Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Clinton's Portrait to Be Unveiled Monday

Like this one? appropriately put this under ENTERTAINMENT.

Iran wants recognition as nuclear nation

WE HEAR YOU! (Just as long as we don't SEE you.)

Today I was at my local Annoy-'Em-With-Lousy-Customer-Service-and-Foreground-Muzak emporium (the local A & P -- er, SuperFresh) when I noticed it was selling remaindered books. Two of them struck my eye: the first an anthology of "letters" by the bootlegger, fornicator and fascist Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., each one drably written and full of its own self-importance, as if to say, "Testing, testing! 'S the mike on? Can you hear me? Boomboomboom HELLOOOOOOOOO OUT THERE! THIS LETTER IS HISTORIC!" It bore suitable cover-jacket endorsement lies from Arthur "Reagan Will Go Down as Our Worst President" Schlesinger and Michael "The News Hack's Historian" Beschloss. The second was an authorized "biography" of Payne Stewart, printed like a grade-school reader: 250 pages of a hundred words each. These pulp wastes constitute so much of what our booksellers misrepresent as literature the republic would scarcely notice if whole bookstore chains were remaindered. Trees should stand up and demand their rights.

A sign on the back of a car near Ninth and Pine:


Well, I agree with part of it.

THE PAPER OF RECORD finds another reason to LOVE DIP: he's MULTI-SYLLABIC -- like its ad-blurb copywriters!

Better, of course, than a president who doesn't know the meaning of the word "a." Now if we can only DRILL THAT IN for five more months...and we WILL.

Another thing: after DIP wins don't be surprised if at least one or two squibs come from NEWS HACKS saying the two can't stand each other and that McPAIN can't wait for the DIP to die.

I smell a constitutional crisis too: would PRESIDENT McPAIN be a DEMOCRAT -- or a REPUBLICAN?

Friday, June 11, 2004

Cincinnati's Huggins arrested for driving drunk


Huggins was arrested on a drunken driven [SIC] charge after he visited recruits this week in an eastside suburb.

Just another day at the office for another ROLE MODEL.


WHAT? On F-Day, doesn't run something like, "Which Will Decay First: The Body or the Legacy?"

There are reasons, of course, like, oh, Verizon, Toyota, Citigroup, AmEx, JCPenney....

(I do apologize about that, but now occupies a special place in news hack cowardice.)

THE DEFINITION OF PIECE OF CRAP. This is just a variation of the MIND GAMES MICKEYMOUSE NIXON plays on WALTER WINCHELL. DIPPITY-DO! tells some high muckymuck in his campaign to call a close friend -- on the day of REAGAN'S FUNERAL -- to tell him that HISTORY'S MOST HEROIC REPUBLICAN (possibly the only such) is NOT interested in being VEEP. This means three things: 1. They're STILL lobbying; 2. They're running a story to distract from the FUNERAL and create a GROUNDSWELL of SUPPORT; and 3. They've got him in their pocket to run Defense. And if we take it at face value, something we must NEVER do with CURLEY'S (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) STOOGES, it's merely A NEWS HACK CAMPAIGNING.

Another MASTERPIECE no one reads:

I would not, it seems almost superfluous to add, have finished Ulysses if I hadn't been compelled to study it; and I've not met anyone since who has conquered the book outside a formal learning environment. That's not a good sign.

Some opponents fear that leaving movie choices to kids could taint the ratings system, voluntarily enforced by theaters since 1968. They say that could open the door to government regulation that would stifle creativity and experimentation in film making.

Regardless that "kids" already make most movie choices, this is PRECISELY why more popcorn-restaurant chains should adopt the R-Card -- so the PEOPLE finally have a chance to decide how movies should be regulated, not the SUPER-SECRET ALPHABET-SOUP CHEFS in ENCINO.

Speaking of which, (if we're to judge by this mewling hackwork) Dan Glickman may now be the favorite to take over from DR. EVIL. What THE CONSPIRACY needs is a weak man who can be overrun by the politicians and pressure groups. Dan may fit the bill.

