Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, June 20, 2009
6:05 PM
by Gene
Obama and daughters snack on frozen custard WILL YOU IDIOTS REPORT OR SHUT UP?
5:54 PM
by Gene
You don't suppose our friends at companies like Cisco Systems are indirectly helping out, do you?
5:49 PM
by Gene
5:36 PM
by Gene
5:34 PM
by Gene
5:20 PM
by Gene
1:45 PM
by Gene
Yep, those CEOs had better pray for The Golfing Machine again!
1:35 PM
by Gene
Obama's top 10 quips from last night
11:47 AM
by Gene
11:43 AM
by Gene
Friday, June 19, 2009
4:57 PM
by Gene
2:54 PM
by Gene
![]() You know, if we had umpteen gazillion dollars we might buy Frank Lloyd Wright's Ennis House, even if it meant letting in the slobs once a year.
9:02 AM
by Gene
Only baseball greats got to attend -- the hockey players were not invited to the revelry, a source said. Maybe the sport hasn't come back yet. And in other norts spews the man who did so many obscene things to chewing tobacco at the plate is down to his last pouch. We knew a guy like Nails, only he wasn't "worth" zillions, and jail is too kind for such a bum.
8:39 AM
by Gene
With HHHHHWWWWWALT at 92, Gail, it might not be THAT exclusive.
8:35 AM
by Gene
Thursday, June 18, 2009
7:27 PM
by Gene
5:52 PM
by Gene
5:42 PM
by Gene
But then so was investing with BERNIE.
5:39 PM
by Gene
5:37 PM
by Gene
So saith his once personal doctor.
8:43 AM
by Gene
We know he's decided -- for the BIG BUCKS. How long can KAPLAN, INC. go on paying this Caspar Milquetoasty apologist for his fellow moneymakers? (Via the usual Romy)
8:31 AM
by Gene
PETA wishes Obama hadn't swatted that fly In another time we would laugh this off. Instead we are very angry. The cable hacks' outrageous laziness in covering the Iran revolt, coupled with the total ideologically inspired non-coverage of The One, means the hacks have completely abandoned their responsibilities -- but not their pretensions. So long as they insist on reporting as little as they can we their turnips must continue to put as many hacks out of work as we can. Wednesday, June 17, 2009
7:42 PM
by Gene
Why didn't you Congressfools pursue it when you first knew it?
7:37 PM
by Gene
![]() Rotterdam, we have a problem.... AND: ![]() AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!! The wall's having a nervous breakdown! (And this for the "Taiwan Center for Disease Control Complex". Better cure that WALL first.)
1:26 PM
by Gene
And now the descendants of said eggheads are celebrating Nazism again. How apt.
12:09 PM
by Gene
11:57 AM
by Gene
Are these clowns still hiding something? Or is this in preparation of the much-vaunted commercial real-estate shoe waiting to drop?
11:45 AM
by Gene
![]() Now, I SUPPOSE if you work for PEOPLE WARNER you could call these guys HOT!!!!!!!!! -- after all, you never know when they may work for you -- but then we think of someone like this... ![]() ... and we really do think the TWXSTERS should replace their contacts, or something. And as we've said before, if the women have it bad -- think of the MEN. And of course this sort of thing has not an iota to do with SUPERNIKKI!!!!!!!!!! breathlessly intoning about THE COMING BOX OFFICE DISASTER!!!!!!!!!! we mentioned over a week ago. Tuesday, June 16, 2009
5:05 PM
by Gene
![]() What is with STARCHITECTS that they must design "buildings" that look like badly-sorted decks of cards? ![]() The $5 million hillbilly house! ![]() No! NO! They're not really going to build THAT!!!!!
3:01 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: SLIME believed all those flacks who called him a visionary.
