Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Some years back, when Chuck Barris (a Philadelphia native) made an appearance during a Flyers game, a sellout crowd booed. Reading this slightly overwrought but ultimately telling review of George Clooney's film version of Barris's first volume of alleged memoirs (which, unlike nearly every other movie review, does not regale us with the genius of the film and the brilliance of the reviewer), I think how richly he deserved it. We can only take a kind of evil pleasure to think that Barris, a creature of limited gifts and unlimited gall, who made his fortune trashing our intelligence, will end his life a very bitter and unhappy man. (We might take some pleasure too in that the film is bombing at the box office.)

Recently he appeared at the Center City Borders. I thought of going, but didn't. I might have booed him too.

P. S. I believe the anecdote about the three old men appears in Barris's second (and probably more truthful) book of memoirs, The Game Show King. No mention of the CIA in that one.

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