Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, August 15, 2009
7:39 PM
by Gene
![]() Restaurant? How about an ultra-hip funeral parlor? And this in New York, which has as much of a problem with these unneeded projects as Vegas.
7:30 PM
by Gene
1:07 PM
by Gene
I'm not sure what "one of the least filled houses in my experience at Santa Fe" means except its author is very capable of being a blogger, and possibly more so of writing in a newspaper. (He freelances for The Daily Kaplan.) Friday, August 14, 2009
5:24 PM
by Gene
5:08 PM
by Gene
4:59 PM
by Gene
![]() We'd rather not intensify the practically total trend of people coming from Google Images but what struck us about this Daily Mail photo of the supposedly "gorgeous" progeny of the Geritol Rocker and his airhead Former Significant Other was the almost unanimously catty comments. You wonder if there's a parallel here with the health-care riots; people are told to think from above, and they resent it. This promotion contains a typical PEOPLE WARNER-like sell-it analogy, and the folks aren't buying it. We don't know who reads but obviously they know who Brigitte was. We were moved by those who mentioned her eyes; one said they "look dead, like a drug addict! There's no spark behind them, like the beautiful Brigitte's eyes. That makes all the difference, doesn't it?" Not if you're trying to sell a new Starlet of the Week. Yes, she is attractive, at least in this photo, but given the aping of and aching over BB we may wonder how.
1:59 PM
by Gene
I'm hearing he had some very kind words about my book today. Much appreciated. 08/14 01:49 PM Share It pays to have half your staff on as contributors.
10:51 AM
by Gene
"The banks will be in charge," one insider said, adding that they are growing impatient with Zell's stewardship. [Emphasis added] AND: "This was a textbook case of a leverage buyout gone bad," said Brandt, president of Development Specialists Inc. "These were imbeciles who had no idea what they were doing." AND: Tribune debt recently traded for about 7 cents on the dollar, meaning investors think a lottery ticket is just as likely to pay off. AND: Brandt said the Tribune deal has become such a "reputational disaster" for Zell that's he's probably not involved much in management other than creditor negotiations. SO LONG, PVT. ZELL! Hope you get to keep your military pension. (Via the usual Romy)
10:09 AM
by Gene
9:59 AM
by Gene
9:46 AM
by Gene
9:33 AM
by Gene
9:15 AM
by Gene
8:38 AM
by Gene
8:28 AM
by Gene
And the revisionists are saying the movie was "great", meaning they're still on the right side.
8:17 AM
by Gene
8:12 AM
by Gene
And of COURSE the guy must share a name with DOW 36,000. Thursday, August 13, 2009
1:16 PM
by Gene
Baseball, which joined the Olympic program in 1992, also was expelled after Beijing, and the sport has not always been a good Olympic fit: It is not a popular game in Europe, where the I.O.C. is headquartered, and Olympic leaders have little interest in keeping another sport with chronic doping issues. (PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!)
1:02 PM
by Gene
1:00 PM
by Gene
(Via Seeking Alpha)
12:57 PM
by Gene
9:26 AM
by Gene
9:08 AM
by Gene
In the film, Heder will play Oliver Vale, an average geek whose uneventful life changes when Buddy Holly [link SIC!!!!!] turns up on every TV channel and declares that Vale is the only one who understands why this is happening -- which causes Vale to be pursued by a mob of disguised aliens. ...who are really stupid movee producers? By the way, does Buddy sing in this movee or did the rights cost too much?
9:02 AM
by Gene
DOW 15,000!!!!! Wednesday, August 12, 2009
9:45 PM
by Gene
6:53 PM
by Gene
[S]ure, an average newspaper did print some serious journalism. But is that most of what they did, or even anything more than a tiny part? Did newspapers crusade from early in the morning to late at night to right wrongs? Did the typical reporter spend the majority of her or her time ferreting out information that the local powers-that-be kept hidden? Did their critics focus a gimlet eye on all manner or art and pop culture, shoot from the hip, provoke dialogs about its meaning and import? Did the papers really afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted? Did each department, each day, have at least one story that took an extra step to find out some information that others didn’t want public, that didn’t come from a press release or a government official, that didn’t merely repeat warmed-over developments that had happened the day before? No on all counts. My experience lies more with arts and features; I’d guess that the average paper’s coverage of arts and entertainment, for example, runs at least 80-plus percent promotional (meaning that it was “coverage” tied to the release of some product), with the remainder split between the rare other-than-upbeat critical review and some fairly minuscule percentage of actual original reporting. I once analyzed two weeks of the arts and features sections of a well-known American newspaper and found exactly one feature published over that period that contained original reporting. Even good papers’ arts coverage is largely promotional; look at the cute little features that dot the inside of The Wall Street Journal’s Friday feature section; it offers pages of fluff, each bit of it pegged to some product release. Even a top-tier critic like Joe Morgenstern will fill out his columns with random little plugs for new DVDs—with no information about special features, say, or the quality of the restoration of a classic film. Whose interest, other than that of the home video departments of the movie studios, do those squibs serve? [Emphasis added] He says newspapers are an ad-delivery device where the news is mere filler and they're failing because the advertisers don't want to pay to cushion the filler. Obviously he hasn't seen papers from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. But with technology newspapers were bound to devolve, until they have become ad-delivery devices in more ways than one, and that is why (for an example) the newly resurgent MNI at $2.00 is still at least $1.99 too much. (Via the usual Romy)
5:36 PM
by Gene
A president hasn't lived until he's done screwy things to the Constitution.
