Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, June 27, 2009
9:35 PM
by Gene
I can appreciate the wit, the craft, the subversion of these jibes and you could perhaps read them as affectionate markers of people’s abiding interest in the man. But they also make me feel faintly nauseous. Just as Jackson’s sudden demise says a lot about his poor bodily health, so the alacrity with which bystanders to his pitiful end have rushed to get their gags out says a good deal about the sickly state of our moral sense. Who has more moral sense: the people almost forced to tell Wacko jokes because the psychotic saturation media coverage impinges on their sanity; or greedmeisters like JEFF BEZOS reminding people on His home page to give to Sony Music's favorite charity? Who has more moral sense: the people fed up with the saturation coverage, or the people who originate it? I wouldn't tell such jokes, but I understand why others might.
6:54 PM
by Gene
The ASSPress must remind us again in so many words that it is not reporting from Iran. Neither we'd gather is any other news organization. We understand no responsible news agency should put its employees in danger; but this mushy disclaimer attempts to excuse what has become a total abdication of duty, an impotence that benefits tyrants, and it especially grates given the marketing orgy of the last two days. When will we rise up against the news hacks? As for the third-hand contents, need we be reminded NUKEMAN has won -- and that our All-Seeing President will probably never directly challenge him again?
5:48 PM
by Gene
IDIOT, IF YOU CLOWNS DID YOUR WORK RIGHT YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TO ISSUE THESE PHONY APOLOGIES. Sorry for the all-caps -- it's the mark of a crank -- but dammit the news biz is all about all-caps some days.
2:52 PM
by Gene
Although plans are not yet confirmed, Ortega -- the choreographer and director behind such hits as “Dirty Dancing,” “High School Musical” and “Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour” -- is seeking to create a tribute to the singer using some of the choreography, costuming, musical staging and films Jackson engineered for his 50-date “This Is It” concert run at London’s O2 Arena. TRANSLATION: I WANT WHAT'S MINE!
1:46 PM
by Gene
![]() Well, you could use another building. WHY MUST THE WHOLE JERNALISTIC WORLD WRITE LIKE INTERNS? OR: ![]() KAPLAN, INC.! ST. WARREN OF BUFFETT!! CLOSE GRATE.COM!!! NOW!!!! OR: S&P Cuts Washington Post Ratings On Publishing Worries WORSE: The company's Kaplan education business, which insulates it from the travails of the media industry, also struggled, suffering a 76% profit drop. CLOSE GRATE.COM!!!!! NOW!!!!!
1:41 PM
by Gene
Okay, Ivan, why is the estate allegedly hundreds of millions in debt? God, there must be a ton of embarrassing statements and think pieces on the Web today. If only I could track them all down! I'd have a terminal case of the willies.
1:25 PM
by Gene
Well, see, His Omnipotence believes in -- redemption. If a man has the right spirit and the right attitude he can redeem himself, no many how many fires he's set, or how many people he has killed, or what kind of regime he runs. By faith in Oba -- oh, never mind. Oh by the way, he's very gung-ho otherwise. Why use that line then, Louie? Can't these LEGENDARY ex-CEOs stay retired? Why must they always run their yaps like LEGENDARY WELCH?
11:13 AM
by Gene
A looming $5.5 trillion federal deficit by the end of 2013 may force Congress to challenge tax laws benefiting restaurant chains, racecar track builders and a London-based liquor company. But if history is any guide, taxpayers may find more hidden expenses in financial rescue legislation yet to come. If history is any guide we'll yet be the second coming of the Holy Roman Empire. (Via Seeking Alpha)
11:04 AM
by Gene
10:15 AM
by Gene
10:04 AM
by Gene
Is an invisible hand applying herbicide to the green shoots? Or were they green in the mind only? (Via The Business Insider)
9:48 AM
by Gene
And that front page for the now risible Diana from SLIME's News of the World looks pretty laugh-provoking too (although in its day it was understandable, as the British had little left but the fake pretensions of fake royalty).
