Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, January 31, 2003

I see Dick Wolf's revival of Dragnet is getting pummeled by the sort of news hack whose favorite word is "ironic" (which includes practically all the TV-ad-blurb copywriters). To be sure, it wasn't a good idea. Not only was TV different in Jack Webb's day; the world was, too. What's more, Dragnet was Jack Webb, and his shtick was the stuff of parody long before the first version went off the air. (Remember Stan Freberg's "St. George and the Dragonet"?) But then he wasn't some undifferentiated bon-bon from the TV junk-food factory. Unlike the zillionairheads who never stop exulting in their superiority complex, Jack Webb was the real deal. And how many in Hollywood have an allegiance to the audience?

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