Thursday, March 11, 2010
2:28 PM
by Gene
We would like to do away with most political speeches -- they're bad before they even come from the mouth. But doing away with the State of the Union is a non-starter because it attracts a big TV audience, and for many this is the only chance to hear the president bloviate on public policy. Yes, the State of the Union has become a "political pep rally", and yes, we'd be happy to read it online, without the dramaturgy, but for better or worse it's the only commons the people have.
12:11 PM
by Gene
In thinking of Merlin Olsen we think of Dick Enberg. We think of two of the nicest guys who ever graced an announcing booth. There ought to be no shame in being a nice guy like Merlin Olsen.
11:57 AM
by Gene
Fleischer, who served as presidential press secretary from January 2001 to July 2003 before leaving for a career as a consultant, worked with McGwire after the disgraced slugger had gone into hiding following his embarrassing refusal to answer questions about his steroid use before a congressional committee in 2005.
Before his recent public admission to using steroids, necessitated in part by his return to the Cardinals as a hitting instructor, McGwire was advised by Fleischer.
The NFL and Major League Baseball also are among Fleischer’s high-profile clients. He advised the Packers in 2008 on how to deal with the fallout from their breakup with Brett Favre and he’s worked with college football’s BCS on how to repair an image that has been ridiculed. With friends, NO, that's TOO easy.
11:49 AM
by Gene
NO COMMENT:New York - Panasonic and Best Buy staged an elaborate send-off Wednesday at the retailer's Union Square outlet for the launch of Panasonic's first FullHD 3D TVs.
The event, which drew a media circus, included officials for Panasonic, Best Buy, and Panasonic's content partners DirecTV and Fox Home Entertainment. As an event capper, Best Buy completed the sale of the first Panasonic FullHD 3D plasma TV system to Brad and Ashley Katsuyama, a local couple who work in the financial industry.(Via B&C)
10:40 AM
by Gene
THE KING OF THE WORLD!!!!! rubs his hands and smacks his lips -- and loses whatever little he had of his sense:Q: Should the existing film catalog be converted to 3D?
A: If it's done well. I think it should be driven by the artist. If Star Wars gets converted into 3D I think George (Lucas) should do it. If Terminator gets converted into 3D, I should do it.
Q: How about an older movie, such as [drumroll, please] The Wizard of Oz ?
A: That gets into an interesting area. At that point the people that own the library have the right to do it, particularly if they own the rights to all media.So let's 3D Casablanca! Or Citizen Kane! It'll make them much better! And remember, 3D won't ever "look like crap"! MOUTH OF THE SOUTH! You have a soul mate in KING JIM!
8:30 AM
by Gene
AUTOMATIC WRITING, PART II: Someone could do a brilliant dissection of Hollywood's sudden desire to remake The Wizard of Oz, a property it's done only what, twenty-six times; but count on LALA not to be able to do it without bringing in PERFESSER THOMPSON, THE AUTOMATIC SOUND-BITE MACHINE, whose mere presence in a story renders it unreadable. Why can't some people do their own reporting for once?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
5:49 PM
by Gene
I have not posted much these last few days in part because I've had little to say, and because G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE has played its patented algorithmic mind games on me, and there's nothing I can do. I've adjusted the archives to weekly to try to counter this -- I may move them back to monthly -- and also because lots of my posts are missing in the monthly views. The Fort Knox in Mountain View clearly does not give two hoots about that pile of third-hand servers, in part because it hasn't been able to "monetize" them, except with stupidly inappropriate ads popping up in all the wrong places.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
11:00 AM
by Gene
The lunacy of 3D TV, in a nutshell:There is no denying that 3D is here to stay. It’s the only viable option manufacturers have to get consumers to upgrade from their just-purchased HDTV. But it might be wise to sit on the sidelines for the first couple of rounds until the TV makers get some standards hammered out. You just saw Avatar in 3D anyway and soccer is probably just as boring in 3D as it is is in 2D.P. S. To which a commenter responds: soccer is not boring, you fool [SIC] That person's ready for 3D!
9:01 AM
by Gene
What do professors banning laptops and ac-TORS bemoaning Botox have in common? That society can carry gee-whiz science too far.
Monday, March 08, 2010
5:40 PM
by Gene
Okay PAUL DRECK, you can get off your desk now:[ESPNCORP] also said that its "reach" number, or the number of viewers that tuned in for at least six minutes of the Oscars, was 70 million. That compares with last year's 68 million.This is embarrassing -- Nielsen whispers a nice numerical fairy tale in ESPNCORP's ear and it STILL has to make up stats -- and the made-up stats aren't that impressive! Hmmm. [T]he Oscars didn't get the kind of numbers they usually get when an immensely popular film is in the mix.Maybe because the numbers aren't showing up at the popcorn restaurants anymore. And of course double-counting NEVER hurts!
4:50 PM
by Gene
We had to post something, so -- we post from ARCHDaily! First place in a design competition goes to -- TINKERTOYS! Somebody calls this "SGLight House". How about "AAAAARGH!!!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!! HOUSE"? And who'd have guessed this one? The League of Nations Court in the Hague! Where someday the WORLD will punish the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL of AMERICA -- and ISRAEL, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! And judging from the size of the thing it'll take a lot of people power to do it.
12:04 AM
by Gene
Well, I stayed up late tonight via chat boards to witness 1. The lowest grossing picture ever winning the Os-CAR® -- adjusted for inflation too, I'd guess -- and 2. That 10-nominee stunt trashed by the very people who created it. What's more 3D may be the future of fillum but it's not the future of awards. What a joke! What an irrelevance!
Sunday, March 07, 2010
9:35 PM
by Gene
I've come up with another reason why CGI in 3D and animated actors are permanent: 1. The actors don't age; and 2. Given how rotten real ac-TORS look in digital media better the electronic kind.
4:14 PM
by Gene
Indeed people like MICHAEL!!!!! and TINA!!!!! and HENRY HONEST!!!!! are so enamored of trivia, and people like the ASSPress dimwits are so enamored of PR, we can easily overlook stories like this, about how our GUVMENT is subsidizing "American" companies who are subsidizing the Holocaust deniers in Iran, or like this, where we learn the Pakistanis (who are looking better every day) have captured that "American" spokesman for the holy cockroaches. This tells me if MICHAEL!!!!! and TINA!!!!! and HENRY HONEST!!!!! and their Web sites went away and the ASSPress fired the likes of, say, JAKE!!!!!, it would be a public service.
12:47 PM
by Gene
And it's not just PEOPLE WARNER, veritable fount of bloviation; the Web site of a rag that had a prestigious reputation wastes our time likewise. This reminds me rather definitively: no one talks of the recent GAMES anymore.
12:39 PM
by Gene
Aside from the mind games G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE is playing with us we become increasingly discouraged in posting by the Web's voluminous blather and the time we must waste inspecting it. Some TWXSTER makes 901 words out of something worth less than one. It wearies us to have to confront so much filler, and we respond by increrasingly pondering a life without a computer.