4:57 PM
by Gene
10:23 AM
by Gene
10:01 AM
by Gene
Meaning it must be fiercely windy and torrentially rainy again. Amazing -- these hacks don't seem to know all is calm in the hurricane's eye. Who cares when GEKKO KUDLOW and GOLDILOCKS are BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!
9:52 AM
by Gene
9:04 AM
by Gene
8:56 AM
by Gene
Given how Great Internationalist Joe or whatever the simps in Pawtucket call him now has run into the heavy artillery of indifference at the B. O. we can only hope for more "hits".
8:47 AM
by Gene
8:37 AM
by Gene
(Via the usual Romy) Tuesday, August 11, 2009
2:13 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: Drinkin' and dopin' and cussin' and syncin'.
1:50 PM
by Gene
Just what we need -- eight more years of Slick.
9:43 AM
by Gene
9:26 AM
by Gene
It's easy to point fingers at Van Berkel and Hadid for creating dazzling pieces of sculpture that failed to anticipate how people would behave. Yet it is also true that star architects need tough clients to say no, when they come up with designs that are beautiful but impractical. I think that means YOU, Cryonic. (Via the usual AhtsJournal)
9:20 AM
by Gene
Dave Burwick, Chief Marketing Officer-North America Beverages; Cie Nicholson, senior VP-CMO, Pepsi-Cola North America; Rick Gomez, CMO-hydration brands; Russell Weiner, VP-colas marketing; Jim McGinnis, VP-marketing, Tropicana; Todd Magazine, president-Gatorade; Jeff Urban, senior VP-sports marketing, Gatorade; Matt Knott, VP-marketing, Gatorade; Susan Wagner, VP-Pepsi-Cola North America; Meena Mansharamani, senior VP-innovation and insights, Pepsi-Cola North America; Chuck Maniscalco, CEO, Quaker, Tropicana and Gatorade. Pardon us, but what did most of these people do for a living?
8:31 AM
by Gene
"Suppose you made a million dollars last year and put all but $50,000 of it in a shoebox," he writes. (He must have enormous feet.) We have not seen a $100 bill in a while but we'd guess $950,000 in Benjamin Franklins would fit very snugly in a shoebox. Where the other side is right is in imagining someone who's earned a million a year would put $950,000 of it in a shoebox. Where both sides are right is in imagining there are better things to do with money, namely redistributing it to their friends. A PLAGUE O' BOTH YOUR HOUSES! P. S. Well ALL RIGHT, they might not fit in one shoe box, but they might fit in two.
7:10 AM
by Gene
5:28 AM
by Gene
And we may further assume the most preternaturally advanced president in history will do for our latest hostage what he has done for the others -- nothing, without a photogenic intervention.
5:25 AM
by Gene
5:05 AM
by Gene
We have not really heard that much of knee-jerk conservatives since the self-inflicted disaster of 2006, the SARAH!!!!! episode excepted, but they will be back, and when so more flatulent than ever. Monday, August 10, 2009
7:49 PM
by Gene
![]() One argument against ridiculing 20-UK-Top-Ten singles disgorgers like this (who got a big photo here to justify a thumbsucker about feminism) is that most people aren't 21. When Audrey posed with her telephone you can bet a lot of the Life fans were young -- and other ages too. So our pop tart's been a favorite of Maxim. That is dubious enough without knowing movie stars once made the cover of newsrags when it was an honor. (This peculiar Johnny Mercer-Bernie Hanighen song shows just how strong that allure was. And yes, there was a Look magazine, and yes, it was almost as popular as Life.) True sex symbols warrant a publicity apparatus, and all today's fly-by-night sensations deserve is the Wiki and MTV, and a recording contract, and that's only one reason they won't last. P. S. I have that cover in my hard drive, but this is better.
7:38 PM
by Gene
5:13 PM
by Gene
5:10 PM
by Gene
Any Iranian dissidents out there besides?
5:08 PM
by Gene
Obama continues to have maintained his own credibility with most of the nation, and his team is committed to exploiting it. (A recent New York Times poll said Americans prefer his health reform ideas to Republicans by a margin of 55 percent to 26 percent.) One of the videos actually shows Rep. Virginia Foxx, a Republican from Virginia North Carolina [SIC!!!!!], alleging that Obama's plan will "put seniors in a position of being put to death by their government"--an extremely misleading distortion of what the bill entails. News hacks clearly intend to fall down on the job again. With them it will be dueling spins -- or dueling factoids. Either way, we lose.
1:02 PM
by Gene
If ever there was a time to ditch the wasteful, discomfort-making, annoyingly-advertising auto dealers, it's now. (See also here [via Seeking Alpha -- but note that comment])
9:55 AM
by Gene
Hey Bob, the folks in Rhode Island run a movee studio. Go for it!
9:03 AM
by Gene
8:23 AM
by Gene
Look Frank, just because they're a bunch of bigoted ninnies doesn't make TRICKY DICK'S BEST FRIEND any better. And it doesn't make that CREDIT REPORTING SERVICE you shilled for any less sleazy. Sunday, August 09, 2009
12:55 PM
by Gene
12:51 PM
by Gene
12:34 PM
by Gene
9:42 AM
by Gene