Interesting -- this theater chain (whose founder has a name that sounds like kerosene) has expunged all mention of its innovation from its Web site (hence the Google cache on the link). I'd say they've taken an A-1 play out of DR. EVIL's handbook.

An unwholesome part of the Gipper's legacy: Jacob blames the parents for childhood obesity because CORPORATIONS ARE NEVER TO BLAME, thus saith The BUTTMAN INSTITUTE and UNREASON Magazine.

North Contends He Would Be a Distraction at Funeral

And a dishonor.

Of course in the LALA newsroom, they must be tired of OMERTA yelling, "Is the SOB finally dead?"

By the way, what do Jjjjjjjjacques Chirac and Teddy FATSO GLUB GLUB have in common?

Mark my words, when FATSO goes, the news hacks will do the exact same thing they're accused of doing with Reagan -- only this time, THEY'LL LIKE IT.

Thankfully, the "Rev." Graham, who once applauded freedom of religion in Brezhnev's Soviet Union, will NOT be eulogizing.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

The BCS monster now sports five legs.

With justice, it will birth another two-headed champion.

Another entertainer is punished for saying what you're not supposed to say. One problem here, though, is Brigitte Bardot has, shall we say, not aged gracefully, and has tried to make up for her great beauty's destruction by turning crank.

The Jimmy Kimmel incident almost makes one sympathize for Michael Moore. And Kimmel was only saying in comedian-speak what most of us suspect, what I already said: that if the Pistons win the NBA finals Detroit goes up in flames. My guess is ESPNCorp wants Kimmel to relinquish a pound of his flesh for the usual PC (read, RACE) reasons, which amplifies what a gutless, spineless pile of greed ESPNCorp has become since MICKEYMOUSE NIXON took it over. Kimmel shouldn't have to apologize, or relinquish his job; but we saw what ESPNCorp did to Rush and Gregg Easterbrook, so he'll probably be fired tomorrow, under the funerary radar.

On the day poor Mrs. Slut hurt her knee we're reminded what real music used to be like, and why we'll never get it again. If Ray Charles was the self-parody in his last years -- doing the Vegas schtick, lending his name and likeness to slot machines, selling Diet Pepsi for a bunch of equally blind twenty-something ad producers -- it was only because he was at it for so long, and in earning the vast popularity he deserved he had to play to his vast audience, some of whom, we can assume, were not exactly diehard r&b fans. And Ray Charles defined r&b much as Satchmo defined jazz, with a gravelly voice, and boundless soul. You cannot take a song like "Georgia on My Mind" (a song that was Hoagy Carmichael's) and turn it not only into your own, but into the national anthem of soul, by being a human karaoke machine. What is more, he had in him a more diverse idea of music than one could get from a thousand Mrs. Sluts, at home with not only with the jazz and blues that nurtured him, but with pop tunes, country -- you name it, he never did it without the most fiery intensity. Intensity -- that's what we don't have from our entertainers anymore. In its place we have publicity stunts, or as Rex Reed put it, people with "head mikes."

OMERTA's enforcing his CODE again. BUT:

The nature of presidential elections, which are conducted on a state-by-state basis for electoral votes, means that results of national surveys aren't necessarily indicative of an actual lead in the race.

A meek admission from a great, great editor.

Another silly idea. What are we supposed to call the Pentagon, Billy -- the Reagan? People will still call it the Pentagon. It's an honor without honor.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


The National Education Association, the nation's largest teachers' union, says the classroom shouldn't be a "pulpit," according to assistant general counsel Michael Simpson.

That's true, Mike. You have better ways. Like Fs.

Another pithy observation that puts the lie to the need for umpteen-thousand-word stories:

Like power suits and Palm Pilots, Starbucks has become synonymous with urban chic among its fans. (Critics call it a symbol of cookie-cutter commercialism and deride the costly brew as "Four Bucks," but that's a different story.)