9:39 AM
by Gene
9:36 AM
by Gene
9:25 AM
by Gene
9:15 AM
by Gene
"People have really taken to the idea that they're not just passive consumers of news anymore," says Aaron Smith, a researcher with the Pew Internet & American Life Project. "They're 'nodes' in the news environments themselves, and can now contribute their own thoughts on what the issue of the day is." As we said Thursday, they may be "nodes" (cute to reduce human beings to mere techy widgets -- double-dimwit), but the system is one great big iron fist beating us into submission, as Iran has proved; and this increasing un-newslike "news" has been pushed hard by BIGMEDIA -- PEOPLE WARNER first reported it. All this demonstrates is that the Internet machine may have a zillion cogs, but often the power to get the cogs moving comes from on top.
9:10 AM
by Gene
This isn't what Liz (who IS she and where in God's name did she come from?) wanted to say, but it says it all too aptly. This column alone is an argument for a temporary public moratorium on news consumption.
9:01 AM
by Gene
Who trusts The World's Most Trusted Network? Unfortunately PEOPLE WARNER stock hasn't suffered lately -- the one-for-three reverse split has helped -- but we can hope. (Strange: Look up that phrase and all sorts of far-left sites adhere to it. But isn't that what it once called itself -- and what in its heart of missing hearts it still calls itself?) Friday, June 26, 2009
6:37 PM
by Gene
Wehell, there he goes again.
2:46 PM
by Gene
Who'd have guessed PEOPLE would do a better job than a piece of doggie doo like USAOKAY!!!!!? Don't get us wrong: Given all the talk of GENIUS and GREATNESS the total story is getting VASTLY OVERPLAYED. Its newsworthy elements -- and there are newsworthy elements -- are getting underplayed.
2:23 PM
by Gene
AEG Live. Why didn't it call itself AIG Live? You don't suppose the goofy British government could bail it out? A few isolated hacks are doing a better job with this than the usual MadAves of the newsroom. P. S. [F]ans who bought tickets on the second-hand market through websites such as eBay are likely to lose out. Thousands of tickets appeared on auction site [sic] with price tags of up to £1,300. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!
2:16 PM
by Gene
MONEY HONEY® proves yet again she may be America's most overrated JERNALIST.
2:14 PM
by Gene
And how many czars is that, O Omnipotent Chief Czar? (Via Politics Daily -- from the same people who bring you TMZ!)
11:26 AM
by Gene
![]() NO, GANNETT, YOU'RE NOT GOING BACK TO $90. ![]() And NO, PVT. ZELL, YOU'RE NOT GETTING YOUR MONEY BACK. P. S. at 6:40 p. m. Note what appears between the ads in USAOKAY!!!!! I'm thinking of a eight-letter plural Yiddish word that rhymes with lucks, or a eight-letter compound American word that rhymes with crass and bowls.
11:20 AM
by Gene
11:07 AM
by Gene
Betty Allen, R.I.P. 06/26 10:54 AM ![]() [Link SIC] Thanks, MS. TRAVERS. Uplifting! P. S. I know, I know, it was from the prior post, I've done it too, but I'm not the HONORARY EDITOR of the WORLD'S GREATEST GROUP BLOG. Here's a correct link. P. S. at 11:45 p. m. She changed the link.
