgettable songs, and somehow I will not put that on the same plane as Prof. Higgins and Miss Doolittle. For my part I've had enough of AD-BLURB COPYWRITERS PLUGGING.

I'm all for cute shows, if cute shows will drive the ENNUI out of our culture; but I really wish our age could do a little better.

MICKEY D'S, the politically correct bad-food company, has been shaken down by an "activist" and promises to be a good little boy about trans-fatty acids.

When I hear con-SER-va-tives griping about this sort of thing I think RUSH with that BIG FAT STINKY CIGAR in his mouth. I also think BIG BIZZES have become so PC they would hire PERFESSER CHURCHILL as a consultant.

Here's another scalp the SUPERDUPERMEGAGIGABLOGGERS can wave in the air. It's unfortunate someone must resign a job for opening his mouth, but the latest victim can blame the LORDS OF DAVOS for refusing to release the tape -- and Eason for opening his mouth.

But as we know, any organization founded by TED TURNER does not have much sense to begin with.

Which raises the question: If Eason can lose his job for asserting we were "targeting" reporters in Iraq, why shouldn't that looney-left PERFESSER in Colorado lose his for saying things far more odious -- and quite possibly lying in his CV? If we can't sanction truly obnoxious remarks what moral standing do we have to sanction anything?

Friday, February 11, 2005


1. They added whatisits to the URLs, presumably to make G000,000,000,000,000,000GLEBLOGGER more easily break down;

2. You can't sign in on the Address bar if you've already logged in, so if you're unwary enough in order to post you now have to repeatedly sign in;

3. When you click on your posts in the "Edit Posts" mode under "Post Title" (hint hint) you get "Loading..." -- and if you're lucky the screen may keep on loading.

But shucks, they did do one thing right: they finally made it unneccessary to edit the TIME when you post between NOON and 1 P.M. Someone will be FIRED for this!

Baby tossing was hoax, sheriff says; mom hospitalized

NEWS HACKS must really count to TEN before they RUN stuff like this, but too often they count to 0.00000000000000001.

OH oh....

Dean ready to lead Democrats


Gossip begins on Camilla Parker Bowles' wedding ring

I guess that means the story's entered WACKO JACKO territory too.

Figures this site (linked on G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000gle News) brought on three POP-UPS.

Anna Wintour is one of those media megalomaniacs of whom you wish you could say, "Who?"

In time, belches like this to the contrary, that may not be difficult.

My local neighborhood formerly-salsa-playing, premature-ejaculation-discussing MICKEY D's has DONE IT AGAIN -- this time with tray liners for



That shouldn't be too hard.

One other thing: when the MICK's counterlady gave me the wrong item she threw the offending mistake into the trash. How much food does MICKEY D'S waste in a year? I wonder if those ever-upward numbers are as much a figment as anything in BERNIE EBBERS'S HEAD.

The playwright Arthur Miller has died. He will be remembered for plays in which ordinary people screamed at the top of their lungs, and for marrying Marilyn. RIP.


With 20 million listeners, he is America's most-listened-to demagogue. And me -- I'm doing a show about him at a 100-seat theater in the Mission District. (I'm not sure whether my Limbaugh jokes are better than his, but I think I do his voice better than he does.)


Thursday, February 10, 2005

This story and this story (and quite possibly this story too) are more than tangentially related. They speak to the contempt professional sportsmeisters have for their audience, and why all sports deserve the economic equivalent of a kick in the head.

I can live very well without SELIGISM and the National Hoodlums' League, thank you.

Today I don't seem capable of saying anything, as if I ever say anything worthwhile. Perhaps the grind of typing forgettable witticisms to an audience of three servers and a drunk is wearing me down. Perhaps the notion -- and I wish I could find where on the Web I saw this -- that bloggers are capable of little more than sarcasms and cynicism has gotten to me. But an age is hardly noble that has Dubyas for leaders and DONALDS as heroes, and all manner of fifth-rate egomaniacs providing its "art." Perhaps it's the weather -- gray and gloomy as I feel now. I wish there were something better than blogging to nobody, but for the moment, it's all I have.

