Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, January 22, 2005
8:50 PM
by Gene
"It's never been so close. There's never been such parity between the four networks." TRANSLATION: The networks aren't fighting for first, they're fighting to AVOID LAST. P. S. Hey ZUCK! Don't you realize PARITY is a word SPORTS HACKS use when they want to describe MEDIOCRITY? You don't even have THAT fall-back position. You SHOULD have said BOTTOM-FEEDING.
7:44 PM
by Gene
Now let's keep her in jail for ten years whether she's guilty or not.
7:09 PM
by Gene
Sean Huze enlisted in the Marine Corps right after the Sept. 11 attacks and was, in his own words, "red, white and blue all the way" when he deployed to Iraq 16 months later. Unquestioning in his support of the invasion, he grew irritated when his father, a former National Guardsman, expressed doubts about the war. Today, all that has changed. Haunted by the civilian casualties he witnessed, Corporal Huze has become one of a small but increasing number of Iraq veterans who have formed or joined groups to oppose the war or to criticize the way it is being fought. The two most visible organizations - Operation Truth, of which Corporal Huze is a member, and Iraq Veterans Against the War.... Now we know GOD does NOT use a computer because it would never occur to Him that maybe people on the Web would look up these sites. Yes, GOD, we CAN GOOGLE. As in Iraq Veterans Against the War.* And Sean has developed looney left bonafides easily. QUITE UNBIASED OF YOU, GOD. Can we expect another cutesy-pie essay from Your cherubim THE PUBLIC EDI-TOR musing why people don't like his Employer because -- some think He's LIBERAL? *We found few incriminating links for Operation Truth, but they'll come now that GOD has BLESSED it. Let us note many of the links above, praise be to PINCH, seem to revolve around stories from His BOSTON WORD.
4:31 PM
by Gene
They should be -- he's been captured twenty times by LITTLE, DEBKA.COM and NEWSMAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2:23 PM
by Gene
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger should be stripped of citizenship in his native Austria for approving the execution of a convicted killer, a leading Austrian politician said Saturday. Peter Pilz, a top official with the environmentalist Green Party.... EIGHTH GRAF: It appeared unlikely that the Greens, a leftist opposition party which holds just a handful of seats in parliament, would persuade Austria's conservative government to revoke Schwarzenegger's citizenship. But with NEWS HACKS, it's THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS!
2:05 PM
by Gene
I try not to pay mind to junk polls like Yahoo!'s ratings, but I note stories like this always get low ones. CAN'T CURLEY AND HIS STOOGES COMPREHEND?
1:14 PM
by Gene
Since his appointment to the FCC in 2001, [Kevin J.] Martin [GENERAL JR.'s most likely replacement] has appeared to follow a more stringent deregulatory path than Powell in certain matters, yet in others he can be more bent on using regulation to achieve results. He also is considered more hard-line on indecency issues than Powell, who has drawn fire from broadcast executives for taking them to task for sexually explicit content. OKAY STERNO, time for your YOSEMITE SAM act: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!!!!!!!!!!
11:52 AM
by Gene
eBay is not cheap, but could be worth $130 a share, according to J.P. Morgan. Good night...sleep tight...don't let the bedbugs bite!
11:27 AM
by Gene
COX-2 inhibitors cost 10 to 15 times as much as the drugs they replaced, the study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine said. NOT OUR MONEY! Within a year of being introduced in 1999, Vioxx and Celebrex were being heavily promoted as "super-aspirin" and bringing in billions of dollars in revenue annually, the study said. Merck spent $161 million in 2000 on direct-to-consumer marketing of Vioxx, it said. That's a lot of junk television and INVESTIGATIVE REPORTS to pay for.
8:02 AM
by Gene
We smile, they frown. We frown, they smile. What should we expect from Democrats in other countries? I see THE PAPER OF RE-CORD bases its estimate on the eructations of "commentators." That must mean overseas NEWS HACKS, who are even more SS lockstep than OURS.
7:50 AM
by Gene
Due to weather conditions, many home delivery subscribers will receive an early edition of the Sunday Inquirer. Those who do not receive it today will receive it tomorrow, weather permitting. For those who buy The Inquirer at retail outlets, the early edition of the Sunday Inquirer will be available today as usual. Weather conditions permitting, later editions will be available tomorrow at retail outlets. For the most up-to-date news, go to Why do we need newspapers? Friday, January 21, 2005
5:26 PM
by Gene
The People for the American Way has a war room with 50 work stations and plans to mobilize more than 1,000 groups against any Bush choice considered a threat to civil rights. Does that include this group? Or this? We're sure they're already ready.
