Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, December 26, 2009
9:54 AM
by Gene
1. He looks like the proverbial egghead in the worst sense, a man who's spent all his life in the hallowed hermetically-sealed halls of academe -- and you know he knows he's an egghead, and likes it. The only thing missing is a bow tie -- and probably somebody in His Omnipotence's squad told him not to wear one. 2. He suggests the type who would do the sorts of things he derides in his political opponents, but when you remind him of that he gets very self-righteously angry and denies it, albeit in the cool, collected manner that makes you think you're speaking with an android. 3. He seems extraordinarily legalistic, a man who could tie up the whole government because he found one misspelling in a document that disagreed with him. 4. We further suspect he could argue with somebody for thirty-six hours over the rights of vagrants to piddle anywhere, or the rights of graffiti "artists", or the rights of drug users, or the rights of...militants -- and he is so brilliant and so stubborn because of that brilliance he wouldn't move an inch. 5. We suspect yet further he's the sort who'd tell the victim of a terrorist attack, "I'm sorry ma'am, but the law clearly says...." In short, he is not a people person, but he needn't be, as an acolyte of The Lord. Say what you will of Ed Meese or John Ashcroft, for all the screaming they inspired in the left they were blunderbusses who ultimately couldn't be taken seriously. Effete is better than that. Happily he will make a genius-IQ mistake of some kind before he can do real damage. That is little consolation.
9:50 AM
by Gene
Friday, December 25, 2009
6:50 PM
by Gene
I wonder -- what kind of punishment does the NEW! IMPROVED! "Justice" Department plan for this one? President Barack Obama was notified of the incident and discussed it with security officials, the White House said. It said he is monitoring the situation and receiving regular updates from his vacation spot in Hawaii.... Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has been briefed on the incident and is closely monitoring the situation. Yes, we can imagine. Doesn't that sound like something from the state press? (More here. This sounds almost comical, but remember Richard Reid and it's not the least bit funny, whatever kind of doofus he was. Or as the last graf goes, "His actions, in part, are why we must all now take off our shoes as part of the airport security screening process." That and Effete Q. Snobs worry that 90-something great-grandmothers and three-year-old girls might try to take down a plane.)
12:57 PM
by Gene
Critics of the "mainstream" media's supposed fondness for Obama will not be surprised to learn that the mood among the guests in the room, and elsewhere throughout the grand house, felt more comfortable and loose than I remember it in earlier presidencies. No one feels quite "at home" in the White House—not even a president—and certainly not during a mass event like a press party. But I did get the sense that many of the folks there that night were relaxing in a way they would not have during, say, the late Clinton or Bush Two Years. TRANSLATION: The bobbleheads can bobble their heads again.
12:02 PM
by Gene
![]() A Christmas tree "outside Zappeio Conference Hall in Athens"; ![]() A Christmas tree "on Skeppsbro quay in the old town of Stockholm"; ![]() A Christmas tree "on the Grand Place in Brussels"; ![]() A Christmas tree outside No. 10 Downing Street in London; ![]() A Christmas tree "displayed during a night bazaar in Manila"; ![]() A Christmas tree "the West Bank town of Beit Sahur near Bethlehem"; ![]() A Christmas tree outside the U. S. Capitol, from when it snowed the other day; ![]() A Christmas tree in Kiev (evidently they call it a New Year's tree there); ![]() A Christmas tree outside the Parliament in Tbilisi, Georgia; ![]() A Christmas tree made of Lego bricks [!!!!!] at a shopping mall in Jakarta (how apt); ![]() A Christmas tree "at the Esplanada dos Ministerios in Brasilia"; ![]() A Christmas tree (of sorts) "by Italian artist Antonio Barrese dedicated to Futurism, (as) seen during its inauguration under a heavy snowfall, in Milan"; ![]() A Christmas tree, complete with caroling kids, "during a photo call at a promotional event for the Christmas holiday season, at the Everland Amusement Park in Yongin, about 50 km (31 miles) south of Seoul"; ![]() A Christmas tree "inside the perimeter of the compound of the United States Interests Section in Havana"; ![]() A Christmas tree in Mexico City, where the locals were gathered on this evening to hear Placido Domingo; ![]() A Christmas tree "on the inner lake Alster in downtown Hamburg"; ![]() A Christmas tree "during the launch of 'Beirut Celebrates' at a Christmas parade in downtown Beirut"; ![]() A Christmas tree celebrating "the theme 'American Christmas' in the Krebs Glas Lauscha GmbH company in Lauscha, central Germany. The company is one of the leading global manufactures [SIC] of Christmas ornaments." (Again, how apt) ![]() The Christmas tree at the Vatican; ![]() A Christmas tree "at a Paris department store"; ![]() Back to Jakarta for "a Christmas tree in a shark tank at (the) Sea World aquarium"; ![]() A Christmas tree -- well, let's use the Reuters caption: "U.S Army soldiers medic Pfc. Rogue Carmona (L) and squadron physician Major David Gaitonde from Task Force Denali 1-40 CAV work at their desk near a Christmas tree at a clinic at FOB Clark in Khowst province, Afghanistan"; ![]() And finally, a Christmas tree and a girl in Baghdad. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Thursday, December 24, 2009
3:06 PM
by Gene
We were also going to post a picture until we learned of 2. and remembered 4.
