Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, April 23, 2011
2:38 PM
by Gene
1:58 PM
by Gene
Say Your Incompetence! Nice Vietnam You landed us into -- and Yours doesn't even have COMMIES!
1:48 PM
by Gene
Lots of others were! (Via NEWSER!)
11:13 AM
by Gene
And what's wrong with sitting in the Riviera with your unjustly earned zillions? Friday, April 22, 2011
9:15 PM
by Gene
ANN, Ann, now that you've hyperventilated you've made it all but inevitable ROCK mu-SICK cri-TICS will get the beloved P-Ulitzers -- they'll probably be the only ones to get them -- but that doesn't make the truth you accidentally uttered any less true: such cri-TICS engage in extraneous, self-indulgent work, making immortals of temporal no-talents, using up more than the God-given supply of adjectives and syllables and pretensions; but PLEASE, Ann, cut the melodrama; in time their extraneous self-indulgence will be RICHLY awarded, as it has elsewhere in the NEWS BIZ.
8:20 PM
by Gene
1:49 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: He didn't say anything.
12:22 PM
by Gene
MORT ZUCK runs a story on a woman who's set an alleged record in plastic surgeries. The only comment thus far starts, "I dunno how this made 'news'." We dunno either. DVFORBESLISTBLOG, not content to run a story on one of those all-time zillionaire villains who must own every sports team in sight and flatters the BONOVIANS by not talking to the press, runs this typing about bringing the Dodgers back to Brooklyn because Brooklyn's "HIP". I've got a better idea: Let's bring the Faberge eggs back to the Forbeses! THE TWXSTERS say in so many words they'll let THE DONALD determine how much He's worth. You'd think news hacks would want to make a fuss over this, given how THEY appoint our president, but His publicity value TRUMPS making a fuss any day. THE WAX tries to justify the wall-to-wall junk her CLIENTS intend to justify THE WEDDING with by running "GUESSTIMATES" of how many people watched certain big TV events, which reminds us of that old saw about lies, damned lies and TV EXECS. THE GAHHHHHHHHHHDIAN runs another of those intolerable think pieces AHTSJournal MUST link to, saying how wonderful it is that our language is accreting with slang no one will remember in fifteen years. Hey Johnny, you think we'll still be using "sheening" then? Shakespeare's full of obsolete words. Some words sound good for a short time, but without an occasional cleaning and polishing they lose all meaning. And most people aren't Shakespeares. Writers can't avoid what the OED called "nonce" words -- we use too many ourselves -- but it's best to stick with the tried-and-true so that you won't require a slang dictionary in fifty years. Thursday, April 21, 2011
11:05 PM
by Gene
JERRY BECK, TAKE A BOW! (Even if the cartoon has a misspelling.)
2:50 PM
by Gene
2:30 PM
by Gene
1:38 PM
by Gene
Yum Brands Inc. executives said Thursday that Taco Bell, their most profitable U.S. chain, hasn't recovered from the impact of a lawsuit, since dropped, over the beef content of its taco filling. STOCK UP FIVE PERCENT!!!!! Scores of websites and Internet services like Foursquare and Reddit are down or have limited availability because of problems at a data center run by NO PROBLEM -- THAT STOCK'S UP TOO!!!!!
9:30 AM
by Gene
Since when has The Econowiz become a house organ for His Incompetence?
9:28 AM
by Gene
Which reminds us -- hope You lose more money on TURN OUT THE LIGHTS!
9:17 AM
by Gene
9:02 AM
by Gene
8:52 AM
by Gene
8:39 AM
by Gene
P. S. at 11:08 a. m. Analysts noted GE's 6 percent rise in revenue -- which came across all divisions -- may have been inflated by a change in its fiscal calendar that added six days to the first quarter. Sorry Very Littler Jeffy -- you're STILL not LEGENDARY WELCH. P. P. S. at 11:11 a. m. LEGENDARY could buy SIX COMPANIES in ONE DAY! Wednesday, April 20, 2011
5:40 PM
by Gene
5:23 PM
by Gene
4:53 PM
by Gene
3:17 PM
by Gene
This is precisely the sort who's a hero to the sons of b -- DOUGLAS who think vagrancy is the expression of a noble spirit. If the Chief Social Engineer weren't preoccupied he'd take him up as pro-bono work. When Bell was questioned by the police, he responded, "I probably did that," according to the report. TRANSLATION: Try and convict me!
3:10 PM
by Gene
This DVFORBESLISTBLOG typist finds that wonderful. Don't we have enough cliques, even with memberships of one?
8:23 AM
by Gene
Just so long as It doesn't have to hire anybody. Monday, April 18, 2011
8:03 PM
by Gene
at? Needless to say the MIRACLE OF MOUNTAIN VIEW is in on the act: ![]()
7:59 PM
by Gene
7:55 PM
by Gene
Reds pitcher Mike Leake was arrested on a shoplifting charge at a downtown department store Monday, accused of trying to steal six shirts with a total value of $59.88.... Police arrest reports said Leake removed the price tags from six American Rag T-shirts at a Macy's store and tried to leave without paying for them. Leake makes $425,000 in his second season in the majors. Guy, if you're going to shoplift couldn't you trade up?
9:57 AM
by Gene
When our public life becomes something no one can take seriously, we get DONALDS.