5:16 PM
by Gene
No disrespect intended, but would anyone have written, "Screwball comedienne killed in plane crash," or "Angry young actor killed in high-speed car crash"? We've seen a lot of these heds lately. Which should tell us our age lacks something. (Although all it tells the NEWS HACK TOADIES is, SHOW-BIZ IS BETTER THAN EVER!!!!!)
5:08 PM
by Gene
![]() I'm not so sure a president who fought a war with Mexico and got Texas and the Southwest to boot should be called a "milquetoast." Which raises the question: what would BUGMEISTER BILL be without his CODE?
3:22 PM
by Gene
1:22 PM
by Gene
SHUCKS, now he'll have to make his own.
12:23 PM
by Gene
Well, for what it's worth, I'm no. 121,811 on PubSub. I was around 1,000,000 a month ago -- and 2,000,000 once in the last two weeks. What do these numbers MEAN?
12:03 PM
by Gene
11:48 AM
by Gene
Imagine -- even more gas than Congress! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! P. S. That should be "inflammable" -- but people don't use that word anymore because OWR EDYUKAYSHUN SISTUM has taught STUPIDS the word means NOT INFLAMMABLE.
11:03 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: TWO from column A and THREE from column B -- and let's add a dozen from column C even though I don't see one here.
10:48 AM
by Gene
Don't worry, RIGHT-WING GLIBERAL. You don't have to worry about growing OLD so long as you grow FATUOUS.
10:03 AM
by Gene
HOORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To go into SUPERLOBBYING, no doubt. GOOD RIDDANCE. Just one problem, STERNO. YOU might get someone WORSE.
8:50 AM
by Gene
A reason someone invented the words "oh," "shut" and "up."
8:43 AM
by Gene
8:18 AM
by Gene
Strike, STRIKE! Pretty please, STRIKE! Anything to put the EIGHTY-SOMETHINGS IN BAGGY PANTS and SHORT SKIRTS in a bad mood!
6:52 AM
by Gene
6:43 AM
by Gene
[Some pro-choice Catholic named Frances] Kissling calls for a new discourse that "will permit us to acknowledge both women's rights and needs and our basic respect for all human life, including fetal life." TRANSLATION: Let's talk -- and talk and talk and talk. YOU'RE DOING THAT NOW.
6:38 AM
by Gene
What would a FOOT OF SNOW do?
6:28 AM
by Gene
You take the high road, and Arlen takes the LOW ROAD.
6:20 AM
by Gene
If -- and when -- the reparations bandwagon gets moving again, BUSINESSPOOPS will be the wagon masters, cracking the wh -- er, leading the charge, just to show that, if you prick them, they too can bleed. (Oops! Shylock was talking about JEWS.) Thursday, January 20, 2005
5:18 PM
by Gene
What editors usually say about Pulitzer Prize-winning stories Daily Breeze (Torrance, CA) "They should have seen that piece of junk before I cleaned it up." JOHN BOGERT ON SELECTING CONTEST ENTRIES: "I just wish that I could avoid the tortured self-analysis that comes with sifting through the year's work, rereading things that sounded so cool at press time but that now sound like dated, truncated, overblown failures." NUF SAID.
5:16 PM
by Gene
5:09 PM
by Gene
The Hollywood movies that dominated the mid-1980s consisted of titles like Porky's Revenge. The 1970s had seen a flurry of GREATNESS, when directors like Martin Scorsese and Robert Altman had briefly usurped power from the studios, but in the following decade American film became something of a wasteland. The studios had regained control and began to churn out an endless stream of sex comedies. FORTUNATELY (we're talking Robert Redford's "BLOATED, DECADENT" film festival -- at least that's what the typically misleading home-page link says)... [T]he Sundance program gradually improved as the films became riskier, more adventurous. Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs played three years after sex, lies, and videotape, and The Usual Suspects played three years after that. So -- despite running an "ad campaign" now, Bob put his heart in the right place...and MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER!!!!!
5:05 PM
by Gene
Bhutan banned tobacco. Could the rest of the world follow? Sure -- if our average elevation was 8,500 FEET. (COOOOOOOOOUUUUUGHHHH!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE!!!!!)
2:20 PM
by Gene
I'm leaving for Boston in a few hours, which shows, I guess, how seriously I take the "dirty bomb" warning.... TAKE THAT, DAN BLATHER!!!!!