Con-SER-va-tive Alert: Wal-Mart wants in in the Big Apple -- and THE USUAL SUSPECTS WON'T LET IT!

No one save con-SER-va-tives can deny Wal-Mart hurts small retail businesses. But lack of unions isn't a good enough reason to keep it out.

Social Security

AARP solicits help of young Largest seniors group launching ads 'to talk to young people' about why Bush's privatization plan is bad.

Seniors skeptical of Bush proposal Many fear they'll lose benefits by relying on stock market, worry about national debt.

Administration's fuzzy math ignites debate Revised Medicare drug benefit cost draws protests in Congress - even among GOP.

This is all well and good, but doesn't three such stories on the home page reek of -- you know?

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Speaking of our neighbors to the north:

Many hockey fans don't miss NHL: poll

This is embarrasskin'.

Results, Not Gender, Cited in CEO Ouster

Sounds like Pee-TAH wants a RAISE. And NO, I don't think any WOMAN will be sitting in his ANCHOR CHAIR anytime SOON.

Speaking of JONAH:

Didn't that movie about Alfred Kinsey starring Liam Neeson come and go without causing much of a stir? I take that as an entirely healthy sign.

And an entirely PREDICTABLE one.

But don't tell THE PAPER OF RE-CORD.

Wal-Mart to close unionized Canada store [Home-page hed]

This will be in EVERY con-SER-va-tive WEB SITE and BLOG. I can hear JONAH now: GIVE 'EM HELL, WAL-MART!!!!!!!!!!

Not to worry -- Wal-Mart has as much chance of being UNIONIZED as it does of not selling goods from CHINA.

And this is CANADA, which is a slightly weird country anyway.

Star Wars fans can't wait for the opening of the supposedly final installment of the series, but what are they going to do once it's all over? [Home-page squib]

I think we can guess: campaign for more sequels (unless this latest is a real stinkeroo, a distinct possibility) -- which will give the excuse for LucasCorp to go PUBLIC.

P. S. Some idiot at Forbes once alleged LucasCorp to be worth umpteen megazillions, and the rag has alleged it ever since. If Uncle Walt could go public, why not George the Ultimate Technoweenie? After all, Walt devised Audio-Animatronics®, and George put it on the screen.

Cleveh pwomo, BABA WAWA. Clearly you know who brines your caviar. ALL HAIL MICKEYMOUSE NIXON!!!!!

Aren't you supposed to retire?

P. S.

She wondered how the rumors had gotten started.

Maybe you should ask someone in MICKEYMOUSE'S VAST P. R. MACHINE.

With OSCAR®'s executive director already having said "EDGY," when an OSCAR® spokespoop belches words like "INTERACTIVE" you KNOW the whole OSCAR® lot is looking over its shoulders at all the ARTHOUSE NOMINEES -- and in front of it at RECORD LOW RATINGS.

They're going down EXACTLY THE SAME PATH as the MISS AMERICA PAGEANT. Maybe the OSCARS® will never have to worry about a TV NETWORK airing the thing. NEITHER DID MISS AMERICA.

Another reason to be annoyed at G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLEBLOGGER: I surmise from the BlogPatrol referral list that the spate of hits I got this morning resulted from the CLEM KADIDDLEHOPPERS IN MOUNTAIN VIEW (I've changed their moniker) RANDOMLY making my blog available through the "Next Blog" button. I'm discouraged when I reflect that so few of my hits seem to result in people reading me, and that close to zero actively seek me out. I will keep blogging on, but as I've said before, I wonder what's the use of it when I'm read almost entirely by computers, or not read at all.

SHUCKS, despite winning the BAD SEX IN LITERATURE AWARD, The WOLFE's opus is not selling the way it was supposed to.


Hey Wolfy Boy! Hey Farrar! I got a suggestion:



Maybe bossy broads in biz aren't all they're CRACKED UP TO BE.

Today at my formerly-salsa-playing friendly round-the-block-from-work Mickey D's I stood around several minutes while a LOUD radio played an ad about premature ejaculation -- not using the word (my first thought was, VIACON!!!!! Alas, the station's owned by a joke called Snively, er, Weasely, er BEASLEY BROADCAST GROUP); when the help finally arrived it asked, "Whayuwant?" It is pointless to complain; the Mick is a hidebound bureaucracy sure as in any government, and just as in government, no one ever gets punished there.


