Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Friday, May 13, 2011
7:24 PM
by Gene
![]() We should know better than to post a picture like this, but we're thinking, instead of just a face and a figure, what if Cheryl were also a brilliantly talented chanteuse and actress and potential dancing partner for a Fred, with a soupçon of Garlandian wit to boot? And what if this weren't the MEGAPLATINUM AGE OF ENTERTAINMENT the Gang of 27 always says it is? What if George and Ira were busy pecking away at piano and typewriter writing masterworks for her like "He Loves and She Loves" and "They All Laughed"? Or Dick and Larry dedicating "My Romance" or "Falling in Love with Love" for her edification only? Or Schwartz and Dietz with "Dancing in the Dark"? Or Warren and Gordon with "You'll Never Know"? What if Arthur Freed or Pandro Berman or Darryl F. Zanuck were plotting spectaculars for her -- in TECHNICOLOR!? What if she fronted Harry James with "I Can't Begin to Tell You", or Glenn Miller with "I Know Why", or Benny Goodman with "Why Don't You Do Right?" Or Les Brown with "Sentimental Journey"! Alas, we know better -- she can't sing, and very likely she can't act, and most likely any attempt at comedy will be unintentional, and she exceptionally likely thinks LADY YOU-KNOW-WHO's a GENIUS, and she works for SLIME, which pretty well guarantees she's a pretty no-talent. Hey, but we can dream, can't we? Better not. P. S. Then again, if it takes endless practice just to be one of those adenoidal whiners on the Billboard 200 the Gershwins would be impossible.
6:48 PM
by Gene
6:34 PM
by Gene
Thursday, May 12, 2011
5:30 PM
by Gene
![]() Speaking of ST. WARREN He's plastered ugly red and yellow signs on some buildings for a weird reason; He has also plastered this odd message on buses. We presume He means the six horses and wagon He's illustrated; with all manner of fees (not to mention all manner of excuses blaming a corrupt Senator and a dense Congressman) we don't doubt He means it. One little problem though: One of the buildings He acquired used to house a local bank, and with the name change placards disguising its original identity came down, and today there it is: KENSINGTON TRUST COMPANY, which painfully reminds us every time we pass it that once banks were more than fee collection agencies. (Intended for post on date shown; predated due to G000,000,000GLEBLOGGER meltdown. Corrected 5/17; I thought it was inscribed "FRANKFORD".)
5:09 PM
by Gene
As for the ad -- story it reminded me that I take most hacks personally because their intention is personal: to try to force me to think in a way that will IMPROVE THE WORLD, or else to try to sell me five hundred of something so they can impress future bosses -- in short, to engage me in the verbal equivalent of a mugging. Such hacks have vast contempt for their readers, and GRATE.COM has had to employ more than its share, and worse, unleash them elsewhere. (Intended for post on date shown; predated due to G000,000,000GLEBLOGGER meltdown)
2:16 PM
by Gene
And what sort of example can you set when Little Malcolm and his family lost so much of their wealth and your current boss BONO is burning it up on a masterpiece?
2:11 PM
by Gene
11:16 AM
by Gene
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
8:48 PM
by Gene
This was a debate? They both represent cults.
5:36 PM
by Gene
Their wedding was a miracle in an age full of miracles, of enduring tunesmiths and profound pastors and epochal statesmen. Nothing could mark it more completely as of its exceptional age than an immortal fount of wisdom reading a poem. Today, the tunesmiths are forgotten, the pastor's once wife is dead, his church is defunct, its headquarters a hollow shell, the statesman long ago retired for $200K speeches, the fount is retiring, and this royal marriage is in tatters. Time's passage has mercilessly mocked the age's foolishness. We do not feel sorry for Maria and Arnold because the former is eligible for a third act and the latter is on his way to a sixth, but we can't reflect on this now without the profound agony that we -- and possibly they -- lived a life that was thoroughly wasted, in several senses. (Via NRO) P. S. at 7:55 p. m. Among the hundreds of videos posted by a YouTube member named CincinnatiGifts are dozens of Heritage USA just after the Bakkers' downfall and more recent ones of the veritable ghost town now run by MorningStar Ministries. We've seen only three but can confidently say they are astounding electronic archeology and among the more depressing things on YouTube. In the mid-2000s when the property's future was still unclear pictures of the totally forsaken buildings held a morbid fascination for us; in scanning it today with Google Earth the huge abandoned parking lot near the unfinished time-share is still riveting. (Earlier images showed abandoned baseball or softball lots nearby, long replaced by tract housing.) Last we heard the surrounding town of Fort Mill was in a fight with MorningStar to get that ghetto tower demolished. We could go on but simply put what happened at Heritage was a catastrophe, and ultimately a signal reminder of the fleetingness of life, and of would-be heroes.
