Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, January 27, 2003

Peter Bart has given the movie-ad-blurb copywriters a mid-life crisis. He exposed them for what manically impatient readers knew them as already: Nose-in-the-airs at best, paid flacks without the pay at worst. (Well, if you don't count their regular pay, which can be very good indeed.) Michael Wilmington, a pretentious Paulette with the Trib (and heir to the multi-millionaire Disney flack Gene Siskel), isn't going to praise "commercial" movies because -- they're commercial! That quality always takes precedence over quality. And quality can only be found in pictures that play the "Ougadougou Film Festival." It never occurs to these scribblers that both kinds of films can be bad -- in different ways. The problem is, many of the same copywriters now donning the hair shirts praised Spiderman as an apex of cinema. These morons want it both ways -- and being news hacks, they get it.

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