11:47 AM
by Gene
11:28 AM
by Gene
Given there's not ONE PERSON at EITHER COMPANY who can STAND DUBYA'S GUTS (except perhaps GEORGE "MY BUSINESS IS MY BUSINESS" WILL, and he doesn't count because Dubya DESTROYED THE CONSTITUTION with CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM) this is truly MAJOR-LEAGUE KA-CHINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG!!!!!!!!!! P. S. Others that contributed $250,000 [like THE TWXSTERS] included Bristol-Myers Squibb, ChevronTexaco, Exxon Mobil, FedEx, Pfizer, Aflac, Home Depot and Bank of America. [And ALTRIA MOTIVE, the JUNIOR CLUNKER BROTHER and AT&T too!] Those contributing $100,00 [sic] [like BUFFETTMEDIA] included Qualcomm, SBC Communications, Coca-Cola Co., and Microsof [sic] Corp. What is this, Dubya or the SUPER BORE? (Two disadvantages to sponsoring an inauguration: you don't get a luxury suite, and you can't be sure the money goes to finance JUNK TELEVISION -- but you might get an invite to a ball with other high-mucky mucks who can't stand the country, and you can DEFINITELY boom around the office for two months screaming, "I SAW THE PRESIDENT INAUGURATED AND YOU DIDN'T!!!!!")
11:06 AM
by Gene
11:01 AM
by Gene
9:11 AM
by Gene
This should help explain it: One auction piece from [John Coltrane's widow's] house in California - the original sheet-music sketches for Coltrane's 1964 suite "A Love Supreme," among the most important works in jazz - bears explicit notes and markings in Coltrane's hand. ("Make ending attempt to reach transcendent level"; "Rising harmonies to a level of blissful stability at end"; "Last chord to sound like final chord of 'Alabama.' ") These two pages, which have never been seen by scholars, aren't just a curio: they will affect scholarship. No, we don't have jazz music anymore, but we have plenty of JAZZ SCHOLARSHIP.
9:00 AM
by Gene
Here's ANOTHER Republican who's had a bit too much Ka-CHINNNNNNNNNNNG!!!!!
8:17 AM
by Gene
And with luck this year's OSCARSĀ® will prove so EDGY they'll follow the GOLDEN GLOBESĀ® down the drain.
6:50 AM
by Gene
Figures Dubya would be tied to it.
6:37 AM
by Gene
In THE PAPER OF RE-CORD, torture NEVER takes a holiday.
6:25 AM
by Gene
6:21 AM
by Gene
Ya gotta love the guy. Wednesday, January 19, 2005
6:16 PM
by Gene
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences' Standing Committee on Women told school president Lawrence Summers in a letter Tuesday that his remarks at a conference Friday did not "serve our institution well." WE run this MUTUAL FUN -- er, UNIVERSITY!
6:00 PM
by Gene
Besides, I can't stand to see a grown Canadian cry.
5:54 PM
by Gene
5:41 PM
by Gene
Now to make it complete we need THE SUGAR DADDIES of ADVERTISING to DOUBLE their outlays, and maybe The Mooner to deny there was ever hanky panky in his news outhouse. P. S. to The Mooner: SAM BROWNBACK WILL BE BACK.
5:14 PM
by Gene
Meanwhile, the Associated Press is reporting that a federal law enforcement official has stressed the tip is one of many from around the country that routinely are forwarded to local task forces for further investigation. No credible, specific terror threat has been identified in connection with the tip about suspects possibly entering the country from Mexico. Thus it is, always.
5:09 PM
by Gene
I don't know if it has chiasmus, anaphora or anastrophe, but it sure is less than 1,182 WORDS. NOW WILL YOU POST IT THIS TIME, G000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLEBLOGGER?
1:45 PM
by Gene
Oh well, we're appointing SANDY WHATA BURGLAR as OUR secretary of state! PFFH-HH-HH!
11:25 AM
by Gene
FDR dispensed with the tradition of inaugural parties altogether for his 1937, 1941 and 1945 inaugurations. Something to keep in mind as CORPORATE AMERICA bribes -- POURS ZILLIONS into tomorrow's STEEL-TRAP INAUGURAL.
10:45 AM
by Gene
May the loudest mouth win! It always does in the BELTWAY.
9:38 AM
by Gene
9:30 AM
by Gene
Weren't you in that camp also?
8:38 AM
by Gene
Does that mean we demote him from GOD to a mere saint?