9:48 AM
by Gene
Wildhorn cooks up boy-band numbers for Jack and his fellow knights, who look like refugees from a Ralph Lauren Polo campaign. (These are among the few occasions choreographer Marguerite Derricks appears to be awake, aping moves more cleverly parodied in Altar Boyz.) There’s generic Latino pop for El Gato, laid-back Prince-style funkadelics for the Caterpillar, a screechy anthem out of the Bonnie Tyler/Jim Steinman playbook for the Mad Hatter, and an old-school showstopper for the Queen, with nods to Gypsy, The Music Man and South Pacific. This show needs no help underlining its inferiority to classic musicals. In amongst all this is the occasional insipid ballad for Alice and Chloe. Something for everyone -- a comedy tonight!
9:34 AM
by Gene
As well it might given His Incompetence is in office.
9:19 AM
by Gene
We wouldn't gloat so hard, TINA!!!!! -- not with SIX PAGES OF ADS and your SUGAR DADDY gone. Does America need more than one newsrag -- The Econowiz?
9:13 AM
by Gene
Our rejoinder: Stocks have doubled! What, we worry? Sunday, April 17, 2011
5:58 PM
by Gene
1. "A former network executive" burps: The first decade of the 2000s has been dubbed "The Reality Era," but it was really an era of choice. If you want serious drama, there's "Mad Men," "Six Feet Under" or "The Wire"; if it's intelligent comedy try "The Daily Show"or "Curb Your Enthusiasm"; if it's tightly plotted thrillers, how about "True Blood" or "Damages?" If you prefer to not be sure what you're watching, try "Carnivale." [Only $110 for ALL THREE SETS!] And, of course, "reality" shows of every stripe filled the screen -- some being high-quality efforts such as "The Amazing Race" and "American Idol" and others that were just -- well -- odd. Whole networks are now devoted to the genre. If Newton Minow couldn't find something to like in this plethora of choice, tailored to so many tastes -- highbrow and low-brow -- perhaps he'd need to rethink his definition of a "wasteland." It's been a storm-tossed journey, but we've come a long way from "Gilligan's Island." [Links added] Just one problem -- people now have to pay hundreds of dollars for what by rights the networks should have delivered for free. Their dropping the ball helped lead to "57 CHANNELS AND NOTHIN' ON", a number that threatens to approach 57,000. We might add "CRITICALLY-ACCLAIMED" does NOT equal GOOD. We might further add if searching for quality television is now a full-time occupation in its own right what's the point? And we would not have gone to the trouble of collecting links for these MASTERPIECES' ratings if people watched them. They are old but generally the numbers top out at 4 million -- 1.3 percent of the current U. S population. And they are frequently much lower. But then we do expect TV executives, present or former, to be IGNORAMUSES. 2. The CRAINIACS try to get their clients in gear by boasting that SOCIAL MEDIA LEAD TO APPOINTMENT VIEWING!!!!! Well when you see a buzzword you know it can't be long in the article before its authors contradict themselves: [C]hatter doesn't always translate to ratings. Digital agency Wiredset recently launched social-media tracker Trendrr.TV to rank TV shows based on full-week volume of tweets, Facebook posts and check-ins for GetGlue and Miso, two mobile startups that aim to corral TV chatter. On that chart, for the same week, "Idol" and "Dancing with the Stars" are top-three social-media shows; they also top Nielsen's list for most viewers. However, "Glee," while No. 2 on Trendrr.TV, was No. 77 on Nielsen's top-watched broadcast prime-time list for the same week. TRANSLATION: Faddish social media won't help programs with "huge" audiences because they don't need it, and they won't help CULT PROGRAMS because their audiences are too small. 3. Brian -- who can always be counted on to assume the missionary position with potential advertisers -- says someday we'll get to see ANYTHING ON TV!!!!!!!!!! We would remind this DIMWIT that typical ratings for most TV shows are single-digit -- and sometimes not even that, which you'll get when your first order of business is to prod us to see ANYTHING ON TV!!!!!!!!!! And judging from 16,800 Google links we'd say DOC-TOR PONDILLO is yearning to be the next PERFESSER THOMPSON -- that is to say, a complete ALWAYS-ON JERK. P. S. Hmmm, six months ago the BLITHERING JACKASS BRIAN was saying, "[A]s TV becomes much more disparate and personal, thanks to new technology, family-friendly content may have more sway." I guess the pimps sang a different tune last week. ![]() A NEUHARTHISM OF THE MONTH AWARD TO BRIAN!
1:46 PM
by Gene
![]() A pose of exceptional shrewdness. By putting her hand over her mouth Keira somewhat obscures her very masculine jaw. She actually looks...appealing. If Keira were as good looking below the upper lip...but we don't expect ANY female ac-TOR to be good looking these days.
1:42 PM
by Gene
1:33 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: NUKEMAN's stronger than ever.
11:18 AM
by Gene
11:07 AM
by Gene
![]() As I've said a zillion times before, good news for show-biz is bad news for the rest of us -- especially now that it's a glorified ward of the state. So okay, SUPERNIKKI!!!!!, you've got your GOOD NEWS!!!!!, but even you have to remind us the weekend was led off by a 3D babysitter, and there's still a vast indifference to most of the also-rans -- and even if your industry came out ahead $30 million a week for the next twenty weeks you'd still be behind for the year. Uncritical teens and parents will pull this undeserving industry from its rut, but we still would like to think this time will be different.
10:39 AM
by Gene