9:46 AM
by Gene
9:14 AM
by Gene
MCLEAN, Va., June 26, 2009 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ ----USA TODAY and the National Milk Mustache "got milk?(R)" campaign named 25 scholar athletes to the 12th annual Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year (SAMMY) Award. The 25 outstanding high school athletes will be awarded a $7,500 college scholarship, attend a SAMMY 2009 weekend June 26-28 at the Walt Disney World Complex in Orlando, Fla. with their parents and/or guardians and will be pictured in a special congratulatory "got milk?(R)" mustache ad in USA TODAY on June 26. "USA TODAY congratulates the Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP) for creating and funding the SAMMY program and for recognizing young people across the United States who are top performers in the classroom, in their respective sports, communities and also include milk as part of their daily routine," said Susan Lavington, senior vice president of marketing for USA TODAY. The 2009 SAMMY winners are: -- Heather Lee Adams - Boise, Idaho -- Laura Bellamy - Duluth, Minn. -- Hannah Connealy - Whitman, Neb. -- Lindsay Danielson - Osceola, Wis. -- Jacquelyn Davis - League City, Texas -- Summer Joy Dupler - Beverly Hills, Fla. -- Elliot Toy Feng - Albuquerque, N.M. -- Devin Guillory - Baton Rouge, La. -- Lauren Gustafson - Columbus, Ind. -- Arthur Stewart Kerr - Lake Forest, Ill. -- Skyler Lashley - Lingle, Wyo. -- Alex Lendrum - Phoenix, Ariz. -- Amundam (Moonie) Mancho - Budd Lake, N.J. -- Libby Marden - Overland Park, Kan. -- Matt Mulligan - Durango, Colo. -- Brandon Parker - Las Vegas, Nev. -- Christian Roehmer - Mt. Pleasant, Mich. -- Andrea Schaefer - Enterprise, Ore. -- Rachel L. Schneider - Sanford, Maine -- Shari' Nicole Thomas - Steubenville, Ohio -- Clara R. Tsao - Moraga, Calif. -- Caroline Weaver - South Burlington, Vt. -- Rachel Elizabeth Wein - Perryville, Md. -- Ge "Andy" Zhang - Marietta, Ga. -- Inar Zhang - Mercer Island, Wash. [SIC!] The team of 25 was selected by a panel of judges from nearly 55,000 students nominated by teachers, coaches, principals, guidance counselors, athletic directors, parents and relatives. Judges considered academic performance, athletic excellence, leadership, community service and milk experience essay. For more information on these winners, see the Friday, June 26, edition of USA TODAY or log on to, Facebook at or Twitter at Education partners for the SAMMY 2009 award program include: the American Association of School Administrators, the National Association of Sport and Physical Education, the American School Counselor Association and the National School Public Relations Association. Body By Milk(R) is part of the National Milk Mustache "got milk?(R)" Campaign, a multi-faceted education program focused on the health benefits of milk. The campaign is managed by the Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP) in Washington, D.C., which is funded by the nation's milk processors, who are committed to increasing fluid milk consumption. Lowe New York is the creative agency for the National Milk Mustache "got milk?(R)" Campaign. USA TODAY was founded in 1982 with a mission to serve as a forum for better understanding and unity to help make the USA truly one nation. Through its flagship newspaper and popular Web site, USA TODAY engages the national conversation and connects readers online through social media applications. USA TODAY, the nation's top-selling newspaper with a total average daily circulation of more than 2.1 million, and, an award-winning newspaper Web site which launched in 1995, reach a combined 5.8 million readers daily. The USA TODAY news and information brand also includes: USA TODAY Education, USA TODAY LIVE, USA TODAY Mobile, Open Air magazine and USA TODAY Sports Weekly. USA TODAY is owned by Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE: GCI). SOURCE USA TODAY [Emphasis and link added] Our congratulatons to the winners -- and NO THANKS TO USAOKAY!!!!!!!!!! (Via G000,000,000GLE Finance)
8:52 AM
by Gene
P. S. If LALA is correct TMZ must have broken the news seconds before I clicked on the story. Talk about lucky! No more ratholes here!
8:47 AM
by Gene
Another topic for today. We pay for many things that have little value. Think of our taxes. How much of them goes to schemes and frauds? Or think of name-brand consumer goods. How much of their price goes to profit margins and advertising fiefdoms? Before the allegedly sudden news biz' collapse it was extremely profitable; today, despite debt-connected losses in the billions and whole companies going broke, it is still profitable. Just because we pay for something doesn't mean it has value; and every day the value of newsgathering approaches what we pay for it on the Web -- zero.
8:36 AM
by Gene
And Jo-NAH isn't off the hook; he was one of the first to lift ST. TIMOTHY into the heavens.
8:32 AM
by Gene
(Via Seeking Alpha)
8:28 AM
by Gene
8:15 AM
by Gene
Today it must be all over the place; I intend to find out as little as possible. P. S. I've mentioned Our Town before in this sense, as though to denigrate it. Don't get me wrong; it's one of the most profound and moving plays ever written. But good things can always be put to bad uses.