11:22 AM
by Gene
9:43 AM
by Gene
(Via -- alas -- Jenni-FER, who probably thinks they booed his whole speech)
9:41 AM
by Gene
9:40 AM
by Gene
Monday, June 15, 2009
6:47 PM
by Gene
There's the instep and the doorstep, There's the one-, two-, three- and the four-step, My step and your step, Steeping up the stepladder, There's the left step and the right step, There's the heavy step and the light step, There's the fatal step and the stepbrother, And the watch-your-step and the stepmother.... People make fun of The Chords and The Monotones (unjustly) but honest their work is divine art next to this (as with countless other earlier rock acts). But then this show begins with a stork descending onto the Music Box Theater's stage with a girl who turns out to be the Music Box -- the Revue, that is -- and she has in her hands "the plot", which she "deposits" into the music box (i.e., a music box in the Music Box), whereupon "nine BURGLARS" (sic) come in to snatch it and sell it to Ziegfeld, or possibly Charles Dillingham (both of whom died broke). After this the girl (who has been fortunately asleep through the BURGLARS) awakes and says it wasn't much of a plot, whereupon the Music Box Revue winds up the music box in the Music Box Revue in the Music Box and unleashes "Eight Little Notes": Eight little notes are we, Useful as we can be. You know and we know What do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do Mean to a melody. Eight little notes can't fail When they are placed on sale.... as evidently they failed too seldom for Irving at this stage. But even he tops himself: he ascends to the great height of satire with his "Dining Out Scene", in which a young couple eat their dinner at a restaurant to the accompaniment of oversized oysters ("Someone awoke us and now we are cross --/Soon we'll be covered with red catsup sauce"), a chicken ("[I]n a minute I lost my head"), a mushroom and a cauliflower ("We were canned! We were canned!"), a French pastry, and a cheap cigar. Then comes -- the CHECK. And the TIPS. Tip, tip, tip tip -- Don't forget the little Tip, tip, tip, tip, Never let the little Tip Slip Out of your grip. It's a total loss, But you've got to come across With the Tip, tip, tip, tip. To the bottom of your pocket Take a dip; Hear us holler, "Please change a dollar!" And give us a little Tip, tip, tip, tip. It's enough to make one give up eating. This is also the show that unleashed "Say It with Music" on the populace -- one of those treacly Berlin ballads so unaccountably popular the fans did not notice a last superb bit of lyric-writing: ...A melody mellow/Played on a cello.... It is impossible to behold that lyric without imagining a Jerry Colonna lookalike with a big prop moustache lugging a double-bass on stage and strumming aimlessly on it while lavishly embellishing the words at the top of his lungs again and again until he collapses in a heap of laughter. And unaccountably popular the whole first Music Box Revue shebang was; it ran 440 performances, a lifetime in the days before Branson East and Lord Lloud Wubbish. We write this with deep regret. Berlin, needless to say, was one of the great songwriters; but he really didn't get started until about the time he met Fred and Ginger at RKO, and his true greatness didn't last all that long -- it ended with Easter Parade fifteen years later -- but it encompassed Annie Get Your Gun, a perfect score. Now to get back to Prof. Carpenter: He reveled in inanities long before the first rock cri-TIC. He demonstrated reverse snobbery before anyone invented the term. For that reason, and that reason alone, we must christen him the GODFATHER OF ROCK MU-SIC CRI-TICS, whose pioneering act eighty-five years ago says too well the decline of American culture was written in the stars, and it began long before the MLA and the deconstructionists.
5:08 PM
by Gene
5:06 PM
by Gene
Especially troublesome if you're in the AD BIZ, where those are the only jokes you know.
4:59 PM
by Gene
I'll say this: blogging has helped me say things more pithily. This would seem preposterous given how many bloggers have won fame with giga-word posts. That I predicted THE 140-CHARACTER FAD's approach means zilch; brevity and jumble go well together. I think I can write, but I am getting tired of writing for no one, and for nothing. Now to see if I can make it pay. Sunday, June 14, 2009
7:26 PM
by Gene
Is there any way of doing a return to sender?
5:30 PM
by Gene
One thing (as we'd expect) our au-THOR doesn't tell us: whether Gypsy wrote her own books. We know The G-String Murders was ghosted, and her epochal memoirs largely so. But we don't expect au-THORS to tell us such. Here is a demonstration why KAPLAN, INC. was thoroughly right in closing its Book Revue. (This typing appears under the "Book World" banner. Nuf said.) And that we may not have the foggiest idea who Gypsy was (other than the title character of some MUSICAL) ties in all too well to the death of jazz. Once we had a grand urban culture. Gypsy was part of it. So was jazz. Now it's bus-'n'-truck companies and holes in the wall for budding MP3-inspired GENIUS. P. S. Where is Jonathan Yardley? P. P. S. at 7:20 p. m. A Google is hardly conclusive (and much of the evidence goes back to the hardly-definitive WIKIPEDIA), but Gypsy may not have ghosted her first novel after all; and evidently she wrote her memoirs on her own.
4:33 PM
by Gene
4:23 PM
by Gene
It's official: America's hobby is navel staring.
4:18 PM
by Gene
(Via the usual prevaricating AHTSJournal)
12:42 PM
by Gene
This is the equivalent of a nation banging its head against a wall.