1:28 PM
by Gene
As opposed to WHINYCARE, whose premise is "Get that money outta there!"
8:35 AM
by Gene
But many health care economists believe reform could save far more money that that. Indeed it could save us so much money we could finance the whole federal government from it! Naturally, we can’t be certain what will happen in the future. Except that health care reform will save us SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much money it could finance the whole federal government! What's the difference between a PILLHEAD and an aspiring PILLHEAD of the left? PILLHEAD is EVIL. This is the moral equivalent of those typists who called TGSM "IMMORTAL". I hate being lied to in the name of a cause.
8:12 AM
by Gene
Blithering idiot WHINY REID pulled a BARRY INAUGURAL. NUF SAID. ![]() And look who came out of the attic for the first time in several months! HI ALEX THROTTLEBOTTOM! WE MISSED YOU TOO! Wednesday, December 23, 2009
8:37 PM
by Gene
There goes that brilliant idea.
8:25 PM
by Gene
8:20 PM
by Gene
Naturally, George Lucas is exploring a 3D version of “Star Wars.” Yes, we're definitely in that phase. “You wouldn’t want to remake 'Star Wars,' [!] or 'Close Encounters.' just because you can do it in 3D. it’s bad. Then you’re just back into terrible remakes of good movies. “If you take a classic movie that’s fantastic [SIC!], what you’re up against is people will just say you blew it. “ Wise words that will probably be ignored. Wise words were erased from the mogul's dictionary long ago.
8:06 PM
by Gene
But will the Dems take the hint when they've stuck it so good and hard to the peo -- the Republicans? P. S. At the rate that Democratic politicians were generating ever-more-spectacular budget savings from the same old set of health care proposals, I had expected our looming fiscal problems to be permanently resolved by this time next week. HARDY HAR HAR! (First link via -- oh well --, a tribute to how the big Web sites manage to hide important things like this; second link via HENRY HONEST)
5:17 PM
by Gene
5:15 PM
by Gene
Look, we understand you might not like Mickey Rooney but was it necessary? She was charged under her married name, Amy Civil.... NO COMMENT.
2:02 PM
by Gene
![]() My own view is that 2009 has been an extraordinarily successful year for Obama. Since this is currently a minority view and will prompt a chorus of "In The Tank!".... We last read MR. MELLERDRAMMER about the next-to-last time we read SAM LITTLE. We said before some hacks cannot be trusted just from their by-lines. When an allegedly professional writer allows his critics to snicker at him in the second sentence, he is an incompetent. Today we heard that "imminent" health care reform is not so imminent, that the alleged reform may run a deficit (albeit from a conservative Republican source), that Gitmo won't be closed so soon -- the only conclusion is the guy is in the tank. He's not the only one, right or left, but enough are in one tank or another as to make us view the whole business with scorn. And MELLER has been risible for years. And now not to read his column again for a few centuries, unless he tries provoking an unintended laugh again. P. S. ROAD RUNNER. P. P. S. And of course the cartoon he posts is from a 1980 TV special, long after the great Warner cartoons became tray lousay, so MELLER has a lack of taste to go along with his lack of sense.
1:36 PM
by Gene
12:18 PM
by Gene
For what -- except to dominate the financing of junk television?
11:09 AM
by Gene
10:56 AM
by Gene
10:53 AM
by Gene
P. S. at 1:32 p. m. McClatchy (MNI) has gotten generous with its holiday handouts - at least for a few execs, on whom it's ladling tons of restricted stock for the first time in a while. CEO Gary Pruitt, who presided over the firm's acquisition of Knight Ridder (as well as a 90% stock decline) gets a whopping 450,000 RSUs. Why shouldn't he? The newspaper biz is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!
10:48 AM
by Gene
(Via Huff 'n' Puff)
10:34 AM
by Gene
8:44 AM
by Gene
(Via the usual AHTSJournal)
8:32 AM
by Gene
8:29 AM
by Gene
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
6:53 PM
by Gene
6:47 PM
by Gene
6:24 PM
by Gene
No need to worry, Effete. They're just -- MILITANTS.
6:19 PM
by Gene long as they do it at large national chain stores, rather than small, family businesses. Hey mullahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs!!!!!
6:09 PM
by Gene
5:53 PM
by Gene
![]() These idiotic press releases serve not only as a reminder that news hacks haven't even begun to use their flattery reserves, but also as a combined thumb in the eye to follow the thumb in the other eye of newspaper stock gains. The industry cannot be contradicted. Hey PVT. ZELL! Take your company PUBLIC! The writing's bad enough! Alan Mutter warns that we shouldn't get too excited, writing: "If unbridled cost cutting and raw optimism are enough to save newspapers, they will be just fine. If it takes more than chopping expenses and praying for the economy to rebound – which seems to be the prevailing industry strategy – then, unfortunately, we haven't seen the last newspaper close." Please, your highnesses of newsprint, close more papers! (Art link here. Cute -- although I'm not sure I'd want to play it.)