8:12 AM
by Gene
And maybe we can steal a few melodies from the opera too! I'm thinking The Barber of Seville -- in honor of THE TRUMPSTER'S HAIR.
6:42 AM
by Gene
6:31 AM
by Gene
OH oh, now we'll see how right WONKETTE and WALTER "SPYWARE" WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY were! Tuesday, January 18, 2005
6:26 PM
by Gene
1. Business cards politely asking the user to shut up; 2. Phone booths (I thought cell phones were supposed to rid us of phone booths!); and 3. TEXT MESSAGING. Super glue might be better.
5:35 PM
by Gene
The world THANKS you, KOFI.
5:33 PM
by Gene
MEMPHIS, Tennessee (AP) -- Defense attorney Leslie Ballin called it the "jury pool from hell." The group of prospective jurors was summoned to listen to a case of Tennessee trailer park violence. Right after jury selection began last week, one man got up and left, announcing, "I'm on morphine and I'm higher than a kite." When the prosecutor asked if anyone had been convicted of a crime, a prospective juror said that he had been arrested and taken to a mental hospital after he almost shot his nephew. He said he was provoked because his nephew just would not come out from under the bed. Another would-be juror said he had had alcohol problems and was arrested for soliciting sex from an undercover officer. "I should have known something was up," he said. "She had all her teeth." Another prospect volunteered he probably should not be on the jury: "In my neighborhood, everyone knows that if you get Mr. Ballin (as your lawyer), you're probably guilty." He was not chosen. The case involved a woman accused of hitting her brother's girlfriend in the face with a brick. Ballin's client was found not guilty. First thing we do, let's kill all the JURORS.
5:12 PM
by Gene
Calm down, STERNO (not that you can); ED would probably be used in "humorous" essays (VIACON Network News has had them for years), and it is highly unlikely he'd actually emcee the show for reasons I've spelled out before (although given that HHHWWWALTER CRRRONKITE JR. seems to have gotten much of his humorlessness from his stint on GE BANCORP ENTERTAINMENT'S NIGHTLY NEWS anything IS possible). Perhaps in the back of his diamond-encrusted pea brain The Mooner realizes the damage DANNO and MARY did to his news operation is irreparable, so he can talk about multiple anchors and ED and hiring that pompous ass LORD KOPPEL of ESPNCORP (65 on Feburary 8) or Pee-TAH (67 on July 29) and "reinventing the news" (code for screwing up fancily). If it sticks to the wall -- God knows our NEWS can't. I have a suggestion, Mooner: why not NO ANCHORS? You'd save yourself MILLIONS that you could use to produce FIVE MORE JUNKY COMEDY CENTRAL SHOWS! Prediction: KATIE'S IN -- and then the fun REALLY begins.
12:13 PM
by Gene
11:58 AM
by Gene
11:44 AM
by Gene
10:12 AM
by Gene
It MUST because it has NO BRAINS.
10:00 AM
by Gene
The naming of Stephen Cooper as CEO of Krispy Kreme, and Steven Panagos as chairman, may be an ominous sign. Cooper succeeds Scott Livengood, who "retired." Livengood was named by this column as the worst CEO of 2004. As chairman and managing director of turnaround firm Kroll Zolfo Cooper, Cooper is also interim CEO of Enron and has a history of being brought into companies in dire financial straits. Before Enron he served as vice chairman of Laidlaw, which, like Enron, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Laidlaw emerged from bankruptcy in 2003. Panagos, meanwhile, is currently chief restructuring officer of Penn Traffic Co., which has also filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. In fact, most companies cited in the press release announcing Krispy Kreme's management change, including Polaroid, NRG Energy and ICG Communications, have filed for bankruptcy. Sign? It's a flat-out HEX!
9:21 AM
by Gene
NAACP chairman Julian Bond, speaking to about 400 people at the Glassboro school's 19th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Breakfast, accused the administration of appealing to the "DARK UNDERSIDE OF AMERICAN SOCIETY" and tampering with the basic freedoms granted by the Constitution. He said that while the administration was busy "WRITING A NEW CONSTITUTION FOR IRAQ, IT IS TRYING TO REWRITE THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES!!!!!"[....] "THERE IS INDEED A RIGHT-WING CONSPIRACY," Bond contended, "AND IT CONTROLS THE WHITE HOUSE, CONGRESS, GOVERNMENT, AND MOST OF THE MEDIA!!!!!!!!!!!" LOUDER, JULIE!!!!! CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8:58 AM
by Gene
The magazine rejected Zondervan's Bible ad just weeks before its scheduled run date, citing an unwritten policy against accepting ads containing religious messages. Doesn't SIEG-HEIL JANN run ads for CULTS? Caveat: The nation's largest Bible publisher is owned by that holy roller RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P. S. SIEG-HEIL JANN ran ads for MAIL-ORDER DIVINITY DEGREES! (Letter from Dennis Persica, 3:11:33 p.m.)