8:10 AM
by Gene
Thursday, June 25, 2009
9:21 PM
by Gene
8:01 PM
by Gene
"Do no evil" went out the window a LONG time ago.
6:32 PM
by Gene
Among the attractions that first lady Michelle Obama has planned for the 2,000 guests expected at this evening's Hawaiian-themed congressional picnic on the White House lawn: a "dunk tank" that will allow contestants to take a shot at plunging various members of President Obama's staff into the drink -- including White House spokesman Robert Gibbs and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. TRANSLATION: I think we won't hear about Iran again until NUKEMAN makes another speech -- and probably not then.
6:05 PM
by Gene
5:43 PM
by Gene
P. S. What are the chances he took his own life? Not exactly microscopic, I'd say. If so it's a wonder it didn't happen sooner. P. P. S. at 6:07 p. m. The more I think of it the more utterly the word tragedy applies to his life -- if anything it's an understatement. Jacko went from being the clean-faced clean-living boy-king of Motown to a rancid joke. Several people especially deserve the credit for this, and we know who they are. P. P. P. S. at 6:14 p. m. The TMZ story was dated 5:20. So far only DA POST!!!!! and SFGate are mentioning this, and they appear to be only parroting the news. Nothing from the AUGUST BODIES who've underreported on His Omnipotence custard eating. TMZ now says Jacko dead at the scene. 6:25 p. m. THE MESS says LALA confirms. LALA confirms. 6:36 p. m. 1. UCLA Medical Center must be a war zone. How many news choppers can fit in the air space? 2. Some major weirdness is probably already breaking out on the Web, one way or another. 3. I can't imagine the logistics of refunding all those people for all those concerts. I'd guess the promoters are insured but you wonder how long it will take. 6:43 p. m. ROGER's likening him to MM and Elvis, which, in some ways, may not be that flattering a comparison. 6:48 p. m. AP finally at 6:34 -- about 70 minutes after TMZ, and almost an hour after I found it. If you think the hacks have served up a solid diet of tripe these last few months -- wait for the next few days. People are drooling wallpaper and special sections. No, GanNETt, it won't get your stock above $4.00. I'd say the cable "news" nuisances are already unwatchable but that's par for their sand-trap-riddled course. 6:58 p. m. I feel for the family, which has already been through enough for twenty lifetimes. What will they do? That jackinapes "Col." "Tom" "Parker" turned Elvis's funeral into a backwater circus -- but most people didn't know about the drugs. Jacko's hangers-on and the bloodsucking media could turn it into fifty rings. My advice: mourn quietly and privately -- the leeches will be out wherever you go, and best to starve them. 7:07 p. m. Let's hope there's no Thomas Noguchi to screw up the autopsy. 7:17 p. m. Sometime tomorrow, somebody -- I'm predicting, or Salon, or one of Romy's permalinks -- will wail portentously: "Did WE kill Michael Jackson? Did we break his heart with our constant ridicule?" Well, we must paraphrase an old saying of Euripides: "Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad" -- mad being in an ironical sense, but the gods who rule over us being thoroughly unironical; and the gods of bigmedia are nothing if not playing a mind game, whose purpose is to drive us all mad.
5:30 PM
by Gene
Look, we know you guys have your limits, but you managed to STOP AN UNJUST WAR, didn't you? If you can STOP AN UNJUST WAR you can certainly find out what's going on in Iran, instead of reporting on His Omnipotence's eating habits, or spending as much of the news hole as possible ridiculing Gov. Sanford SOLELY because he's a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN. Oh, you don't have time to report the news! Very well. The TWXSTERS' rathole TMZ says Jacko's all but dying after a heart attack, so you can distract us with that for the next two weeks.
2:46 PM
by Gene
11:24 AM
by Gene
11:03 AM
by Gene
Hey $UPERNIKKI! Why didn't you sell to SUMNER?!?
10:58 AM
by Gene
Into each life a little rain must fall -- but could someone please stop the deluge at ZEITGEIST?