Or, to quote the fraud Paul Harvey, the REST of the story.


CARL LIMBURGER! (Peeeeeeeee-U!) Reagan didn't finance bin Laden, that's true, but by doing little more than "taking responsibility" for terrorism he didn't stop his journey to fame either.

I'm a little surprised (given the slant at the end) that NEWS HACKS have not deemed the American Society of Willfully Ignorant Advertisers' family-friendly PR stunt a form of CENSORSHIP.

Relax, hacks. You don't have to worry about CENSORSHIP. Not with ASWIA financing OVER $50 BILLION in JUNK.

NEWS HACKS are screaming to the LAST SCRIBBLER that TV NEWS IS OVERDOING THE FUNERAL. I've not seen the coverage -- I engage in a permanent boycott of PEE-tah and Co. -- but the reason they're screaming is THEY DIDN'T LIKE THE MAN. That they didn't like the man obscures the fact that THEY'RE ALMOST CERTAINLY RIGHT -- because TV NEWS HACKS have overdone EVERY BIG STORY SINCE OJ.

What do Ronald Reagan and THE ALL-NEW SOLARA CONVERTIBLE from TOYOTA!!!!! (among other products) have in common? They're right next to each other on's home page -- which may explain why this particular article isn't headed, "WHY RONALD REAGAN'S REPUTATION IS A LIE."

Someone at Trib Connecticut Edition supposes he writes hilarious satire.

We will ignore that this hahafunny typing goes against all human experience. No, as Trib's SuperEditor OMERTA himself has said, you don't need a battery of committed hacks to slant the news. All you need is -- a CODE, a code "enforced with tribal ferocity." It's not a "Skew Editor", but it's a helluva lot more effective.

70 Taliban Killed in Combat, Afghan Says

Hey Allah! Better make 5,040 more of them Helen Thomases!

In another brilliant move, LALALand's city council preserves the factory where Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera mass-produced their awful cartoons.

Seeing how the two pioneered in limited animation, does that mean we do a limited preservation? Just a few bricks and girders and let the chips (and the building) fall as they may? Had to ask.

Gibson's Icon sues Regal over 'Passion' boxoffice

F---in' GOD wants His f---in' MOOLAH!

Courtney Love Charged With Attacking Woman

That should be easy -- especially if the woman in question is prettier than Courtney, as many women will be.

BRUISER MAW-RAN wins a knockdown battle!

Now tell 'em what you REALLY thought of renaming that EH-pawt in your district!

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Uh Larry, I could have done better....


Watch out! BLUNDER just started a Russian edition!

It might single-handedly revive Communism!

Talk of "useful idiots" and "rope" is not necessary.

HMMMMMMMMM, I think BILL'S ENTOMOLOGISTS HEARD FROM SOMEBODY because's WHACK JOB on Reagan has been shunted off to its own mushy sounding ghetto -- "Reagan, Reconsidered" -- and Teeny Tiny Timmy's Tantrum -- originally sold on the front page as


is now the fuzzy "Ronald Reagan, Party Animal." (The original title remains as a subhed.) Having Verizon and JCPenney (DilbertSpell) and AmEx and Citigroup and Toyota Motor as sponsors WILL clear the mind -- TEMPORARILY.

Beatles in talks for online song sales

TRANSLATION: 5000 lawyers, 200,000 legal documents and 1,000 people constantly monitoring the rights.

The conductor puts down his baton, and the strains of "The Internationale" and other inspiring Communist hymns cease at the repository of infinite wisdom called Letters Sent to Romenesko for a brief moment of COMIC RELIEF:

From PATRICK J. LYONS: Limbaugh and Raines are both wrong. John Kerry isn't Lurch, he's




Peeeeeeeee-U! You sure do smell, CARL LIMBURGER!

Network anchors see excess in Reagan funeral coverage

BOOM, boom boom BOOM, boom boom the natives are getting RESTLESS! boom boom BOOM, boom boom....