8:29 AM
by Gene
A shame DAVID HOROWITZ can't be fired like ARMSTRONG, or TUCKER.
6:47 AM
by Gene
Don't worry, someone will whisper a sweet little BUZZWORD into the SUGAR DADDIES' ears and they and their network friends will live HAPPILY EVER AFTER.
6:39 AM
by Gene
In April, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge announced that al Qaeda terrorists might strike during this week's presidential inauguration festivities in Washington. The warning was part of a drumbeat sounded by U.S. officials throughout 2004 that terrorists were seeking to launch attacks both during and after the election season. Nine months later, the threat level has been lowered, and Ridge, speaking at a news conference last week, said there is no evidence of a plot to disrupt President Bush's inauguration. Previous warnings, Ridge explained, stemmed from threat reports tied to the elections -- not to the inauguration more than two months later.... The shift in rhetoric about the dangers posed by terrorists during the inauguration marks the latest retreat from last year's terrorism warnings, which, in retrospect, were based largely on faulty intelligence, dated information or -- as with the inauguration -- an educated guess. So why not called it the Department of Educated Guesses and Bureaucracy Shuffling and be done with it?
6:29 AM
by Gene
P. S. NO RANSOM? That doesn't sound like Europe.
6:28 AM
by Gene
After they tie the knot Saturday at a solemn, celeb-studded ceremony in Palm Beach, the 58-year-old billionaire has no plans to cheat on her. You're sure now? Monday, January 17, 2005
4:34 PM
by Gene
New album released to critics a week before tsunami hit Bad timing? CURLEY'S (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) STOOGES just hit YOU the JACKPOT!!!!! Don't you have better things to do, nyuk-nyuks? Like maybe poking your eyes out or shooting yourselves to the moon?
4:22 PM
by Gene
Perish the thought.
9:33 AM
by Gene
![]() What do NEWS HACKS and SHOW-BIZ types have most in common? They give themselves AWARDS, GAGGLES of AWARDS, by which tokens of self-esteem they can set their achievements in the FIRMAMENT. YELL it to the world that BILL SHATNER won an award for BEST SUPPORTING AC-TOR in a TV SERIES! (He still works? I thought that ended with his singing career.) SCREAM it to the world that LEO looks EXACTLY LIKE HOWARD HUGHES! BRAG it to the world that we're in a SUPERPLATINUM AGE OF ENTERTAINMENT! This is one reason why both professions draw TOADIES out of the woodwork, why they have an uncomfortable resemblance to prostitution (literally and figuratively), and why their much-proclaimed excellence dies when today's paper becomes tomorrow's puppy fodder, or with the inevitable reruns.
9:21 AM
by Gene
9:19 AM
by Gene
Yep, once more we must all share in No Spin Spin Spin Spin Spin Zone's heartburn.
9:08 AM
by Gene
Especially those like a Chinese take-out menu. Sunday, January 16, 2005
7:20 PM
by Gene
I doubt they'd be so smart wedged between two big DUMB cars. $14,000 doesn't sound that SMART either.
6:56 PM
by Gene
P. S. I've looked up this supermodel's "site" (it's officially unofficial), and as I could have guessed, she isn't that pretty, she's skinny, and she has that typical supermodel facial torpor. So yes, we can agree -- she's EXTREMELY dull. *Plug not intended. I do hope, though, it's a good book -- but given how it's already been pigeonholed I'd guess it has lots of big words, and DULL prose.
6:52 PM
by Gene
1:57 PM
by Gene
The PLO Executive Committee issued its statement in Ramallah. IN ENGLISH?
1:51 PM
by Gene
I'd be EXHAUSTED TOO -- after probing this story for FIVE YEARS. And of COURSE it had nothing, NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with BIAS.
1:45 PM
by Gene
Translation: Ka-CHINNNNNNNNNNGGGG!!!!!!!!!! Hey Newt! You think ARMSTRONG's been PERSECUTED? P. S. Just because a politician's "rehabilitated" doesn't mean he's ANY BETTER.
1:41 PM
by Gene
1:27 PM
by Gene
Making over his politics would be an urban-renewal project.