Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, March 15, 2008
11:32 AM
by Gene
I'm sure we can try. Although it might be difficult because the Second Coming (or is that the first?) may not be quite as squeaky-clean as we'd previously imputed.
11:26 AM
by Gene
![]() Crazy Eddie may not want to fix up His stores, but He sure is ready to sell USED CARS! As is His patron saint St. Warren. Hey, it's a great way to sell AUTO INSURANCE! You don't suppose America may deserve a depression?
11:06 AM
by Gene
A NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD to CHRIS! And when do America's parents stop using the popcorn restaurants as day-care centers?
10:51 AM
by Gene
10:43 AM
by Gene
Friday, March 14, 2008
5:39 PM
by Gene
Alternet...Right Wing Watch...Tapped...HuffPo...Crooks and The pastor was...Wright to blame us for 9/11. I HATE PARTISANS!
5:22 PM
by Gene
1:15 PM
by Gene
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has promised to do all he can to help struggling homeowners. Good luck, Ben!
1:08 PM
by Gene
Shandling's 45 minutes of serious testimony began light-heartedly when Assistant U.S. Atty. Kevin Lally asked the television star a standard question to get the proceedings underway. "What do you do for a living?" Lally asked. "That's a bad sign," Shandling deadpanned, drawing laughs. The implication was that he was not as well-known as he had hoped. "I'm a comedian," he said. Does anyone outside BIGMEDIA watch cult favorites on HBO?
1:02 PM
by Gene
Some people should shut up before they open their mouths. P. S. So, what makes a girl classy enough for the clientele of the Emperor's Club? I guess "Kristen's" belly tattoo in Latin must have helped. Wait, isn't tutela valui the con-SER-va-tives' official motto? Oh, we're thinking caveat emptor.
10:15 AM
by Gene
"She crashed up [her stepdad's] Porsche and wanted another one, and he wouldn't give it to her, so she left," said the friend, who asked her name not be printed. (LAST GRAF)
10:08 AM
by Gene
9:55 AM
by Gene
You don't suppose S&P popped the bubbly a bit early?
9:51 AM
by Gene
Well, think of the Sox and the Patriots and you can forget the money.
9:48 AM
by Gene
9:35 AM
by Gene
(Via the usual ArtsJournal)
9:07 AM
by Gene
"Every university is committed to the pursuit of truth," said Georgetown President John J. DeGioia, "and we want to ensure that there is the opportunity for both academic freedom and for the free exchange of ideas and opinions across all issues." But David Gibson, the author of a Benedict biography, said the pope will ask, "If you're not going to be an authentically Catholic, orthodox institution, why should you exist?" We'll see lots of existentialism after April 17, won't we!
8:46 AM
by Gene
(Via MediaBistro)
8:43 AM
by Gene
8:38 AM
by Gene
P. S. As the stock bubble swelled in the 1990s, Greenspan became mesmerized by the theory that technology had boosted productivity far more than was understood. He concluded that ``there was no bubble under way because technology expenditures weren't accounted for correctly, meaning that stock prices weren't nearly as high as they seemed,'' Fleckenstein writes. The WIZ invented DOW 36,000ISM! Thursday, March 13, 2008
7:35 PM
by Gene
5:08 PM
by Gene
4:59 PM
by Gene
![]() The Web that gave us live blogging now gives us live voyeuring (sort-of). Wednesday, March 12, 2008
5:56 PM
by Gene
5:31 PM
by Gene
That or they're Republicans.
5:29 PM
by Gene
5:22 PM
by Gene
1:25 PM
by Gene
Do I see some peacocks wearing this as a badge of honor? Stations from other Arab countries that don't recognize Israel, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, have crews and reporters in the country, while some Arab and Islamic countries rely on freelance journalists, usually Palestinians or Israeli Arabs. The reporters are accredited by the Israeli government and allowed to cover the news freely. Israeli media are allowed no similar freedoms in the Arab world. Thousands of knee-jerk lockstep screaming-meemie types say "So?"
1:18 PM
by Gene
LUV is learning about cronyism the hard way.
1:15 PM
by Gene
What does Jonah think of Valerie Bertinelli? She knocks him into second place on the New York Times bestseller list this week. 03/12 11:12 AM YOU GO GIRL!
10:45 AM
by Gene
What I'd like to see: Mickey D franchises with their own blogs. The spelling and grammatical errors would be tremendous.
9:55 AM
by Gene
8:19 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: Is the NEW Wizard of Oz flying blind? Tuesday, March 11, 2008
5:06 PM
by Gene
Maybe they should do it more often! Fed action may have targeted Bear Stearns TRANSLATION: We'll do anything, ANYTHING, to keep these houses of financial parasites from going broke!
1:47 PM
by Gene
12:03 PM
by Gene
GOP lawmakers threaten to impeach Spitzer Ever heard of reverse psychology?
11:59 AM
by Gene
And how will Gekko & Co. strengthen the dollar especially with the speculative commodity orgying a certain con-SER-va-tive loves SO well?
11:43 AM
by Gene
Besides, do these geniuses think the low-IQ types who run the restaurants can run the equipment? And who can predict where the first pirated copies of first-runs will emanate from?
11:24 AM
by Gene
11:11 AM
by Gene
11:09 AM
by Gene
Yes, global warming is all about religion. But why should I want to worship to Gaea?
11:06 AM
by Gene
The Myth of Household Wage Stagnation Has Gekko "Goldilocks" Kudlow been regaling the office with HIS myths?
10:55 AM
by Gene
Who says CEOs have to know?
10:02 AM
by Gene
“Jersey Boys is a musical for people who don't like musicals,” says its director, Des McAnuff. Actually, these days just about everything is a musical for people who don't like musicals. It is the people who do like musicals who are screwed. It might have helped, though, if he hadn't referred to "Oscar Hammerstein III." (Via ArtsJournal) Monday, March 10, 2008
10:59 PM
by Gene
10:55 PM
by Gene
10:54 PM
by Gene
12:15 PM
by Gene
12:14 PM
by Gene
Sunday, March 09, 2008
6:02 PM
by Gene
And just to go one step further: How many of the hyperactive blurb machines among the Amazon Top Reviewers would have five-starred THIS work but for an inconvenience?
4:52 PM
by Gene
1. "DEBT IS THE NEW OBESITY!!!!!" [Emphasis added] And WHO has gorged the public with all those subprimes and credit-card come-ons? 2. You do not dumb down a magazine like The Atlantic and profit from it. 3. Can this designer make Chrysler come up with REALLY ugly cars everyone can call "HIP"? Other car companies can. 4. No one has yet to convince us salt and processed foods can be mutually exclusive. 5. So many products are usurping other products' boundaries, and so many CEOs of companies with competing brands want their luxury boxes at THE GAMES and the right to hector their underlings for years, they may be undercutting their "exclusive" sales pitches -- which from a CEO's point of view is never bad; he'll always get HIS seats. 6. SHUCKS, Southwest Airlines is getting to be as ill-managed and customer-deaf as any other airline. Do I hear its "competitors'" executives laughing?
3:34 PM
by Gene
1:26 PM
by Gene
11:45 AM
by Gene
11:16 AM
by Gene
But the drive to overdo almost everything in the film only emphasizes how thinly stretched the story is, and how movies almost always resort to violence and violent action when no one knows what else to do. Ah, but isn't Hollywood filled to its brim with omnipotents?
10:59 AM
by Gene
10:48 AM
by Gene
10:45 AM
by Gene
10:41 AM
by Gene