PEE-tah, the BEST thing you've ever done in your career was to SHUT UP.

On the morning after another musical masterwork enters the pantheon (pffh-hh-hh!), Terry does it again! If anything, he could have written far stronger because the modern musical is utterly TUNELESS. And that "witty" lyric from the new Show Boat is nothing but "National Brotherhood Week" upside-down and backwards. (I can forgive one slipup, though.) A moral of this story: That we still revive the classic Broadway musical might explain why we honor Ronald Reagan.

I think I can also forgive for plugging this one.

P. S. Godspell opened in '71, not '76. And to the computer whizzes at Commentary: I don't think Fellini's movie was called 8BD.

Italy Arrests Suspected Madrid Bombing 'Mastermind'

That's more than EL POLLO LOCO could do.

First the dime, now the $10 bill. No no no no no, let's honor him in other ways. He hasn't been dead long enough.

A liberal psychiatrist thinks Dubya should see a shrink because he doesn't agree with his politics.

Let's see: "paranoid and megalomaniac tendencies" = NAZI. Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles....

Or should we be singing THE SOVIET NATIONAL ANTHEM?

Monday, June 07, 2004

Two things are certain: the prevaricating "Rev." Graham will speak at the state funeral, and twenty-six ghosts are working on Dubya's eulogy.

Tribune Co. to cut staff as revenue growth slows

TRANSLATION: We're getting even MORE into show-biz and we're REALLY going to make our papers D-U-M DUMB.

Microsoft Says It Held Talks Last Year to Acquire SAP

BILL needs an ACQUISITION to be a SAP?

CHRIS is making the KNEE-JERKS MAAAAAAAAAD, but he speaks with authority where the DNC FLACKS at do not. Though overstating Reagan's "stupidity" -- we were, after all, on history's lucky side in those years, much as through the unforgettable time of SLICK -- he underlines the fact that it's been a long time since we had a truly cosmopolitan president, one who could think and write and orate for himself, without the aid of a million spinmeisters and two million flacks, one who could speak with authority on the arts and the sciences and literature without a TelePrompTer. In that, Chris is right to be scornful. But a second Jefferson at this stage seems unlikely, not least because it probably wouldn't play well on TELEVISION. Besides, America has had chances to elect erudite presidents, most famously with Adlai Stevenson, an egghead who'd have scrambled all our eggs. (Not that Ike was that great, and Ike set the template for Reagan by being a caretaker.)

[C]ollegiality and good manners are beginning to look pretty attractive....

Gray is beginning to look a lot more attractive.

A world in which people pay no heed to PAPER OF RECORD editorials is beginning to look a LOT more attractive.

It is true, HOWIE HAIR SHIRT, about the ketchup, and the trees, and the housing secretary. It is also true, HOWIE HAIR SHIRT, that during the Civil War the British press portrayed Lincoln as an ape, and changed its mind after his assassination.

The people hated the art, Charles, because you hated ART.

And Jjjjjjjacques, I would NOT be surprised if this WAS "an insurance job."

P. S. How interesting that a couple of doors away from this on the dreaded is a link that begins, "Crowds are more often right than the individual." (This definitely does NOT, however, apply to OMERTA.)

Say effete reverse snobs of media and academe, wouldn't it have been nice if Hinckley's bullet had hit its mark?


Thank GOD these idiots have kept their mouths shut.

P. S. I wonder how JODIE felt before she heard from her BOYFRIEND.

Merv Griffin will be one of the pallbearers at the private funeral in California, which reminds us that, face it, Ronald Reagan had a tacky side. He was in attendance when Liz married Larry Fortensky (who?), and he gave an award to WACKO. We know about Reagan's sly sense of humor, but occasionally it went too far.