3:44 PM
by Gene
Congress Lets 50 Tax Breaks Expire Or more like three fingers. Most of the fading-out-50 can, and likely will, be reauthorized retroactively, creating an inconvenience for some taxpayers, but not the same sort of mess as Congress' failure to resolve the future of the estate tax. The estate tax will expire at the close of Dec. 31 and Democrats are pledging to resurrect it retroactively, leading to all sorts of potential legal problems, as well as some planning opportunities for wealthy families. Ka-CHINNNNNNNNNNG!!!!! Can we peons pay as usual?
11:28 AM
by Gene
That's okay -- we'll bribe a half-dozen Blue Dogs, and then.... P. S. He voted against anyway. (Via HENRY HONEST)
8:53 AM
by Gene
DOW 20,000! S&P 2,000!!!!! NASDAQ 5,000!!!!!
8:46 AM
by Gene
This is stupid. G000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE is today's BUGMEISTERS. You'll never get this chance to make easy money doing nothing again; worse, you've made a potential enemy.
8:37 AM
by Gene
8:20 AM
by Gene
The boys in Silicon Valley say: ![]() Although it's posible they've trained them so well they don't need the help. (Via the Bloomy) Monday, December 21, 2009
8:32 PM
by Gene
![]() We salute Mike Giannattasio for his uncanny ability to get his picture taken with a celebrity -- but the first thing we thought seeing this was we didn't recognize any of the celebrities! Are we ignorant? Or are celebrities not what they used to be?
6:36 PM
by Gene
6:06 PM
by Gene
Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert is getting more than $40,000 a month in taxpayer money while working as a lobbyist.... I have come to the conclusion that every last Congresspoop past and present is a spendthrift, and not a one of them thinks of how his generosity with our money will lead us all into poverty.
5:46 PM
by Gene
![]() Let's see: We've already displayed a house made of Lego bricks. Now we have a designer log cabin made of what look like designer railroad ties. When does somebody design a building made of toothpicks? We have neglected the great ARCH of late but we do intend to make snide remarks on some very recent masterpieces over the next few days. As Capt. Kirk said, "Promise!"
5:35 PM
by Gene
5:33 PM
by Gene
5:29 PM
by Gene
5:26 PM
by Gene
9:50 AM
by Gene
Bold, invigorating CONCAST thinking -- and I don't even have cable!
9:46 AM
by Gene
9:03 AM
by Gene
How about Ship of Fools?
8:59 AM
by Gene
You said it, Very Littler Jeffy!
8:32 AM
by Gene
Profiles in courage never come easy. Sunday, December 20, 2009
5:52 PM
by Gene
I like me! I think. And if I don't like me my money does. P. S. The latest posting wizardry from the Wizards of Mountain View: ![]() He's well dressed enough.
5:19 PM
by Gene
We have a better idea, Roman -- make a movie of your house arrest! And get THE WHINERS to distribute it!
4:12 PM
by Gene
2:57 PM
by Gene
(Via the usual AHTSJournal, which is taking the news quite hard. Cheer up -- there are lots worse writers where these came from!)
2:40 PM
by Gene
Which goes first: hundreds of employees, a chunk of the debt-holders' net worth -- or ROT-GUT? ROT-GUT will NEVER go.
11:58 AM
by Gene
![]() Since most likely won't run my comment, at least I can run it in my blog, complete with added links, on -- guess who: We all daydream; some of us daydream more than others. But I'm not sure Steven X-Rea's kind of daydreaming has a place in a newspaper, especially one in bankruptcy. I just came off a 1,400-plus-word advertisement in USA Today for another movie, one whose controversial MPAA rating the rag's publicist deemed fit not to mention for obvious reasons, so I'm a little annoyed. And yes, not too long ago your particular MadAve type bylined himself with a middle initial X, the thought of which would be highly amusing but for his persistent ad copywriting. Truly Penelope's very drool provoking in her Victoria's Secret attire -- and more than one of the many critics damning this masterwork (current Rotten Tomatoes score: 49) likened it to a Victoria's Secret show, only a little less classy. But some press agents make very good salaries daydreaming, being friends of the stars and enemies of their readers. In the words of Frank Capra, it's a wonderful life being a PR man. Say Mr. Tierney, how much has your pale imitation of a newspaper run on health-care reform? Or Afghanistan? That minor nuisance called the SEPTA strike came rather suddenly on you, dontcha think? Any word on what's happened to our mayor? (Well, you did a good job on Camden, but that was an accident.) Ah, but we have run 8 million pages on the Phitin' Phils, and 10 million pages on the Iggles, and we already have the hundred special sections set up for the Super Bowl -- heck, for the next World Series! -- and there's always a place for obsequious scribblers like Mr. X-Rea. Keep up the good work, Brian...and with luck there'll be no work left for anybody! Had to do it again, even if it brings more PR0N hits.
9:50 AM
by Gene