3:04 PM
by Gene
2:50 PM
by Gene
2:38 PM
by Gene
1:57 PM
by Gene
11:22 AM
by Gene
Far from being so injurious to the economy that its practice must be criminalized, insiders buying and selling stocks based on their knowledge play a critical role in keeping asset prices honest—in keeping prices from lying to the public about corporate realities!!!!! [Honest overemphasis added] Whoops! A CONSERVATIVE already did it. (Via something called Conservative Compendium)
11:17 AM
by Gene
Pick 'em.
8:45 AM
by Gene
Gosh, CASINO, write another fairy-tale ending!
8:38 AM
by Gene
Here's an update on Shakespeare: "First thing we do, let's kill all the law professors!"
8:32 AM
by Gene
Come on, Bugmeisters, we could have done better than that! Tuesday, May 10, 2011
7:13 PM
by Gene
Fun Fact: 'The Great Gatsby' takes place during the summer of 1922 ... so, technically, these cars weren't even on the roads yet ... but they're still cool. COOLER: ![]() ![]() A NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD TO TMZ STAFF!
5:30 PM
by Gene
2:47 PM
by Gene
The European Union has placed sanctions on 13 Syrian officials, including President Bashar al-Assad's brother and a wealthy and influential cousin, as the government continued its violent crackdown on protests and reportedly sent tanks into towns near the flashpoint city of Deraa. The package of sanctions, announced on Tuesday, is aimed at pressuring Assad to halt violence against anti-government demonstrations that broke out in March. PUNISHMENT!
2:00 PM
by Gene
Now, clever as it was, this week’s spoof will not do any damage to the reputation of liberals/progressives as being a little short in the humor leg. That's putting it mildly. (Via the usual Romy)
1:59 PM
by Gene
Salim Ali, 40, also a government employee, said: "It's always the same. Lots of talk but no results, nothing happens." TRANSLATION: Just like America, only CATARRH is honest enough to have a royal family and a rubber-stamp legislature.
11:50 AM
by Gene
10:42 PM
by Gene
Werth, unquestionably, has started slowly. He’s hitting .227 with a .324 on-base percentage, a .387 slugging percentage and four home runs. He realizes now that he altered his approach as a hitter, pressing to carry the Nationals rather than emphasizing what made him one of the National League’s 10 most valuable players the past two seasons. In April, he noticed what had happened to Carl Crawford, who signed a seven-year, $142 million contract to play for the Boston Red Sox. He went 15 for 97 in April and the Red Sox moved him to eighth in their lineup. In Crawford, Werth saw himself. As well he might.
6:08 PM
by Gene
Liberty grieves!
5:58 PM
by Gene
5:55 PM
by Gene
![]() Okay folks, who does this remind you of? The prime minister of a second-rate European nation? Some high-ranking hazy lazy bureaucrat in the League of Nations? Or maybe the president of Belarus? No, no and no: this is only the fifth or sixth most important man in the universe, and possibly ranking ahead of OUR president -- he's PhEEEELEEPE DoughMAHHHHHHHHN, the head of that eternal advertiser crush, SUMNER'S VIACON DIVISION! Of course he's less powerful than SUMNER Himself, as this guy will learn when he's fired. Remember those antioxidants! If only we had connections, and Photoshop, and the wizardry to use Photoshop, we could devote a whole Web site to a Borat-like fake history of the man -- and we'd wager if someone did that right it could fool some underling of ED MURROW or ERIC SEVAREID. Wouldn't it be just and wouldn't it be just delicious to have Them fall for a hoax!
5:42 PM
by Gene
5:41 PM
by Gene
Who needs fiscal austerity with THE WALL STREET CASINO? Sunday, May 08, 2011
9:56 PM
by Gene
God, please let this movie flop. I'm tired of studios sequelizing, rebooting or remaking the same old junk. 'Pirates of the C' had its time. Let's move on. It's not as if the last 3 movies were all that good. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I agree. How many sequels can you make of something? But then again, consider the audience.
9:14 PM
by Gene
7:30 PM
by Gene
7:02 PM
by Gene
![]() THIS GUY SEZ: Hey, America, Would It Kill You to Go to the Movies? Yes -- if it helps YOU! ![]() A NEUHARTHISM OF THE MONTH AWARD TO JOAL [SIC] !
6:38 PM
by Gene
6:24 PM
by Gene
The good news (if it is): It's not financing QUITE so much of it. CAVEAT: Brian "HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD!" Steinberg.
6:21 PM
by Gene
9:51 AM
by Gene
In March, 42.5 percent of the web traffic, by far the largest chunk, came from readers who were 65 or older, according to Nielsen. The magazine itself is a mix of news reporting, columns and lifestyle featuresinterspersed [SIC] with many ads for gold, silver and pills that claim to reverse aging.... ....[T]he magazine is filled with a sense of speaking for “flyover country,” as one writer put it. Hey CHRIS, the more you endorse THE DONALD the more we want to FLY OVER it.