7:00 AM
by Gene
![]() The WORRRRULD COMMU-NI-TY has answered the question. Wednesday, June 24, 2009
6:20 PM
by Gene
![]() For those of you looking for Sophia, here's a picture from (how could you guess?) of professional surfers instead. We have not gazed at all the pictures but we rather hope none of these healthy specimens bears a tattoo. What woman in her right mind at that age would boast of a purple-blue blob on her skin -- especially one as well-toned as these? (Originally posted at 5:00 p. m.; switched to preserve place of honor)
4:55 PM
by Gene
4:54 PM
by Gene
2:08 PM
by Gene
1:54 PM
by Gene
1:42 PM
by Gene
12:28 PM
by Gene
8:36 AM
by Gene
8:27 AM
by Gene
The individual knowledgeable about the purchase price said it would be paid out over several years. So -- it could be $14 million or not. It could be a sale like a chunk of Facebook, or AOL. Remember when G000,000,000GLE bought a piece of AOL? Why do we pay so much attention to these loudmouths?
8:24 AM
by Gene
Eye agre! Tuesday, June 23, 2009
9:25 PM
by Gene
7:31 PM
by Gene
Phil Spector will be allowed jam sessions with fellow prisoners And furthermore... ...[O]ften a mumble with an occasional burst of profanity.... (From the home-page blurb) apt eulogy for our 37th president.
5:43 PM
by Gene
5:32 PM
by Gene
5:24 PM
by Gene
We hope we are wrong.
5:14 PM
by Gene
5:13 PM
by Gene
5:10 PM
by Gene
![]() "Carboard Cloud", it says here. What if those were 10,000-ton clouds?
5:08 PM
by Gene
![]() Where's the rest of the plane? Oh! It's a church? I'd love to see this one fly.
10:44 AM
by Gene
Monday, June 22, 2009
6:00 PM
by Gene
5:52 PM
by Gene
5:44 PM
by Gene
Where's HITLER?
5:34 PM
by Gene
But why make them 50 stories tall?
5:22 PM
by Gene
You may find it funny now, Joe, but let's see what happens five years after the merry-go-round breaks down. (Via The Business Insider, which is also good at useless links)
5:13 PM
by Gene
I would not have said that, Bob -- out of your mouth it means next month.
5:12 PM
by Gene
5:11 PM
by Gene
The Best Advice Warren Buffett Ever Gave Bill Gates How about: Bill, read The Economist. It'll make you look smart.
5:04 PM
by Gene
5:01 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: His Omnipotence will puff away long after his regulatory regime starts to resemble Prohibition. What's the difference between a liberal smoker and a conservative one? The liberal can swat flies and eat custard.
4:58 PM
by Gene
4:53 PM
by Gene
4:47 PM
by Gene
(See post of 8/11/2009.) Sunday, June 21, 2009
5:42 PM
by Gene
5:33 PM
by Gene
![]() America's first permanent mayor, who has already had extensive consultations with doctors regarding the cryonic chamber, is bidding still more for THE GAMES. We would not want to bet against this cubbyhole being demolished as either a. it becomes a convenient place for sexual assaults or b. because it will fall under the high-maintenance weight of its "geometric complexities" (for which the project is no doubt substantially over budget -- but hey, that's what THE STIMULUS is for).
5:26 PM
by Gene
5:14 PM
by Gene
Part of the aforementioned GOD's genius was knowing most people hate pop albums because they're mostly filler. Filler is nothing new in music; symphonies have too much of it. But filler by Bruckner is apt to be more filling than an excuse for the seventh contractually-obligated song on a CD. Ol' Blue is to blame. When you sang as he could loading up albums with Gershwins and Van Heusens you don't need to worry of filler. But not every songwriter is a Gershwin or Van Heusen, and the geniuses of our time defiantly boast to the world that they are NOT, meaning even their masterworks' lead tunes sound like filler. Pop cannot come back for too many reasons, but when anybody can record an album, and anybody thinks he can copy some fifth hand chordal progressions and whine on top about a girlfriend, and further thinks the resulting mess worthy of leading off an album, it is a big reason.
5:11 PM
by Gene