As the tourist trap called Broadway sinks further into obscurity, we must remember that the masses once trekked there, making hits the whole nation knew and revered. Now with the masses gone it awards a potty-mouthed puppet show and an arthouse effusion about the likes of our favorite freedom fighter, John Hinckley. (Wink! Wink!) THE PAPER OF RECORD can immortalize them as Show Boats, but then THE PAPER OF RECORD has always excelled at cognitive dissonance.

P. S. Words STERNO used the other day on THE PAPER OF RECORD's reviewers:

[They] blather on to try to show how cute they can be....


This guy should spend his time writing in crayon in the ward. What an insufferable bunch of offensive jibberish.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Except I might have spelled it better.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

I don't mean to be tacky and punditty and BobNovakky (yecch!), but has anyone asked whether President Reagan's passing will help the Republicans this fall? We mourn now over a man who did a good job, and soon will be coming the impeached LEGACY and his self-serving memoirs. I doubt it, but I wonder.

I've also come up with a reason why the news hacks have been surprisingly respectful in their coverage. Most people liked the man.

I'm not crazy about Art Spiegelman -- that first name says it all -- but he wrote something quite sensible about 9/11:

"I finally understand why some Jews didn't leave Berlin after Kristallnacht," he said, reading from a projected panel of his book. "Though he would never own an 'I Love New York' T-shirt, he had a pang of affection for his familiar, vulnerable streets."

The Tonys just started. Time for the NOO YAWK INTELLIGENTSIA to SMIRK.

What did YOU do about AIDS?

Ho-hum, OMERTA didn't like Reagan -- and he printed his editorial in the news section using the excuse that, well, they didn't have TIME.

Remember, OMERTA, it's only the CLERKS who ever have to hear the obscenities when they cancel.

Loony holy-rolling leftists tell The Osama Channel they're sorry.

I think if we apologize the big O will surrender, don't you?

And here in a nutshell (nuts come from somewhere) is the holy-rollers' creed: believes in the common good and in community – local, national and global. We reject a go-it-alone culture that reduces our politics and our personal lives to selfishness and fear. We accept the separation of church and state, but not the separation of moral principles from politics.

Drawing on our country’s founding values and the profound social justice message at the heart of every major religion, we stand for:

* Respecting the dignity and equality of all people as part of a single human family;

* Working to end human suffering in all forms and in all places;

* Promoting unity, inclusion and peace among all people and all faiths;

* Acting as stewards of God’s creation;

* Practicing and promoting respectful, sincere political & religious debate that looks for truth on all sides and seeks only the common good;

* Striving in our own lives, as a community and as a nation to live up to the values we proclaim and being honest with ourselves when we do not.

Replace every word with "blah" and it means the same thing.

They're also opposed to genocide in Rwanda. Uh, rollers, isn't it a little late for that?

Hey PAUL! Here we roll the drums and toot the horns and what do we get? "COMING MONDAY, JUNE 7"! We gotta do BETTER next time!

Little Jeffrey says GE Bancorp isn't a "conglomerate." It's "a multi-business company."

When you think of Little Jeff's firm, Wal-Mart and BILL's empire of bug breeders you think of much of what is wrong with America.

One other thing: for better or worse (mostly for worse, but that was SLICK's fault), Ronald Reagan brought show-biz to government. Of course they'd been going steady for decades, with Al Jolson campaigning for Harding, and movie stars visiting FDR; and perhaps it was inevitable anyway, as Washington and Hollywood share a psychotic megalomania and a boundless contempt for the peons; but Ronald Reagan married them. We forget though he wasn't the first showbiz type to win elective office; George Murphy entered the U. S. Senate two years before Reagan became governor, but he seems to have done it largely for fun, and he was ill for much of his one term. And as the strange career of Fred Grandy tells us, it is not very likely we will see more Ronald Reagans.

Wehell (I can't resist), TWXSTERS' rag and BLUNDER have respectful cover packages on the man. It was stupid of me to say they wouldn't; they have these in preparation for years. One thing though that highlights the irrelevance of these piles of hackery: THEY BOTH USE THE SAME PICTURE!

BRUCE redux.

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