[W]hile on the corporate jet in route to a Salomon Smith Barney conference in January 2000, Sullivan told Ebbers that WorldCom's revenue growth guidance for 2000 should be as general as possible.

Just say double-digit, Sullivan testified that he told Ebbers. If they pin you down, Sullivan added, stay with a wide range, like 11 percent to 14 percent,

Sullivan said he thought Ebbers understood the situation.

But just before Ebbers was to give his forecast to the analysts and large shareholders, an institutional investor told the CEO about a problem he had with WorldCom stock.

"The problem is your stock is a 'tweener," he said, according to Sullivan. "It isn't a high-growth stock with 15 percent-plus annual growth and not a slow-growth stock with revenue growth in the single digits."

Sullivan said Ebbers then mounted the stage and told Wall Street he expected WorldCom revenue to grow by 13 1/2 percent to 15 1/2 percent in 2000.

Shocked, Sullivan said he confronted his boss.

"Where did that come from?" Sullivan said he asked Ebbers.

Ebbers said nothing and just looked at the ground, Sullivan told the jury.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


It was a frisky lunch honoring Cosmopolitan magazine's annual "fun, fearless" celebs, and for the first time, the focus is on 10 guys.

But the center of attention Monday was Cosmo's February female cover subject: Ashlee Simpson....

For Dems, it's down to Dean

You mean, for Dems, it's down and OUT WITH Dean.


Bush: Congress Must Spend Budget Wisely

Pffh-hh-hh hh hh hh hh hh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A black golf ball may be a stupid idea but it's a BRILLIANT publicity stunt.

We'd give somebody a NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK award but as PR stunts go this is harmless -- unless you golf at night.


Ebbers walked the WorldCom headquarters at night with a security guard, filling up the empty jugs from the tap instead of having to pay for fresh bottles of spring water, a former company analyst told the jury.

"He filled the jugs at night and said the employees didn't know the difference," Brady Connor, a revenue analyst, testified in Manhattan federal court....

And Scott Sullivan did pot and coke. Six of one....

OH oh, another tribute to -- the WEB:

If the forces of liberalism ever allow those deliberations to resume, and they reach the illiberal conclusion that Mr. Churchill should no longer be allowed to impose his stupid and offensive views upon the students of the University of Colorado, he will always have the Internet to fall back on. Out there, you can be as stupid and offensive as you like and somebody will be listening.

Monday, February 07, 2005


Bush sends Congress 'lean' $2.57 trillion budget

Yeah -- like telling an 800-pound man to lay off a potato chip a day.

Here's an idea for SUPERDUPERMEGAGIGABLOGGERS: Site Meter is now inflicting its members with COMMFLASH on EVERY CLICK. This is the next ratcheting up in the war against Web surfers.

Surprise: Paul Shanley has been convicted.

Here's another ex-priest who will soon know what HELL is like.

Maybe it's me, but why is it when I think reggae I think PROTEST?

Or to be more precise, Music for Kofi to BLOVIATE By.

Sorry to Volokh, but today, Philadelphia is in MOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRNING. And that, to be sure, is largely the MEDIA HACKS' FAULT. I'd be surprised if the CRETINOUS KNIGHTRIDDERITES don't print EVERY PAGE IN BLACK. And for a city to be in MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUURRRRRRRRRRNING is largely the fault of THE SIX-DIGIT SCRIBBLERS and their partners in greed the HAIR-SPRAY DRENCHED DO'S. I suspect a comparison between this EPOCHAL DISASTER and, say, the IMMORTAL 1960 TRIUMPH would be instructive. Back in those days the hacks were content with maybe two days of coverage and some straight analysis of the game. Since then, however, a deadly conceit has taken hold of the media -- that they must be PROFIT CENTERS, and everything they do must be measured in terms of how much they PLEASE THE CUSTOMERS -- the same customers we've BIASED and SLANTED out of EXISTENCE. As the NEWS HOLE decreases (the inevitable result of slanting our papers into oblivion) the possibilities for crowd-pleasin' mischief increase. This is even more true with DO's, whose programs went from fifteen-minute rip-'n'-reads to two-hour POLICE BLOTTERS. What time to fill! What space! And how shall we fill it? Not with news, that's asking too much. We'll fill it with what -- THE PUBLIC WANTS! With what -- MAKES US MONEY! Hence ten weeks of SATURATION COVERAGE, millions of words of IDLEST SPECULATION AND HUMBUG, photos enough to WALLPAPER a ROOM, hacks flashing their expense accounts like THE DONALD flashing his AMEX PLATINUM CARD, endless resumes for BRISTOL, CHEERLEADING AND MORE CHEERLEADING. THIS is why I dreaded a win: all that cheerleading builds up expectations to such a pitch it can only lead to release in rioting -- especially in a city with little self-esteem (a situation surely not helped by COURAGEOUS SCRIBBLERS and DO'S). Perhaps nothing would have come of it other than one big party for days on end -- an irksome enough prospect to one across the street from a RENDELI -- but why should we always have to play Russian roulette with NEWS HACKS?

And the utter irony is that for all this placating, for all this condescending, for all this kowtowing, NEWS HACKS do not stop the hemorraging of readers, the deepening of distrust among viewers. To them the night-and-day RAH-RAH is but one more reason to suspect every last NEWS HACK's motivation, and to be sure that, in the end, the BIZ only has it IN for us.

As for NEXT time, I shall be prepared: not only will I have a television -- it is no fun following the GREATEST CONTRIBUTION TO MAN'S WELFARE AND CULTURE on the Web -- but the weekend of the TRIUMPH I may rent a hotel room in a distant city and spend two days there so I don't have to share in the DRUNK -- the CELEBRATION.

One last thought: How can news hacks who must always ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT for the HOME TEAM so blithely wish us ill in IRAQ?

Sunday, February 06, 2005

It may seem odd that on this day of the SECOND CO -- you know, one of PAUL'S SAINTS should make a $1.5 BILLION bid for -- a BRITISH...FOOTBALL TEAM?

That's one reason the Voice of America must refer to "American football."

Somehow I would not be surprised if this is as much news here as FOOTBALL IMMORTALITY will be there -- or to put it another way, if this news is as big THERE as our bloated exercise in corporate reverse Robin Hooding and CEO appeasement is HERE.

Cheney: 'I will not run' for president

Besides, the money's better in lobbying.

The Nooz boys were so busy with the story about a steroid-injecting loudmouth I didn't see the story underneath it; it seems a few of our soldiers had "fun" in Iraq. At the Freep they're torn between whether this is a lack of discipline or whether to be HOWARD for the day. Sorry, I side with the PRUDES. (And yes, I know all about NEWS HACKS.) Our soldiers oughtn't to be doing this, even if they are off-duty, as it knocks some props out from under our justifications for the war, and as it gives the Muslim world another excuse not to like us.

P. S. This is better. I say, let the soldiers have fun, but let them have reasonable fun.

JFK -- er, John Kerry says he lost because of those @#$%&* SWIFT BOAT VETS, and because he didn't have enough money.

And no, it had nothing to do with taking five positions on Iraq or being MR. EXCITEMENT.

Hey SENATOR! You got 57 MILLION VOTES. That should prove some people are prepared to vote for ANYBODY.

Rap mogul Marion "Suge" Knight was booked on suspicion of violating his parole after police allegedly found marijuana in his vehicle during a traffic stop, authorities said Sunday.

Another [C]RAPPER makes a BRILLIANT career move.

[H]ers isn't the only byline from The Times to appear on the bottom of the screen when you're watching "Hardball"; I've been on the show myself, sneezing through my makeup.

O RARE PUBLIC EDI-TOR, I do NOT believe we should be talking about our fellow workers appearing on television when you've been on television -- and when all your myriad colleagues seem to DO is appear on television.


Pffh-hh-hh hh hh hh ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!

And since there appears to be no story to link to that COURAGEOUS HED, I'd say MR. MARK's trying to atone for LAST WEEK! VERY COURAGEOUS, o CHERUBIM of ST. WARREN!

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